860 resultados para new age digitization


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Obesity has become a major worldwide challenge to public health, owing to an interaction between the Western 'obesogenic' environment and a strong genetic contribution. Recent extensive genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with obesity, but these loci together account for only a small fraction of the known heritable component. Thus, the 'common disease, common variant' hypothesis is increasingly coming under challenge. Here we report a highly penetrant form of obesity, initially observed in 31 subjects who were heterozygous for deletions of at least 593 kilobases at 16p11.2 and whose ascertainment included cognitive deficits. Nineteen similar deletions were identified from GWAS data in 16,053 individuals from eight European cohorts. These deletions were absent from healthy non-obese controls and accounted for 0.7% of our morbid obesity cases (body mass index (BMI) >or= 40 kg m(-2) or BMI standard deviation score >or= 4; P = 6.4 x 10(-8), odds ratio 43.0), demonstrating the potential importance in common disease of rare variants with strong effects. This highlights a promising strategy for identifying missing heritability in obesity and other complex traits: cohorts with extreme phenotypes are likely to be enriched for rare variants, thereby improving power for their discovery. Subsequent analysis of the loci so identified may well reveal additional rare variants that further contribute to the missing heritability, as recently reported for SIM1 (ref. 3). The most productive approach may therefore be to combine the 'power of the extreme' in small, well-phenotyped cohorts, with targeted follow-up in case-control and population cohorts.


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Three types of garnet have been distinguished in pelitic schists from an epidote-blueschist-facies unit of the Ambin and South Vanoise Brianconnais massifs on the basis of texture, chemical zoning and mineral inclusion characterization. Type-1 garnet cores with high Mn/Ca ratios are interpreted as pre-Alpine relicts, whereas Type-1 garnet rims, Type-2 inclusion-rich porphyroblasts and smaller Type-3 garnets are Alpine. The latter are all characterized by low Mn/Ca ratios and a coexisting mineral assemblage of blue amphibole, high-Si phengite, epidote and quartz. Prograde growth conditions during Alpine D-1 high-pressure (HP) metamorphism are recorded by a decrease in Mn and increase in Fe (+/-Ca) in the Type-2 garnets, culminating in peak P-T conditions of 14-16 kbar and 500degreesC in the deepest parts of the Ambin dome. The multistage growth history of Type-1 garnets indicates a polymetamorphic history for the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs; unfortunately, no age constraints are available. The new metamorphic constraints on the Alpine event in the massifs define a metamorphic T `gap' between them and their surrounding cover (Brianconnais and upper Schistes Lustres units), which experienced metamorphism only in the stability field of carpholite-lawsonite (T < 400degreesC). These data and supporting structural studies confirm that the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs are slices of `eclogitized' continental crust tectonically extruded within the Schistes Lustres units and Brianconnais covers. The corresponding tectonic contacts with top-to-east movement are responsible for the juxtaposition of lower-grade metamorphic units on the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs.


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Background. New recommendations for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) were published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization in 2010. In view of these new recommendations, we investigated the adequacy of rabies PEP among patients consulting our travel clinic. Methods. A retrospective analysis of the files of all patients who consulted for rabies PEP at the Travel Clinic of the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, between January 2005 and August 2011 was conducted. Results. A total of 110 patients who received rabies PEP were identified. The median age of the patients was 34 years (range, 2-79 years), and 53% were women. Ninety subjects were potentially exposed to rabies while travelling abroad. Shortcomings in the management of these patients were (1) late initiation of rabies PEP in travelers who waited to seek medical care until returning to Switzerland, (2) administration of human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) to only 7 of 50 travelers (14%) who sought care abroad and for whom HRIG was indicated, and (3) antibody levels <0.5 IU/mL in 6 of 90 patients (6.7%) after 4 doses of vaccine. Conclusions. Patients do not always receive optimal rabies PEP under real-life conditions. A significant proportion of patients did not develop adequate antibody levels after 4 doses of vaccine. These data indicate that the measurement of antibody levels on day 21 of the Essen PEP regimen is useful in order to verify an adequate immune response.


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Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be cured when diagnosed in its early or precancerous (adenoma) stages. Mostly due to poor compliance towards invasive screening procedures, detection rates for adenoma and early CRCs are still low. Available non-invasive screening tests have unfortunately low sensitivity and specificity performances. Therefore, there is a large unmet need calling for a cost-effective, reliable and non-invasive test to screen for early neoplastic and pre-neoplastic lesions. Objective: To develop a routine screening test based on a nucleic acids multi-gene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) that can detect early CRCs and adenomas. Methods: 116 patients (mean age: 55 years; range: 18 to 74 years; female/male ration 0.98) were included in this pilot, nonblinded, colonoscopy-controlled study. Colonoscopy revealed 21 patients with CRC, 30 patients with adenoma bigger than 1 cm, 24 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and 41 patients had no neoplastic or inflammatory lesions. Blood samples were taken from each patient the day of the colonoscopy and PBMCs were purified. Total RNA was extracted following standard procedures. Multiplex RT-qPCR was applied on 92 different candidate biomarkers. Different univariate and multivariate statistical methods were applied on these candidates, and among them, 57 biomarkers with significant p values (<0.01, Wilcoxon test) were selected, including ADAMTS1, MMP9, CXCL10, CXCR4, VEGFA and CDH1. Two distinct biomarker signatures are used to separate patients without neoplastic lesion from those with cancer (named COLOX 1 test), respectively from those with adenoma (named COLOX 2 test). Result: COLOX 1 and 2 tests have successfully separated patients without neoplastic lesion from those with CRC (sensitivity 70%, specificity 90%, AUC 0.88), respectively from those with adenoma bigger than 1cm (sensitivity 61%, specificity 80%, AUC 0.80). 6/24 patients in the IBD group have a positive COLOX 1 test. Conclusion: These two COLOX tests demonstrated an acceptable sensitivity and a high specificity to detect the presence of CRCs and adenomas bigger than 1 cm. The false positives COLOX 1 test in IBD patients could possibly be due to the chronic inflammatory state. A prospective, multicenter, pivotal study is underway in order to confirm these promising results in a larger cohort.


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BACKGROUND: Knowledge of normal heart weight ranges is important information for pathologists. Comparing the measured heart weight to reference values is one of the key elements used to determine if the heart is pathological, as heart weight increases in many cardiac pathologies. The current reference tables are old and in need of an update. AIMS: The purposes of this study are to establish new reference tables for normal heart weights in the local population and to determine the best predictive factor for normal heart weight. We also aim to provide technical support to calculate the predictive normal heart weight. METHODS: The reference values are based on retrospective analysis of adult Caucasian autopsy cases without any obvious pathology that were collected at the University Centre of Legal Medicine in Lausanne from 2007 to 2011. We selected 288 cases. The mean age was 39.2 years. There were 118 men and 170 women. Regression analyses were performed to assess the relationship of heart weight to body weight, body height, body mass index (BMI) and body surface area (BSA). RESULTS: The heart weight increased along with an increase in all the parameters studied. The mean heart weight was greater in men than in women at a similar body weight. BSA was determined to be the best predictor for normal heart weight. New reference tables for predicted heart weights are presented as a web application that enable the comparison of heart weights observed at autopsy with the reference values. CONCLUSIONS: The reference tables for heart weight and other organs should be systematically updated and adapted for the local population. Web access and smartphone applications for the predicted heart weight represent important investigational tools.


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Congratulations on becoming an IPERS member. Your employment with an IPERS-covered employer means you’ve taken an important step in helping achieve your retirement security. It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement. Regardless of your retirement plans or anticipated retirement age, you want a financially secure retirement. IPERS provides the security you need through guaranteed benefits. With IPERS, unlike other retirement plans, benefits aren’t tied to the performance of the stock market and you don’t need to be an experienced investor to make your retirement dreams a reality. Remember, your IPERS benefits are only one part of your overall retirement savings. Your total retirement income will come from a combination of your IPERS benefits, social security,


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The most widely used formula for estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children is the Schwartz formula. It was revised in 2009 using iohexol clearances with measured GFR (mGFR) ranging between 15 and 75 ml/min × 1.73 m(2). Here we assessed the accuracy of the Schwartz formula using the inulin clearance (iGFR) method to evaluate its accuracy for children with less renal impairment comparing 551 iGFRs of 392 children with their Schwartz eGFRs. Serum creatinine was measured using the compensated Jaffe method. In order to find the best relationship between iGFR and eGFR, a linear quadratic regression model was fitted and a more accurate formula was derived. This quadratic formula was: 0.68 × (Height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))-0.0008 × (height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))(2)+0.48 × age (years)-(21.53 in males or 25.68 in females). This formula was validated using a split-half cross-validation technique and also externally validated with a new cohort of 127 children. Results show that the Schwartz formula is accurate until a height (Ht)/serum creatinine value of 251, corresponding to an iGFR of 103 ml/min × 1.73 m(2), but significantly unreliable for higher values. For an accuracy of 20 percent, the quadratic formula was significantly better than the Schwartz formula for all patients and for patients with a Ht/serum creatinine of 251 or greater. Thus, the new quadratic formula could replace the revised Schwartz formula, which is accurate for children with moderate renal failure but not for those with less renal impairment or hyperfiltration.


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New child wish after vasectomy: vasovasostomy or assisted reproductive medicine? In the case of a new child wish after vasectomy, there are two options: vaso-vasostomy (VV) or biopsy of the testicle associated with intra-cytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). Both methods are not reimbursed. The VV offers a cumulative pregnancy rate of 28-40%, depending on pre-, intra- and postoperative factors. The age of the female partner and the time after vasectomy are the most important factors. Pregnancy rates after ICSI are 29-41% per transfer. Cumulative pregnancy rates vary between 60-80%. Malformation rates after ICSI in this special collective are not investigated yet, the "general" ICSI-collective differs completely compared to the a priori fertile couples after vasectomy. Couples have to inform themselves about the experience of the doctors and their rate of success in order to minimize the risk of failure.


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An extensive study of the central part of the Sesia Lanzo Zone has been undertaken to identify pre-Alpine protoliths and to reconstruct the lithologic and tectonic setting of this part of the Western Alps. Three main complexes have been defined: 1) the Polymetamorphic Basement Complex, corresponding to the lower unit of the Sesia Lanzo Zone after COMPAGNONI et al. (1977), is further subdivided into the three following units: a) an Internal Unit characterized by eo-Alpine high pressure (HP) assemblages (DAL PIAZ et al., 1972) (Eclogitic Micaschists); b) an Intermediate Unit where HP parageneses are partially re-equilibrated under greenschist conditions and c) an External Unit where the main foliation is defined by a greenschist paragenesis (Gneiss Minuti auct.). 2) the Monometamorphic Cover Complex, subdivided into the followings: a) the Bonze Unit, composed of sheared metagabbros, eclogitized metabasalts with MORB geochemical affinity and related metasediments (micaschists, quartzites and Mn-cherts) and b) the Scalaro Unit, containing predominantly metasediments of supposed Permo-Triassic age (yellow dolomitic marbles, calcschists and conglomeratic limestones, micaschists and quartzites with thin levels of basic rocks with within plate basalts [WPB] geochimical affinity). Multiple lithostratigraphic sequences for the Monometamorphic Cover Complex are proposed. The contact between the Bonze and Scalaro Units is defined by repetitions of dolomitic marbles and metabasalts; the ages of the metasediments have been assigned solely by analogy with other sediments of the Western Alps, due to the absence of fossils. The Monometamorphic Cover Complex can be considered as the autochthonous cover of the Sesia Lanzo Zone because of the primary contacts with the basement and because of the presence of preAlpine HT basement blocks in the cover sequences. 3) The pre-Alpine high temperature (HT) Basement Complex (or `'Seconda Zona Diorito-Kinzigitica''), comprises HT Hercynian rocks like kinzigites, amphibolites, granulites and calcite marbles; this Complex is always located between the Internal and the External Units and can be followed continuously for several kilometers south of the Gressoney Valley to the Orco Valley. A schematic evolution for the Sesia Lanzo Zone is proposed; based on available data together with new geochronological data, this study shows that the internal and external parts of the polymetamorphic basement of the Sesia Zone experienced different cooling histories .


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Mutations in PLA2G6 gene have variable phenotypic outcome including infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, atypical neuroaxonal dystrophy, idiopathic neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation and Karak syndrome. The cause of this phenotypic variation is so far unknown which impairs both genetic diagnosis and appropriate family counseling. We report detailed clinical, electrophysiological, neuroimaging, histologic, biochemical and genetic characterization of 11 patients, from 6 consanguineous families, who were followed for a period of up to 17 years. Cerebellar atrophy was constant and the earliest feature of the disease preceding brain iron accumulation, leading to the provisional diagnosis of a recessive progressive ataxia in these patients. Ultrastructural characterization of patients' muscle biopsies revealed focal accumulation of granular and membranous material possibly resulting from defective membrane homeostasis caused by disrupted PLA2G6 function. Enzyme studies in one of these muscle biopsies provided evidence for a relatively low mitochondrial content, which is compatible with the structural mitochondrial alterations seen by electron microscopy. Genetic characterization of 11 patients led to the identification of six underlying PLA2G6 gene mutations, five of which are novel. Importantly, by combining clinical and genetic data we have observed that while the phenotype of neurodegeneration associated with PLA2G6 mutations is variable in this cohort of patients belonging to the same ethnic background, it is partially influenced by the genotype, considering the age at onset and the functional disability criteria. Molecular testing for PLA2G6 mutations is, therefore, indicated in childhood-onset ataxia syndromes, if neuroimaging shows cerebellar atrophy with or without evidence of iron accumulation.


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Information and Communication Technologies provide public administrations new ways to meet their users' needs. At the same time, e-Government practices support the public sector in improving the quality of service provision and of its internal operations. In this paper we discuss the impacts of digitization on the management of administrative procedures. The theoretical framework and the research model that we will use in this study help us tackle the question of how digitization transforms administrative procedures as, for example, in terms of time and roles. The multiplicity of institutions involved in issuing building permits led us to consider this administrative procedure as a very interesting case study. An online survey was first addressed to Swiss civil servants to explore the field, and here we present some of its results. We are currently undertaking an in-depth case study of the building permit procedures in three Swiss Cantons, which we will also present in this paper. We will conclude with a discussion and the future steps of this project.


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Stoppa-Vaucher S, Ayabe T, Paquette J, Patey N, Francoeur D, Vuissoz J-M, Deladoëy J, Samuels ME, Ogata T, Deal CL. 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis: new SRY point mutation in two siblings with paternal germ line mosaicism. Familial recurrence risks are poorly understood in cases of de novo mutations. In the event of parental germ line mosaicism, recurrence risks can be higher than generally appreciated, with implications for genetic counseling and clinical practice. In the course of treating a female with pubertal delay and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, we identified a new missense mutation in the SRY gene, leading to somatic feminization of this karyotypically normal XY individual. We tested a younger sister despite a normal onset of puberty, who also possessed an XY karyotype and the same SRY mutation. Imaging studies in the sister revealed an ovarian tumor, which was removed. DNA from the father's blood possessed the wild type SRY sequence, and paternity testing was consistent with the given family structure. A brother was 46, XY with a wild type SRY sequence strongly suggesting paternal Y-chromosome germline mosaicism for the mutation. In disorders of sexual development (DSDs), early diagnosis is critical for optimal psychological development of the affected patients. In this case, preventive karyotypic screening allowed early diagnosis of a gonadal tumor in the sibling prior to the age of normal puberty. Our results suggest that cytological or molecular diagnosis should be applied for siblings of an affected DSD individual.


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BACKGROUND: Increasingly, patients receiving methadone treatment are found in low threshold facilities (LTF), which provide needle exchange programmes in Switzerland. This paper identifies the characteristics of LTF attendees receiving methadone treatment (MT) compared with other LTF attendees (non-MT). METHODS: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2006 over five consecutive days in all LTF (n=25). Attendees were given an anonymous questionnaire, collecting information on socio-demographic indicators, drug consumption, injection, methadone treatment, and self-reported HIV and HCV status. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were performed to compare MT to non-MT. The response rate was 66% (n=1128). RESULTS: MT comprised 57.6% of the sample. In multivariate analysis, factors associated with being on MT were older age (OR: 1.38), being female (OR: 1.60), having one's own accommodation (OR: 1.56), receiving public assistance (OR: 2.29), lifetime injecting (OR: 2.26), HIV-positive status (OR: 2.00), and having consumed cocaine during the past month (OR: 1.37); MT were less likely to have consumed heroin in the past month (OR: 0.76, not significant) and visited LTF less often on a daily basis (OR: 0.59). The number of injections during the past week was not associated with MT. CONCLUSIONS: More LTF attendees were in the MT group, bringing to light an underappreciated LTF clientele with specific needs. The MT group consumption profile may reflect therapeutic failure or deficits in treatment quality and it is necessary to acknowledge this and to strengthen the awareness of LTF personnel about potential needs of MT attendees to meet their therapeutic goals.


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This contribution builds upon a former paper by the authors (Lipps and Betz 2004), in which a stochastic population projection for East- and West Germany is performed. Aim was to forecast relevant population parameters and their distribution in a consistent way. We now present some modifications, which have been modelled since. First, population parameters for the entire German population are modelled. In order to overcome the modelling problem of the structural break in the East during reunification, we show that the adaptation process of the relevant figures by the East can be considered to be completed by now. As a consequence, German parameters can be modelled just by using the West German historic patterns, with the start-off population of entire Germany. Second, a new model to simulate age specific fertility rates is presented, based on a quadratic spline approach. This offers a higher flexibility to model various age specific fertility curves. The simulation results are compared with the scenario based official forecasts for Germany in 2050. Exemplary for some population parameters (e.g. dependency ratio), it can be shown that the range spanned by the medium and extreme variants correspond to the s-intervals in the stochastic framework. It seems therefore more appropriate to treat this range as a s-interval covering about two thirds of the true distribution.


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New precise zircon U-Pb ages are proposed for the Triassic-Jurassic (Rhetian-Hettangian) and the Hettangian-Sinemurian boundaries, The ages were obtained by ID-TIMS dating of single chemical-abraded zircons from volcanic ash layers within the Pucara Group, Aramachay Formation in the Utcubamba valley, northern Peru. Ash layers situated between last and first occurrences of boundary-defining ammonites yielded Pb-206/U-238 ages of 201.58 +/- 0.17/0.28 Ma (95% c.l., uncertainties without/with decay constant errors, respectively) for the Triassic-Jurassic and of 199.53 +/- 0.19/0.29 Ma for the Hettangian-Sinemurian boundaries. The former is established on a tuff located 1 m above the last local occurrence of the topmost Triassic genus Choristoceras, and 5 m below the Hettangian genus Psiloceras. The latter sample was obtained from a tuff collected within the Badouxia canadensis beds. Our new ages document total duration of the Hettagian of no more than c. 2 m.y., which has fundamental implications for the interpretation and significance of the ammonite recovery after the topmost Triassic extinction. The U-Pb age is about 0.8 +/- 0.5% older than Ar-40-Ar-39 dates determined on flood basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Given the widely accepted hypothesis that inaccuracies in the K-40 decay constants or physical constants create a similar bias between the two dating methods, our new U-Pb zircon age determination for the T/J boundary corroborates the hypothesis that the CAMP was emplaced at the same time and may be responsible for a major climatic turnover and mass extinction. The zircon Pb-206/U-238 age for the T/J boundary is marginally older than the North Mountain Basalt (Newark Supergroup, Nova Scotia, Canada), which has been dated at 201.27 +/- 0.06 Ma [Schoene et al., 2006. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 426-445]. It will be important to look for older eruptions of the CAMP and date them precisely by U-Pb techniques while addressing all sources of systematic uncertainty to further test the hypothesis of volcanic induced climate change leading to extinction. Such high-precision, high-accuracy data will be instrumental for constraining the contemporaneity of geological events at a 100 kyr level. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.