913 resultados para nature-based


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This chapter has both a methodological and a substantive aim. First, I suggest, using the role and function of NGOs in religiously related legal disputes as a paradigm example, the distinction between institutional, doctrinal, and theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship between religion and law is sometimes unhelpful, creating a barrier preventing us from understanding the phenomenon that we are examining. Instead, I suggest, a more integrated understanding, drawing on each of these approaches and seeing how they relate to each other, may well be more illuminating. The second aim of this chapter is to suggest, in a preliminary way, that the phenomenon of faith-based organizations should be more integrated than in the past into doctrinal and theoretical debates in the area of law and religion, in particular the problem of how liberal society is to engage with organized religion where there is a fundamental dispute as to who represents that religion, or as to what the basic tenets of that religion are.


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Understanding the extent, scale and genetic basis of local adaptation is important for conservation and management. Its relevance in salmonids at microgeographic scales, where dispersal (and hence potential gene flow) can be substantial, has however been questioned. Here we compare the fitness of communally-reared offspring of local and foreign Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from adjacent Irish rivers and reciprocal F1 hybrid crosses between them, in the wild ‘home’ environment of the local population. Experimental groups did not differ in wild smolt output but a catastrophic flood event may have limited our ability to detect freshwater performance differences, which were evident in a previous study. Foreign parr exhibited higher, and hybrids intermediate, emigration rates from the natal stream relative to local parr, consistent with genetically-based behavioural differences. Adult return rates were lower for the foreign compared to the local group. Overall lifetime success of foreigners and hybrids relative to locals was estimated at 31% and 40% (mean of both hybrid groups), respectively. The results imply a genetic basis to fitness differences among populations separated by only 50km, driven largely by variation in smolt to adult return rates. Hence even if supplementary stocking programs obtain broodstock from neighbouring rivers, the risk of extrinsic outbreeding depression may be high.


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Kenyan tannery and associated environmental samples were selected for ecotoxicological assessment. A tool-kit of techniques was developed, including whole-cell biosensor and chemical assays. A luminescence based bacterial biosensor (Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607) (via a multi-copy plasmid) was used for toxicity assessment. Samples were manipulated prior to biosensor interrogation to identify the nature of the toxic contaminants. Untreated samples (before any manipulations) showed a strong toxic effect at the discharge point in comparison to other sampling points. Sparging was used to identify toxicity associated with volatile organics. The toxicity of contaminants, removed by treatment with activated charcoal was identified for all the sampling points except for those upstream of effluent discharges. Filtration identified toxicity associated with suspended solids. Changes in availability of toxic contaminants due to pH adjustment of most samples from the tannery effluent treatment pits were also associated with the extreme pH values (4.0 and 8.0). The approach used has highlighted the complexicity of toxic pollutants in effluent from the tanning industry and the dissection of toxicity points to possible remediation strategies for effluents from the tanning industry.


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Defects in primary cilium biogenesis underlie the ciliopathies, a growing group of genetic disorders. We describe a whole-genome siRNA-based reverse genetics screen for defects in biogenesis and/or maintenance of the primary cilium, obtaining a global resource. We identify 112 candidate ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes, including 44 components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, 12 G-protein-coupled receptors, and 3 pre-mRNA processing factors (PRPF6, PRPF8 and PRPF31) mutated in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. The PRPFs localize to the connecting cilium, and PRPF8- and PRPF31-mutated cells have ciliary defects. Combining the screen with exome sequencing data identified recessive mutations in PIBF1, also known as CEP90, and C21orf2, also known as LRRC76, as causes of the ciliopathies Joubert and Jeune syndromes. Biochemical approaches place C21orf2 within key ciliopathy-associated protein modules, offering an explanation for the skeletal and retinal involvement observed in individuals with C21orf2 variants. Our global, unbiased approaches provide insights into ciliogenesis complexity and identify roles for unanticipated pathways in human genetic disease.


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Background: Workplace sedentary behaviour is a priority target for health promotion. However, little is known about how to effect change. We aimed to explore desk-based office workers’ perceptions of factors that influenced sedentary behaviour at work and to explore the feasibility of using a novel mobile phone application to track their behaviours.

Methods: We invited office employees (n = 12) and managers (n = 2) in a software engineering company to participate in semi-structured interviews to explore perceived barriers and facilitators affecting workplace sedentary behaviour. We assessed participants’ sedentary behaviours using an accelerometer before and after they used a mobile phone application to record their activities at self-selected time intervals daily for 2 weeks. Interviews were analysed using a thematic framework.

Results: Software engineers (5 employees; 2 managers) were interviewed; 13 tested the mobile phone application; 8 returned feedback. Major barriers to reducing workplace sedentary behaviour included the pressure of ‘getting the job done’, the nature of their work requiring sitting at a computer, personal preferences for the use of time at and after work, and a lack of facilities, such as a canteen, to encourage moving from their desks. Facilitators for reduced sedentariness included having a definite reason to leave their desks, social interaction and relief of physical and mental symptoms of prolonged sitting. The findings were similar for participants with different levels of overall physical activity. Valid accelerometer data were tracked for four participants: all reduced their sedentary behaviour. Participants stated that recording data using the phone application added to their day’s work but the extent to which individuals perceived this as a burden varied and was counter-balanced by its perceived value in increasing awareness of sedentary behaviour. Individuals expressed a wish for flexibility in its configuration.

Conclusions: These findings indicate that employers’ and employees’ perceptions of the cultural context and physical environment of their work, as well as personal factors, must be considered in attempting to effect changes that reduce workplace sedentary behaviour. Further research should investigate appropriate individually tailored approaches to this challenge, using a framework of behaviour change theory which takes account of specific work practices, preferences and settings.


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MCF, NbMCF and TaMCF Mesostructured Cellular Foams were used as supports for platinum and silver (1 wt%). Metallic and bimetallic catalysts were prepared by grafting of metal species on APTMS (3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane) and MPTMS (2-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane) functionalized supports. Characterizations by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, and in situ Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy allowed to monitor the oxidation state of metals and surface properties of the catalysts, in particular the formation of bimetallic phases and the strong metal–support interactions. It was evidenced that the functionalization agent (APTMS or MPTMS) influenced the metals dispersion, the type of bimetallic species and Nb/Ta interaction with Pt/Ag. Strong Nb–Ag interaction led to the reduction of niobium in the support and oxidation of silver. MPTMS interacted at first with Pt to form Pt–Ag ensembles highly active in CH3OH oxidation. The effect of Pt particle size and platinum–silver interaction on methanol oxidation was also considered. The nature of the functionalization agent strongly influenced the species formed on the surface during reaction with methanol and determined the catalytic activity and selectivity.


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This paper is concerned with the application of an automated hybrid approach in addressing the university timetabling problem. The approach described is based on the nature-inspired artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. An ABC algorithm is a biologically-inspired optimization approach, which has been widely implemented in solving a range of optimization problems in recent years such as job shop scheduling and machine timetabling problems. Although the approach has proven to be robust across a range of problems, it is acknowledged within the literature that there currently exist a number of inefficiencies regarding the exploration and exploitation abilities. These inefficiencies can often lead to a slow convergence speed within the search process. Hence, this paper introduces a variant of the algorithm which utilizes a global best model inspired from particle swarm optimization to enhance the global exploration ability while hybridizing with the great deluge (GD) algorithm in order to improve the local exploitation ability. Using this approach, an effective balance between exploration and exploitation is attained. In addition, a traditional local search approach is incorporated within the GD algorithm with the aim of further enhancing the performance of the overall hybrid method. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, two diverse university timetabling datasets are investigated, i.e., Carter's examination timetabling and Socha course timetabling datasets. It should be noted that both problems have differing complexity and different solution landscapes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of producing high quality solutions across both these benchmark problems, showing a good degree of generality in the approach. Moreover, the proposed method produces best results on some instances as compared with other approaches presented in the literature.


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O desenvolvimento de betões de elevado desempenho, durante o início da década de 80, revelou que este tipo particular de materiais com base em cimento é susceptível a problemas de cura. São bem conhecidos os efeitos dos fenómenos autogéneos em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento, nomeadamente a fissuração em idade jovem. Esta é, aliás vista como a maior limitação no desenvolvimento de novos materiais com durabilidade superior. Desenvolvimentos recentes de métodos de cura interna provaram ser uma boa estratégia de mitigação dos efeitos da auto-dissecação destes sistemas, onde a presente tese ganha o seu espaço no tempo. Este estudo centra-se essencialmente em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento com cura interna através de partículas superabsorventes, dando particular importância à alteração de volume em idade jovem. Da análise mais aprofundada deste método, resultam algumas limitações na sua aplicabilidade, especialmente em sistemas modificados com sílica de fumo. Conclui-se que a natureza física e química dos polímeros superabsorventes pode afectar significativamente a eficiência da cura interna. Em adição, os mecanismos de cura interna são discutidos mais profundamente, sendo que para além dos mecanismos baseados em fenómenos físicos e químicos, parecem existir efeitos mecânicos significativos. Várias técnicas foram utilizadas durante o decorrer desta investigação, com o objectivo, para além da caracterização de certas propriedades dos materiais, de perseguir as questões deixadas em aberto pela comunidade internacional, relativamente aos mecanismos que fundamentam a explicação dos fenómenos autogéneos. Como exemplo, são apresentados os estudos sobre hidratação dos sistemas para avaliação do problema numa escala microscópica, em vez de macroscópica. Uma nova técnica de cura interna emerge da investigação, baseada na utilização de agregados finos como veiculo para mitigar parcialmente a retracção autogénea. Até aqui, esta técnica não encontra par em investigação anterior, mas a extensão da cura interna ou a eficácia na mitigação baseada neste conceito encontra algumas limitações. A significância desta técnica em prevenir a micro fissuração é um aspecto que está ainda em aberto, mas pode concluir-se que os agregados finos podem ser benéficos na redução dos efeitos da restrição localizada no sistema, reduzindo o risco de micro fissuração. A utilização combinada de partículas finas de agregado e polímeros super absorventes pode ter como consequência betão sem microfissuração, ou pelo menos com nanofissuração.


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The contemporary world is crowded of large, interdisciplinary, complex systems made of other systems, personnel, hardware, software, information, processes, and facilities. The Systems Engineering (SE) field proposes an integrated holistic approach to tackle these socio-technical systems that is crucial to take proper account of their multifaceted nature and numerous interrelationships, providing the means to enable their successful realization. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an emerging paradigm in the SE field and can be described as the formalized application of modelling principles, methods, languages, and tools to the entire lifecycle of those systems, enhancing communications and knowledge capture, shared understanding, improved design precision and integrity, better development traceability, and reduced development risks. This thesis is devoted to the application of the novel MBSE paradigm to the Urban Traffic & Environment domain. The proposed system, the GUILTE (Guiding Urban Intelligent Traffic & Environment), deals with a present-day real challenging problem “at the agenda” of world leaders, national governors, local authorities, research agencies, academia, and general public. The main purposes of the system are to provide an integrated development framework for the municipalities, and to support the (short-time and real-time) operations of the urban traffic through Intelligent Transportation Systems, highlighting two fundamental aspects: the evaluation of the related environmental impacts (in particular, the air pollution and the noise), and the dissemination of information to the citizens, endorsing their involvement and participation. These objectives are related with the high-level complex challenge of developing sustainable urban transportation networks. The development process of the GUILTE system is supported by a new methodology, the LITHE (Agile Systems Modelling Engineering), which aims to lightening the complexity and burdensome of the existing methodologies by emphasizing agile principles such as continuous communication, feedback, stakeholders involvement, short iterations and rapid response. These principles are accomplished through a universal and intuitive SE process, the SIMILAR process model (which was redefined at the light of the modern international standards), a lean MBSE method, and a coherent System Model developed through the benchmark graphical modeling languages SysML and OPDs/OPL. The main contributions of the work are, in their essence, models and can be settled as: a revised process model for the SE field, an agile methodology for MBSE development environments, a graphical tool to support the proposed methodology, and a System Model for the GUILTE system. The comprehensive literature reviews provided for the main scientific field of this research (SE/MBSE) and for the application domain (Traffic & Environment) can also be seen as a relevant contribution.


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In recent years, pressures on global environment and energy security have led to an increasing demand on renewable energy sources, and diversification of Europe’s energy supply. Among these resources the biomass could exert an important role, since it is considered a renewable and CO2 neutral energy resource once the consumption rate is lower than the growth rate, and can potentially provide energy for heat, power and transports from the same installation. Currently, most of the biomass ash produced in industrial plants is either disposed of in landfill or recycled on agricultural fields or forest, and most times this goes on without any form of control. However, considering that the disposal cost of biomass ashes are raising, and that biomass ash volumes are increasing worldwide, a sustainable ash management has to be established. The main objective of the present study is the effect of biomass fly ashes in cement mortars and concretes in order to be used as a supplementary cementitious material. The wastes analyzed in the study were collected from the fluidized bed boilers and grate boilers available in the thermal power plants and paper pulp plants situated in Portugal. The physical as well as chemical characterisations of the biomass fly ashes were investigated. The cement was replaced by the biomass fly ashes in 10, 20 and 30% (weight %) in order to investigate the fresh properties as well as the hardened properties of biomass fly ash incorporated cement mortar and concrete formulations. Expansion reactions such as alkali silica reaction (ASR), sulphate attack (external and internal) were conducted in order to check the durability of the biomass fly ash incorporated cement mortars and concretes. Alternative applications such as incorporation in lime mortars and alkali activation of the biomass fly ashes were also attempted. The biomass fly ash particles were irregular in shape and fine in nature. The chemical characterization revealed that the biomass fly ashes were similar to a class C fly ash. The mortar results showed a good scope for biomass fly ashes as supplementary cementitious materials in lower dosages (<20%). The poor workability, concerns about the organic content, alkalis, chlorides and sulphates stand as the reasons for preventing the use of biomass fly ash in high content in the cement mortars. The results obtained from the durability tests have shown a clear reduction in expansion for the biomass fly ash mortars/concretes and the binder blend made with biomass fly ash (20%) and metakaolin (10%) inhibited the ASR reaction effectively. The biomass fly ash incorporation in lime mortars did not improve the mortar properties significantly though the carbonation was enhanced in the 15-20% incorporation. The biomass fly ash metakaolin blend worked well in the alkali activated complex binder application also. Portland cement free binders (with 30-40 MPa compressive strength) were obtained on the alkali activation of biomass fly ashes (60-80%) blended with metakaolin (20-40%).


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A crescente procura de recursos fosseis a que se tem assistido nos ultimos anos, tem resultado num crescimento sem precedentes dos precos, com consequencias imprevisiveis e que levara, no espaco de decadas, ao seu inevitavel esgotamento. A procura de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentavel, baseado em recursos renovaveis e o grande desafio que se coloca a civilizacao no seculo XXI. A biomassa vegetal, atraves das designadas gBio-refinarias h, e uma alternativa logica para a producao de produtos quimicos e de materiais mas tambem de combustiveis e energia. Os oleos vegetais constituem uma das fracoes da biomassa vegetal, cuja exploracao tem merecido redobrada atencao nos ultimos anos, como fonte de materiais e de combustiveis. Assim, a presente dissertacao tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais polimericos derivados de oleos vegetais, seguindo duas abordagens distintas, nomeadamente a preparacao de polimeros atraves de polimerizacao por etapas e polimerizacao em cadeia (Parte B e C, respetivamente). Em primeiro lugar, foram sintetizados poliesteres alifaticos de cadeia longa a partir de monomeros provenientes do oleo de colza (Capitulo III). A auto-metatese do acido erucico com catalisadores de rutenio, seguida de hidrogenacao da ligacao dupla, originou o acido 1,26-hexacosanodioico, que por sua vez foi convertido em hexacosano-1,26-diol. Subsequentemente, a policondensacao do acido ƒ¿,ƒÖ-dicarboxilico de cadeia longa com o hexacosano-1,26-diol originou o poliester 26,26. O diacido C26 foi tambem polimerizado com outros alcano-diois de cadeia curta, nomeadamente o dodecano-1,12-diol e o butano-1,2-diol, produzindo, respetivamente, os poliesteres 12,26 e 4,26. Estes poliesteres de fontes 100% renovaveis possuem valores de Mn na ordem dos 8-14 kDa e valores de PDI entre 2.1 e 2.7. As propriedades destes poliesteres alifaticos foram avaliadas atraves de varias tecnicas, revelando elevada cristalinidade (com uma estrutura cristalina como a do polietileno) e elevadas temperaturas de fusao (74-104 ‹C), cristalizacao (68-92 ‹C) e degradacao (323-386 ‹C). Em segundo lugar, foram sintetizados polimeros lineares termo-reversiveis a partir de derivados do oleo de ricinio (Capitulo IV). Para tal foram preparados monomeros que incorporam aneis furanicos inseridos atraves do acoplamento tiol-eno, e que posteriormente foram polimerizados pela reacao de Diels-Alder (DA) entre os grupos furano (dieno A) e estruturas complementares do tipo maleimida (dienofilo B). Para as polimerizacoes DA foram consideradas duas abordagens diferentes, nomeadamente (i) o uso de monomeros com dois aneis furanicos terminais em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistemas AA+BB) e (ii) a utilizacao de um monomero que incorpora ambos os grupos reativos, furano e maleimida, na sua estrutura (sistema AB). Este estudo demonstrou claramente que ambas as estratégias foram bem sucedidas embora com diferentes resultados em termos da natureza dos produtos obtidos. Estes polímeros lineares apresentam valores relativamente baixos de Tg (-40 to -2 °C) devido à natureza flexível dos grupos separadores das funções reativas, e de Mn (4.5-9.0 kDa) dada a observada tendência de ciclização associada a concentrações baixas de monómero. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA aos polímeros em causa confirmou o seu caráter reversível, ou seja, a possibilidade de promover, em condições controladas, a despolimerização com recuperação dos monómeros de partida. Esta particularidade abre caminhos para materiais macromoleculares originais com aplicações promissoras tais como auto-reparação e reciclabilidade. Em terceiro lugar, sintetizaram-se polímeros não-lineares termo-reversíveis a partir de derivados do óleo de ricínio (Capítulo V). Para tal foram preparados monómeros trifuncionais e posteriormente polimerizados através da reação de DA entre os grupos reativos complementares furano/maleimida. Foram consideradas três abordagens distintas para preparar estes polímeros não-lineares, nomeadamente através da utilização de (i) um monómero bisfurânico em combinação com uma trismaleimida (sistema A2+B3) e (ii) um monómero trisfurânico em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistema A3+B2) que originaram materiais ramificados ou reticulados, e ainda (iii) a utilização de monómeros assimetricamente substituídos do tipo A2B ou AB2 capazes de originar estruturas macromoleculares hiper-ramificadas. Todos os sistemas apresentaram valores de Tg perto de 0 °C, o que era de esperar para estes materiais não-lineares. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA comprovou mais uma vez o caráter termo-reversível das polimerizações em causa. Em quarto lugar e último lugar, foram preparados copolímeros de acetato de vinilo (VAc) com monómeros derivados de óleo de girassol (Capítulo VI). Ésteres vinílicos de ácidos gordos (FAVE) foram sintetizados por transvinilação dos ácidos oleico e linoleico com VAc catalisada por um complexo de irídio. Os monómeros vinílicos preparados foram caracterizados e posteriormente homopolimerizados e copolimerizados com VAc através do uso dos grupos vinílicos terminais como função inicial de polimerização. A variação do tipo e quantidade de monómero FAVE e da quantidade de iniciador radicalar originou copolímeros de VAc com valores de Mn na gama de 1.2-3.0 kDa e valores de Tg de -5 a 16 °C. Os copolímeros foram avaliados em testes de cura oxidativa através das insaturações nas suas cadeias alifáticas para formar materiais reticulados, e os resultados sugerem que eles podem ser sistemas efetivos de cura para aplicações como tintas, vernizes e outros tipos de revestimento. Todos os materiais poliméricos preparados ao longo deste trabalho constituem contribuições atrativas para a área dos polímeros oriundos de recursos renováveis e representam uma prova indiscutível de que os óleos vegetais são percursores promissores de materiais macromoleculares com potenciais aplicações.


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O principal objectivo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de vitrocerâmicos à base de dissilicato de lítio no sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 contendo uma razão molar SiO2/Li2O muito afastada da do dissilicato de lítio (Li2Si2O5) usando composições simples e a técnica tradicional de fusão-vazamento de vidro de forma a obter materiais com propriedades mecânicas, térmicas, químicas e eléctricas superiores que permitam a utilização destes materiais em diversas aplicações funcionais. Investigou-se o fenómeno de separação de fases, a cristalização e as relações estrutura-propriedades de vidros nos sistemas Li2O-SiO2, Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 e Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Os vidros nos sistemas Li2O-SiO2 e Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 apresentaram fraca densificação e resultaram em materiais frágeis, contrastando com a boa sinterização dos vidros no sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Pequenas adições de Al2O3 e K2O ao sistema Li2O-SiO2 permitiram controlar a separação de fases devido à formação de espécies de Al(IV) que confirmaram o papel de Al2O3 como formador de rede. Os compactos de pó de vidro das composições contendo Al2O3 e K2O tratados termicamente resultaram em vitrocerâmicos bem densificados, apresentando dissilicato de lítio como a principal fase cristalina, e valores de resistência mecânica à flexão, resistência química e condutividade eléctrica (173-224 MPa, 25-50 mg/cm2 e ~2´10-18 S/cm, respectivamente) que possibilitam a utilização destes materiais em diversas aplicações funcionais. A adição de P2O5, TiO2 e ZrO2 ao sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 como agentes nucleantes revelou que os vidros contendo apresentaram cristalização em volume, com a formação de metassilicato de lítio a temperaturas mais baixas e dissilicato de lítio para as temperaturas mais elevadas, enquanto a adição de zircónia reduz o grau de segregação, aumenta a polimerização da matriz vítrea e desloca o valor de Tg para temperaturas superiores, inibindo a cristalização.


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Directionally solidified zirconia-based eutectic (DSE) fibres were obtained using the laser floating zone (LFZ) method. Two systems were investigated: zirconia-barium zirconate and zirconia-mullite. The purpose was to take advantage of zirconia properties, particularly as an ionic conductor and a mechanical rein-forcement phase. The influence of processing conditions in the structural and microstructural characteristics and their consequences on the electrical and mechanical behaviour were the focus of this thesis. The novel zirconia-barium zirconate eutectic materials were developed in order to combine oxygen ionic conduction through zirconia with protonic conduction from barium zirconate, promoting mixed ionic conduction behaviour. The mi-crostructure of the fibres comprises two alternated regions: bands having coarser zirconia-rich microstructure; and inter-band regions changing from a homogeneous coupled eutectic, at the lowest pulling rate, to columnar colony microstructure, for the faster grown fibres. The bands inter-distance increases with the growth rate and, at 300 mm/h, zirconia dendrites develop enclosed in a fine-interpenetrated network of 50 vol.% ZrO2-50 vol.% BaZrO3. Both phases display contiguity without interphase boundaries, according to impedance spec-troscopy data. Yttria-rich compositions were considered in order to promote the yttrium incorporation in both phases, as revealed by Raman spectroscopy and corroborated by the elemental chemical analysis in energy dispersive spectros-copy. This is a mandatory condition to attain simultaneous contribution to the mixed ionic conduction. Such results are supported by impedance spectrosco-py measurements, which clearly disclose an increase of total ionic conduction for lower temperatures in wet/reduction atmospheres (activation energies of 35 kJ/mol in N2+H2 and 48 kJ/mol in air, in the range of 320-500 ºC) compared to the dry/oxidizing conditions (attaining values close to 90 kJ/mol, above 500 ºC). At high temperatures, the proton incorporation into the barium zirconate is un-favourable, so oxygen ion conduction through zirconia prevails, in dry and oxi-dizing environments, reaching a maximum of 1.3x10-2 S/cm in dry air, at ~1000 ºC. The ionic conduction of zirconia was alternatively combined with another high temperature oxygen ion conductor, as mullite, in order to obtain a broad elec-trolytic domain. The growth rate has a huge influence in the amount of phases and microstructure of the directionally solidified zirconia-mullite fibres. Their microstructure changes from planar coupled eutectic to dendritic eutectic mor-phology, when the growth rate rises from 1 to 500 mm/h, along with an incre-ment of tetragonal zirconia content. Furthermore, high growth rates lead to the development of Al-Si-Y glassy phase, and thus less mullite amount, which is found to considerably reduce the total ionic conduction of as-grown fibres. The reduction of the glassy phase content after annealing (10h; 1400 ºC) promotes an increase of the total ionic conduction (≥0.01 S/cm at 1370 °C), raising the mullite and tetragonal zirconia contents and leading to microstructural differ-ences, namely the distribution and size of the zirconia constituent. This has important consequences in conductivity by improving the percolation pathways. A notable increase in hardness is observed from 11.3 GPa for the 10 mm/h pulled fibre to 21.2 GPa for the fibre grown at 500 mm/h. The ultra-fine eutectic morphology of the 500 mm/h fibres results in a maximum value of 534 MPa for room temperature bending strength, which decreases to about one-fourth of this value at high temperature testing (1400 ºC) due to the soft nature of the glassy-matrix.


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Contemporary studies of spatial and social cognition frequently use human figures as stimuli. The interpretation of such studies may be complicated by spatial compatibility effects that emerge when researchers employ spatial responses, and participants spontaneously code spatial relationships about an observed body. Yet, the nature of these spatial codes – whether they are location- or object-based, and coded from the perspective of the observer or the figure – has not been determined. Here, we investigated this issue by exploring spatial compatibility effects arising for objects held by a visually presented whole-bodied schematic human figure. In three experiments, participants responded to the colour of the object held in the figure’s left or right hand, using left or right key presses. Left-right compatibility effects were found relative to the participant’s egocentric perspective, rather than the figure’s. These effects occurred even when the figure was rotated by 90 degrees to the left or to the right, and the coloured objects were aligned with the participant’s midline. These findings are consistent with spontaneous spatial coding from the participant’s perspective and relative to the normal upright orientation of the body. This evidence for object-based spatial coding implies that the domain general cognitive mechanisms that result in spatial compatibility effects may contribute to certain spatial perspective-taking and social cognition phenomena.


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All systems found in nature exhibit, with different degrees, a nonlinear behavior. To emulate this behavior, classical systems identification techniques use, typically, linear models, for mathematical simplicity. Models inspired by biological principles (artificial neural networks) and linguistically motivated (fuzzy systems), due to their universal approximation property, are becoming alternatives to classical mathematical models. In systems identification, the design of this type of models is an iterative process, requiring, among other steps, the need to identify the model structure, as well as the estimation of the model parameters. This thesis addresses the applicability of gradient-basis algorithms for the parameter estimation phase, and the use of evolutionary algorithms for model structure selection, for the design of neuro-fuzzy systems, i.e., models that offer the transparency property found in fuzzy systems, but use, for their design, algorithms introduced in the context of neural networks. A new methodology, based on the minimization of the integral of the error, and exploiting the parameter separability property typically found in neuro-fuzzy systems, is proposed for parameter estimation. A recent evolutionary technique (bacterial algorithms), based on the natural phenomenon of microbial evolution, is combined with genetic programming, and the resulting algorithm, bacterial programming, advocated for structure determination. Different versions of this evolutionary technique are combined with gradient-based algorithms, solving problems found in fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy design, namely incorporation of a-priori knowledge, gradient algorithms initialization and model complexity reduction.