833 resultados para music and emotions
En el presente proyecto “La Trompeta en la C. Valenciana” se pretende dar la visión global de la Trompeta dentro de la historia de la música y más específicamente dentro de Valencia. El trabajo incluye un apartado explicativo de los mejores maestros y pedagogos del instrumento, la ascendente historia de las Bandas en esta Comunidad, el repertorio e influencia que tienen los compositores de esta tierra para la Trompeta y el análisis de las obras escogidas.
[Abstract: In the spotlight and behind the scenes : popular music and its visible and invisible authorship]
Aquest projecte estudia la dansa francesa dels segles XVII i XVIII i la seva relació amb la interpretació musical. A partir de les fonts de l’època (tractats, coreografies i testimonis) s’han analitzat els components de la dansa i la seva significació social en el context de la cort de Lluís XIV a Versalles. L’objectiu final es oferir al músic actual alguns elements necessaris que contribueixin a la interpretació d’un repertori molt habitual i sobre el qual es basa molta de la música instrumental de l’època. La cultura de la dansa formava part de la quotidianitat del músic d’abans: música i dansa eren elements inseparables. Per tant, l’intèrpret de música històrica actual hauria de considerar-la com un element constitutiu per la formació de criteris d’interpretació històricament informats.
This study tested the effects of a training program intending to foster social understanding or the capacity which enables them to understand themselves and others in terms of intentions, beliefs, desires, and emotions in children at preschool age. A number of studies have shown that in the context of shared narratives, children are particularly likely to engage in talk about inner states
Työ käsittelee multimediatietopankin tietosisällön hallintaa ja kehittämistä. Multimediatietopankki verkossa –projektissa multimediatietopankilla tarkoitetaan vuorovaikutteista ja sisältörikasta liikkuvan ja staattisen kuvan (video, animaatio, valokuvat, 3D, grafiikka), äänten (musiikki ja muut äänet) ja tietokantojen yhdistelmää. Sisällön eri osa-alueet ja vuorovaikutteisuus tukevat kokonaisuutta, jolla on oma viestinnällinen tarkoituksensa. Tätä kokonaistoteutusta levitetään www:n, digitaalitelevision ja mobiililaitteiden välityksellä loppukäyttäjälle. Multimedia- ja matkaviestinteknologioiden nopea kehitys antaa mahdollisuuden kehittää uusia palveluja. Erilaisiin päätelaitteisiin ja vaihteleviin ympäristöihin tarkoitettujen helppokäyttöisten multimedia- ja mobiilipalvelujen kysyntä on jatkuvassa kasvussa. Multimediatietopankkiprojektissa esitetään kuinka multimediapalveluita voidaan toteuttaa integroidussa ympäristössä. Integroidulla ympäristöllä tässä työssä tarkoitetaan Internetin, mobiilien palvelujen, WAP:in, kämmentietokoneen, digitaalisen television sekä uusien multimediakännyköiden käyttöä multimediatietopankin tarjoamien palvelujen välittämisessä. Projekti on jaettu yksittäisiin lukuihin, joissa tarkoituksena on syventää multimediatietopankin yksityiskohtia sisällön tuottamisessa teknologian näkökannalta. Multimediatietokannan toteutuksessa mallinnetaan palvelun sisältö tietokantaan XHTML-muodossa mediaolioiden sisään sekä tallennetaan tietopankin metatietoa multimediarelaatiotietokantaan, josta on mahdollista hakea tietoa minkä tahansa päätelaitteen kyselyjen avulla.Tässä työssä keskitytään multimediatietokannan hallintajärjestelmän tehtäviin ja rakenteeseen, siihen miten multimediadata tallennetaan tietokantaan sekä siihen miten tietokannassa olevaa metatietoa haetaan käyttäen tietokannassa kehitettyjä hakumenetelmiä.
Actualment, vivim en una societat on hi conviuen diferents cultures i la música és un llenguatge que s’utilitza en totes elles. Aquest treball tractarà el tema de la música i la multiculturalitat a l’aula per investigar si és possible, a partir de la música dels diferents països d’origen dels infants, conèixer-se millor i conèixer millor als companys. Com a mestres hem de tenir en compte totes les cultures de la nostra aula per tal d’ajudar als infants a respectar i valorar cada una d’elles. En aquesta investigació trobarem quina ha estat la metodologia d’estudi, quina ha estat la intervenció a l’aula i quins són els resultats que hem obtingut.
La Harmoniemusik: música per a conjunt de vents al llarg dels segles XVIII i XIX és una recerca a través del repertori, gèneres, usos i funcions que tingué el conjunt de vents a la Viena clàssica i la seva influència en la música per a vents del segle XIX. A través de l’explicació del context social i cultural de l’època, entendrem les motivacions i les circumstàncies que van empènyer als compositors a escriure per a Harmoniemusik, així com també les relacions d’aquesta música amb l’òpera, la música militar i la música religiosa.
A musically stimulating nvironment is of great significance when considering the opportunities for development and learning that are offered to children in day nurseries. Moreover, the quality of musical activities also has great significance for the musical development of growing children. Young children are always striving to create meaning and understanding; they influence and are influenced by the context in which they are situated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the planned music activities in the musical learning environment of seven toddler’s groups in day nurseries, based on four different aspects: the texts of children’s songs, the melodies of children’s songs, the basic elements of music and the use of instrumentation. The data has been gathered by video observation of the planned music activities. The age of the children studied ranged from 11 months to 3 years and 11 months, and on average there were 13 children in each group. The study involved a total of just over 90 children and nine educators. The methodological approaches are hermeneutic as well as videographic, and they are applied to the analysis as required. The approaches are well suited to an understanding of the planned music activities where the individual’s communications and actions are studied. The results of the study show that educators impart a cultural heritage to the children in the form of old traditional songs, but they also act as intermediaries for newer children's songs. They focus on actively on the text content of the children’s songs in their interaction with the children, but do not address the meaning of the text. Furthermore, while the educators use music sessions for the children to develop, among other things, an understanding of language and social skills, they do not use the sessions to develop the children’s musical skills. The educators could, to a much greater extent than they now do, direct the children's attention to the basic elements of music, and conduct meta-cognitive dialogues with the children. They use a large repertoire of children's songs, which are, however, often too demanding for the children’s voices to cope with. In addition, the educators do not plan, in any significant way, activities for the toddlers in order to help them develop the accuracy of their vocal tones. With regard to the use of instruments, the educators focus, in their interaction with the children, is placed on both the usage of the instruments and knowledge about the instruments. Regarding the use of instruments the study shows that the children’s musical expression takes place in an environment that includes both melody and rhythm instruments. It is clear that children are actively interested in the constructed instrument environment, because for long periods of time they independently play and experiment with instruments.