981 resultados para muscular dystrophy


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Acute and chronic respiratory failure is one of the major and potentially life-threatening features in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Despite several clinical demonstrations showing respiratory problems in DM1 patients, the mechanisms are still not completely understood. This study was designed to investigate whether the DMSXL transgenic mouse model for DM1 exhibits respiratory disorders and, if so, to identify the pathological changes underlying these respiratory problems. Using pressure plethysmography, we assessed the breathing function in control mice and DMSXL mice generated after large expansions of the CTG repeat in successive generations of DM1 transgenic mice. Statistical analysis of breathing function measurements revealed a significant decrease in the most relevant respiratory parameters in DMSXL mice, indicating impaired respiratory function. Histological and morphometric analysis showed pathological changes in diaphragmatic muscle of DMSXL mice, characterized by an increase in the percentage of type I muscle fibers, the presence of central nuclei, partial denervation of end-plates (EPs) and a significant reduction in their size, shape complexity and density of acetylcholine receptors, all of which reflect a possible breakdown in communication between the diaphragmatic muscles fibers and the nerve terminals. Diaphragm muscle abnormalities were accompanied by an accumulation of mutant DMPK RNA foci in muscle fiber nuclei. Moreover, in DMSXL mice, the unmyelinated phrenic afferents are significantly lower. Also in these mice, significant neuronopathy was not detected in either cervical phrenic motor neurons or brainstem respiratory neurons. Because EPs are involved in the transmission of action potentials and the unmyelinated phrenic afferents exert a modulating influence on the respiratory drive, the pathological alterations affecting these structures might underlie the respiratory impairment detected in DMSXL mice. Understanding mechanisms of respiratory deficiency should guide pharmaceutical and clinical research towards better therapy for the respiratory deficits associated with DM1.


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PURPOSE: To present the light and electron microscopic findings of a unique corneal dystrophy never before described in a German family carrying the Gly623Asp Mutation of the TGFBI gene with late clinical onset. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Four affected and 6 nonaffected family members. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination, photographic documentation, and isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from each family member examined. Exons 3, 4, 5, and 11 to 14 of the TGFBI gene were amplified and sequenced in these family members. Five corneal buttons of 3 affected siblings were excised at the time of penetrating keratoplasty. Light and electron microscopic examination were performed including immunohistochemistry with antibodies against keratoepithelin (KE) 2 and 15. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histologic characteristics of corneal opacification in affected patients and presence of coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: The specimens showed destructive changes in Bowman's layer and the adjacent stroma. Patchy Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were found within the epithelium in 1 cornea, in Bowman's layer and in the anterior stroma of all specimens also showing KE2, but not KE15, immunostaining. Electron microscopy revealed deposits mainly located in the anterior stroma and Bowman's layer and in small amounts in the basal area of some epithelial cells. The destroyed areas were strongly Alcian blue-positive, the Masson Trichrome stain proved mainly negative for the deposits. All affected but none of the unaffected family members had a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 14 of the TGFBI gene (G-->A transition at nucleotide 1915) replacing glycin by aspartic acid amino acid (Gly623Asp) at position 623 of the KE protein. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast with the patient carrying the Gly623Asp mutation of the TGFBI gene described by Afshari et al, our cases presented with Salzmann's nodular degeneration-like clinical features and their specimens contained KE2-positive amyloid. The reason for this now "meeting the expectation histologic phenotype" is unclear. The histologic findings emphasize that this is a unique corneal dystrophy, which shares no clinical characteristics with Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy and should be treated as a distinct entity. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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PIKfyve is a kinase encoded by pip5k3 involved in phosphatidylinositols (PdtIns) pathways. These lipids building cell membranes have structural functions and are involved in complex intracellular regulations. Mutations in human PIP5K3 are associated with François-Neetens mouchetée fleck corneal dystrophy [Li, S., Tiab, L., Jiao, X., Munier, F.L., Zografos, L., Frueh, B.E., Sergeev, Y., Smith, J., Rubin, B., Meallet, M.A., Forster, R.K., Hejtmancik, J.F., Schorderet, D.F., 2005. Mutations in PIP5K3 are associated with François-Neetens mouchetee fleck corneal dystrophy. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 77, 54-63]. We cloned the zebrafish pip5k3 and report its molecular characterization and expression pattern in adult fish as well as during development. The zebrafish PIKfyve was 70% similar to the human homologue. The gene encompassed 42 exons and presented four alternatively spliced variants. It had a widespread expression in the adult organs and was localized in specific cell types in the eye as the cornea, lens, ganglion cell layer, inner nuclear layer and outer limiting membrane. Pip5k3 transcripts were detected in early cleavage stage embryos. Then it was uniformly expressed at 10 somites, 18 somites and 24 hpf. Its expression was then restricted to the head region at 48 hpf, 72 hpf and 5 dpf and partial expression was found in somites at 72 hpf and 5 dpf. In situ on eye sections at 3 dpf showed a staining mainly in lens, outer limiting membrane, inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer. A similar expression pattern was found in the eye at 5 dpf. A temporal regulation of the spliced variants was observed at 1, 3 and 5 dpf and they were also found in the adult eye.


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Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy (BCD) is an autosomal recessive retinal degeneration characterized by multiple glistening intraretinal dots scattered over the fundus, degeneration of the retina, and sclerosis of the choroidal vessels, ultimately resulting in progressive night blindness and constriction of the visual field. Although BCD has been associated with abnormalities in fatty-acid metabolism and absence of fatty-acid binding by two cytosolic proteins, the genetic basis of BCD is unknown. We report linkage of the BCD locus to D4S426 (maximum LOD score [Z(max)] 4.81; recombination fraction [straight theta] 0), D4S2688 (Zmax=3.97; straight theta=0), and D4S2299 (Zmax=5.31; straight theta=0), on chromosome 4q35-4qtel. Multipoint analysis confirmed linkage to the region telomeric of D4S1652 with a Z(max) of 5.3 located 4 cM telomeric of marker D4S2930.


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Myotonic dystrophy Type 1 (DM-1) is caused by abnormal expansion of a (CTG) repeat located in the DM protein kinase gene. Respiratory problems have long been recognized to be a major feature of this disorder. Because respiratory failure can be associated with dysfunction of phrenic nerves and diaphragm muscle, we examined the diaphragm and respiratory neural network in transgenic mice carrying the human genomic DM-1 region with expanded repeats of more than 300 CTG, a valid model of the human disease. Morphologic and morphometric analyses revealed distal denervation of diaphragm neuromuscular junctions in DM-1 transgenic mice indicated by a decrease in the size and shape complexity of end-plates and a reduction in the concentration of acetyl choline receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. More importantly, there was a significant reduction in numbers of unmyelinated, but not of myelinated, fibers in DM-1 phrenic nerves; no morphologic alternations of the nerves or loss of neuronal cells were detected in medullary respiratory centers or cervical phrenic motor neurons. Because neuromuscular junctions are involved in action potential transmission and the afferent phrenic unmyelinated fibers control the inspiratory activity, our results suggest that the respiratory impairment associated with DM-1 may be partially due to pathologic alterations in neuromuscular junctions and phrenic nerves.


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OBJECTIVE: To genetically and phenotypically describe a new ADAM9 homozygous mutation in a consanguineous family from Egypt with autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy (arCRD), anterior polar and posterior subcapsular cataract. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The parents and their six children were included. They underwent a complete ophthalmic examination with fundus photography and optical coherence tomography (OCT). INTERVENTION: DNA was extracted from peripheral blood from all family members. Screening for mutations in genes known to be implicated in retinal disorders was done with the IROme, an in-solution enrichment array, followed by high-throughput sequencing. Validation of the results was done by bidirectional Sanger sequencing of ADAM9 exon 14, including exon-intron junctions. Screening of normal controls was done by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: arCRD was diagnosed in the mother and two of her children. Bilateral anterior polar and posterior subcapsular cataract was observed in the mother and bilateral dot cataract was diagnosed in three of the four children not affected with arCRD, one of whom also had glaucoma. The characteristics of the arCRD were childhood-onset visual impairment, reorganisation of the retinal pigment epithelium with mid-periphery greyish-white discolouration, attenuated retinal vasculatur and optic disc pallor. A coloboma-like macular lesion was observed in one of the arCRD-affected children. IROme analysis identified a c.1396-2A>G homozygous mutation in the splice acceptor site of intron 13 of ADAM9. This mutation was homozygous in the two children affected by arCRD and in their affected mother. This mutation was heterozygous in the unaffected father and the four unaffected children. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: We identified a novel autosomal recessive ADAM9 mutation causing arCRD in a consanguineous Egyptian family. The percentage of arCRD cases caused by mutation in ADAM9 remains to be determined. Few families are reported in the literature to date; hence extensive clinical descriptions of families with ADAM9 mutations are of significant importance.


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Purpose: To phenotype a large 3 generation Swiss family with pattern dystrophy and to report a successful result of treatment with ranibizumab of a subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) associated with pattern dystrophy in 1 patient Patients and methods: 4 affected and 3 unaffected patients (3 female 4 male, age range: 19 - 80 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. AF images were taken using Heidelberg Retina Angiograph and the digital color photos, fluorescein angiogragraphy (FFA) using the same TOPCON 501 camera. Electroretinogram (full-field and multifocal) was performed in 1 affected patient. One 48 years old patient developed a subfoveal CNV, which was treated with 2 injections of ranibizumab, at 3 months interval. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis (screening of the gene RDS). Results: Two patients had a typical fundoscopic appearance of pattern dystrophy with butterfly shaped deposit at the fovea and some peripheral flecks, as shown with AF imaging.. Two others affected patients had a more unusual appearance with some macular atrophy in one or both eyes, surrounded by flecks. The visual acuity ranged from 1.0 to 0.1 according to Snellen EDTRS chart. The patient with subfoveal CNV presented a drop of vision form 1.0 to 0.6 within 10 days prior to the diagnosis and also reported some metamorphopsia. FFA and optical computerized tomography (OCT) confirmed a classic CNV. After the 1st injection her vision improved to 1.0 but persistent metamorphopsia and fluid on OCT motivated a second injection. One month after the second injection the OCT was flat and the patient had no symptoms. The results of RDS screening will be presented at the meeting. Conclusion: We present a family with pattern dystrophy, with some members having an unusual fundus appearance, which was mistaken for an early onset dry AMD. The AF imaging is a useful tool in diagnosing this condition. A CNV associated with pattern dystrophy a rare. This is the first report of a successful treatment of the CNV with anti-VEGF intravitreal injections.


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La cirurgia oncològica de colon i recte via laparoscòpica requereix una posició quirúrgica especial, la de litotomia modificada (posició Lloyd-Davies), Trendelemburg &30º, i side dret o esquerre depenent del costat de la cirurgia. En aquest tipus de posició quirúrgica les lesions musculars per reperfusió de les extremitats inferiors son complicacions que s’han que considerar, sobretot en cirurgies de llarga durada i en pacients amb factors de risc com obesitat, diabetis i enolisme crònic. En pacients obesos està descrit que l’ índex de massa muscular elevat pot ser un factor de risc a l’hora de desenvolupar lesions musculars tant per reperfussió com per compressió prolongada, que poden arribar al síndrome compartimental.


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Estudi transversal en 52 pacients amb insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) amb l’objectiu de conèixer la prevalència d’afectació funcional i muscular respiratòria. En un subgrup de 24 pacients, es realitza un assaig clínic per a avaluar els efectes d’un entrenament muscular inspiratori (EMI) d’alta intensitat i curta duració. Un 62% dels pacients presentaven una alteració de les proves de funció respiratòria. Les pressions respiratòries (inspiratòria/espiratòria) màximes (PImax, PEmax) estaven disminuïdes en el 91% i 88% dels casos. L’EMI induí una millora significativa de la PImax, passant del 51.2% (DE 19.3) al 80.9% (DE 21.2) en el grup intervenció.


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Cone-rod dystrophies are inherited dystrophies of the retina characterized by the accumulation of deposits mainly localized to the cone-rich macular region of the eye. Dystrophy can be limited to the retina or be part of a syndrome. Unlike nonsyndromic cone-rod dystrophies, syndromic cone-rod dystrophies are genetically heterogeneous with mutations in genes encoding structural, cell-adhesion, and transporter proteins. Using a genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotype analysis to fine map the locus and a gene-candidate approach, we identified homozygous mutations in the ancient conserved domain protein 4 gene (CNNM4) that either generate a truncated protein or occur in highly conserved regions of the protein. Given that CNNM4 is implicated in metal ion transport, cone-rod dystrophy and amelogenesis imperfecta may originate from abnormal ion homeostasis.


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A novel monoclonal antibody, M7, is described, that reacts on Western blots with the large subunit of the neurofilament triplet proteins (NF-H) and with striated muscle myosin of Xenopus laevis. Enzymatically digested neurofilament and myosin proteins revealed different immunoreactive peptide fragments on Western blots. Therefore, the antibody must react with immunologically related epitopes common to both proteins. Immunohistochemistry showed staining of large and small axons in CNS and PNS, and nerves could be followed into endplate regions of skeletal muscles. These muscles were characterized by a striated immunostaining of the M-lines. Despite the crossreactivity of M7 with NF-H and muscle myosin, this antibody may be a tool to study innervation of muscle fibers, and to define changes in the neuromuscular organization during early development and metamorphosis of tadpoles.


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An 88 years old woman was admitted for muscular pain and weakness. She was under a treatment of simvastatin and was recently prescribed clarithromycin for a lung infection. The diagnosis of statin induced rhabdomyolysis by drug interaction was made. The evolution is good with eviction of the statin and aggressive hydratation. This case shows how important it is to know the risks factors and drug interactions predisposing to statin-induced myopathy.


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BACKGROUND: Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. AIMS AND METHODS: To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype-phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes.