968 resultados para multiple locus sequence typing


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Motivation: Intrinsic protein disorder is functionally implicated in numerous biological roles and is, therefore, ubiquitous in proteins from all three kingdoms of life. Determining the disordered regions in proteins presents a challenge for experimental methods and so recently there has been much focus on the development of improved predictive methods. In this article, a novel technique for disorder prediction, called DISOclust, is described, which is based on the analysis of multiple protein fold recognition models. The DISOclust method is rigorously benchmarked against the top.ve methods from the CASP7 experiment. In addition, the optimal consensus of the tested methods is determined and the added value from each method is quantified. Results: The DISOclust method is shown to add the most value to a simple consensus of methods, even in the absence of target sequence homology to known structures. A simple consensus of methods that includes DISOclust can significantly outperform all of the previous individual methods tested.


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Diversity in the chloroplast genome of 171 accessions representing the Brassica 'C' (n = 9) genome, including domesticated and wild B. oleracea and nine inter-fertile related wild species, was investigated using six chloroplast SSR (microsatellite) markers. The lack of diversity detected among 105 cultivated and wild accessions of B. oleracea contrasted starkly with that found within its wild relatives. The vast majority of B. oleracea accessions shared a single haplotype, whereas as many as six haplotypes were detected in two wild species, B. villosa Biv. and B. cretica Lam.. The SSRs proved to be highly polymorphic across haplotypes, with calculated genetic diversity values (H) of 0.23-0.87. In total, 23 different haplotypes were detected in C genome species, with an additional five haplotypes detected in B. rapa L. (A genome n = 10) and another in B. nigra L. (B genome, n = 8). The low chloroplast diversity of B. oleracea is not suggestive of multiple domestication events. The predominant B. oleracea haplotype was also common in B. incana Ten. and present in low frequencies in B. villosa, B. macrocarpa Guss, B. rupestris Raf. and B. cretica. The chloroplast SSRs reveal a wealth of diversity within wild Brassica species that will facilitate further evolutionary and phylogeographic studies of this important crop genus.


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Fragaria vesca is a short-lived perennial with a seasonal-flowering habit. Seasonality of flowering is widespread in the Rosaceae and is also found in the majority of temperate polycarpic perennials. Genetic analysis has shown that seasonal flowering is controlled by a single gene in F. vesca, the SEASONAL FLOWERING LOCUS (SFL). Here, we report progress towards the marker-assisted selection and positional cloning of SFL, in which three ISSR markers linked to SFL were converted to locus-specific sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR1–SCAR3) markers to allow large-scale screening of mapping progenies. We believe this is the first study describing the development of SCAR markers from ISSR profiles. The work also provides useful insight into the nature of polymorphisms generated by the ISSR marker system. Our results indicate that the ISSR polymorphisms originally detected were probably caused by point mutations in the positions targeted by primer anchors (causing differential PCR failure), by indels within the amplicon (leading to variation in amplicon size) and by internal sequence differences (leading to variation in DNA folding and so in band mobility). The cause of the original ISSR polymorphism was important in the selection of appropriate strategies for SCAR-marker development. The SCAR markers produced were mapped using a F. vesca f. vesca × F. vesca f. semperflorens testcross population. Marker SCAR2 was inseparable from the SFL, whereas SCAR1 mapped 3.0 cM to the north of the gene and SCAR3 1.7 cM to its south.


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Specific monomer sequences in aromatic copolyimides are recognized through their -stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions with a sterically and electronically complementary molecular tweezer. These interactions enable the tweezer molecule to read monomer sequences comprising up to 27 aromatic rings by multiple adjacent binding to neighboring sites on the polymer chain.


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A novel type of tweezer molecule containing electron-rich 2-pyrenyloxy arms has been designed to exploit intramolecular hydrogen bonding in stabilising a preferred conformation for supramolecular complexation to complementary sequences in aromatic copolyimides. This tweezer-conformation is demonstrated by single-crystal X-ray analyses of the tweezer molecule itself and of its complex with an aromatic diimide model-compound. In terms of its ability to bind selectively to polyimide chains, the new tweezer molecule shows very high sensitivity to sequence effects. Thus, even low concentrations of tweezer relative to diimide units (<2.5 mol%) are sufficient to produce dramatic, sequence-related splittings of the pyromellitimide proton NMR resonances. These induced resonance-shifts arise from ring-current shielding of pyromellitimide protons by the pyrenyloxy arms of the tweezer-molecule, and the magnitude of such shielding is a function of the tweezer-binding constant for any particular monomer sequence. Recognition of both short-range and long-range sequences is observed, the latter arising from cumulative ring-current shielding of diimide protons by tweezer molecules binding at multiple adjacent sites on the copolymer chain.


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Pyrene-based molecular tweezers show sequence-specific binding to aromatic polyimides through sterically-controlled donor-acceptor pi-stacking and hydrogen bonding; H-1 NMR spectra of tweezer-complexes with polyimides having different sequence-restrictions show conclusively that the detection of long range sequence-information results from multiple tweezer-binding at adjacent imide residues.


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We investigated infants' sensitivity to spatiotemporal structure. In Experiment 1, circles appeared in a statistically defined spatial pattern. At test 11-month-olds, but not 8-month-olds, looked longer at a novel spatial sequence. Experiment 2 presented different color/shape stimuli, but only the location sequence was violated during test; 8-month-olds preferred the novel spatial structure, but 5-month-olds did not. In Experiment 3, the locations but not color/shape pairings were constant at test; 5-month-olds showed a novelty preference. Experiment 4 examined "online learning": We recorded eye movements of 8-month-olds watching a spatiotemporal sequence. Saccade latencies to predictable locations decreased. We argue that temporal order statistics involving informative spatial relations become available to infants during the first year after birth, assisted by multiple cues.


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The self-assembly and hydrogelation properties of two Fmoc-tripeptides [Fmoc = N-(fluorenyl-9-methoxycarbonyl)] are investigated, in borate buffer and other basic solutions. A remarkable difference in self-assembly properties is observed comparing Fmoc-VLK(Boc) with Fmoc-K(Boc)LV, both containing K protected by N(epsilon)-tert-butyloxycarbonate (Boc). In borate buffer, the former peptide forms highly anisotropic fibrils which show local alignment, and the hydrogels show flow-aligning properties. In contrast, Fmoc-K(Boc)LV forms highly branched fibrils that produce isotropic hydrogels with a much higher modulus (G' > 10(4) Pa), and lower concentration for hydrogel formation. The distinct self-assembled structures are ascribed to conformational differences, as revealed by secondary structure probes (CD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy) and X-ray diffraction. Fmoc-VLK(Boc) forms well-defined beta-sheets with a cross-beta X-ray diffraction pattern, whereas Fmoc-KLV(Boc) forms unoriented assemblies with multiple stacked sheets. Interchange of the K and V residues when inverting the tripeptide sequence thus leads to substantial differences in self-assembled structures, suggesting a promising approach to control hydrogel properties.


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Sequence-specific binding is demonstrated between pyrene-based tweezer molecules and soluble, high molar mass copolyimides. The binding involves complementary pi - pi stacking interactions, polymer chain-folding, and hydrogen bonding and is extremely sensitive to the steric environment around the pyromellitimide binding-site. A detailed picture of the intermolecular interactions involved has been obtained through single-crystal X-ray studies of tweezer complexes with model diimides. Ring-current magnetic shielding of polyimide protons by the pyrene '' arms '' of the tweezer molecule induces large complexation shifts of the corresponding H-1 NMR resonances, enabling specific triplet sequences to be identified by their complexation shifts. Extended comonomer sequences (triplets of triplets in which the monomer residues differ only by the presence or absence of a methyl group) can be '' read '' by a mechanism which involves multiple binding of tweezer molecules to adjacent diimide residues within the copolymer chain. The adjacent-binding model for sequence recognition has been validated by two conceptually different sets of tweezer binding experiments. One approach compares sequence-recognition events for copolyimides having either restricted or unrestricted triple-triplet sequences, and the other makes use of copolymers containing both strongly binding and completely nonbinding diimide residues. In all cases the nature and relative proportions of triple-triplet sequences predicted by the adjacent-binding model are fully consistent with the observed H-1 NMR data.


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The scarcity and stochastic nature of genetic mutations presents a significant challenge for scientists seeking to characterise de novo mutation frequency at specific loci. Such mutations can be particularly numerous during regeneration of plants from in vitro culture and can undermine the value of germplasm conservation efforts. We used cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis to characterise new mutations amongst a clonal population of cocoa plants regenerated via a somatic embryogenesis protocol used previously for cocoa cryopreservation. Efficacy of the CAPS system for mutation detection was greatly improved after an ‘a priori’ in silico screen of reference target sequences for actual and potential restriction enzyme recognition sites using a new freely available software called Artbio. Artbio surveys known sequences for existing restriction enzyme recognition sites but also identifies all single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) deviations from such motifs. Using this software, we performed an in silico screen of seven loci for restriction sites and their potential mutant SNP variants that were possible from 21 restriction enzymes. The four most informative locus-enzyme combinations were then used to survey the regenerant populations for de novo mutants. We characterised the pattern of point mutations and, using the outputs of Artbio, calculated the ratio of base substitution in 114 somatic embryo-derived cocoa regenerants originating from two explant genotypes. We found 49 polymorphisms, comprising 26.3% of the samples screened, with an inferred rate of 2.8 × 10−3 substitutions/screened base. This elevated rate is of a similar order of magnitude to previous reports of de novo microsatellite length mutations arising in the crop and suggests caution should be exercised when applying somatic embryogenesis for the conservation of plant germplasm.


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An apple rootstock progeny raised from the cross between the very dwarfing ‘M.27’ and the more vigorous ‘M.116’ (‘M.M.106’ × ‘M.27’) was used for the construction of a linkage map comprising a total of 324 loci: 252 previously mapped SSRs, 71 newly characterised or previously unmapped SSR loci (including 36 amplified by 33 out of the 35 novel markers reported here), and the self-incompatibility locus. The map spanned the 17 linkage groups (LG) expected for apple covering a genetic distance of 1,229.5 cM, an estimated 91% of the Malus genome. Linkage groups were well populated and, although marker density ranged from 2.3 to 6.2 cM/SSR, just 15 gaps of more than 15 cM were observed. Moreover, only 17.5% of markers displayed segregation distortion and, unsurprisingly in a semi-compatible backcross, distortion was particularly pronounced surrounding the self-incompatibility locus (S) at the bottom of LG17. DNA sequences of 273 SSR markers and the S locus, representing a total of 314 loci in this investigation, were used to anchor to the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome sequence. More than 260 of these loci were located on the expected pseudo-chromosome on the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome or on its homeologous pseudo-chromosome. In total, 282.4 Mbp of sequence from 142 genome sequence scaffolds of the Malus genome were anchored to the ‘M.27’ × ‘M.116’ map, providing an interface between the marker data and the underlying genome sequence. This will be exploited for the identification of genes responsible for traits of agronomic importance such as dwarfing and water use efficiency.


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Motivation: Modelling the 3D structures of proteins can often be enhanced if more than one fold template is used during the modelling process. However, in many cases, this may also result in poorer model quality for a given target or alignment method. There is a need for modelling protocols that can both consistently and significantly improve 3D models and provide an indication of when models might not benefit from the use of multiple target-template alignments. Here, we investigate the use of both global and local model quality prediction scores produced by ModFOLDclust2, to improve the selection of target-template alignments for the construction of multiple-template models. Additionally, we evaluate clustering the resulting population of multi- and single-template models for the improvement of our IntFOLD-TS tertiary structure prediction method. Results: We find that using accurate local model quality scores to guide alignment selection is the most consistent way to significantly improve models for each of the sequence to structure alignment methods tested. In addition, using accurate global model quality for re-ranking alignments, prior to selection, further improves the majority of multi-template modelling methods tested. Furthermore, subsequent clustering of the resulting population of multiple-template models significantly improves the quality of selected models compared with the previous version of our tertiary structure prediction method, IntFOLD-TS.


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In a recent study we demonstrated that a high-hydrostatic-pressure-tolerant isolate of Listeria monocytogenes lacks a codon in the class 3 heat shock regulator gene ctsR. This mutation in the region that encodes four consecutive glycines was directly responsible for the observed piezotolerance, increased stress resistance, and reduced virulence. The aim of the present study was to determine whether mutations in ctsR are frequently associated with piezotolerance in L. monocytogenes. Wild-type cultures of L. monocytogenes were therefore exposed to 350 MPa for 20 min, and the piezotolerance of individual surviving isolates was assessed. This rendered 33 isolates with a stable piezotolerant phenotype from a total of 84 survivors. Stable piezotolerant mutants were estimated to be present in the initial wild-type population at frequencies of >10�5. Subsequent sequencing of the ctsR gene of all stable piezotolerant isolates revealed that two-thirds of the strains (i.e., n � 21) had mutations in this gene. The majority of the mutations (16 of 21 strains) consisted of a triplet deletion in the glycine-encoding region of ctsR, identical to what was found in our previous study. Interestingly, 2 of 21 mutants contained a codon insertion in this repeat region. The remaining three stable piezotolerant strains showed a 19-bp insertion in the glycine repeat region, a 16-bp insertion downstream of the glycine repeat area (both leading to frameshifts and a truncated ctsR), and an in-frame 114-bp deletion encoding a drastically shortened carboxy terminus of CtsR. In four instances it was not possible to generate a PCR product. A piezotolerant phenotype could not be linked to mutations in ctsR in 8 of 33 isolates, indicating that other thus-far-unknown mechanisms also lead to stable piezotolerance. The present study highlights the importance of ctsR in piezotolerance and stress tolerance of L. monocytogenes, and it demonstrates that short-sequence repeat regions contribute significantly to the occurrence of a piezotolerant and stress-tolerant subpopulation within L. monocytogenes cultures, thus playing an important role in survival.


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Reliable and sufficiently discriminative methods are needed for differentiating individual strains of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis beyond the phenotypic level; however, a consensus has not been reached as to which molecular method is best suited for this purpose. In addition, data are lacking on the molecular fingerprinting of serotype Enteritidis from poultry environments in the United Kingdom. This study evaluated the combined use of classical methods (phage typing) with three well-established molecular methods (ribotyping, macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNA, and plasmid profiling) in the assessment of diversity within 104 isolates of serotype Enteritidis from eight unaffiliated poultry farms in England. The most sensitive technique for identifying polymorphism was PstI-SphII ribotyping, distinguishing a total of 22 patterns, 10 of which were found among phage type 4 isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of XhaI-digested genomic DNA segregated the isolates into only six types with minor differences between them. In addition, 14 plasmid profiles were found among this population. When all of the typing methods were combined, 54 types of strains were differentiated, and most of the poultry farms presented a variety of strains, which suggests that serotype Enteritidis organisms representing different genomic groups are circulating in England. In conclusion, geographical and animal origins of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis isolates may have a considerable influence on selecting the best typing strategy for individual programs, and a single method cannot be relied on for discriminating between strains.


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The proteome of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was characterized by 2-dimensional HPLC mass spectrometry to provide a platform for subsequent proteomic investigations of low level multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR). Bacteria (2.15 +/- 0.23 x 10(10) cfu; mean +/- s.d.) were harvested from liquid culture and proteins differentially fractionated, on the basis of solubility, into preparations representative of the cytosol, cell envelope and outer membrane proteins (OMPs). These preparations were digested by treatment with trypsin and peptides separated into fractions (n = 20) by strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX). Tryptic peptides in each SCX fraction were further separated by reversed-phase chromatography and detected by mass spectrometry. Peptides were assigned to proteins and consensus rank listings compiled using SEQUEST. A total of 816 +/- 11 individual proteins were identified which included 371 +/- 33, 565 +/- 15 and 262 +/- 5 from the cytosolic, cell envelope and OMP preparations, respectively. A significant correlation was observed (r(2) = 0.62 +/- 0.10; P < 0.0001) between consensus rank position for duplicate cell preparations and an average of 74 +/- 5% of proteins were common to both replicates. A total of 34 outer membrane proteins were detected, 20 of these from the OMP preparation. A range of proteins (n = 20) previously associated with the mar locus in E. coli were also found including the key MAR effectors AcrA, TolC and OmpF.