917 resultados para moral ecology


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Major oil spills can have long-term impacts since oil pollution does not only result in acute mortality of marine organisms, but also affects productivity levels, predator-prey dynamics, and damages habitats that support marine communities. However, despite the conservation implications of oil accidents, the monitoring and assessment of its lasting impacts still remains a difficult and daunting task. Here, we used European shags to evaluate the overall, lasting effects of the Prestige oil spill (2002) on the affected marine ecosystem. Using δ15N and Hg analysis, we trace temporal changes in feeding ecology potentially related to alterations of the food web due to the spill. Using climatic and oceanic data, we also investigate the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the sea surface temperature (SST) and the chlorophyll a (Chl a) on the observed changes. Analysis of δ15N and Hg concentrations revealed that after the Prestige oil spill, shag chicks abruptly switched their trophic level from a diet based on a high percentage of demersal-benthic fish to a higher proportion of pelagic/semi-pelagic species. There was no evidence that Chl a, SST and NAO reflected any particular changes or severity in environmental conditions for any year or season that may explain the sudden change observed in trophic level. Thus, this study highlighted an impact on the marine food web for at least three years. Our results provide the best evidence to date of the long-term consequences of the Prestige oil spill. They also show how, regardless of wider oceanographic variability, lasting impacts on predator-prey dynamics can be assessed using biochemical markers. This is particularly useful if larger scale and longer term monitoring of all trophic levels is unfeasible due to limited funding or high ecosystem complexity.


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Quin és el plantejament essencial que Aristòtil fa de l"educació moral? Podem dir que manté la seva eventual vigència històrica, si més no com a proposta? Es tracta d"un plantejament isolat, o podem trobar-ne epígons (més enllà de la inspiració més o menys aristotèlica que aquests tinguin)? El text que segueix pretén donar una resposta esquemàtica a les anteriors preguntes, i, de retruc, plantejar un repte conceptual (i, al capdavall, també pràctic) a tots aquells que puguin desqualificar la proposta aristotèlica per considerar-la corruptora dels principis liberals.


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[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.


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[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.


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Cet article montre, en premier lieu, que le degré d'investissement politico-moral des policières et des policiers dans leur métier est fortement variable. Si une partie des individus nouvellement entrés dans la police expriment un sentiment de distance sociale doublé d'une distinction morale par rapport à la population, d'autres ne s'investissement pas dans leur métier comme dans une « croisade morale » (Becker, 1985 [1963]), et estiment au contraire que les justiciables appartiennent à la même « communauté morale » (Fassin, 2011, p. 313) qu'eux-mêmes. La perspective adoptée prolonge ainsi les critiques des approches classiques de la « culture policière », qui ont démontré leur caractère trop uniformisant et leurs biais mécaniste. Parmi les études de sociologie de la police n'ayant pas adopté une telle approche, celle de W. Ker Muir (1977), pourtant ancienne, a montré que tous les policiers ne vivaient pas leur appartenance au groupe professionnel sur le mode d'une distinction morale d'avec les justiciables. Aucune autre étude n'a pourtant traité des variations dans l'investissement politico moral des policières et des policiers, et n'a donc tenté d'en fournir des explications. Le second axe d'analyse vise ainsi à combler ce déficit explicatif, en montrant que l'investissement politico-moral dans le métier dépend largement de la trajectoire antérieure des individus recrutés dans la police, en particulier des expériences de pertes de statut qu'ils ont pu subir, ainsi que du type de stratégies d'ascension sociale ou de récupération de ce statut qu'ils mettent en place.


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We empirically contribute to the debate on business education in building on a decision frame perspective of decision making in corporate responsibility settings. Business schools have been accused to teach amoral theories, leading their students to behave less morally and engendering corporate responsibility scandals. Research has also pointed toward self-selection: business students would differ from non-business students before entering business school. We examine the role of socioeconomic status, core self-evaluations in this regard. Further, we investigate the belief in a free market as a distal influence triggering a business frame, and moral intensity as a proximal influence triggering a moral frame on responsible decision making by business and non-business students. Cross-sectional data obtained from 566 students on two decision making scenarios mostly supported our hypotheses. Socioeconomic status but not core self-evaluations explain the belief in a free market, and had indirect effects on the likelihood to make a less responsible decision. Importantly, the relationship between business studies and the belief in a free market remained significant after accounting for these variables. Our study thus contributes to the socialization and self-selection arguments. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for research on decision frames and for business education, respectively.


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El present treball posa de manifest la potencialitat de la literatura com a educació moral. Si bé nombrosos autors han tractat la possibilitat d"educar moralment a través de la literatura, pocs han abordat l"espontaneïtat de la literatura com a educadora moral per a qualsevol ciutadà. Hi ha una estreta relació entre la narrativitat i la moralitat, tant des del vessant de la moralitat com a narrativa com des de la narrativa com a moral. Moralitat i literatura formen part d"un mateix univers i esbrinar aquesta relació és el que es pretén al llarg d"aquest estudi. Finalment es dibuixa un apunt sobre la relació entre ciutadania, literatura i moralitat, per tal de mostrar la potencialitat de la literatura per a l"educació per a la ciutadania.


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How do plants that move and spread across landscapes become branded as weeds and thereby objects of contention and control? We outline a political ecology approach that builds on a Lefebvrian understanding of the production of space, identifying three scalar moments that make plants into 'weeds' in different spatial contexts and landscapes. The three moments are: the operational scale, which relates to empirical phenomena in nature and society; the observational scale, which defines formal concepts of these phenomena and their implicit or explicit 'biopower' across institutional and spatial categories; and the interpretive scale, which is communicated through stories and actions expressing human feelings or concerns regarding the phenomena and processes of socio-spatial change. Together, these three scalar moments interact to produce a political ecology of landscape transformation, where biophysical and socio-cultural processes of daily life encounter formal categories and modes of control as well as emotive and normative expectations in shaping landscapes. Using three exemplar 'weeds' - acacia, lantana and ambrosia - our political ecology approach to landscape transformations shows that weeds do not act alone and that invasives are not inherently bad organisms. Humans and weeds go together; plants take advantage of spaces and opportunities that we create. Human desires for preserving certain social values in landscapes in contradiction to actual transformations is often at the heart of definitions of and conflicts over weeds or invasives.


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L'egoisme és, en paraules de Murdoch, l'enemic més gran de la moralitat. L'art es presenta com una de les possibilitats de treure el jo de si mateix perquè prengui consciència del món. La finalitat d'aquest article és posar de manifest la importància i també l'interès de la literatura com a vehicle de reflexió i de presa de consciència de la realitat en la que es mou l'ésser humà tal com ens ho presenta Iris Murdoch. Sota aquest punt de vista la literatura posseeix una clara funció educativa moral.


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The aim of the present study was to test the effect of moral disengagement on the tolerance and realization of aggressive acts in male soccer and ice hockey players in Switzerland. One hundred and four soccer and 98 ice hockey players evaluated the legitimacy of four videotaped aggressive behaviors and completed a questionnaire that included a moral disengagement scale and self-reported aggression. The level of moral disengagement, which mediates the effects of perceived coach and ego attitudes toward transgressions, largely explains the tolerance of hostile aggression within teams, as well as the level of high aggressive acts reported by the participants.


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Neutral and selective processes c an drive repeated patterns of evolu tion in dif ferent groups of populationsexp eriencing similar ecol ogica l gradients. In this paper, we used a combinat ion of nucl ear and mitochondrialDNA markers, as well as geometric morphometrics, to investigate repeated patterns of morphological andgenetic divergence of E uropean minnows in two mountain ranges : the Pyrenees and the Al ps. Europeanminnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) are cyprinid fish i nha bitin g most freshwater bodies in Europe, including those indifferent mountain r anges that could act as major geographical barriers to gene flow. We explored patterns ofP. phoxinus phenotypic and genetic di versi fication along a gradi ent of alti tude common to the two mountainranges, and tested for isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by adaptation(IBA). The results indicated that populations from the Pyr enees a nd the Alps bel ong to two well differentiated,reciprocally monophyletic mt DNA lineages. Substantial genetic differentiation due to geographical isolationwithin and between populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps was also found using rapidly evolving AFLPsmarkers (isolation by distance or IBD), as well as morphological differences between mountain ranges. Als o,morphology varied strong ly with elevation and so did genetic differentiation to a lower extent. Despitemoderate evidence for IBE and IBA, and therefore of repeated evolution, substantial population heterogeneitywas found at the genetic level, suggesting that selection and population specific genetic drift act in concert toaffect genetic divergence.


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BACKGROUND: The structure and organisation of ecological interactions within an ecosystem is modified by the evolution and coevolution of the individual species it contains. Understanding how historical conditions have shaped this architecture is vital for understanding system responses to change at scales from the microbial upwards. However, in the absence of a group selection process, the collective behaviours and ecosystem functions exhibited by the whole community cannot be organised or adapted in a Darwinian sense. A long-standing open question thus persists: Are there alternative organising principles that enable us to understand and predict how the coevolution of the component species creates and maintains complex collective behaviours exhibited by the ecosystem as a whole? RESULTS: Here we answer this question by incorporating principles from connectionist learning, a previously unrelated discipline already using well-developed theories on how emergent behaviours arise in simple networks. Specifically, we show conditions where natural selection on ecological interactions is functionally equivalent to a simple type of connectionist learning, 'unsupervised learning', well-known in neural-network models of cognitive systems to produce many non-trivial collective behaviours. Accordingly, we find that a community can self-organise in a well-defined and non-trivial sense without selection at the community level; its organisation can be conditioned by past experience in the same sense as connectionist learning models habituate to stimuli. This conditioning drives the community to form a distributed ecological memory of multiple past states, causing the community to: a) converge to these states from any random initial composition; b) accurately restore historical compositions from small fragments; c) recover a state composition following disturbance; and d) to correctly classify ambiguous initial compositions according to their similarity to learned compositions. We examine how the formation of alternative stable states alters the community's response to changing environmental forcing, and we identify conditions under which the ecosystem exhibits hysteresis with potential for catastrophic regime shifts. CONCLUSIONS: This work highlights the potential of connectionist theory to expand our understanding of evo-eco dynamics and collective ecological behaviours. Within this framework we find that, despite not being a Darwinian unit, ecological communities can behave like connectionist learning systems, creating internal conditions that habituate to past environmental conditions and actively recalling those conditions. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Prof. Ricard V Solé, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Prof. Rob Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder.


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De nombreuses études ont mis en évidence le fait que les individus étaient prêts à commettre des actes discriminatoires pour autant qu'ils puissent les justifier (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003). Nous proposons de contribuer à la compréhension de ce phénomène grâce au concept de désengagement moral pour des actes discriminatoires (DMD). Nous définissons le désengagement moral comme le fait de justifier ses propres actes immoraux de manière à les rendre acceptable. Ce concept trouve ses origines dans les travaux de Bandura et al. (1996) portant sur les comportements agressifs chez des enfants. Il se compose de huit mécanismes (p.ex. le déplacement de responsabilité). Notre recherche dépasse le cadre théorique développé par Bandura et al. pour inscrire le désengagement moral dans le champ de la discrimination intergroupe. De plus, en conceptualisant le désengagement moral comme une différence individuelle, nous proposons également de présenter les premières étapes du développement d'une échelle permettant de mesurer le DMD. L'échelle de DMD a été développée en trois étapes en suivant la procédure proposée par Hinkin (1998). Tout d'abord, une liste de 72 items a été générée suivant une méthode déductive. Puis, suite à une étude (n = 13) portant sur la cohérence des items vis-à-vis du concept et de ses mécanismes, cette liste a été réduite à 40 items (5 par mécanisme). Enfin, 118 étudiants universitaires ont participé à une étude dans le but de mener des analyses factorielles (exploratoire et confirmatoire), ainsi que de tester les validités convergente, divergente et prédictive de l'échelle. La première partie de cette étude se composait de différentes échelles (p.ex. mesure de personnalité, préjugés anti-immigrés, etc.). La seconde partie de l'étude était une expérience portant sur l'évaluation d'idées de méthodes de sélection (discriminatoire versus méritocratique) des étudiants suisses et étrangers à l'université, ayant pour but de réduire la surpopulation dans les salles de cours. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs pour le développement de l'échelle, autant du point de vue de sa structure (p.ex. α = .82) que de sa validité. Par exemple, plus le niveau de DMD des participants était élevé, plus ils étaient favorables à une méthode de sélection discriminatoire des étudiants à l'université. L'ensemble des résultats sera présenté durant la conférence. Nous discuterons également des potentielles contributions de cette échelle pour de futurs projets de recherche. Référence : Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of moral disengagement of the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71 (2), 364-374. Crandall, C. S., & Eshleman, A. (2003). The Justification-suppression model of the expression and experience of prejudice. Psychological Bulletin, 129 (3), 414-446. Hinkin, T. R. (1998). A brief tutorial on the development of measures for use un survey questionnaires. Organizational Research Methods, 1 (1), 104.121.