981 resultados para lysing-bacterium


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C4-dicarboxylates are one of the preferred carbon and energy sources for the growth of P. aeruginosa, a ubiquitous and metabolically versatile bacterium. However, despite their importance, C4-dicarboxylates sensing and uptake systems were poorly understood in P. aeruginosa and only little information was available in the literature. In our work, the C4-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) system in P. aeruginosa was found to be composed of a novel two-component system, called DctB/DctD, regulating together with the sigma factor RpoN the expression of two newly identified C4-dicarboxylate transporters: DctA and DctPQM. Inactivation of the dct A, dctB or dctD gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating their major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of redundant C4-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the kdctA mutant, combined with a screening for growth on succinate, led to the identification of a second Dct system, the DctPQM transporter, belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. AdctAAdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate albeit residual growth on succinate suggested that additional transporters for succinate are present. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at μΜ concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at mM concentrations. For the first time, high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate (DctA and DctPQM) are reported to function co-ordinately to transport C4- dicarboxylates. Most probably, the presence of redundant uptake systems contributes to the versatility of this bacterium. Next, the regulation of the Dct system was investigated. While performing a parallel study about the carbon catabolite repression (CCR) phenomenon in P. aeruginosa, a link between the CCR cascade (CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc) and the Dct system was observed. Crc is a translational repressor acting when preferred carbon sources (like C4-dicarboxylates) are present. CrcZ is a small RNA acting as a functional antagonist of Crc and induced by the CbrA/CbrB two-component system when non preferred carbon sources (like mannitol) are utilized. Novel targets of the CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc system in P. aeruginosa were identified using transcriptome analysis; among them dctA and dctPQM were detected. CCR is regulating the dct transporter genes expression depending on the succinate concentrations in the medium of growth; this modulation of CCR is possible because, at the same time, succinate concentrations tune CCR. In a medium containing high succinate concentrations, CrcZ levels were low and therefore Crc inhibited the translation of mRNA targets. Whereas in a medium containing low succinate concentrations, the subsequent increase of CrcZ levels sequestered Crc, inhibiting its activity. This model shows for the first time that CCR possesses a feedback-based circuitry, a very important type of regulatory loop that confers the best adaptive response under changing environmental conditions. The expression of the dct transporter genes is also found to be regulated by the RNA chaperone protein Hfq. Hfq has the same post-transcriptional effect than Crc at high concentration of succinate, i.e. inhibiting dctP and dctR and indirectly favouring dctA expression. Moreover, an additional indirect positive regulation of dctP expression by Hfq was found. Finally, a metabolome approach was performed to investigate the internal signals modulating CCR via induction of CbrA activity in P. aeruginosa PAOl and P. putida KT2442. The results of the analysis are currently under study in the laboratory. - Les acides C4-dicarboxyliques font partie des sources de carbone et d'énergie préférés de P. aeruginosa, une bactérie versatile et ubiquitaire. Néanmoins, malgré leur importance, comment la présence des acides C4-dicarboxyliques dans le milieu est sentie par la bactérie et comment ils sont transportés dans la cellule chez P. aeruginosa n'étaient pas connus. De plus, peu d'informations sur ces procédés ont été répertoriées dans la littérature. Grace à notre travail, le système de transport des acides C4-dicarboxyliques (Dct) chez P. aeruginosa a pu être caractérisé. En effet, il est composé d'un nouveau système à deux composants, nommé DctB/DctD, qui régule, en combinaison avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN, l'expression des deux nouveaux transporteurs des acides C4-dicarboxyliques: DctA et DctPQM. L'inactivation des gènes dctA, dctB or dctD cause un défaut de croissance des souches mutantes dans un milieu minimum contenant du succinate, fumarate ou malate; confirmation de leur rôle dans le Dct. Cependant, une croissance résiduelle du mutant dctA dans ces milieux suggérerait une redondance des transporteurs d'acides Grdicarboxyliques. Une expérience de mutagenèse dans la souche AdctA, utilisant le transposon Tn5, combiné avec un criblage génétique sur la croissance dans le succinate, nous a permis d'identifier le deuxième transporteur DctPQM. DctPQM appartient à la famille des transporteurs TRAP (tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic). Un double mutant AdctAAdctPQM ne pousse pas dans du malate ou fumarate mais par contre présente une croissance résiduelle dans le succinate suggérant l'existence de transporteurs supplémentaires pour le succinate. En réalisant des expériences de compétitions nous avons démontré que le transporteur DctPQM est plus efficace que le transporteur DctA pour l'utilisation de succinate à une concentration de l'ordre du μΜ. Par contre, DctA est le transporteur le plus important pour une concentration de succinate de l'ordre du raM. Pour la première fois, deux systèmes de transport, un avec une forte- et un avec une faible-affinité (DctA et DctPQM) pour le succinate, sont coordonnés dans leur activité de transport des acides C4- dicarboxyliques, probablement contribuant à la versatilité de la bactérie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la régulation du system Dct. En effectuant, en parallèle, une étude sur le phénomène de la répression catabolique (RC) chez P. aeruginosa, un lien entre la RC et le système Dct a été observé. La cascade des régulateurs formant la RC est composée de CbrA/CbrB, CrcZ et Crc. Crc est un répresseur traductionnel qui agit quand des sources de carbone préférées (comme les acides C4-dicarboxyliques) sont présentes dans le milieu. CrcZ est un petit ARN non-codant qui agit comme antagoniste de Crc. L'expression de CrcZ est induite par le système à deux composants CbrA/CbrB lorsque une source de carbone non-préférée est utilisée (comme le mannitol). Des nouvelles cibles du système CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc chez P. aeruginosa ont été identifiées grâce à une analyse du transcriptome des souches mutantes des régulateurs de la cascade. Parmi les cibles identifiées, les gènes dctA et dctPQM étaient présents. La RC régule l'expression des transporteurs dct en fonction de la concentration de succinate dans le milieu de croissance. Cette régulation est possible parce que, en même temps, les acides C4- dicarboxyliques régulent la RC. Dans un milieu contenant une grande concentration du succinate, le niveau d'expression de CrcZ est faible, donc Crc peut inhiber l'expression de ces ARN messagers cibles. Par contre, dans un milieu avec une faible concentration de succinate, l'augmentation de l'expression de CrcZ titre Crc et inhibe son activité. Ce modèle de régulation rétroactive est très important pour le phénomène de la RC, parce qu'il permet à la bactérie d'accorder une meilleure réponse à un changement environnemental. L'expression des gènes codant pour les transporteurs dct sont aussi régulés par la protéine chaperonne d'ARN Hfq. Hfq semble avoir le même effet traductionnelle que Crc, lorsqu'il y a une forte concentration de succinate. Nous avons ainsi observé une régulation négative de l'expression du gène dct Ρ et dctR, qui code pour un répresseur de la transcription de dctA. Nous avons aussi observé une régulation positive de la transcription de dctP par Hfq, probablement de façon indirecte. Enfin, une analyse du metabolome a était utilisée pour chercher les signaux internes modulant la RC et, en particulier, l'activité de la protéine senseur CbrA chez P. aeruginosa PAOl et P. putida KT2442. Les résultats de l'analyse sont en cours d'étude dans le laboratoire.


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Waddlia chondrophila is an obligate intracellular bacterium considered as a potential agent of abortion in both humans and bovines. This member of the order Chlamydiales multiplies rapidly within human macrophages and induces lysis of the infected cells. To understand how this Chlamydia-like micro-organism invades and proliferates within host cells, we investigated its trafficking within monocyte-derived human macrophages. Vacuoles containing W. chondrophila acquired the early endosomal marker EEA1 during the first 30 min following uptake. However, the live W. chondrophila-containing vacuoles never co-localized with late endosome and lysosome markers. Instead of interacting with the endosomal pathway, W. chondrophila immediately co-localized with mitochondria and, shortly after, with endoplasmic reticulum- (ER-) resident proteins such as calnexin and protein disulfide isomerase. The acquisition of mitochondria and ER markers corresponds to the beginning of bacterial replication. It is noteworthy that mitochondrion recruitment to W. chondrophila inclusions is prevented only by simultaneous treatment with the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton-disrupting agents nocodazole and cytochalasin D. In addition, brefeldin A inhibits the replication of W. chondrophila, supporting a role for COPI-dependent trafficking in the biogenesis of the bacterial replicating vacuole. W. chondrophila probably survives within human macrophages by evading the endocytic pathway and by associating with mitochondria and the ER. The intracellular trafficking of W. chondrophila in human macrophages represents a novel route that differs strongly from that used by other members of the order Chlamydiales.


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In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium and biocontrol model organism Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the GacS/GacA two-component system upregulates the production of biocontrol factors, i.e. antifungal secondary metabolites and extracellular enzymes, under conditions of slow, non-exponential growth. When activated, the GacS/GacA system promotes the transcription of a small regulatory RNA (RsmZ), which sequesters the small RNA-binding protein RsmA, a translational regulator of genes involved in biocontrol. The gene for a second GacA-regulated small RNA (RsmY) was detected in silico in various pseudomonads, and was cloned from strain CHA0. RsmY, like RsmZ, contains several characteristic GGA motifs. The rsmY gene was expressed in strain CHA0 as a 118 nt transcript which was most abundant in stationary phase, as revealed by Northern blot and transcriptional fusion analysis. Transcription of rsmY was enhanced by the addition of the strain's own supernatant extract containing a quorum-sensing signal and was abolished in gacS or gacA mutants. An rsmA mutation led to reduced rsmY expression, via a gacA-independent mechanism. Overexpression of rsmY restored the expression of target genes (hcnA, aprA) to gacS or gacA mutants. Whereas mutants deleted for either the rsmY or the rsmZ structural gene were not significantly altered in the synthesis of extracellular products (hydrogen cyanide, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, exoprotease), an rsmY rsmZ double mutant was strongly impaired in this production and in its biocontrol properties in a cucumber-Pythium ultimum microcosm. Mobility shift assays demonstrated that multiple molecules of RsmA bound specifically to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. In conclusion, two small, untranslated RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ, are key factors that relieve RsmA-mediated regulation of secondary metabolism and biocontrol traits in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.


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Abstract The plasmid pME6863, carrying the aiiA gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus sp. A24 that encodes a lactonase enzyme able to degrade N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), was introduced into the rhizosphere isolate Pseudomonas fluorescens P3. This strain is not an effective biological control agent against plant pathogens. The transformant P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 acquired the ability to degrade AHLs. In planta, P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 significantly reduced potato soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora and crown gall of tomato caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens to a similar level as Bacillus sp. A24. Little or no disease reduction was observed for the wild-type strain P3 carrying the vector plasmid without aiiA. Suppression of potato soft rot was observed even when the AHL-degrading P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 was applied to tubers 2 days after the pathogen, indicating that biocontrol was not only preventive but also curative. When antagonists were applied individually with the bacterial plant pathogens, biocontrol activity of the AHL degraders was greater than that observed with several Pseudomonas 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol-producing strains and with Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391, which relies on production of phenazine antibiotic for disease suppression. Phenazine production by this well characterized biological control strain P. chlororaphis PCL1391 is regulated by AHL-mediated quorum sensing. When P. chlororaphis PCL1391 was co-inoculated with P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 in a strain mixture, the AHL degrader interfered with the normally excellent ability of the antibiotic producer to suppress tomato vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Our results demonstrate AHL degradation as a novel biocontrol mechanism, but also demonstrate the potential for non-target interactions that can interfere with the biocontrol efficacy of other strains.


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Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is a Chlamydia-like organism that easily grows within Acanthamoeba spp. Thus, it probably uses these widespread free-living amoebae as a replicative niche, a cosmopolite aquatic reservoir and a vector. A potential role of P. acanthamoebae as an agent of lower respiratory tract infection was initially suggested by its isolation within an Acanthamoeba sp. recovered from the water of a humidifier during the investigation of an outbreak of fever. Additional serological and molecular-based investigations further supported its pathogenic role, mainly in bronchiolitis, bronchitis, aspiration pneumonia and community-acquired pneumonia. P. acanthamoebae was shown to survive and replicate within human macrophages, lung fibroblasts and pneumocytes. Moreover, this strict intracellular bacterium also causes severe pneumonia in experimentally infected mice, thus fulfilling the third and fourth Koch criteria for a pathogenic role. Consequently, new tools have been developed for the diagnosis of parachlamydial infections. It will be important to routinely search for this emerging agent of pneumonia, as P. acanthamoebae is apparently resistant to quinolones, which are antibiotics often used for the empirical treatment of atypical pneumonia. Other Chlamydia-related bacteria, including Protochlamydia naegleriophila, Simkania negevensis and Waddlia chondrophila, might also cause lung infections. Moreover, several additional novel chlamydiae, e.g. Criblamydia sequanensis and Rhabdochlamydia crassificans, have been discovered and are now being investigated for their human pathogenicity.


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Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6 is a Gram-positive, 4-chlorophenol-degrading soil bacterium that was recently shown to be an effective colonizer of plant leaf surfaces. The genetic basis for this phyllosphere competency is unknown. In this paper, we describe the genome-wide expression profile of A.chlorophenolicus on leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) compared with growth on agar surfaces. In phyllosphere-grown cells, we found elevated expression of several genes known to contribute to epiphytic fitness, for example those involved in nutrient acquisition, attachment, stress response and horizontal gene transfer. A surprising result was the leaf-induced expression of a subset of the so-called cph genes for the degradation of 4-chlorophenol. This subset encodes the conversion of the phenolic compound hydroquinone to 3-oxoadipate, and was shown to be induced not only by 4-chlorophenol but also hydroquinone, its glycosylated derivative arbutin, and phenol. Small amounts of hydroquinone, but not arbutin or phenol, were detected in leaf surface washes of P.vulgaris by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Our findings illustrate the utility of genomics approaches for exploration and improved understanding of a microbial habitat. Also, they highlight the potential for phyllosphere-based priming of bacteria to stimulate pollutant degradation, which holds promise for the application of phylloremediation.


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The complete sequence of the 7.07 Mb genome of the biological control agent Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 is now available, providing a new opportunity to advance knowledge of biological control through genomics. P. fluorescens Pf-5 is a rhizosphere bacterium that suppresses seedling emergence diseases and produces a spectrum of antibiotics toxic to plant-pathogenic fungi and oomycetes. In addition to six known secondary metabolites produced by Pf-5, three novel secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters identified in the genome could also contribute to biological control. The genomic sequence provides numerous clues as to mechanisms used by the bacterium to survive in the spermosphere and rhizosphere. These features include broad catabolic and transport capabilities for utilizing seed and root exudates, an expanded collection of efflux systems for defense against environmental stress and microbial competition, and the presence of 45 outer membrane receptors that should allow for the uptake of iron from a wide array of siderophores produced by soil microorganisms. As expected for a bacterium with a large genome that lives in a rapidly changing environment, Pf-5 has an extensive collection of regulatory genes, only some of which have been characterized for their roles in regulation of secondary metabolite production or biological control. Consistent with its commensal lifestyle, Pf-5 appears to lack a number of virulence and pathogenicity factors found in plant pathogen.


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Bacterial cell-wall-associated fibronectin binding proteins A and B (FnBPA and FnBPB) form bonds with host fibronectin. This binding reaction is often the initial step in prosthetic device infections. Atomic force microscopy was used to evaluate binding interactions between a fibronectin-coated probe and laboratory-derived Staphylococcus aureus that are (i) defective in both FnBPA and FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant, DU5883), (ii) capable of expressing only FnBPA (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBA4), or (iii) capable of expressing only FnBPB (fnbA fnbB double mutant complemented with pFNBB4). These experiments were repeated using Lactococcus lactis constructs expressing fnbA and fnbB genes from S. aureus. A distinct force signature was observed for those bacteria that expressed FnBPA or FnBPB. Analysis of this force signature with the biomechanical wormlike chain model suggests that parallel bonds form between fibronectin and FnBPs on a bacterium. The strength and covalence of bonds were evaluated via nonlinear regression of force profiles. Binding events were more frequent (p < 0.01) for S. aureus expressing FnBPA or FnBPB than for the S. aureus double mutant. The binding force, frequency, and profile were similar between the FnBPA and FnBPB expressing strains of S. aureus. The absence of both FnBPs from the surface of S. aureus removed its ability to form a detectable bond with fibronectin. By contrast, ectopic expression of FnBPA or FnBPB on the surface of L. lactis conferred fibronectin binding characteristics similar to those of S. aureus. These measurements demonstrate that fibronectin-binding adhesins FnBPA and FnBPB are necessary and sufficient for the binding of S. aureus to prosthetic devices that are coated with host fibronectin.


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In many Gram-negative bacteria, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the expression of extracellular products or storage compounds. In the plant-beneficial rhizosphere bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the GacS/GacA system is essential for the production of antibiotic compounds and hence for biological control of root-pathogenic fungi. The small (119-nt) RNA RsmX discovered in this study, together with RsmY and RsmZ, forms a triad of GacA-dependent small RNAs, which sequester the RNA-binding proteins RsmA and RsmE and thereby antagonize translational repression exerted by these proteins in strain CHA0. This small RNA triad was found to be both necessary and sufficient for posttranscriptional derepression of biocontrol factors and for protection of cucumber from Pythium ultimum. The same three small RNAs also positively regulated swarming motility and the synthesis of a quorum-sensing signal, which is unrelated to N-acyl-homoserine lactones, and which autoinduces the Gac/Rsm cascade. Expression of RsmX and RsmY increased in parallel throughout cell growth, whereas RsmZ was produced during the late growth phase. This differential expression is assumed to facilitate fine tuning of GacS/A-controlled cell population density-dependent regulation in P. fluorescens.


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Although Drosophila systemic immunity is extensively studied, little is known about the fly's intestine-specific responses to bacterial infection. Global gene expression analysis of Drosophila intestinal tissue to oral infection with the Gram-negative bacterium Erwinia carotovora revealed that immune responses in the gut are regulated by the Imd and JAK-STAT pathways, but not the Toll pathway. Ingestion of bacteria had a dramatic impact on the physiology of the gut that included modulation of stress response and increased stem cell proliferation and epithelial renewal. Our data suggest that gut homeostasis is maintained through a balance between cell damage due to the collateral effects of bacteria killing and epithelial repair by stem cell division. The Drosophila gut provides a powerful model to study the integration of stress and immunity with pathways associated with stem cell control, and this study should prove to be a useful resource for such further studies.


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Some root-associated pseudomonads sustain plant growth by suppressing root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. We investigated to which extent select cereal cultivars influence expression of relevant biocontrol traits (i.e., root colonization efficacy and antifungal activity) in Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. In this representative plant-beneficial bacterium, the antifungal metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin (PRN), pyoluteorin (PLT), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are required for biocontrol. To monitor host plant effects on the expression of biosynthetic genes for these compounds on roots, we developed fluorescent dual-color reporters suited for flow cytometric analysis using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In the dual-label strains, the constitutively expressed red fluorescent protein mCherry served as a cell tag and marker for root colonization, whereas reporter fusions based on the green fluorescent protein allowed simultaneous recording of antifungal gene expression within the same cell. FACS analysis revealed that expression of DAPG and PRN biosynthetic genes was promoted in a cereal rhizosphere, whereas expression of PLT and HCN biosynthetic genes was markedly less sustained. When analyzing the response of the bacterial reporters on roots of a selection of wheat, spelt, and triticale cultivars, we were able to detect subtle species- and cultivar-dependent differences in colonization and DAPG and HCN gene expression levels. The expression of these biocontrol traits was particularly favored on roots of one spelt cultivar, suggesting that a careful choice of pseudomonad-cereal combinations might be beneficial to biocontrol. Our approach may be useful for selective single-cell level analysis of plant effects in other bacteria-root interactions.


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Bacteria must control the progression of their cell cycle in response to nutrient availability. This regulation can be mediated by guanosine tetra- or pentaphosphate [(p)ppGpp], which are synthesized by enzymes of the RelA/SpoT homologue (Rsh) family, particularly under starvation conditions. Here, we study the effects of (p)ppGpp on the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus, an oligotrophic bacterium with a dimorphic life cycle. C. crescentus divides asymmetrically, producing a motile swarmer cell that cannot replicate its chromosome and a sessile stalked cell that is replication competent. The swarmer cell rapidly differentiates into a stalked cell in appropriate conditions. An artificial increase in the levels of (p)ppGpp in nonstarved C. crescentus cells was achieved by expressing a truncated relA gene from Escherichia coli, encoding a constitutively active (p)ppGpp synthetase. By combining single-cell microscopy, flow cytometry approaches, and swarming assays, we show that an increase in the intracellular concentration of (p)ppGpp is sufficient to slow down the swarmer-to-stalked cell differentiation process and to delay the initiation of chromosome replication. We also present evidence that the intracellular levels of two master regulators of the cell cycle of C. crescentus, DnaA and CtrA, are modulated in response to (p)ppGpp accumulation, even in the absence of actual starvation. CtrA proteolysis and DnaA synthesis seem indirectly inhibited by (p)ppGpp accumulation. By extending the life span of the motile nonreproductive swarmer cell and thus promoting dispersal and foraging functions over multiplication under starvation conditions, (p)ppGpp may play a central role in the ecological adaptation of C. crescentus to nutritional stresses.


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Accurate detection of subpopulation size determinations in bimodal populations remains problematic yet it represents a powerful way by which cellular heterogeneity under different environmental conditions can be compared. So far, most studies have relied on qualitative descriptions of population distribution patterns, on population-independent descriptors, or on arbitrary placement of thresholds distinguishing biological ON from OFF states. We found that all these methods fall short of accurately describing small population sizes in bimodal populations. Here we propose a simple, statistics-based method for the analysis of small subpopulation sizes for use in the free software environment R and test this method on real as well as simulated data. Four so-called population splitting methods were designed with different algorithms that can estimate subpopulation sizes from bimodal populations. All four methods proved more precise than previously used methods when analyzing subpopulation sizes of transfer competent cells arising in populations of the bacterium Pseudomonas knackmussii B13. The methods' resolving powers were further explored by bootstrapping and simulations. Two of the methods were not severely limited by the proportions of subpopulations they could estimate correctly, but the two others only allowed accurate subpopulation quantification when this amounted to less than 25% of the total population. In contrast, only one method was still sufficiently accurate with subpopulations smaller than 1% of the total population. This study proposes a number of rational approximations to quantifying small subpopulations and offers an easy-to-use protocol for their implementation in the open source statistical software environment R.


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La investigación realizada en el 2007, comprende la patobiología y sanidad acuícola en langostinos de cultivo y de los canales de marea de la Región Tumbes, para detectar presencia y distribución espacio-temporal del agente etiológico NHPB (Bacteria de la hepatopancreatitis necrotizante). Se analizaron 3360 langostinos de nueve empresas con cultivo intensivo para detectar la NHBP. Los resultados fueron: (1) prevalencia global de 2% en el periodo de estudio; (2) NHPB estuvo presente en el 77% de las zonas con cultivo intensivo incluidas en este estudio, distribuidas a lo largo del litoral tumbesino.


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Abstract This thesis investigates the pathogenicity of a Chlamydia-related bacterium: Waddlia chondrophila, which is suspected to cause abortion in bovines as well as miscarriages in humans. Macrophages represent the first line of defense of the innate immunity against invading pathogens, we thus studied the interaction between W. chondrophila and human macrophages. We observed that W. chondrophila multiplied very efficiently inside monocyte-derived macrophages. Diagnostic tools to detect obligate intracellular bacteria are lacking so we developed a Waddlia specific real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA encoding gene. Since W. chondrophila could be involved in human miscarriage, we analyzed samples from women having miscarriage or uneventful pregnancy. Waddlia serologies results confirmed an association between the presence of W. chondrophila antibodies and miscarriage (23.2% versus 14.6% in the control group, p-value 0.044). As W. chondrophila's pathogenicity was suggested, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. W. chondrophila revealed to be susceptible to macrolides and tetracylines but resistant to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. This resistance to fluoroquinolones could be explained by mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyrase (GyrA) and topoisomerase IV (ParC) encoding genes. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to precise the role of W. chondrophila in human miscarriage. However, more studies will be necessary to fully understand the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Résumé Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier la pathogénicité d'une bactérie apparentée aux Chlamydia: Waddlia chondrophila. Les macrophages représentant la première ligne de défense du système immunitaire inné contre les pathogènes, nous avons d'abord étudié l'interaction entre W. chondrophila and les macrophages humains. Nous avons pu observer que W. chondrophila résistait aux effecteurs microbicides des macrophages et se multipliait efficacement au sein de ces cellules. Au vu du manque d'outils diagnostiques pour détecter cette bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire, nous avons également développé une PCR en temps réel, spécifique pour Waddlia, basée sur le gène de l'ARN ribosomal 16S. Cette PCR a été utilisée dans les différents projets afin de détecter la présence de W. chondrophila. W. chondrophila étant suspectée de pouvoir causer des fausses couches chez la femme, nous avons analysé des échantillons provenant de femmes ayant souffert de fausse couche, ainsi que, comme contrôles, des femmes ayant eu une grossesse normale. Les sérologies ont révélé une association entre la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre Waddlia et la fausse couche (23.2% versus 14.6% chez les contrôles, p-value=0.044). La présence de la bactérie a aussi été détectée par PCR et immunohistochimie dans plusieurs échantillons. L'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche se précisant, nous avons étudié sa susceptibilité aux antibiotiques. W. chondrophila s'est révélée sensible aux macrolides et aux tetracyclines mais résistante aux beta-lactames et aux quinolones. Cette résistance aux quinolones peut être expliquée par la présence de mutations dans le QRDR (région déterminant la résistance aux quinolones) des gènes gyrA et parC. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de préciser l'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche. Des études complémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour confirmer et préciser le rôle exact de W. chondrophila dans les problèmes obstétricaux.