961 resultados para liquid smoking
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Although smokers tend to have a lower body-mass index than non-smokers, smoking may favour abdominal body fat accumulation. To our knowledge, no population-based studies have assessed the relationship between smoking and body fat composition. We assessed the association between cigarette smoking and waist circumference, body fat, and body-mass index. METHODS: Height, weight, and waist circumference were measured among 6,123 Caucasians (ages 35-75) from a cross-sectional population-based study in Switzerland. Abdominal obesity was defined as waist circumference>=102 cm for men and >=88 cm for women. Body fat (percent total body weight) was measured by electrical bioimpedance. Age- and sex-specific body fat cut-offs were used to define excess body fat. Cigarettes smoked per day were assessed by self-administered questionnaire. Age-adjusted means and odds ratios were calculated using linear and logistic regression. RESULTS: Current smokers (29% of men and 24% of women) had lower mean waist circumference, body fat percentage, and body-mass index compared with non-smokers. Age-adjusted mean waist circumference and body fat increased with cigarettes smoked per day among smokers. The association between cigarettes smoked per day and body-mass index was non-significant. Compared with light smokers, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for abdominal obesity in men was 1.28 (0.78-2.10) for moderate smokers and 1.94 (1.15-3.27) for heavy smokers (P=0.03 for trend), and 1.07 (0.72-1.58) and 2.15 (1.26-3.64) in female moderate and heavy smokers, respectively (P<0.01 for trend). Compared with light smokers, the OR for excess body fat in men was 1.05 (95% CI: 0.58-1.92) for moderate smokers and 1.15 (0.60-2.20) for heavy smokers (P=0.75 for trend) and 1.34 (0.89-2.00) and 2.11 (1.25-3.57), respectively in women (P=0.07 for trend). CONCLUSION: Among smokers, cigarettes smoked per day were positively associated with central fat accumulation, particularly in women.
Images obtained from high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS) contain information that remains hidden when looking at a single spectrum at a time. Image processing of liquid chromatography-MS datasets can be extremely useful for quality control, experimental monitoring and knowledge extraction. The importance of imaging in differential analysis of proteomic experiments has already been established through two-dimensional gels and can now be foreseen with MS images. We present MSight, a new software designed to construct and manipulate MS images, as well as to facilitate their analysis and comparison.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a smoking ban on lung function, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and respiratory symptoms in nonsmoking hospitality workers. METHODS: Secondhand smoke exposure at the workplace, spirometry, and fractional exhaled nitric oxide were measured in 92 nonsmoking hospitality workers before as well as twice after a smoking ban. RESULTS: At baseline, secondhand smoke-exposed hospitality workers had lung function values significantly below the population average. After the smoking ban, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio for cough was 0.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.36 to 0.93) and for chronic bronchitis 0.75 (95% confidence interval, 0.55 to 1.02) compared with the preban period. CONCLUSIONS: The below-average lung function before the smoking ban indicates chronic damages from long-term exposure. Respiratory symptoms such as cough decreased within 12 months after the ban.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to assess whether prospective follow-up data within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study can be used to predict patients who stop smoking; or among smokers who stop, those who start smoking again. METHODS: We built prediction models first using clinical reasoning ('clinical models') and then by selecting from numerous candidate predictors using advanced statistical methods ('statistical models'). Our clinical models were based on literature that suggests that motivation drives smoking cessation, while dependence drives relapse in those attempting to stop. Our statistical models were based on automatic variable selection using additive logistic regression with component-wise gradient boosting. RESULTS: Of 4833 smokers, 26% stopped smoking, at least temporarily; because among those who stopped, 48% started smoking again. The predictive performance of our clinical and statistical models was modest. A basic clinical model for cessation, with patients classified into three motivational groups, was nearly as discriminatory as a constrained statistical model with just the most important predictors (the ratio of nonsmoking visits to total visits, alcohol or drug dependence, psychiatric comorbidities, recent hospitalization and age). A basic clinical model for relapse, based on the maximum number of cigarettes per day prior to stopping, was not as discriminatory as a constrained statistical model with just the ratio of nonsmoking visits to total visits. CONCLUSIONS: Predicting smoking cessation and relapse is difficult, so that simple models are nearly as discriminatory as complex ones. Patients with a history of attempting to stop and those known to have stopped recently are the best candidates for an intervention.
Tobacco consumption is a global epidemic responsible for a vast burden of disease. With pharmacological properties sought-after by consumers and responsible for addiction issues, nicotine is the main reason of this phenomenon. Accordingly, smokeless tobacco products are of growing popularity in sport owing to potential performance enhancing properties and absence of adverse effects on the respiratory system. Nevertheless, nicotine does not appear on the 2011 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List or Monitoring Program by lack of a comprehensive large-scale prevalence survey. Thus, this work describes a one-year monitoring study on urine specimens from professional athletes of different disciplines covering 2010 and 2011. A method for the detection and quantification of nicotine, its major metabolites (cotinine, trans-3-hydroxycotinine, nicotine-N'-oxide and cotinine-N-oxide) and minor tobacco alkaloids (anabasine, anatabine and nornicotine) was developed, relying on ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TQ-MS/MS). A simple and fast dilute-and-shoot sample treatment was performed, followed by hydrophilic interaction chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) operated in positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) data acquisition. After method validation, assessing the prevalence of nicotine consumption in sport involved analysis of 2185 urine samples, accounting for 43 different sports. Concentrations distribution of major nicotine metabolites, minor nicotine metabolites and tobacco alkaloids ranged from 10 (LLOQ) to 32,223, 6670 and 538 ng/mL, respectively. Compounds of interest were detected in trace levels in 23.0% of urine specimens, with concentration levels corresponding to an exposure within the last three days for 18.3% of samples. Likewise, hypothesizing conservative concentration limits for active nicotine consumption prior and/or during sport practice (50 ng/mL for nicotine, cotinine and trans-3-hydroxycotinine and 25 ng/mL for nicotine-N'-oxide, cotinine-N-oxide, anabasine, anatabine and nornicotine) revealed a prevalence of 15.3% amongst athletes. While this number may appear lower than the worldwide smoking prevalence of around 25%, focusing the study on selected sports highlighted more alarming findings. Indeed, active nicotine consumption in ice hockey, skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, skating, football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, American football, wrestling and gymnastics was found to range between 19.0 and 55.6%. Therefore, considering the adverse effects of smoking on the respiratory tract and numerous health threats detrimental to sport practice at top level, likelihood of smokeless tobacco consumption for performance enhancement is greatly supported.
Tobacco consumption is a major public health problem. More than 20 years ago smoking has been identified to contribute substantially to the degradation of renal function in patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy. Recently it has been shown that smoking alters renal hemodynamics and contributes to albuminuria. Smoking increases the risk of progression of renal failure in patients suffering from IgA nephropathy and polycystic kidney disease. Furthermore smoking has a deleterious effect on patients on hemodialysis and on the transplanted kidney. Nonetheless, it is important to realize that smoking not only is deleterious for the progression of vascular and pulmonary diseases, but also has a strong negative effect on kidney function.
A mathematical model is developed to analyse the combined flow and solidification of a liquid in a small pipe or two-dimensional channel. In either case the problem reduces to solving a single equation for the position of the solidification front. Results show that for a large range of flow rates the closure time is approximately constant, and the value depends primarily on the wall temperature and channel width. However, the ice shape at closure will be very different for low and high fluxes. As the flow rate increases the closure time starts to depend on the flow rate until the closure time increases dramatically, subsequently the pipe will never close.
The metasomatism observed in the oceanic and continental lithosphere is generally interpreted to represent a continuous differentiation process forming anhydrous and hydrous veins plus a cryptic enrichment in the surrounding peridotite. In order to constrain the mechanisms of vein formation and potentially clarify the nature and origin of the initial metasomatic agent, we performed a series of high-pressure experiments simulating the liquid line of descent of a basanitic magma differentiating within continental or mature oceanic lithosphere. This series of experiments has been conducted in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus starting from an initial hydrous ne-normative basanite at 1.5 GPa and temperature varying between 1,250 and 980°C. Near-pure fractional crystallization process was achieved in a stepwise manner in 30°C temperature steps and starting compositions corresponding to the liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glass composition. Liquids evolve progressively from basanite to peralkaline, aluminum-rich compositions without significant SiO2 variation. The resulting cumulates are characterized by an anhydrous clinopyroxene + olivine assemblage at high temperature (1,250-1,160°C), while at lower temperature (1,130-980°C), hydrous cumulates with dominantly amphibole + minor clinopyroxene, spinel, ilmenite, titanomagnetite and apatite (1,130-980°C) are formed. This new data set supports the interpretation that anhydrous and hydrous metasomatic veins could be produced during continuous differentiation processes of primary, hydrous alkaline magmas at high pressure. However, the comparison between the cumulates generated by the fractional crystallization from an initial ne-normative liquid or from hy-normative initial compositions (hawaiite or picrobasalt) indicates that for all hydrous liquids, the different phases formed upon differentiation are mostly similar even though the proportions of hydrous versus anhydrous minerals could vary significantly. This suggests that the formation of amphibole-bearing metasomatic veins observed in the lithospheric mantle could be linked to the differentiation of initial liquids ranging from ne-normative to hy-normative in composition. The present study does not resolve the question whether the metasomatism observed in lithospheric mantle is a precursor or a consequence of alkaline magmatism; however, it confirms that the percolation and differentiation of a liquid produced by a low degree of partial melting of a source similar or slightly more enriched than depleted MORB mantle could generate hydrous metasomatic veins interpreted as a potential source for alkaline magmatism by various authors.
The Institute of Public Health welcomes the current consultation on smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places. Having considered the three options given the Institute strongly supports option 5c – “a total ban on smoking in all enclosed workplaces and public places”. This clearly outlines that a total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces is the only option which will adequately protect the health of all workers and contribute to reducing the prevalence of smoking in the population of Northern Ireland.As an organisation set up to promote North South co-operation we believe that a similar approach to smoking in public places and workplaces should be taken to that in the Republic of Ireland where there is clear evidence that such policies are practical, well supported and effective.
Cuticular hydrocarbons of larvae of individual strains of the Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto were investigated using gas liquid chromatography. Biomedical discriminant analysis involving multivariate statistics suggests that there was clear hydrocarbon difference between the Gambian(G3), the Nigerian (16CSS and, its malathion resistant substrain, REFMA) and the Tanzanian (KWA) strains. The high degree of segregation (95%) in hydrocarbons among the four strains investigated indicates that further analysis is needed to enable understanding of hydrocarbon variation in samples of An. gambiae especially from areas where these populations co-exist.
Previous studies showed that two groups of Trypanosoma cruzi clonal genotypes named clonet 20 and clonet 39 were predominant in Triatoma infestans, the unique vector of Chagas disease in Bolivia. These groups of clones correspond to distinct genetic clusters. These clonets were detected in T. infestans and Rhodnius pictipes fecal samples before isolation and after culture by kDNA PCR (polymerase chain rreaction) and hybridization of the amplified products with clonet specific kDNA probes named 20 and 39 as previously reported. Forty eight T. infestans and three R. pictipes infected insects captured at random in different Bolivian departments were proceeded. As previously reported the direct identification of the two major clonets in fecal samples allowed the detection of abundant mixed infections: 41% in the original sample, however after culture, only 6% of mixed infections were detected. Among the 21 parasite stocks isolated from digestive tracts where mixed infections were initially detected (clonet 20 + 39) clonet 20 alone was detected in 81% of them. This result clearly showed that the culture step selected clonet 20 parasites over those belonging to clonet 39. The taxonomic status of the isolated stocks was also confirmed by isoenzyme typing, and correlation was observed between clustering topology and hybridization patterns with the probes 20 and 39.
Systematic asymptotic methods are used to formulate a model for the extensional flow of a thin sheet of nematic liquid crystal. With no external body forces applied, the model is found to be equivalent to the so-called Trouton model for Newtonian sheets (and fi bers), albeit with a modi fied "Trouton ratio". However, with a symmetry-breaking electric field gradient applied, behavior deviates from the Newtonian case, and the sheet can undergo fi nite-time breakup if a suitable destabilizing field is applied. Some simple exact solutions are presented to illustrate the results in certain idealized limits, as well as sample numerical results to the full model equations.