341 resultados para lichen planus


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Climate change is expected to affect the high latitudes first and most severely, rendering Antarctica one of the most significant baseline environments for the study of global climate change. The indirect effects of climate warming, including changes to the availability of key environmental resources, such as water and nutrients, are likely to have a greater impact upon continental Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems than the effects of fluctuations in temperature alone. To investigate the likely impacts of a wetter climate on Antarctic terrestrial communities a multiseason, manipulative field experiment was conducted in the floristically important Windmill Islands region of East Antarctica. Four cryptogamic communities (pure bryophyte, moribund bryophyte, crustose and fructicose lichen-dominated) received increased water and/or nutrient additions over two consecutive summer seasons. The increased water approximated an 18% increase in snow melt days (0.2 degrees C increase in temperature), while the nutrient addition of 3.5g Nm(-2) yr(-1) was within the range of soil N in the vicinity. A range of physiological and biochemical measurements were conducted in order to quantify the community response. While an overall increase in productivity in response to water and nutrient additions was observed, productivity appeared to respond more strongly to nutrient additions than to water additions. Pure bryophyte communities, and lichen communities dominated by the genus Usnea, showed stronger positive responses to nutrient additions, identifying some communities that may be better able to adapt and prosper under the ameliorating conditions associated with a warmer, wetter future climate. Under such a climate, productivity is overall likely to increase but some cryptogamic communities are likely to thrive more than others. Regeneration of moribund bryophytes appears likely only if a future moisture regime creates consistently moist conditions.


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This paper reviews evidence from previous growth-rate studies on lichens of the yellow-green species of Subgenus Rhizocarpon - the family most commonly used in lichenometric dating. New data are presented from Rhizocarpon section Rhizocarpon thalli growing on a moraine in southern Iceland over a period of 4.33yr. Measurements of 38 lichen thalli, between 2001 and 2005, show that diametral growth rate (DGR, mmyr-1) is a function of thallus size. Growth rates increase rapidly in small thalli (<10 mm diameter), remain high (ca. 0.8 mm yr-1) and then decrease gradually in larger thalli (>50 mm diameter). Mean DGR in southern Iceland, between 2001 and 2005, was 0.64 mm yr-1 (SD = 0.24). The resultant growth-rate curve is parabolic and is best described by a third-order polynomial function. The striking similarity between these findings in Iceland and those of Armstrong (1983) in Wales implies that the shape of the growth-rate curve may be characteristic of Rhizocarpon geographicum lichens. The difference between the absolute growth rate in southern Iceland and Wales (ca. 66% faster) is probably a function of climate and micro-environment between the two sites. These findings have implications for previous lichenometric-dating studies, namely, that those studies which assume constant lichen growth rates over many decades are probably unreliable. © British Geological Survey/ Natural Environment Research Council copyright 2006.


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The growth curves of four common species of crustose lichens, viz., Buellia aethalea (Ach.) Th. Fr., Lecidea tumida Massai., Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC., and Rhizocarpon reductum Th. Fr. were studied at a site in south Gwynedd, north Wales, UK. Radial growth rates (RGR, mm 1.5 yr-1) were greatest in thalli of R. reductum and least in R. geographicum. Variation in RGR between thalli was greater in B. aethalea and L. tumida than in the species of Rhizocarpon. The relationship between growth rate and thallus diameter was not asymptotic; RGR increasing in smaller thalli to a maximum and then declining in larger diameter thalli. A polynomial curve was fitted to the data; the growth curves being fitted best by a second-order (quadratic) curve, the best fit to this model being shown by B. aethalea. A significant linear regression with a negative slope was also fitted to the growth of the larger thalli of each species. The data suggest that the growth curves of the four crustose lichens differ significantly from the asymptotic curves of foliose lichen species. A phase of declining RGR in larger thalli appears to be characteristic of crustose lichens and is consistent with data from lichenometric studies.


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A sample of run-off water from a vertical, slate rock surface in Wales, U.K. contained abundant fragments of the lichen Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa from about 0.6 to 8.0 mm in diameter, a few fragments of Parmelia conspersa from 0.6 to 4.0 mm in diameter and a large number of unidentified propagules from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter. The colonization of permanent plots on the rock surface was studied over six years. At the end of the experiment relatively few thalli of Parmelia conspersa, Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Buellia aethalea had established in plots on undisturbed and newly-exposed slate. Fragments (2 mm in diameter) of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate survived up to 120 days in cracks, 20 days on a thin smear of bird droppings but only 2-3 days on smooth slate, against small joints in the rock or in small holes. Isidia of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate established equally in plots on smooth undisturbed slate and in plots on the surface exposed after the removal of large Parmelia conspersa thalli, but less well on newly-exposed slate. These results suggest that lichen propagules are abundant in run-off water but establishment is a hazardous process. This may be attributable to a shortage of suitable sites on the substratum for attachment of propagules.


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Saxicolous lichen vegetation on Ordovician rock at the mouth of the River Dovey, South Merionethshire, is examined in relation to aspect, slope angle, light intensity, rock porosity, rock microtopography and rock stability. A number of characteristic groups of species are recognized. The environmental factors measured are discussed in some detail. In addition, the wide tolerance of most saxicolous species is emphasized.


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Degeneration of the older parts of foliose lichen thalli often lead to the formation of a space or 'window' in the centre of the colonies. The percentage of thalli of different size which exhibited 'windows' was studied in twenty saxicolous lichen populations in south Gwynedd, Wales. The proportion of thalli with 'windows' increased with thallus size. The size class at which 50% and 100% of thalli exhibited 'windows' varied between populations. Differences between populations were not correlated with distance from the sea, aspect, slope or porosity of the substrate or the total number of lichen species present. However, a higher percentage of smaller thalli had 'windows' on rock surfaces with a greater lichen cover. There were no significant differences in the levels of Ca, Mg, Cu or Zn in large (>4 cm) and small (<2 cm) Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. thalli or in the centres and marginal lobes of these thalli. The concentration of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol was significantly reduced in the centre of large thalli compared with the margin of large thalli and the centre of small thalli. However, carbohydrate levels were similar in the centre of large thalli and the margin of small thalli. The data suggest that loss of the thallus centre is a degenerative process related to thallus size. In the field, the formation of 'windows' may be related to the intensity of competition on a substrate. Central degeneration was not associated with a deficiency or an accumulation of Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn in the thallus centre. However, degeneration may be associated with a reduction in carbohydrates in the centre compared with the marginal lobes.


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To field test the hypothesis that lichen thalli can use environmental sources of carbon, solutions of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were added to intact thalli of Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ach.) Hale and a yellow species of Rhizocarpon (Rhizocarpon Ram. Em. Th. Fr. subgenus Rhizocarpon). In addition, ribitol and an arabitol/mannitol mixture were added to the marginal hypothalli of Rhizocarpon thalli after removal of the areolae. Carbohydrates were added at the beginning of 2- or 3-month growth periods for up to 15 months at concentrations approximately three times the levels estimated to be in the thalli. Addition of carbohydrates to intact thalli of both species had no effect on total radial growth but addition of mannitol significantly increased growth of X. conspersa thalli in the September/October growth period in one experiment. However, this effect was not repeated in a subsequent experiment in which different concentrations of mannitol were added to intact thalli. Addition of ribitol to hypothalli of Rhizocarpon resulted in significantly increased growth in the first few months of the experiment, growth then declining to levels below that of untreated thalli. The data suggest that although hypothalli of Rhizocarpon may have the ability to utilise exogenous carbohydrates for growth, there was little evidence that intact thalli of either species utilise environmental sources of carbon in the field.


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The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) whether foliose lichen thalli could be transplanted from one substrate to another and (2) whether such transplants could be used to study the influence of the substrate on growth. Hence, six saxicolous lichens, with contrasting distributions on lime-rich and lime-poor substrates in South Gwynedd, Wales, were transplanted onto slate, granite, asbestos and cement. Fragments of the perimeters of thalli were glued to the different substrates using Bostic adhesive. Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. and Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach., fragments increased in area over 15 months on slate and granite but decreased in area or did not survive on asbestos and cement. Fragments of Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr. and Physcia tenella (Scop.)DC. em Bitt. did not survive on slate and granite while some fragments survived but grew poorly on asbestos and cement. Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund. fragments decreased in area on all substrates and especially on cement and asbestos while Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch fragments increased in area on granite and cement, decreased on asbestos and did not change significantly on slate. The results suggested that the distribution of P. conspersa and P. saxatilis was determined primarily by physico-chemical properties of the substrate. By contrast, P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa may have responded to the transplant procedure while X. parietina, Ph. tenella and Ph. orbicularis may require nutrient enrichment to grow successfully on a substrate.


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Competition between four foliose lichen species which have distinct aspect distributions on slate rock in South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. was studied in the field using a factorial experimental design. The lichens were grown as fragments glued to pieces of slate in monoculture and in two-, three- and four-species mixtures. The pieces of slate were placed to face a northerly or southerly direction. Growth in area (mm2) was used as a measure of performance in the experiment. The growth in area of Parmelia conspersa in south facing plots was not reduced in the presence of any of its competitors but its growth was reduced in the presence of Parmelia saxatilis in north facing plots. The growth of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was reduced in the presence of P. conspersa and P. saxatilis in south and north facing plots. Physcia orbicularis was reduced by P. conspersa in south facing plots and by both P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and P. saxatilis in north facing plots. The growth of P. saxatilis was increased by P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa in south facing plots but was not reduced by any of its competitors in north facing plots. Significant two and three factor interactions suggested that the results from the three- and four-species mixtures were not always predictable from the results of the two-species mixtures. The results of the experiment may help to explain the existing aspect distribution of the four species on slate rock in South Gwynedd.


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In South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K., the calcicole lichen Xanthoria parietina occurs not only on alkaline substrates at inland sites but also on siliceous rock at coastal martimie sites while the calcifuge species Parmelia saxatilis occurs only at inland sites and on slate rocks. Samples of maritime and inland slate did not differ significantly in their calcium or magnesium content. Thalli of X. parietina on pieces of slate did not survive when transplanted from maritime rocks to a site inland. Thalli of maritime X. parietina and P. saxatilis on slate were then transplanted to a site inland and were treated at intervals during 1 year either with calcium carbonate applied as a thick paste or a 0.25 mM solution of calcium chloride. Treatment of X. parietina with calcium carbonate enabled the thalli to survive and grow. However, addition of calcium carbonate to P. saxatilis resulted in low growth rates and fragmentation of the centres of the thalli. The calcium chloride solution had no statistically significant effects on the growth of either species. In addition, thalli of both species were treated with calcium or magnesium carbonates or wetted with an alkaline buffer at intervals over 12-14 months. Thalli of X. parietina survived and grew rapidly when treated with either carbonate but the growth of the buffer-treated thalli gradually declined over the experimental period. Thalli of P. saxatilis fragmented and disappeared after 8-10 months after treatment with either carbonate but normal growth occurred in the buffer treatment. Xanthoria parietina may occur on siliceous maritime rocks at the site because of the presence of calcium or magnesium in sea spray combined with the spray’s alkaline pH. By contrast, P. saxatilis may be confined to siliceous rocks inland because the thalli grow poorly in the presence of calcium and magnesium.


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Fragments of three foliose, saxicolous lichens were glued in 5 x 5 cm plots on pieces of slate in the field, either in monoculture or paired in 1:1 mixtures with each of the other two species. A preliminary experiment suggested that glueing did not influence the radial growth of the lichen fragments. No species eliminated another after 3 years but the growth (total area in sq mm) of Parmelia saxatils and P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was reduced significantly in mixtures with P. conspersa; the growth of P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was reduced significantly in the mixture with P. saxatilis compared with their growth in monoculture. The results suggest that the three lichens show interference by competition for space and light in the following order of competitive ability: P. conspersa > P. saxatilis > P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa. A high radial growth rate and the ability to overgrow a thallus may be important competitive attributes in foliose lichens and the results also suggest that competition can reduce the abundance of a lichen and lead to distribution patterns in the field.


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Three lichen species were wetted with distilled water at different frequencies during August 1973 to July 1974. The radial growth rates of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Physcia orbicularis thalli declined with increased wetting while the radial growth rate of Parmelia conspersa thalli increased with wetting frequency until ten experimental wettings per month but at fifteen wettings per month fell to a value near to the control. In the summer months, wetting resulted in a decline in the radial growth of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa compared with the control but had little influence on the growth of P. conspersa and Physcia orbicularis. In the winter months, wetting had no significant influence on the radial growth of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa, while the radial growth of P. conspersa increased and Physcia orbicularis declined compared with controls. These results are interpreted physiologically and in relation to the aspect distribution of the three lichens on rock surfaces.


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Progress in the field of lichen growth rates is briefly reviewed. The application of a new method of measuring growth rate to thalli of different size has led to the conclusion that there are changes in the radial growth rate during the life of a lichen thallus. For most of the life of a lichen thallus the radial growth rate is constant and the thallus radius increases linearly. Preceeding the linear phase the radial growth rate increases with time and the thallus radius increases logarithmically. There is no evidence for a postlinear phase in the radial growth of a lichen thallus. Studies on the growth rate of lichens are applied both to the problems of determining the age of a lichen thallus on an undated substratum and to an ecological investigation in the field.


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Progress in the field of lichen growth rate studies is briefly reviewed. The application of a new method of measuring growth rate to thalli of different size has led to the conclusion that there are changes in the radial growth rate during the life of a lichen thallus. For most of the life of a lichen thallus the radial growth rate is constant and the thallus radius increases linearly. Preceding the linear phase the radial growth rate increases with time and the thallus radius increases logarithmically. There is no evidence for a postlinear phase in the radial growth of a lichen thallus. Studies on the growth rate of lichens are applied both to the problems of determining the age of a lichen thallus on an undated susbtratum and to an ecological investigation in the field.


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An investigator may also wish to select a small subset of the X variables which give the best prediction of the Y variable. In this case, the question is how many variables should the regression equation include? One method would be to calculate the regression of Y on every subset of the X variables and choose the subset that gives the smallest mean square deviation from the regression. Most investigators, however, prefer to use a ‘stepwise multiple regression’ procedure. There are two forms of this analysis called the ‘step-up’ (or ‘forward’) method and the ‘step-down’ (or ‘backward’) method. This Statnote illustrates the use of stepwise multiple regression with reference to the scenario introduced in Statnote 24, viz., the influence of climatic variables on the growth of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.)DC.