996 resultados para late season diseases


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Objective To evaluate the effect of periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge, and weaning-to-mating intervals, on sow fertility and litter size. Design Reproductive data were collected and analysed from 19 Hungarian swine herds over a 4 year period. Conception rates, farrowing rates and litter sizes of sows with periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge were used to evaluate the relationship between duration of vulval discharge and subsequent fertility and litter size. The possibility of interactions between weaning-to-mating intervals and duration of vulval discharges was investigated to determine if there was any effect on subsequent fertility and litter size. Results and conclusions Both parity 1 and parity 2 to 8 sows having had periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge in excess of 6 days duration had significantly (P < 0.001) lower subsequent fertility (conception, farrowing and adjusted farrowing rates) compared with sows of similar parity where the duration of vulval discharge was < 4 or 4 to 6 days. There was no difference in fertility rates between sows, in both parity categories, with vulval discharge for < 4 days compared with 4 to 6 days. A duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days in parity 1 sows significantly reduced litter size (total born and live-born) in subsequent farrowings, but not in parity 2 to 8 sows. There was no interaction between the duration of vulval discharge and post-weaning to mating intervals. However sows with weaning to mating intervals between 7 and 10 days had smaller (P < 0.001) subsequent litter sizes compared with 3 to 6 or 11 to 14 day intervals. It was concluded that the duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days was an indication of a severe persistent endometritis adversely affecting fertility of sows.


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In this paper, we studied the fate of endocytosed glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in mammalian cells, using aerolysin, a bacterial toxin that binds to the GPI anchor, as a probe. We find that GPI-APs are transported down the endocytic pathway to reducing late endosomes in BHK cells, using biochemical, morphological and functional approaches. We also find that this transport correlates with the association to raft-like membranes and thus that lipid rafts are present in late endosomes (in addition to the Golgi and the plasma membrane). In marked contrast, endocytosed GPI-APs reach the recycling endosome in CHO cells and this transport correlates with a decreased raft association. GPI-APs are, however, diverted from the recycling endosome and routed to late endosomes in CHO cells, when their raft association is increased by clustering seven or less GPI-APs with an aerolysin mutant. We conclude that the different endocytic routes followed by GPI-APs in different cell types depend on the residence time of GPI-APs in lipid rafts, and hence that raft partitioning regulates GPI-APs sorting in the endocytic pathway.


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The Tully Sugar Mill has collected information about sugarcane supplied for crushing from every block in the mill district from 1970 to 1999. Data from 1988 to 1999 were analysed to understand the extent of the variation in cane yield per hectare and commercial cane sugar in the Tully mill area. The key factors influencing the variation in cane yield and commercial cane sugar in this commercial environment were identified and the variance components computed using a restricted maximum likelihood methodology. Cane yield was predominantly influenced by the year in which it was harvested, the month when the crop was ratooned (month of harvest in the previous year) and the farm of origin. These variables were relatively more important than variety, age of crop or crop class (plant crop, first ratoon through to fourth or older ratoons) and fallowing practice (fallow or ploughout-replant). The month-of-ratooning effect was relatively stable from year-to-year. Commercial cane sugar was influenced by the year of harvest, the month of harvest and their interaction, in that the influence of the month of harvest varied from year to year. Variety and farm differences were also significant but accounted for a much lower portion of the variation in commercial cane sugar. An empirical model was constructed from the key factors that influenced commercial cane sugar and cane yield to quantify their combined influence on sugar yield (t/ha). This may be used to assist mill personnel to predict their activities more accurately, for example to calculate the impact of a late finish to the current harvest season on the following year's crop.


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Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from a tropical region and a subtropical region of Australia with high and low incidences of severe streptococcal diseases, respectively, were analyzed for speA, speB, and speC gene distributions and NAD-glycohydrolase expression. No direct correlation of these characteristics with a propensity to cause invasive diseases was observed.


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Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a nonenveloped virus that has been shown to pass from surface caveolae to the endoplasmic reticulum in an apparently novel infectious entry pathway. We now show that the initial entry step is blocked by brefeldin A and by incubation at 20degreesC. Subsequent to the entry step, the virus reaches a domain of the rough endoplasmic reticulum by an unknown pathway. This intracellular trafficking pathway is also brefeldin A sensitive. Infection is strongly inhibited by expression of GTP-restricted ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1) and Sar1 mutants and by microinjection of antibodies to betaCOP. In addition, we demonstrate a potent inhibition of SV40 infection by the dipeptide N-benzoyl-oxycarbonyl-Gly-Phe-amide, which also inhibits late events in cholera toxin action. Our results identify novel inhibitors of SV40 infection and show that SV40 requires COPI- and COPII-dependent transport steps for successful infection.


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Studies across several species, particularly the mouse, show that growth hormone (GH, somatotrophin) is an important determinant of litter size, and to a lesser extent, of birth length. GH acts at all stages of development, from ovulation through preimplantation development to the late fetus, with actions on both embryo/fetus and mother contributing to successful fetal development. The fact that these are not more obvious in vivo is likely a result of redundancy of cytokine hormone action, particularly in relation to prolactin, which shares common actions and receptor locations with GH. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relationships between weather parameters andairborne pollen loads of Pinus inBrisbane, Australia have been investigated overthe five-year period, June 1994–May 1999.Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annualairborne pollen load in Brisbane where thePinus season is confined to the winter months,July–early September. During the samplingperiod loads of 11–>100 grains m3 wererecorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on204 days. The onset and peak dates wereconsistent across each season, whereas the enddates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolestaverage monthly temperatures (< 22°C),lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks afterdaily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°Cin late autumn. Correlations obtained betweendaily airborne Pinus pollen counts andtemperature/rainfall parameters show thatdensities of airborne Pinus pollen arenegatively correlated with maximum temperature(p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001)and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the mainpollination period. The mean duration of eachpollen season was 52 days; longer seasons wereshown to be directly related to lower averageseasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85,p = 0.025). These results signify that maximumand minimum temperatures are the majorparameters that influence the onset andduration of the Pinus pollen season inthe environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergyis an important health issue in Brisbane,Australia, but it remains unknown whether ornot airborne Pinus pollen is acontributing factor.


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In this study, the question of whether Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus (Britton) overwinters in the subsoil was addressed. Irrigated fields of sugarcane were sampled during a 2-year period near Bundaberg in southern Queensland. Antitrogus parvulus overwintered as second and third instars at each of three sites. During autumn and winter third instars of different allochronic (separated in age by 12 months) populations occurred together and could not be readily separated. Field-collected third instars were reared on ryegrass and separated into two age groups based on the date of pupation. Third instars in the first year of their life cycle (young third instars) remained at shallow depth (100-200 mm) and did not overwinter in the subsoil as once thought. Minimum temperatures during winter were 13-16degreesC and did not prevent young third instars from feeding and gaining weight. Third instars in their second and final year moved downwards from late summer and pupated in the subsoil at 293-425 mm in spring. General phenology was as previously reported with first instar larvae occurring from January until April, second instars from January until November and third instar larvae throughout the year. Prepupae and pupae were found between October and December and adults occurred in soil during November and January. Batches of eggs occurred at a mean depth of 350 mm. First and second instars occurred predominantly at relatively shallow (100-200 mm) depths in the soil profile. All stages tended to be most common under rows of sugarcane rather than in the interrow.


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Recent laboratory studies have demonstrated that Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) (family Bromoviridae) can be readily transmitted when thrips and virus-bearing pollen are placed together on to test plants. For this transmission mechanism to result in stonefruit tree infection in the field, PNRSV-bearing pollen must be deposited onto surfaces of stonefruit trees on which thrips also occur. In a previous paper, we demonstrated that almost all pollen in a PNRSV-infected Japanese plum orchard in southeastern Queensland was deposited onto flowers, whereas few grains occurred on leaves and none on stems. Here, we present results of our investigation of thrips species composition, distribution and abundance on stonefruit trees in the same study area as our previous pollen deposition study. We collected a total of 2010 adult thrips from 13 orchards during the 1989, 1991 and 1992 flowering seasons of which all but 14 were in the suborder Terebrantia. Most (97.4%) terebrantian thrips were of three species, Thrips imaginis, Thrips australis and Thrips tabaci. Thrips tabaci as well as species mixtures that included T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci have been shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in laboratory tests. Adult thrips were frequently collected from flowers but rarely from leaves and never from stems. Large and significant differences in numbers of T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci adults in flowers occurred among orchards and between seasons. No factor was conclusively related to thrips numbers but flowers of late-flowering stonefruit varieties tended to hold more thrips than those of early-flowering varieties. Our results indicate that the common thrips species present on stonefruit trees in the Granite Belt are also ones previously shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in the laboratory and that these thrips are concentrated in stonefruit flowers where most stonefruit pollen is deposited. These results contribute to mounting circumstantial evidence that stonefruit flowers may be inoculated with PNRSV via an interaction of thrips with virus-bearing pollen and that this transmission mechanism may be an important cause of new tree infections in the field.


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Acanthodian remains occur in micaceous siltstone lenses (presumed to have been deposited during a marine incursion) in the Cuche Formation (?Frasnian) of northeast Colombia. The acanthodians are represented by patches of scales from climatiidid Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gatijensis and a fin spine and scales from a new diplacanthid. Type material of N. gaujensis is from the Frasnian Sventoji regional stage in the Baltic, and Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis has been recorded in the Frasnian of Iran, as well as from Colombia. The new diplacanthid taxon shows affinity to Baltic and Antarctic diplacanthids. The fauna thus shows possible links to both Gondwanan and Euramerican acanthodian assemblages. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.