863 resultados para knowledge management barriers
In order to overcome divergence of estimation with the same data, the proposed digital costing process adopts an integrated design of information system to design the process knowledge and costing system together. By employing and extending a widely used international standard, industry foundation classes, the system can provide an integrated process which can harvest information and knowledge of current quantity surveying practice of costing method and data. Knowledge of quantification is encoded from literatures, motivation case and standards. It can reduce the time consumption of current manual practice. The further development will represent the pricing process in a Bayesian Network based knowledge representation approach. The hybrid types of knowledge representation can produce a reliable estimation for construction project. In a practical term, the knowledge management of quantity surveying can improve the system of construction estimation. The theoretical significance of this study lies in the fact that its content and conclusion make it possible to develop an automatic estimation system based on hybrid knowledge representation approach.
Purpose This paper aims to fill the research and knowledge gap in knowledge management studies in Ghana. Knowledge acquisition is one of the unexploited areas in knowledge management literature, especially in the Ghanaian context. This study tries to ascertain the factors affecting knowledge acquisition in Ghanaian universities. Design/methodology/approach The study used the quantitative approach. The cross-sectional survey was adopted as the research design. A questionnaire consisting of Likert scale questions was used to collect data from the respondents. The items and the constructs were derived from the extant literature. The questionnaire was sent to 350 respondents, out of which 250 were returned fully completed. Data were quantitatively analysed using descriptive methods and factor analysis. Findings This study provides empirical evidence about the factors affecting knowledge acquisition in Ghanaian universities. Findings from the study show that programme content, lecturers’ competence, student academic background and attitude and facilities for teaching and learning influence knowledge acquisition in Ghanaian universities. Research limitations/implications Although the study seeks to generalize the findings, this should be cautiously done, as some scholars have advocated for large sample size. Nonetheless, there are some studies that have used sample size less than the one used in this study. Practical implications The study takes notice of the need for Ghanaian universities to use modern facilities and infrastructures such as electronic libraries and information technology equipment and also provide reading rooms to enhance teaching and learning. Originality/value Studies looking at knowledge acquisition in Ghanaian universities are virtually non-existent, and this study provides empirical findings on the factors affecting knowledge acquisition in Ghanaian universities.
This paper describes an application of Social Network Analysis methods for identification of knowledge demands in public organisations. Affiliation networks established in a postgraduate programme were analysed. The course was executed in a distance education mode and its students worked on public agencies. Relations established among course participants were mediated through a virtual learning environment using Moodle. Data available in Moodle may be extracted using knowledge discovery in databases techniques. Potential degrees of closeness existing among different organisations and among researched subjects were assessed. This suggests how organisations could cooperate for knowledge management and also how to identify their common interests. The study points out that closeness among organisations and research topics may be assessed through affiliation networks. This opens up opportunities for applying knowledge management between organisations and creating communities of practice. Concepts of knowledge management and social network analysis provide the theoretical and methodological basis.
The notion of knowledge artifact has rapidly gained popularity in the fields of general knowledge management and more recently knowledge-based systems. The main goal on this paper is to propose and discuss a methodology for the design and implementation of knowledge-based systems founded on knowledge artifacts. We advocate that the systems built according to this methodology can be effective to convey the flow of knowledge between different communities of practice. Our methodology has been developed from the ground up, i.e. we have built some concrete systems based on the abstract notion of knowledge artifact and synthesized our methodology based on reflections upon our experiences building these systems. In this paper, we also describe the most relevant systems we have built and how they have guided us to the synthesis of our proposed methodology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Some 50% of the people in the world live in rural areas, often under harsh conditions and in poverty. The need for knowledge of how to improve living conditions is well documented. In response to this need, new knowledge of how to improve living conditions in rural areas and elsewhere is continuously being developed by researchers and practitioners around the world. People in rural areas, in particular, would certainly benefit from being able to share relevant knowledge with each other, as well as with stakeholders (e.g. researchers) and other organizations (e.g. NGOs). Central to knowledge management is the idea of knowledge sharing. This study is based on the assumption that knowledge management can support sustainable development in rural and remote regions. It aims to present a framework for knowledge management in sustainable rural development, and an inventory of existing frameworks for that. The study is interpretive, with interviews as the primary source for the inventory of stakeholders, knowledge categories and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure. For the inventory of frameworks, a literature study was carried out. The result is a categorization of the stakeholders who act as producers and beneficiaries of explicit and indigenous development knowledge. Stakeholders are local government, local population, academia, NGOs, civil society and donor agencies. Furthermore, the study presents a categorization of the development knowledge produced by the stakeholders together with specifications for the existing ICT infrastructure. Rural development categories found are research, funding, agriculture, ICT, gender, institutional development, local infrastructure development, and marketing & enterprise. Finally, a compiled framework is presented, and it is based on ten existing frameworks for rural development that were found in the literature study, and the empirical findings of the Gilgit-Baltistan case. Our proposed framework is divided in four levels where level one consists of the identified stakeholders, level two consists of rural development categories, level three of the knowledge management system and level four of sustainable rural development based on the levels below. In the proposed framework we claim that the sustainability of rural development can be achieved through a knowledge society in which knowledge of the rural development process is shared among all relevant stakeholders.
Utilizando-se da perspectiva das teorias sobre Gestão do Conhecimento (GC), este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar os problemas e desafios que se apresentam às Organizações Militares responsáveis pela formação, especialização, aperfeiçoamento e capacitação dos Oficiais do Corpo de Intendentes da Marinha (CIM). Para tanto, são apresentados alguns conceitos relevantes sobre a Gestão do Conhecimento, bem como a sua importância na Administração Pública, em particular nos ambientes hierarquizados, como é o caso das Forças Armadas. Posteriormente, é feita uma breve contextualização sobre o caso, no que tange à estrutura organizacional analisada e os princípios do Programa Netuno, bem como sobre a busca pela excelência na gestão pública como fonte inspiradora. Utilizando-se da metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, o trabalho busca compreender os principais aspectos relacionados à gestão do conhecimento, ressaltando as principais barreiras e facilitadores ao compartilhamento do conhecimento neste segmento, bem como elencando as principais ferramentas práticas observadas, e não se privando de trazer à tona algumas ferramentas sugeridas pelos entrevistados. Na sequência, traz a percepção de que o próprio Programa Netuno, fazendo uso de seu sítio eletrônico, possui atributos para assumir o papel de um contexto capacitante – “Ba” – especialmente no ambiente virtual de compartilhamento do conhecimento, o qual oferece muitas oportunidades para consolidação da GC no Corpo de Intendentes da Marinha. E por fim, não menos importante, o trabalho conclui que o Centro de Instrução Almirante Newton Braga (CIANB) tem enorme potencial para se tornar a “Universidade Corporativa do Corpo de Intendentes da Marinha”.
Este trabalho tratar sobre estratégia e conhecimento, questionando o porquê das organizações deixarem de aproveitar os ativos de conhecimentos que transcendem aos definidos pela estratégia organizacional e que podem gerar valor adicional para seus stakeholders expressivos. Esses ativos de conhecimentos que estão além dos exigidos pelos cargos e funções, aqui denominados de “excedentes cognitivos”, permitiriam induzir flexibilidade estratégica, criar recursos intangíveis distintivos e gerar valor adicional. Entretanto, a lógica da estratégia tradicional, baseada na eficiência e na racionalidade, define os conhecimentos demandados e cria, via de regra, uma rigidez estratégica que limita o espaço para as contribuições decorrentes dos excedentes cognitivos que poderão não estar relacionados diretamente aos objetivos e metas estabelecidas no plano estratégico. Outra lógica baseada nas culturas da participação, abundância e generosidade é trazida à consideração, na qual as seguintes condições de contorno podem ser observadas: (i) os excedentes cognitivos podem ser identificados como raros, valiosos, não substituíveis, de difícil imitação e decorrentes de longos processos de desenvolvimento, logo, podem distinguir a organização das demais do setor; (ii) os excedentes cognitivos podem induzir novas dinâmicas de funcionamentos para os contextos capacitantes; e, (iii) os contextos capacitantes podem atuar como locais propícios à evidenciação, mobilização e uso desses excedentes. A pesquisa valeu-se, predominantemente, do método, procedimentos e técnicas qualitativas. Foram entrevistados especialistas que atuam como pesquisadores e consultores, com reconhecida projeção nas áreas de Estratégia, Gestão do Conhecimento e Gestão de Pessoas. Os resultados evidenciaram como as organizações lidam com os excedentes cognitivos; o que as organizações poderiam fazer com os excedentes cognitivos; as barreiras que se erguem à evidenciação, mobilização e uso desses excedentes; o que rege a criação dos atuais contextos capacitantes; a existência ou não de espaços de interação construídos intencionalmente pelas organizações; as atitudes dos integrantes das organizações em relação aos excedentes cognitivos; e a percepção dos benefícios que os excedentes cognitivos podem trazer para os stakeholders expressivos da organização.
This study discusses the use of information technologies for knowledge management in networks of franchises in the Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, whose management and operation are complex activities, characterized by the geographic spread of their network unities, creating barriers to communication and information sharing between franchisors, franchisees and final customers. In view of this, the following hypotheses were formulated: the knowledge management can be a positive alternative for improving communication between units; and information technology can eliminate many problems related mainly to capture and share knowledge. In general, it aims to investigate, in qualitative and quantitative aspects, how information technology can support knowledge management in networks of franchises. Specifically purposes to register the existence of managerial practices related to knowledge management in enterprises at the franchising sector; to verify whether they have the technological resources with the potential to facilitate the sharing of information; to identify what are the technologies of information and communication used in the organizational environment; and suggest measures that will facilitate the process of organizational learning, using information technology and communication as tools. It concludes that knowledge management becomes a positive alternative, especially in strengthening of bonds of communication and sharing of knowledge between the franchises. In this regard, information technology must provide all the services of the corporation to facilitate communication between franchisor and franchisee, through a single and integrated system. However, they still show unsuitable for more sophisticated technology platforms
Much has been researched and discussed in the importance played by knowledge in organizations. We are witnessing the establishment of the knowledge economy, but this "new economy" brings in itself a whole complex system of metrics and evaluations, and cannot be dissociated from it. Due to its importance, the initiatives of knowledge management must be continually assessed on their progress in order to verify whether they are moving towards achieving the goals of success. Thus, good measurement practices should include not only how the organization quantifies its knowledge capital, but also how resources are allocated to supply their growth. Thinking about the aspects listed above, this paper presents an approach to a model for Knowledge extraction using an ERP system, suggesting the establishment of a set of indicators for assessing organizational performance. The objective is to evaluate the implementation of projects of knowledge management and thus observe the general development of the organization.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that facilitate tacit knowledge sharing in unstructured work environments, such as those found in automated production lines. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on a qualitative approach, and it draws data from a four-month field study at a blown-molded glass factory. Data collection techniques included interviews, informal conversations and on-site observations, and data were interpreted using content analysis. Findings: The results indicated that sharing of tacit knowledge is facilitated by an engaging environment. An engaging environment is supported by shared language and knowledge, which are developed through intense communication and a strong sense of collegiality and a social climate that is dominated by openness and trust. Other factors that contribute to the creation of an engaging environment include managerial efforts to provide appropriate work conditions and to communicate company goals, and HRM practices such as the provision of formal training, on-the-job training and incentives. Practical implications: This paper clarifies the scope of managerial actions that impact knowledge creation and sharing among blue-collar workers. Originality/value: Despite the acknowledgement of the importance of blue-collar workers' knowledge, both the knowledge management and operations management literatures have devoted limited attention to it. Studies related to knowledge management in unstructured working environments are also not abundant. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
It highlights the innovation importance in the current society and presents innovation indicators applied in 125 countries. We made an analysis in the 80 variables distributed through seven GII pillars, trying to identify the direct, indirect or null incidences of the knowledge conversion way described by the SECI Process. The researched revealed the fact that knowledge management, in this case specifically the knowledge conversion SECI Process, is present in the variables that, according to the GII, make clear innovative activity in countries.
ISO 26000, published in 2010, focuses on corporate social responsibility. This study presents a systematic review conducted in ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) and Elsevier's Scopus databases to answer the following question: What are the barriers and motivators affecting the adoption of ISO 26000 by organizations? The articles were selected using filters that applied two inclusion criteria. The data were summarized in a table covering the concepts of ISO 26000, the motivators, and the barriers. The motivators were globalization or competition in international markets, congruence with management systems, reputation or image, relationship with employees and improvement of the organizational environment, improvement in the relationship with external stakeholders, competitive advantage and strategy, guide to corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reduction of business risks. The barriers were lack of alignment between CSR and organizational strategy; business (national and international); unfamiliarity with ISO 26000; lack of communication, tools and sensitivity to the subject; short-term focus; knowledge management; fear of not fulfilling the standard; and financial resources. Finally, an agenda for future studies was prepared.
This article aims to discuss how leading companies of the automotive battery industry installed in Brazil are dealing with barriers to the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices. From these discussions, we list the opportunities and challenges to the automotive battery sector in incorporating GSCM actions. We conducted a multiple-case study with the top five companies in this sector. The highlight factors are “organizational values” and “human resources” for internal barriers, and “suppliers” and “consumers” for external barriers.