615 resultados para jaw osteology
Aim: The aim of this report is to present a case of severe fracture of the maxillary anterior alveolar process with substantial bone dislodgement associated with extrusive tooth luxation and avulsion. Background: Dentoalveolar trauma is a challenge to dentistry, especially in young patients, for it can lead to early tooth loss which compromises oral function, esthetics, self-esteem, and alter the long-term plan of care for the victim. Case Report: A 12-year-old girl with severe dentoalveolar trauma to the maxillary anterior region presented for emergency care for her injury. Treatment consisted of fracture reduction of the alveolar process, repositioning of the teeth that had suffered extrusive luxation, placement of a semi-rigid splint, and suturing of soft tissue lacerations. The traumatized teeth presented with pulpal necrosis and were treated endodontically. After 24 months of follow up, the fracture of the alveolar process was completely healed and the displaced teeth presented no signs of ankylosis or root resorption. Summary: First-aid care contributed remarkably to this case allowing the re-establishment of esthetics, function, and patient's self-esteem. In spite of trauma extension the treatment outcomes were favorable. Clinical Significance: Cases of dentoalveolar trauma should be evaluated on an individual basis. However, early emergency management and adequate follow-up can prevent further complications and contribute to treatment success.
Alcohol consumption is a risk indicator for periodontal disease. The purpose of this study was to morphometrically evaluate the influence of alcohol consumption on alveolar bone level associated with ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. Thirty-six female rats (Wistar, 120 days-old) were randomly divided into three groups that received a daily administration of a water diet (control, n = 12), a 10% alcohol diet (10% ethanol, n = 12) or a 20% alcohol diet (20% ethanol, n = 12). Four weeks after the onset of the experiment, cotton ligatures were placed around the cervix of the upper right second molar in six rats. The other 6 rats in each group remained unligated. The rats were sacrificed four weeks after ligature placement. The maxillary bones were removed and alveolar bone loss was analyzed by measuring the distance between the cementoenamel junction and the alveolar bone crest at 2 buccal and 2 palatal sites on the upper right second molar. Analyses between the ligated and unligated groups showed that the presence of ligature induced alveolar bone loss (p < 0.05). Unligated groups showed no significant differences between each other (p > 0.05). In the ligated groups, rats receiving 20% ethanol showed significantly greater bone loss compared to control rats or rats receiving 10% ethanol. These results demonstrate that alcohol consumption may increase alveolar bone loss in female rats in a dosedependent manner.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of implant positioning into extraction sockets on osseointegration. Material and methods: Implants were installed immediately into extraction sockets in the mandibles of six Labrador dogs. In the control sites, the implants were positioned in the center of the alveolus, while in the test sites, the implants were positioned 0.8 mm deeper and more lingually. After 4 months of healing, the resorptive patterns of the alveolar crest were evaluated histomorphometrically. Results: All implants were integrated in mineralized bone, mainly composed of mature lamellar bone. The alveolar crest underwent resorption at the control as well as at the test sites. After 4 months of healing, at the buccal aspects of the control and test sites, the location of the implant rough/smooth limit to the alveolar crest was 2±0.9 mm and 0.6±0.9 mm, respectively (P<0.05). At the lingual aspect, the bony crest was located 0.4 mm apically and 0.2 mm coronally to the implant rough/smooth limit at the control and test sites, respectively (NS). Conclusions: From a clinical point of view, implants installed into extraction sockets should be positioned approximately 1 mm deeper than the level of the buccal alveolar crest and in a lingual position in relation to the center of the alveolus in order to reduce or eliminate the exposure above the alveolar crest of the endosseous (rough) portion of the implant. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
The aims of this study were to characterize the microstructure of a commercially pure titanium (cpTi) surface etched with HCl/H 2SO 4 (AE-cpTi) and to investigate its in vitro cytocompatibility compared to turned cpTi (T-cpTi). T-cpTi showed a grooved surface and AE-cpTi revealed a surface characterized by the presence of micropits. Surface parameters indicated that the AE-cpTi surface is more isotropic and present a greater area compared to T-cpTi. The oxide film thickness was similar between both surfaces; however, AE-cpTi presented more Ti and O and less C. Osteoblastic cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and bone-like nodule formation were greater on T-cpTi than on AE-cpTi. These results show that acid etching treatment produced a surface with different topographical and chemical features compared to the turned one, and such surface modification affected negatively the in vitro cytocompatibility of cpTi as demonstrated by decreasing culture growth and expression of osteoblastic phenotype.
Long-term denture wearers can present with prosthesis instability, reduced occlusal vertical dimension and incorrect positioning of the jaw. This can lead to muscular changes and joint vibration. This study presents the main considerations related to joint vibrations in partially or totally edentulous patients. Occlusal treatment improves the disc-condyle relationship in the mandibular fossa. Furthermore, a detailed clinical exam and anamnesis must be performed to identify the dysfunction and its etiology, so that appropriate treatment can be provided.
This article reports the 9-year clinical outcome of the two-stage surgical rehabilitation of a severely atrophic edentulous maxilla with a metal-resin fixed denture supported by implants anchored in the zygomatic bone and the maxilla. After clinical and radiographic examination, zygomatic implants were inserted bilaterally and four standard implants were placed in the anterior region of the maxilla. Six months later, the implants were loaded with a provisional acrylic resin denture, and the definitive implant-supported metal-resin fixed denture was provided 1 year after implant placement. After 9 years of follow-up, no painful symptoms, peri-implant inflammation or infection, implant instability, or bone resorption was observed. In the present case, the rehabilitation of severe maxillary atrophy using the zygomatic bone as a site for implant anchorage provided good long-term functional and esthetic results. Therefore, with proper case selection, correct indication, and knowledge of the surgical technique, the use of zygomatic implants associated with standard implants offers advantages in the rehabilitation of severely resorbed maxillae, especially in areas with inadequate bone quality and volume, without needing an additional bone grafting surgery, thereby shortening or avoiding hospital stay and reducing surgical morbidity.
The influence of the type of rotary cutting instrument on bone repair after osteotomy in swine jaw, was evaluated using digital and densitometric radiographic examinations, at controlled times. Two cross-sectional dissections were made through the base of the right jaw, one using a high speed rotary instrument and the other using low speed, both with liquid cooling. After established periods the animals were sacrificed and their jaws removed for direct and indirect digital radiographic and densitometric studies using the CROMOX, DIGORA and ODR systems. In the initial periods (7 and 28 days) the bone density was higher in osteotomy areas performed with high rotation speeds, and in the final periods (60 and 90 days) the bone density was higher in the osteotomies performed with low rotation, indicating a better final bone repair with the use of low rotation. The qualitative analysis of the repair process was made by the ODR system which obtained three-dimensional and coloured digital images, which enable the bone thickness to be measured using an aluminium wedge. This showed that by twenty-eight days the bone repair was already apparently complete. © 2010 SECOM.
The aim of this study was to use photoelastic models to analyze the distribution of stress caused by the incidence of loads on a mandibular distal extension removable partial denture, both on the abutment teeth and on differently shaped residual ridges: distal ascending, descending-ascending, horizontal and distal descending. The best type of retainer and location of the rest on the last abutment tooth were determined for the different types of ridge. Four models were made from photoelastic resin (PL-1 for the teeth and PL-2 for the alveolar ridge), one for each kind of ridge. For each model, 4 removable partial dentures (RPD) were made (16 RPD altogether): T-bar retainer and distal rest, T-bar retainer and mesial rest, circumferential retainer and distal rest, and circumferential retainer and mesial rest. The models were placed on a circular polariscope and a 100 N axial load (point load) was applied to premolars and molars of the RPD. The formation of photoelastic bands was photographed for qualitative analysis. Results showed that the horizontal ridge had better distribution of stress, while the distal descending ridge had greater concentration of stress. The circumferential retainer had greater areas of stress for all types of ridges except the horizontal ridge, where there was no influence related to retainer type. The distribution of stress was similar among the different types of ridges when the rest was mesial or distal to the last abutment tooth, except for the distal descending ridge, where there was greater concentration of stress when the rest was located distally to the last abutment tooth. Thus, it may be concluded that (1) the situation was least favorable for the distal descending ridge and most favorable for the horizontal ridge, (2) the T-bar retainer had more favorable stress distribution, except when the ridge was horizontal, in which case there was no influence in relation to the type of retainer, (3) the location of the rest showed similar behavior in all except the distal descending ridge.
Alteration of the occlusion and the position of the jaw can affect the muscles of the neck, due to a relationship between the masticatory and cervical systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify whether the bite in maximal clenching effort, in centric occlusion, in individuals with clinically normal occlusion, and without a history of dysfunction in the masticatory system, influences the electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius muscle. A total of 19 normal individuals participated in the study, 14 of which were women (average age of 25.4 ± 4.14 years), and 5 were men (average age of 24.11 ± 3.28 years). The root mean square (RMS) amplitude and median frequency (MF) of the upper trapezium muscle with 40% and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction were analyzed under pre- and post-maximal clenching effort conditions in centric occlusion. The electromyographic signal was collected with a sampling frequency of 2. kHz and the value in RMS was obtained by a moving window of 200. ms. The paired Student's t-test was used to compare RMS amplitude and MF under pre- and post-maximal clenching effort conditions. The level of significance for each comparison was set to p<0.05. This study concluded that in individuals without a history of dysfunction of the masticatory system, maximum clenching effort in centric occlusion does not alter the electromyographic signal of the upper trapezius. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.
Cherubism is a rare non-neoplastic hereditary disease, characterized by bilateral bone enlargement of the jaws and is accompanied by inflammation and fibrosis in childhood. An increase in jaw size is noted, with maximum enlargement occurring within 2 years of onset in most cases. By age 7, the lesions become static or progress relatively slowly until puberty. During the late teens, the disease may undergo spontaneous involution. The present case show a patient with history of bilateral enlargement of the jaw with the triad of clinical, histological and radiological findings that helps in the final diagnosis of cherubism.
In this report, we present a case of myositis ossificans traumatica (MOT) of the medial pterygoid muscle that had developed after mandibular block anesthesia administered for endodontic treatment of the lower right second molar, demonstrating typical features of this condition. MOT should be considered as a differential diagnosis when there is severe limitation of jaw opening and an associated trauma. Panoramic radiographs and axial and coronal computed tomography (CT) scans can effectively delineate the calcified mass. Other imaging studies that may be helpful include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone scans, and ultrasound. As shown in our case, calcified masses were found in the right mandibular angle, which severely limited jaw opening. Some earlier reported cases of MOT were treated by extraoral surgical approaches with complete removal of the evolving muscle. The aim of this case report is to present only the diagnostic imaging aspects of myositis ossificans traumatica.
Osteopetrosis (OP) is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by a dysfunction of the osteoclasts that impairs bone resorption, which together with the normal osteoblastic activity forms intense bone sclerosis with reduction of marrow. A common complication that arises, most frequently, as a result of tooth extraction is mandibular osteomyelitis. There is no consensus on the literature about the treatment of this infection in an osteopetrotic patient, therefore, the purpose of this paper is to report a case of marginal resection for treatment of mandibular osteomyelitis in an osteopetrotic patient and discuss relevant features of this procedure. © 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.
The primary malignant bone tumors are uncommon in cats. Osteosarcoma is the most frequently observed in old animals. This tumors affects the appendicular skeleton, however the axial skeleton is also affected, but the bones of the head and pelvis frequent sites of injury. This paper reports a case of a cat with a history of progressive swelling in the left mandible, with follow-up period of four months. The presumptive diagnosis of osteopathy, signed by clinical and radiographic observations were confirmed by histopathology and there it is moderately productive osteoblastic osteosarcoma.
The aim of this study is to report the case of a quick growing brown tumour in the jaw after a parathyroidectomy due to the presence of a rare fifth parathyroid gland. The patient had chronic renal disease and the diagnosis was tertiary hyperparathyroidism. Thirty days after the parathyroidectomy, the patient returned with a significant increase in the tumour size. The suspicion of a supernumerary gland was confirmed by parathyroid scintigraphy. The treatment of brown tumour is dependent on the treatment of the hyperparathyroidism. However, curettage should be considered if a large lesion is disturbing mastication. In conclusion, this case should attract the attention of general practitioner dentists, since they may be the first professionals who have contact with the patient with a brown tumour in the jaws. Likewise, this case emphasises the importance of knowing the type of hyperparathyroidism involved to allow for effective treatment planning. © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.