812 resultados para irrigation planning
Selostus: Maan tiiviyden, sadetuksen ja typpilannoituksen vaikutus porkkanan kivennäisainepitoisuuteen ja ravinteiden ottoon sekä nitraatin kertymiseen
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Public Television
La gouvernance communautaire liée à l'exploitation des bisses valaisans représente-t-elle (vraiment) un modèle de gestion durable des ressources en eau ? C'est à cette question - qui fait écho au vaste ensemble de littérature regroupée sous le label des CPR (common-pool resources) Theories - que le présent ouvrage entend répondre. A travers une approche diachronique centrée sur le long terme, cinq études de cas éclairent de manière originale et critique non seulement l'évolution de cette gouvernance communautaire (vers un degré d'hybridation accru) et, surtout, son caractère durable. La perspective ressourcielle et la conception forte de la durabilité adoptées mettent, sur ce point, en évidence les limites de ces modèles de gouvernance. Sous un angle social en particulier, ils se caractérisent historiquement par un degré d'exclusivité marqué qui tend à en faire des biens de club auxquels seuls les usagers admis ont accès. Les interventions d'acteurs étatiques ont à cet égard joué un grand rôle pour ouvrir les bisses à de nouveaux usagers et assurer le maintien de la ressource dans un environnement socio-économique en mutation.
This is volume 1 of the final report on the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boone. Contained in this report are reproductions of the important maps and charts prepared in connection with this study.
This is volume 2 of the final report on the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boone. Contained in this report are reproductions of the important maps and charts prepared in connection with this study.
This is volume 3 of the final report on the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boone. Contained in this report are reproductions of the important maps and charts prepared in connection with this study.
In this paper, we present the segmentation of the headand neck lymph node regions using a new active contourbased atlas registration model. We propose to segment thelymph node regions without directly including them in theatlas registration process; instead, they are segmentedusing the dense deformation field computed from theregistration of the atlas structures with distinctboundaries. This approach results in robust and accuratesegmentation of the lymph node regions even in thepresence of significant anatomical variations between theatlas-image and the patient's image to be segmented. Wealso present a quantitative evaluation of lymph noderegions segmentation using various statistical as well asgeometrical metrics: sensitivity, specificity, dicesimilarity coefficient and Hausdorff distance. Acomparison of the proposed method with two other state ofthe art methods is presented. The robustness of theproposed method to the atlas selection, in segmenting thelymph node regions, is also evaluated.
For radiotherapy treatment planning of retinoblastoma inchildhood, Computed Tomography (CT) represents thestandard method for tumor volume delineation, despitesome inherent limitations. CT scan is very useful inproviding information on physical density for dosecalculation and morphological volumetric information butpresents a low sensitivity in assessing the tumorviability. On the other hand, 3D ultrasound (US) allows ahigh accurate definition of the tumor volume thanks toits high spatial resolution but it is not currentlyintegrated in the treatment planning but used only fordiagnosis and follow-up. Our ultimate goal is anautomatic segmentation of gross tumor volume (GTV) in the3D US, the segmentation of the organs at risk (OAR) inthe CT and the registration of both. In this paper, wepresent some preliminary results in this direction. Wepresent 3D active contour-based segmentation of the eyeball and the lens in CT images; the presented approachincorporates the prior knowledge of the anatomy by usinga 3D geometrical eye model. The automated segmentationresults are validated by comparing with manualsegmentations. Then, for the fusion of 3D CT and USimages, we present two approaches: (i) landmark-basedtransformation, and (ii) object-based transformation thatmakes use of eye ball contour information on CT and USimages.