936 resultados para internal information flow


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Un atout majeur des organisations consiste en leur capacité à créer et exploiter l’information et les connaissances, capacité déterminée entre autres par les comportements informationnels. Chargés de décisions stratégiques, tactiques et opérationnelles, les cadres intermédiaires sont au cœur du processus de création des connaissances, et leurs comportements informationnels doivent être soutenus par des systèmes d’information. Toutefois, leurs comportements informationnels sont peu documentés. La présente recherche porte sur la modélisation des comportements informationnels de cadres intermédiaires d’une organisation municipale. Plus spécifiquement, elle examine comment ces cadres répondent à leurs besoins d’information courante dans le contexte de leurs activités de gestion, c’est-à-dire dans leur environnement d’utilisation d’information. L’étude répond aux questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les situations problématiques auxquelles font face les cadres intermédiaires municipaux ? (2) Quels sont les besoins informationnels exprimés par les cadres intermédiaires municipaux lors de situations problématiques ? (3) Quelles sont les sources d’information qui soutiennent les comportements informationnels des cadres intermédiaires municipaux ? Cette recherche descriptive s’inscrit dans une approche qualitative. Les 21 cadres intermédiaires ayant participé à l’étude proviennent de deux arrondissements d’une municipalité québécoise fusionnée en 2002. Les modes de collecte de données sont l’entrevue en profondeur en personne et l’observation directe auprès de ces cadres, et la collecte de documentation pertinente. L’incident critique est utilisé comme technique de collecte de données et comme unité d’analyse. Les données recueillies font l’objet d’une analyse de contenu qualitative basée sur la théorisation ancrée. Les résultats indiquent que les rôles de gestion proposés dans les écrits pour les cadres supérieurs s’appliquent aussi aux cadres intermédiaires, bien que le rôle conseil ressorte comme étant particulier à ces derniers. Ceux-ci ont des responsabilités de gestion aux trois niveaux d’intervention opérationnel, tactique et stratégique, bien qu’ils œuvrent davantage au plan tactique. Les situations problématiques dont ils sont chargés s’inscrivent dans l’environnement d’utilisation d’information constitué des composantes suivantes : leurs rôles et responsabilités de gestion et le contexte organisationnel propre à une municipalité en transformation. Les cadres intermédiaires ont eu à traiter davantage de situations nouvelles que récurrentes, caractérisées par des sujets portant principalement sur les ressources matérielles et immobilières ou sur des aspects d’intérêt juridique, réglementaire et normatif. Ils ont surtout manifesté des besoins pour de l’information de nature processuelle et contextuelle. Pour y répondre, ils ont consulté davantage de sources verbales que documentaires, même si le nombre de ces dernières reste élevé, et ont préféré utiliser des sources d’information internes. Au plan théorique, le modèle de comportement informationnel proposé pour les cadres intermédiaires municipaux enrichit les principales composantes du modèle général d’utilisation de l’information (Choo, 1998) et du modèle d’environnement d’utilisation d’information (Taylor, 1986, 1991). L’étude permet aussi de préciser les concepts d’« utilisateur » et d’« utilisation de l’information ». Au plan pratique, la recherche permet d’aider à la conception de systèmes de repérage d’information adaptés aux besoins des cadres intermédiaires municipaux, et aide à évaluer l’apport des systèmes d’information archivistiques à la gestion de la mémoire organisationnelle.


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A medida que pasa el tiempo; la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la constante búsqueda de encontrar nuevas verdades, más fehacientes y que logren responder más asertivamente los diferentes cuestionamientos de la humanidad, han logrado redefinir las teorías y los axiomas que, en su momento, se tomaron como el dogma a seguir en diferentes disciplinas y cuestionamientos de la sociedad y la industria. La concepción tradicional que se tiene de la mente y el comportamiento del consumidor tenía vacios importantes en términos de aplicabilidad y generalización de sus teorías, pues pensar que la humanidad desarrolla sus decisiones de compra bajo análisis netamente racionales y apegados a estructuras temporales para manejar su dinero es un supuesto que no se emplea de manera general y concienzuda por el común. Antes que agentes 100% racionales, con un completo flujo de información y en un mercado perfecto bajo todos los preceptos económicos, somos personas de sentimientos y sentidos. Reaccionamos ante situaciones, estados de ánimo y estímulos, donde es nuestro cerebro quien recibe todo el contexto cognitivo que nos brinda el entorno y entonces actúa (y compra) de diferentes maneras. Es allí donde el Neuromarketing nace como un claro ejemplo de esa búsqueda por una nueva verdad. Una donde entender al consumidor no deje de lado su faceta más real; sus reacciones, pues son estas las que realmente definen qué le gusta o no y qué despierta en él un impulso lo suficientemente importante como para incidir en su decisión de compra. Es por ello que el Neuromarketing se ha adentrado a estudiar lo más profundo y verídico del consumidor, su cerebro. Alejándose de las técnicas tradicionales de investigación de mercados, donde el consumidor puede desvirtuar la información que percibe de un producto o una campaña publicitaría por diferentes razones sociales y psicológicas. El Neuromarketing se ha adentrado al estudio del consumidor y su cerebro mediante técnicas biométricas, en las cuales expone al consumidor al marketing y analiza sus reacciones cerebrales en términos de interés, adrenalina, memoria activa y sentimientos, apoyado por técnicas como el ¨eye tracking¨, donde las interacciones visuales del consumidor permiten identificar los puntos calientes y de interés en determinada pieza publicitaria. Pero el estudio, entendido por algunos como ¨invasivo¨ frente a las libertades en términos de privacidad y libertad de elección del consumidor deben ser responsablemente dirigidos y puestos bajo un contexto científico, donde el único fin sea el de generar nuevas hipótesis y teorías que permitan tener un mejor conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor sin traspasar los límites del control del mismo. El Neuromarketing debate su existencia misma entre la creación de nuevas metodologías de acercamiento al pensamiento del consumidor, la efectividad de sus conocimiento dados a la industria y el yugo social que acarrea esta ciencia debido a la potencial coerción a los consumidores debido a sus hallazgos.


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Patterns of communication and behaviour emerge within a construction project in response to a construction crisis. This paper investigates, within a grounded theory framework, the nature of these patterns, the sociological and psychological forces which shape them and their relationship with crisis management efficiency. A grounded theory is presented in four parts. The first part conceives a construction crisis as a period of social instability, arising from conflicting interest groups, seeking to exercise power in the pursuit of social structures which suit their political and economic interests. The second part sees a construction crisis as a de-sensitizing phenomenon which results in a period of behavioural instability and conflict which is self-perpetuating. The third part cites social structure as an important influence upon construction crisis management efficiency, in determining the efficiency of information flow, and the level of uncertainty between those affected. The fourth part points to the in-built defence mechanisms which construction crises have and to three managerial ironies which make construction crisis management difficult.


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Attitudes to floristics have changed considerably during the past few decades as a result of increasing and often more focused consumer demands, heightened awareness of the threats to biodiversity, information flow and overload, and the application of electronic and web-based techniques to information handling and processing. This paper will examine these concerns in relation to our floristic knowledge and needs in the region of SW Asia. Particular reference will be made to the experience gained from the Euro+Med PlantBase project for the preparation of an electronic plant-information system for Europe and the Mediterranean, with a single core list of accepted plant names and synonyms, based on consensus taxonomy agreed by a specialist network. The many challenges Ð scientific, technical and organisational Ð that it has presented will be discussed as well as the problems of handling nontaxonomic information from fields such as conservation, karyology, biosystematics and mapping. The question of regional cooperation and the sharing of efforts and resources will also be raised and attention drawn to the recent planning workshop held in Rabat (May 2002) for establishing a technical cooperation network for taxonomic capacity building in North Africa as a possible model for the SW Asia region.


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Increasingly, the UK’s Private Finance Initiative has created a demand for construction companies to transfer knowledge from one organization or project to another. Knowledge transfer processes in such contexts face many challenges, due to the many resulting discontinuities in the involvement of organisations, personnel and information flow. This paper empirically identifies the barriers and enablers that hinder or enhance the transfer of knowledge in PFI contexts, drawing upon a questionnaire survey of construction firms. The main findings show that knowledge transfer processes in PFIs are hindered by time constraints, lack of trust, and policies, procedures, rules and regulations attached to the projects. Nevertheless, the processes of knowledge transfer are enhanced by emphasising the value and importance of a supportive leadership, participation/commitment from the relevant parties, and good communication between the relevant parties. The findings have considerable relevance to understanding the mechanism of knowledge transfer between organizations, projects and individuals within the PFI contexts in overcoming the barriers and enhancing the enablers. Furthermore, practitioners and managers can use the findings to efficiently design knowledge transfer frameworks that can be used to overcome the barriers encountered while enhancing the enablers to improve knowledge transfer processes.


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This paper views the increasing social networking as an efficient emerging ministry to the moveable generation. Through social network such as Facebook, ministry from a pastoral perspective can become more authentic and meaningful. Ministry is relational. Social Networking sites provide a strong platform to being part in other people’s life. Social networking and living online builds community beyond geographical boarders. Young adults and youths digital identity often reflects their faith, this is supported by research which suggests a practice of more openness to share and expose private issues online. Spiritual and religious views are freely shared, creating sacred spaces in the midst of life practising a holistic faith identity in a secular community. Providing a strong platform for information flow, Social Network is attractive in a postmodern society where inviting people to join in events are perceived as non threatening, making church community events transparent and available to people who do not attend church, inviting spiritual friendships and relationships. Social Networking strengthens relationship in a non hierarchical manner and invites the minister into lives where there previously would have been barriers, engaging in prayer and bible study as well as pastoral care through social networking, thus relationships deepens via social networking making people real. It has been observed that, although community building happens on the net, church affiliation loyalty remains to the local community. Therefore presence ministry though social networks emerges as a core form of ministry, where relations to youth who move from local church to university campuses are kept alive. The asynchronous nature of communication within social networking eases the minister in her work. The minister is able to engage with many individuals at the same time. Before the minister could visit one person at a time, now she visits 5-6 individuals at any given time. Therefore social networking not only increases the quality of the work, but also empowers the minister to be more efficient.


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Background Cortical cultures grown long-term on multi-electrode arrays (MEAs) are frequently and extensively used as models of cortical networks in studies of neuronal firing activity, neuropharmacology, toxicology and mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity. However, in contrast to the predominantly asynchronous neuronal firing activity exhibited by intact cortex, electrophysiological activity of mature cortical cultures is dominated by spontaneous epileptiform-like global burst events which hinders their effective use in network-level studies, particularly for neurally-controlled animat (‘artificial animal’) applications. Thus, the identification of culture features that can be exploited to produce neuronal activity more representative of that seen in vivo could increase the utility and relevance of studies that employ these preparations. Acetylcholine has a recognised neuromodulatory role affecting excitability, rhythmicity, plasticity and information flow in vivo although its endogenous production by cortical cultures and subsequent functional influence upon neuronal excitability remains unknown. Results Consequently, using MEA electrophysiological recording supported by immunohistochemical and RT-qPCR methods, we demonstrate for the first time, the presence of intrinsic cholinergic neurons and significant, endogenous cholinergic tone in cortical cultures with a characterisation of the muscarinic and nicotinic components that underlie modulation of spontaneous neuronal activity. We found that tonic muscarinic ACh receptor (mAChR) activation affects global excitability and burst event regularity in a culture age-dependent manner whilst, in contrast, tonic nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) activation can modulate burst duration and the proportion of spikes occurring within bursts in a spatio-temporal fashion. Conclusions We suggest that the presence of significant endogenous cholinergic tone in cortical cultures and the comparability of its modulatory effects to those seen in intact brain tissues support emerging, exploitable commonalities between in vivo and in vitro preparations. We conclude that experimental manipulation of endogenous cholinergic tone could offer a novel opportunity to improve the use of cortical cultures for studies of network-level mechanisms in a manner that remains largely consistent with its functional role.


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The concept of zero-flow equilibria of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system leads to a large number of predictions concerning the ionospheric signatures of pulsed magnetopause reconnection. These include: poleward-moving F-region electron temperature enhancements and associated transient 630nm emission; associated poleward plasma flow which, compared to the pulsed variation of the reconnection rate, is highly smoothed by induction effects; oscillatory latitudinal motion of the open/closed field line boundary; phase lag of plasma flow enhancements after equatorward motions of the boundary; azimuthal plasma flow bursts, coincident in time and space with the 630nm-dominant auroral transients, only when the magnitude of the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is large; azimuthal-then-poleward motion of 630nm-dominant transients at a velocity which at all times equals the internal plasma flow velocity; 557.7nm-dominant transients on one edge of the 630nm-dominant transient (initially, and for large |By|, on the poleward or equatorward edge depending on the polarity of IMF By); tailward expansion of the flow response at several km s-1; and discrete steps in the cusp ion dispersion signature between the polewardmoving structures. This paper discusses these predictions and how all have recently been confirmed by combinations of observations by optical instruments on the Svalbard Islands, the EISCAT radars and the DMSP and DE satellites.


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This article presents an experimental scalable message driven IoT and its security architecture based on Decentralized Information Flow Control. The system uses a gateway that exports SoA (REST) interfaces to the internet simplifying external applications whereas uses DIFC and asynchronous messaging within the home environment.


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The use of the spin of the electron as the ultimate logic bit-in what has been dubbed spintronics-can lead to a novel way of thinking about information flow. At the same time single-layer graphene has been the subject of intense research due to its potential application in nanoscale electronics. While defects can significantly alter the electronic properties of nanoscopic systems, the lack of control can lead to seemingly deleterious effects arising from the random arrangement of such impurities. Here we demonstrate, using ab initio density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green`s functions calculations, that it is possible to obtain perfect spin selectivity in doped graphene nanoribbons to produce a perfect spin filter. We show that initially unpolarized electrons entering the system give rise to 100% polarization of the current due to random disorder. This effect is explained in terms of different localization lengths for each spin channel which leads to a new mechanism for the spin filtering effect that is disorder-driven.


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Estimating the sizes of hard-to-count populations is a challenging and important problem that occurs frequently in social science, public health, and public policy. This problem is particularly pressing in HIV/AIDS research because estimates of the sizes of the most at-risk populations-illicit drug users, men who have sex with men, and sex workers-are needed for designing, evaluating, and funding programs to curb the spread of the disease. A promising new approach in this area is the network scale-up method, which uses information about the personal networks of respondents to make population size estimates. However, if the target population has low social visibility, as is likely to be the case in HIV/AIDS research, scale-up estimates will be too low. In this paper we develop a game-like activity that we call the game of contacts in order to estimate the social visibility of groups, and report results from a study of heavy drug users in Curitiba, Brazil (n = 294). The game produced estimates of social visibility that were consistent with qualitative expectations but of surprising magnitude. Further, a number of checks suggest that the data are high-quality. While motivated by the specific problem of population size estimation, our method could be used by researchers more broadly and adds to long-standing efforts to combine the richness of social network analysis with the power and scale of sample surveys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An international conference is a secular ritual which serves to create, recreate and shape global-wide translocal cultural sharings. Social anthropological theories and methods are used to show that, besides being an information flow junction, the international conference is a network crossroad and a way of socialising new members into aninternational research community. It is also capable of creating prestige and honour for the individual researcher,for the arranging research team, university and city. Rituals do not merely reflect the social relations or cosmology of a society, but are events that in themselves do important things through ritual forms and symbolic statements.


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O presente trabalho introduz o estabelecimento de um modelo para garantia da qualidade, particularmente aplicado ao segmento de prestação de serviços por bibliotecas. O estudo a ser apresentado baseia-se na utilização de um método de planejamento em específico, o Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD), selecionada para viabilizar a análise da qualidade demandada pelo cliente, das características de qualidade críticas, dos serviços críticos e dos recursos críticos. Este trabalho discute o sistema de garantia da qualidade, cuja implantação está em curso, e que é parte integrante do modelo de gestão a ser adotado pela Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. A análise a ser apresentada utiliza o QFD incorporando um conjunto de matrizes que facilita e garante o fluxo de informações através de todas as suas etapas de desenvolvimento.


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Diante da expectativa de aumentar as exportações de carne bovina para a União Européia, entrou em análise a sistemática da rastreabilidade na carne bovina implementada pelo Brasil, em especial, pelo estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou identificar, na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina, pontos críticos para a adoção dos procedimentos ao rastreamento bovino com vistas ao provimento de carne de origem certificada ao Mercado Europeu. Foram entrevistados os produtores rurais, os empresários das indústrias exportadoras de carne bovina, agente exportador individual e as empresas certificadoras, abordando os aspectos negociais da cadeia produtiva bovina, as exigências do mercado europeu, os procedimentos adotados pelas empresas de sistemas de rastreabilidade e o posicionamento dos agentes. Os modelos teóricos utilizados para analisar os reflexos do ferramental na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina foram Filière, Supply Chain Management associados à Rastreabilidade, aplicada a produtos alimentícios. Para a análise qualitativa, aplicou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo das respostas. As análises das questões abrangentes aplicadas aos elos, apresentadas nos resultados e discussões, permitiram identificar elementos de relevância aos atores, resultando na comparação das percepções de cada segmento em relação ao processo de rastreabilidade e certificação da carne bovina. As respostas colaboraram para a visualização do cenário sobre o impacto provocado pelo processo de rastreabilidade e certificação. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a rastreabilidade, até o presente momento, não contribuiu com os segmentos da cadeia produtiva bovina no que se refere aos processos negociais entre os elos na gestão, no fluxo de informações na cadeia e no aumento de preço do bovino e da carne rastreada. Existe dúvida quanto à contribuição do sistema de rastreabilidade no efeito da fluidez da informação entre os setores da cadeia bovina. Observase que a rastreabilidade pode significar uma tendência futura, demonstrando, no momento, serem indiferentes seus efeitos às variáveis identificadas como relevantes.


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A cidade de Piraí, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, é palco do programa Piraí Digital, um leque de iniciativas, em cinco áreas de atuação – governo, educação, saúde, negócios e cidadania –, com o objetivo de vencer a exclusão digital no município e contribuir para seu desenvolvimento. O programa foi estudado por meio da associação entre um modelo heurístico para análise da inclusão digital e a Teoria Ator-Rede (ANT). O trabalho apresenta a descrição da evolução do programa segundo os atores que o construíram. Entre 1997 e 2009, Piraí Digital contribuiu para uma série de mudanças positivas em Piraí, notadamente nas áreas de educação, a qual adotou a computação 1:1 em toda a rede municipal no ano de 2009; saúde, que utiliza a estrutura de rede de computadores e internet da cidade para disseminar seus sistemas; e governo, onde a administração pública teve ganhos de produtividade e arrecadação por meio da informatização da máquina administrativa. O estudo de Piraí Digital permite compreender a importância da associação de artefatos – rede de computadores, telecentros, Planos Diretores e outros – e das pessoas nos esforços para vencer a exclusão digital e contribuir para o desenvolvimento local. Explorando o contraste entre a grande notoriedade de Piraí Digital fora do município e o baixo conhecimento do programa pela população local, o autor faz a analogia com uma obra de saneamento, pouco conhecida e visível, mas essencial para a população. Em Piraí, o saneamento digital está pronto, com bits jorrando das torneiras nas escolas e a saúde se beneficiando da TI para escoar seu fluxo de informações para benefício dos cidadãos piraienses.