935 resultados para injury data surveillance


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White wines are generally low in polyphenol content as compared to red wines. However, Champagne wines have been shown to contain relatively high amounts of phenolic acids that may exert protective cellular actions in vivo. In this study, we have investigated the potential neuroprotective effects of Champagne wine extracts, and individual phenolics present in these extracts, against peroxynitrite-induced injury. Organic and aqueous Champagne wine extracts exhibited potent neuroprotective activity against peroxynitrite-induced injury at low concentrations (0.1 mu g/mL). This protection appeared to be in part due to the cellular actions of individual components found in the organic extracts, notably tyrosol, caffeic acid, and gallic acid. These phenolics were observed to exert potent neuroprotection at concentrations between 0.1 and 10 mu M. Together, these data suggest that polyphenols present in Champagne wine may induce a neuroprotective effect against oxidative neuronal injury.


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Agri-environment schemes (AESs) have been implemented across EU member states in an attempt to reconcile agricultural production methods with protection of the environment and maintenance of the countryside. To determine the extent to which such policy objectives are being fulfilled, participating countries are obliged to monitor and evaluate the environmental, agricultural and socio-economic impacts of their AESs. However, few evaluations measure precise environmental outcomes and critically, there are no agreed methodologies to evaluate the benefits of particular agri-environmental measures, or to track the environmental consequences of changing agricultural practices. In response to these issues, the Agri-Environmental Footprint project developed a common methodology for assessing the environmental impact of European AES. The Agri-Environmental Footprint Index (AFI) is a farm-level, adaptable methodology that aggregates measurements of agri-environmental indicators based on Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) techniques. The method was developed specifically to allow assessment of differences in the environmental performance of farms according to participation in agri-environment schemes. The AFI methodology is constructed so that high values represent good environmental performance. This paper explores the use of the AFI methodology in combination with Farm Business Survey data collected in England for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), to test whether its use could be extended for the routine surveillance of environmental performance of farming systems using established data sources. Overall, the aim was to measure the environmental impact of three different types of agriculture (arable, lowland livestock and upland livestock) in England and to identify differences in AFI due to participation in agri-environment schemes. However, because farm size, farmer age, level of education and region are also likely to influence the environmental performance of a holding, these factors were also considered. Application of the methodology revealed that only arable holdings participating in agri-environment schemes had a greater environmental performance, although responses differed between regions. Of the other explanatory variables explored, the key factors determining the environmental performance for lowland livestock holdings were farm size, farmer age and level of education. In contrast, the AFI value of upland livestock holdings differed only between regions. The paper demonstrates that the AFI methodology can be used readily with English FADN data and therefore has the potential to be applied more widely to similar data sources routinely collected across the EU-27 in a standardised manner.


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This paper presents recent developments to a vision-based traffic surveillance system which relies extensively on the use of geometrical and scene context. Firstly, a highly parametrised 3-D model is reported, able to adopt the shape of a wide variety of different classes of vehicle (e.g. cars, vans, buses etc.), and its subsequent specialisation to a generic car class which accounts for commonly encountered types of car (including saloon, batchback and estate cars). Sample data collected from video images, by means of an interactive tool, have been subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to define a deformable model having 6 degrees of freedom. Secondly, a new pose refinement technique using “active” models is described, able to recover both the pose of a rigid object, and the structure of a deformable model; an assessment of its performance is examined in comparison with previously reported “passive” model-based techniques in the context of traffic surveillance. The new method is more stable, and requires fewer iterations, especially when the number of free parameters increases, but shows somewhat poorer convergence. Typical applications for this work include robot surveillance and navigation tasks.


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A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.


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A severe complication of spinal cord injury is loss of bladder function (neurogenic bladder), which is characterized by loss of bladder sensation and voluntary control of micturition (urination), and spontaneous hyperreflexive voiding against a closed sphincter (detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia). A sacral anterior root stimulator at low frequency can drive volitional bladder voiding, but surgical rhizotomy of the lumbosacral dorsal roots is needed to prevent spontaneous voiding and dyssynergia. However, rhizotomy is irreversible and eliminates sexual function, and the stimulator gives no information on bladder fullness. We designed a closed-loop neuroprosthetic interface that measures bladder fullness and prevents spontaneous voiding episodes without the need for dorsal rhizotomy in a rat model. To obtain bladder sensory information, we implanted teased dorsal roots (rootlets) within the rat vertebral column into microchannel electrodes, which provided signal amplification and noise suppression. As long as they were attached to the spinal cord, these rootlets survived for up to 3 months and contained axons and blood vessels. Electrophysiological recordings showed that half of the rootlets propagated action potentials, with firing frequency correlated to bladder fullness. When the bladder became full enough to initiate spontaneous voiding, high-frequency/amplitude sensory activity was detected. Voiding was abolished using a high-frequency depolarizing block to the ventral roots. A ventral root stimulator initiated bladder emptying at low frequency and prevented unwanted contraction at high frequency. These data suggest that sensory information from the dorsal root together with a ventral root stimulator could form the basis for a closed-loop bladder neuroprosthetic. Copyright © 2013, American Association for the Advancement of Science


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We estimated the sensitivity, i.e., the proportion of all cases of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) reported to the Brazilian passive surveillance for adverse events following immunization (PSAEFI) with the diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis-Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTwP/Hib) vaccine, as well as investigating factors associated with AEFIs reporting. During 2003-2004, 8303 AEFIs associated with DTwP-Hib were reported; hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHEs), fever and convulsions being the most common. Cure without sequel was achieved in 98.4% of the cases. The mean sensitivity of the PSAEFI was 22.3% and 31.6%, respectively, for HHE and convulsions, varying widely among states. Reporting rates correlated positively with the Human Development Index and coverage of adequate prenatal care, correlating negatively with infant mortality rates. Quality of life indicators and the degree of organization of health services are associated with greater PSAEFI sensitivity. In addition to consistently describing the principal AEFIs, PSAEFI showed the DTwP/Hib vaccine to be safe and allayed public fears related to its use. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Innate immune responses against microorganisms may be mediated by Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (i-I/R) leads to the translocation of bacteria and/or bacterial products such as endotoxin, which activate TLRs leading to acute intestinal and lung injury and inflammation observed upon gut trauma. Here, we investigated the role of TLR activation by using mice deficient for the common TLR adaptor protein myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) on local and remote inflammation following intestinal ischemia. Balb/c and MyD88(-/-) mice were subjected to occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (45 min) followed by intestinal reperfusion (4 h). Acute neutrophil recruitment into the intestinal wall and the lung was significantly diminished in MyD88(-/-) after i-I/R, which was confirmed microscopically. Diminished neutrophil recruitment was accompanied with reduced concentration of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta level. Furthermore, diminished microvascular leak and bacteremia were associated with enhanced survival of MyD88(-/-) mice. However, neither TNF-alpha nor IL-1 beta neutralization prevented neutrophil recruitment into the lung but attenuated intestinal inflammation upon i-I/R. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that disruption of the TLR/MyD88 pathway in mice attenuates acute intestinal and lung injury, inflammation, and endothelial damage allowing enhanced survival.


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Therapy with stem cells has showed to be promising for acute kidney injury (AKI), although how it works is still controversial. Modulation of the inflammatory response is one possible mechanism. Most of published data relies on early time and whether the protection is still maintained after that is not known. Here, we analyzed whether immune modulation continues after 24 h of reperfusion. MSC were obtained from male Wistar rats. After 3-5 passages, cells were screened for CD73, CD90, CD44, CD45, CD29 and CD 31. In addition, MSC were submitted to differentiation in adipocyte and in osteocyte. AKI was induced by bilaterally clamping of renal pedicles for 60 min. Six hours after injury, MSC (2 x 105 cells) were administered intravenously. MSC-treated animals presented the lowest serum creatinine compared to non-treated animals (24 h: 1.3 +/- 0.21 vs. 3.23 +/- 0.89 mg/dl, p<0.05). The improvement in renal function was followed by a lower expression of IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-alpha and higher expression of IL-4 and IL-10. However, 48 h after reperfusion, this cytokine profile has changed. The decrease in Th1 cytokines was less evident and IL-6 was markedly up regulated. PCNA analysis showed that regeneration occurs faster in kidney tissues of MSC-treated animals than in controls at 24 h. And also ratio of Bcl-2/Bad was higher at treated animals after 24 and 48 h. Our data demonstrated that the immunomodulatory effects of MSC occur at very early time point, changing the inflammation profile toward a Th2 profile. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is a potential contributor for the development of chronic allograft nephropathy. T cells are important mediators of injury, even in the absence of alloantigens. We performed a depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells with anti-CD25(PC61), a treatment with anti-GITR (DTA-1) and rat-IgG, followed by 45 min of ischemia and 24/72 h of reperfusion, and then analyzed blood urea, kidney histopathology and gene expression in kidneys by QReal Time PCR. After 24 h of reperfusion, depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells reached 30.3%(spleen) and 67.8%(lymph nodes). 72 h after reperfusion depletion reached 43.1%(spleen) and 90.22%(lymph nodes) and depleted animals presented with significantly poorer renal function, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR)-treated ones showed a significant protection, all compared to serum urea from control group (IgG: 150.10 +/- 50.04; PC61: 187.23 +/- 31.38; DTA-1: 64.53 +/- 25.65, mg/dL, p<0.05). These data were corroborated by histopathology. We observed an increase of HO-1 expression in animals treated with DTA-1 at 72 h of reperfusion with significant differences. Thus, our results suggest that PC61 (anti-CD25) mAb treatment is deleterious, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR) mAb treatment presents a protective role in the renal IRI, indicating that some regulatory populations of T cells might have a role in IRI. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diabetic patients have increased susceptibility to infection, which may be related to impaired inflammatory response observed in experimental models of diabetes, and restored by insulin treatment. The goal of this study was to investigate whether insulin regulates transcription of cytokines and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) via nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) signaling pathway in Escherichia coli LIPS-induced lung inflammation. Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, iv., 10 days) and controls were instilled intratracheally with saline containing LPS (750 mu g/0.4 mL) or saline only. Some diabetic rats were given neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (4 IU, s.c.) 2 h before LIPS. Analyses performed 6 h after LPS included: (a) lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and ICAM-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) were quantified by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; (b) number of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and concentrations of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 in the BAL were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; and (c) activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were quantified by Western blot analysis. Relative to controls, diabetic rats exhibited a reduction in lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta (40%), TNF-alpha (similar to 30%), and IL-10 (similar to 40%) mRNA levels and reduced concentrations of IL-1 beta (52%), TNF-alpha (62%), IL-10 (43%), and neutrophil counts (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely restored mRNA and protein levels of these cytokines and potentiated lung ICAM-1 mRNA levels (30%) and number of neutrophils (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were partially restored by insulin treatment. In conclusion, data presented suggest that insulin regulates transcription of proinflammatory (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines, and expression of ICAM-1 via the NF-kappa B signaling pathway.


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In this study we evaluated whether administration of stem cells of neural origin (neural precursor cells, NPCs) could be protective against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). We hypothesized that stem cell outcomes are not tissue-specific and that NPCs can improve tissue damage through paracrine mechanisms, especially due to immunomodulation. To this end, Wistar rats (200-250 g) were submitted to 1-hour ischemia and treated with NPCs (4 x 10(6) cells/animal) at 4 h of reperfusion. To serve as controls, ischemic animals were treated with cerebellum homogenate harvested from adult rat brain. All groups were sacrificed at 24 h of reperfusion. NPCs were isolated from rat fetus telencephalon and cultured until neurosphere formation (7 days). Before administration, NPCs were labeled with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimydylester (CFSE). Kidneys were harvested for analysis of cytokine profile and macrophage infiltration. At 24 h, NPC treatment resulted in a significant reduction in serum creatinine (IRI + NPC 1.21 + 0.18 vs. IRI 3.33 + 0.14 and IRI + cerebellum 2.95 + 0.78mg/dl, p < 0.05) and acute tubular necrosis (IRI + NPC 46.0 + 2.4% vs. IRI 79.7 + 14.2%, p < 0.05). NPC-CFSE and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells (astrocyte marker) were found exclusively in renal parenchyma, which also presented GFAP and SOX-2 (an embryonic neural stem cell marker) mRNA expression. NPC treatment resulted in lower renal proinflammatory IL1-beta and TNF-alpha expression and higher anti-inflammatory IL-4 and IL-10 transcription. NPC-treated animals also had less macrophage infiltration and decreased serum proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and INF-gamma). Our data suggested that NPC therapy improved renal function by influencing immunological responses. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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In the present study, we propose a theoretical graph procedure to investigate multiple pathways in brain functional networks. By taking into account all the possible paths consisting of h links between the nodes pairs of the network, we measured the global network redundancy R (h) as the number of parallel paths and the global network permeability P (h) as the probability to get connected. We used this procedure to investigate the structural and dynamical changes in the cortical networks estimated from a dataset of high-resolution EEG signals in a group of spinal cord injured (SCI) patients during the attempt of foot movement. In the light of a statistical contrast with a healthy population, the permeability index P (h) of the SCI networks increased significantly (P < 0.01) in the Theta frequency band (3-6 Hz) for distances h ranging from 2 to 4. On the contrary, no significant differences were found between the two populations for the redundancy index R (h) . The most significant changes in the brain functional network of SCI patients occurred mainly in the lower spectral contents. These changes were related to an improved propagation of communication between the closest cortical areas rather than to a different level of redundancy. This evidence strengthens the hypothesis of the need for a higher functional interaction among the closest ROIs as a mechanism to compensate the lack of feedback from the peripheral nerves to the sensomotor areas.


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Over the past decade, there has been an increase in available data describing the incidence of sports injuries. However, the outcomes of such injuries remain relatively undocumented. Psychological aspects of sports injury rehabilitation have been documented in elite athletes but not in cohorts of general sports participants. The few studies that have described the financial costs of sports injuries have typically not assessed how these injuries affect quality of life. Despite recent estimates that lost quality of life accounts for 81% of total sports injury costs,1 this has received relatively little attention in the literature. The aim of this paper is to describe the quality of life outcomes associated with sports injuries and to present some preliminary observations about how these change over a six-week period.


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More than 4,400 Victorian children are admitted to hospital for fall related injuries annually. Of these, 1,967 are known to have fallen from playground equipment. These 1,967 children consume 5,620 bed days. Another 3,934 children are treated in Emergency Departments for falls from playground equipment. In total, the direct cost borne by government is estimated at more than 4.7 million dollars. The cost in bed days and Emergency services is also considerable.