912 resultados para injuries in athletes


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This paper presents a new approach to the treatment of acute fractures in the elbow area, with the support of arthroscopic equipment. There are only a few studies that describe the indications, techniques and results of the arthroscopy-assisted treatment of these pathologies. The authors believe that this tool can be useful for achieving a precise definition of the type of bone-ligament injuries in an elbow joint, thus optimizing treatment and supporting early functional recovery.


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Each year, traffic crashes in the United States result in nearly 300,000 deaths and serious injuries. In 2008 alone, traffic crashes cost the nation an estimated $230 billion, nine times more than the estimated cost of all crime. Highway crashes represent the leading cause of death and disabling injury for persons under age 35. In recognition of this problem, the Congress of the United States enacted national highway safety legislation in 1966, which led to the establishment of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The legislation also provided for federal highway safety monies to be made available to the states with a goal of reducing death and injury on the nation’s roads. Iowa has been very active in the federal-state local highway safety partnership since the mid 1960s.


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Haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (Hct) are measured as indirect markers of doping in athletes. We studied the effect of posture on these parameters in a typical antidoping setting. Venous blood samples were obtained from nine endurance athletes (six males, three females) and nine control subjects (six males, three females) immediately and after 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min after having adopted a seated position from normal daily activity. Hb (CV 0.72%) and Hct (CV 0.87%) were determined using an automated cell counter, plasma volume changes were calculated. Differences between the time points, gender and groups were calculated using a mixed-model procedure. Significant changes were observed in the first 10 min after sitting down but no further changes were noted between 10 and 30 min. Mean directional change for Hb and Hct between 0 min and the average of the period from 10 to 30 min was -2.4% (-0.35 g/dl) for Hb and -2.7% (-1.2%) for Hct. Plasma volume increased accordingly. Neither group nor gender had significant effects. Under typical conditions encountered during blood testing in doping control, a period of 10 min in a seated position is sufficient for the vascular volumes to re-equilibrate and to adapt to the new posture.


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Coming Into Focus presents a needs assessment related to Iowans with brain injury, and a state action plan to improve Iowa’s ability to meet those needs. Support for this project came from a grant from the Office of Maternal and Child Health to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa’s lead agency for brain injury. The report is a description of the needs of people with brain injuries in Iowa, the status of services to meet those needs and a plan for improving Iowa’s system of supports. Brain injury can result from a skull fracture or penetration of the brain, a disease process such as tumor or infection, or a closed head injury, such as shaken baby syndrome. Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults (Fick, 1997). In the United States there are as many as 2 million brain injuries per year, with 300,000 severe enough to require hospitalization. Some 50,000 lives are lost every year to TBI. Eighty to 90 thousand people have moderate to acute brain injuries that result in disabling conditions which can last a lifetime. These conditions can include physical impairments, memory defects, limited concentration, communication deficits, emotional problems and deficits in social abilities. In addition to the personal pain and challenges to survivors and their families, the financial cost of brain injuries is enormous. With traumatic brain injuries, it is estimated that in 1995 Iowa hospitals charged some $38 million for acute care for injured persons. National estimates offer a lifetime cost of $4 million for one person with brain injury (Schootman and Harlan, 1997). With this estimate, new injuries in 1995 could eventually cost over $7 billion dollars. Dramatic improvements in medicine, and the development of emergency response systems, means that more people sustaining brain injuries are being saved. How can we insure that supports are available to this emerging population? We have called the report Coming into Focus, because, despite the prevalence and the personal and financial costs to society, brain injury is poorly understood. The Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries State Plan Task Force, the Brain Injury Association of Iowa and the Iowa University Affiliated Program have worked together to begin answering this question. A great deal of good information already existed. This project brought this information together, gathered new information where it was needed, and carried out a process for identifying what needs to be done in Iowa, and what the priorities will be.


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Las lesiones cerebrales por traumatismos craneocerebrales son la causa más frecuente de defunción en colisiones de tráfico con la implicación de vehículos de dos ruedas. A pesar de la probada eficacia del uso del casco como dispositivo de protección de la cabeza para atenuar las lesiones en caso de colisión, algunos adolescentes y jóvenes no lo utilizan. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las variables que mejor predicen el uso del casco entre adolescentes usuarios de ciclomotores


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Usually, competitive stress, work life or just the training load in athletes can cause a phenomenon called overtraining syndrome. It is described as imbalance between stimulus and recovery in which decreases performance of athletes without being apparently immersed in a frame of injury or disease. That prolonged fatigue may affect the ability to adapt and thus severely reduce performance. This situation can be prolonged in time despite the existence of weekly or monthly periods of recovery. We want to see if the parameters of HRV, RESTQ-Sport questionnaire and strength values vary significantly in front 2 types of training (an intensive two daily sessions, large volume of work and little rest between the sessions; and another with 4 weekly workouts, with longer recovery time and less volume of work), in national judo players (n=14) to study the relationship between VFC and the imbalance of stress-recovery. METHODOLOGY: We performed a longitudinal and experimental study of HRV in 14 subjects, judo players at the national, randomly divided into 2 groups. One of these was conducted intensive training (high volume and low recovery) and another who made a smoother workout (less volume and less recovery) during a period of 4 weeks. CONCLUTIONS: The correct interpretation of the fluctuation parameters of HRV during the training judo players, may be a good indicator of stress levels, the recovery workload and therefore the observation of VFC is becomes an economic and noninvasive method of monitoring training in judo.


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This analysis examined data from a variety of sources to estimate the benefit of enhancing Iowa’s current law to require all passengers to use seat belts. In addition to assessing Iowans’ opinions about changing the law, a literature review, a legislative policy review, and analysis of Iowa crash data were completed. Currently 28 states enforce seat belt laws for all passengers. Belted passengers riding with an unbelted passenger are 2 to 5 times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash relative to when all occupants are using seat belts. Iowans are highly compliant (90%-94%) with the current seat belt law for front seat occupants. Of more than 1000 Iowans surveyed, 85% said they always use a seat belt when riding in the front seat, but only 36% always do so when they ride in the back seat. The most common reasons given for not using seat belts in the back seat are forgetting to buckle up and because it is not the law. Iowans widely support strengthening Iowa’s seat belt law — 62% said Iowa law should require all rear seat passengers to use seat belts. Four out of five respondents said they would use seat belts more often when sitting in the rear seat if it was the law. It is estimated rear seat fatalities would decrease about 48%, from 13 to 7 fatalities annually, if an all-passenger law was implemented in Iowa.


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New approaches to the clinical treatment of traumatic nerve injuries may one day utilize stem cells to enhance nerve regeneration. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) are found in abundant quantities and can be harvested by minimally invasive procedures that should facilitate their use in such regenerative applications. We have analyzed the properties of human ASC isolated from the deep and superficial layers of abdominal fat tissue obtained during abdominoplasty procedures. Cells from the superficial layer proliferate significantly faster than those from the deep layer. In both the deep and superficial layers, ASC express the pluripotent stem cell markers oct4 and nanog and also the stro-1 cell surface antigen. Superficial layer ASC induce the significantly enhanced outgrowth of neurite-like processes from neuronal cell lines when compared with that of deep layer cells. However, analysis by reverse transcription with the polymerase chain reaction and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has revealed that ASC isolated from both layers express similar levels of the following neurotrophic factors: nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial-derived neurotrophic factor. Thus, human ASC show promising potential for the treatment of traumatic nerve injuries. In particular, superficial layer ASC warrant further analysis of their neurotrophic molecules.


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El futbol constitueix al nostre país, igual com en d’altres Estats del nostre entorn, un fenomen que transcendeix allò merament esportiu per esdevenir un referent social que desperta passions i que té el seu consegüent reflex als mitjans de comunicació social. No és, doncs, estrany, que de forma diària la premsa esportiva d’àmbit nacional proporcioni informació constant sobre la matèria, incloent-hi allò que concerneix a les lesions que afecten els jugadors, car consideren que és un fet noticiable en la mesura en què això pugui influir en les expectatives dels diferents equips. La informació esmentada, adequadament recollida, sistematitzada i analitzada és susceptible de proporcionar valuoses dades sobre la incidència de les lesions en aquesta modalitat esportiva. Aquest és, precisament, l’objectiu del nostre estudi, sense una altra pretensió que la de proporcionar unes pautes a prendre en consideració per part dels professionals, perquè el seu esforç se centri en l’optimització del rendiment, la planificació de la temporada, l’establiment de programes de prevenció i, al capdavall, en la minimització del risc de lesions.


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En el presente artículo se advierte de la presencia del pseudococcino Rhizoecus cacticans (HAMBLETON) en la zona de Valencia, atacando a raíces de cactáceas. Se dan algunas características del género y se describe la especie, así como algunos datos sobre los daños que causa. Se indican procedimientos posibles de control.


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El fútbol constituye en nuestro país, al igual que en otros Estados de nuestro entorno, un fenómeno que trasciende de lo meramente deportivo para convertirse en un referente social que despierta pasiones y que tiene su consiguiente reflejo en los medios de comunicación social. No es pues de extrañar que de forma diaria la prensa deportiva de ámbito nacional proporcione información constante sobre la materia, incluyendo lo concerniente a las lesiones que aquejan a los jugadores considerándolo hecho noticiable en la medida que ello pueda afectar a las expectativas de los diferentes equipos. Dicha información, debidamente recogida, sistematizada y analizada, es susceptible de proporcionar valiosos datos sobre la incidencia lesional en esta modalidad deportiva. Éste es precisamente el objetivo de nuestro estudio, sin otra pretensión que la de proporcionar unas pautas a tomar en consideración por los profesionales cuyo esfuerzo se centre en la optimización del rendimiento, en la planificación de la temporada, en el establecimiento de programas de prevención y, en definitiva, en la minimización del riesgo lesional.


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Les lesions musculars són molt freqüents en el futbol, superant el 30% de totes les lesions; provocant una interrupció en la pràctica esportiva normal del jugador durant dies o setmanes. Així doncs, la prevenció és un factor molt important. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és el disseny d’un pla integral preventiu de fisioteràpia englobant diferent àmbits: nutrició, salut muscular i preparació física, sempre dins la perspectiva de la salut; per poder amb l’avaluació d’aquest pla disminuir la incidència de lesions musculars en el futbol amateur. Aquesta pràctica de prevenció es durà a terme a un dels dos equips sèniors masculins de futbol aficionat que formaran part de l’estudi (grup d’intervenció), mentre que l’altre equip de característiques el més similars possibles seguirà la seva preparació habitual (grup control). Després d’una temporada es compararà la incidència de lesions musculars entre els dos equips. Si les dades demostren evidències, aquest pla es facilitarà al servei interessat corresponent, perquè el puguin distribuir als equips associats, podent disminuir el número de lesions i així reduir els costos en tractaments.


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In the past 2 decades, there has been an increase in both basic science research detailing the anatomy and biomechanics of the native posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and outcome studies evaluating manage- ment of the ruptured PCL. While the methodology of the latter continues to improve, results based on the current level of evidence must be interpreted cautiously (18). The focus of many recent studies has been double-bundle versus single-bundle reconstruction techniques. The theoretical advantage goes to double-bundle techniques, but a clinical difference in outcome has not been consistently demonstrated (8,17). Some biomechanical studies have reported improved control of posterior laxity with double-bundle reconstruc- tion; however, results appear to be more dependent on tunnel position and graft tensioning (13). In acute isolated symptomatic PCL injuries in which the posteromedial bundle and the meniscofemoral ligament remain intact, a single-bundle augmentation procedure may be the preferred surgical technique. In more complex PCL ruptures with associated injuries involving the posterolateral structures (PLS) or medial collateral ligament, more benefit may be derived from double-bundle reconstruction. Again, cadaveric testing of double-bundle PCL reconstruction has not consistently outperformed single-bundle techniques in combined PCL/PLS injury (3). Multi-ligamentous injuries are commonly associated with PCL rupture (15), and their management should be considered carefully in the decision to reconstruct one or both of the functionally dis- tinct PCL bundles. However, the technical complexity of double-bundle reconstruction, the longer surgical time required, as well as the inconclusive clinical outcome are all factors that must be weighed carefully.


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Aims: This study was carried out to investigate the role of common liver function tests, and the degree of common bile duct dilatation in the differential diagnosis of extrahepatic cholestasis, as well as the occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries. In bile duct injuries, special attention was paid to gender and severity distribution and long-term results. Patients and methods: All consecutive patients with diagnosed common bile duct stones or malignant strictures in ERCP between August 2000 and November 2003. Common liver function tests were measured in the morning before ERCP on all of these 212 patients, and their common bile duct diameter was measured from ERCP films. Between January 1995 and April 2002, 3736 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed and a total of 32 bile duct injuries were diagnosed. All pre-, per-, and postoperative data were collected retrospectively; and the patients were also interviewed by phone. Results: Plasma bilirubin proved to be the best discriminator between CBD stones and malignant strictures (p≤0.001 compared to other liver function tests and degree of common bile duct dilatation). The same effect was seen in Receiver Operating Characteristics curves (AUC 0.867). With a plasma bilirubin cut-off value of 145 μmol/l, four out of five patients could be classified correctly. The degree of common bile duct dilatation proved to be worthless in differential diagnostics. After laparoscopic cholecystectomy the total risk for bile duct injury was 0.86%, including cystic duct leaks. 86% of severe injuries and 88% of injuries requiring operative treatment were diagnosed in females. All the cystic duct leakages and 87% of the strictures were treated endoscopically. Good long-term results were seen in 84% of the whole study population. Conclusions: Plasma bilirubin is the most effective liver function test in differential diagnosis between CBD stones and malignant strictures. The only value of common bile duct dilatation is its ability to verify the presence of extrahepatic cholestasis. Female gender was associated with higher number of iatrogenic bile duct injuries, and in particular, most of the major complications occur in females. Most of the cystic duct leaks and common bile duct strictures can be treated endoscopically. The long-term results in our institution are at an internationally acceptable level.