958 resultados para information society. video conferencing
L'article és una reflexió sobre els requisits de formació dels professionals que demana la societat del coneixement. Un dels objectius més importants que ha de tenir la universitat en la societat del coneixement és la formació de professionals competents que tinguin prou eines intel·lectuals per a enfrontar-se a la incertesa de la informació, a la consciència que aquesta té una data de caducitat a curt termini i a l'ansietat que això provoca. Però, a més, també han de ser capaços de definir i crear les eines de treball amb què donaran sentit i eficàcia a aquest coneixement mudable i mutant. Per això, l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior prioritza la competència transversal del treball col·laboratiu amb l'objectiu de promoure un aprenentatge autònom, compromès i adaptat a les noves necessitats de l'empresa del segle xxi. En aquest context, es presenta l'entorn teòric que fonamenta el treball desenvolupat a la plataforma informàtica ACME, que uneix el treball col·laboratiu i l'aprenentatge semipresencial o blended learning. Així mateix, es descriuen amb detall alguns exemples de wikis, paradigma del treball col·laboratiu, fets en assignatures impartides per la Universitat de Girona en l'espai virtual ACME
En la lliçó inaugural del curs 2010-2011, la periodista Rosa Cullell reflexiona sobre l'adaptació del periodisme a la nova Galàxia Comunicació, un món més individual i més interconectat que ja no necessita intermediaris i en el qual "qualsevol ciutadà des de casa seva pot fer allò que feia dels mitjans de comunicació un quart poder: crear informació"
Entrevista a Rosa Cullell (Barcelona, 1958), llicenciada en Ciències de la Informació. La seva primera feina va ser la de corresponsal de premsa al Baix Llobregat. Amb el temps, va arribar a ser membre del Comitè de Direcció de “la Caixa”, més endavant va dirigir el Liceu i, després, la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. Ha estat presidenta del Consell Social de la UAB. Assegura que no va planificar mai la carrera
El artículo repasa algunos aspectos sobre la relación entre educación escolar e inmigración. Así, al inicio se analizan de manera descriptiva las características de la inmigración ligada a la sociedad de la información y sus repercusiones educativas. Igualmente, se repasan algunos trabajos sobre el rendimiento académico de la infancia y la adolescencia extranjera, y se enfatiza el factor lingüístico como una de las fuentes explicativas de dicho rendimiento. En este sentido, se muestran varias investigaciones dedicadas a conocer los factores que inciden en el aprendizaje por el alumnado extranjero de la lengua de la escuela y, finalmente, se ofrecen varios criterios para encarar con éxito la relación entre escolarización e inmigración
La tesi defensa la transmutació de la filosofia en la societat de la informació i del coneixement, tant pel que fa referència als nous espais d'aplicació, com als dels temes objecte d'estudi i els mètodes a seguir en la recerca i activitat filosòfica. La tesi està dividida en tres parts: la primera analitza les diferents perspectives filosòfiques de la tècnica i la tecnologia al llarg de la història; la segona reflexiona sobre les característiques de la societat de la informació, la comunicació i del coneixement; i, per últim, la tercera part, com a conseqüència de les dues anteriors, tracta del sentit i de la funció de la filosofia en relació amb la tecnologia i societat actuals.
As novas formas de comunicação permitem uma internacionalização imediata dos discursos; dado que a competência entre produtores de informação é global, buscam-se novos modos de aceder aos receptores. Com este fim, renuncia-se a estruturas fortes primárias e premeia-se uma abertura aparente que permite transferir a mensagem real num segundo plano. A hiperinflação informativa que com isto se produz, e os correspondentes meios de a combater, emulam os mercados monetários.
Redes institucionais na América Latina : construindo as Ciências Sociais Contemporâneas e a Educação
A criação de redes institucionais na história recente da América Latina tem sido um resultado crucial nos processos de construção e consolidação das ciências sociais e educação. Estes processos são explicados no quadro da chamada sociedade do conhecimento e da reflexividade social. Ambos os fenómenos - a configuração de uma sociedade em rede e o acesso crescente à informação - são o produto de um tempo em que produtores de redes sociais e conhecimento são também refletidas em experiências concretas na esfera educativa. Apresentam-se neste artigo - a título exemplificativo e sem tentar esgotar o inventário - alguns casos relevantes de redes institucionais dentro do campo das ciências sociais e da educação no contexto da América Latina. Todos eles são expressão de uma forma de trabalho colaborativo e de um modo dialógico de construir e gerir o conhecimento. Em primeiro lugar, descrevem-se as contribuições de três iniciativas que começam e se desenvolvem a partir da segunda metade do século XX: o Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências sociais (CLACSO), criado em Buenos Aires, em 1964; a Faculdade Latino-americana de Ciências Sociais (FLACSO), criada em 1957, por iniciativa da UNESCO e alguns governos da região; A Rede Latino-americana de Informação e Documentação em Educação (REDUC), fundada em 1977 com o objetivo de preservar a memória da produção educacional na região. Por último, apresentam-se, como uma experiência singular que começa na primeira década do século XXI, as iniciativas em curso da Rede Ibero-americana de investigação em políticas educativas (RIAIPE), criada em 2006, com a participação de instituições de educação superior na América Latina e da Europa.
O objectivo principal deste trabalho de investigação é na análise do aproveitamento das potencialidades da tecnologia da Web 2.0 pelos profissionais de informação na gestão do conhecimento nas bibliotecas, especialmente nas universitárias, onde a utilização destas tecnologias se revela de extrema importância. Para enquadrar o estudo no âmbito da aplicação das tecnologias da Web 2.0 ao serviço da biblioteca foi analisado, em primeiro lugar, o impacto que o desenvolvimento tecnológico teve na sociedade e a globalização do saber originado pelo software social. Para complementar o estudo e verificar a gestão de uma das redes sociais, o Blogue, foi usado o método qualitativo, através da aplicação de uma grelha de avaliação da qualidade dos Blogues desenvolvida por Luísa Alvim. Os resultados obtidos da análise dos Blogues foram submetidos à observação dos princípios da Web 2.0, defendidos por Maness. Concluiu-se que as potencialidades do Blogue não são completamente exploradas pelos profissionais de informação, nem mesmo nas bibliotecas universitárias. Este estudo pretende fazer a análise da situação, mas também ser um ponto de partida para que os responsáveis das bibliotecas, especialmente das bibliotecas universitárias, repensem o conceito e mais-valia da Web 2.0, de forma a que o Blogue seja gerido estrategicamente em benefício do utilizador, profissionais de informação e do próprio serviço da biblioteca.
Collaborative software is usually thought of as providing audio-video conferencing services, application/desktop sharing, and access to large content repositories. However mobile device usage is characterized by users carrying out short and intermittent tasks sometimes referred to as 'micro-tasking'. Micro-collaborations are not well supported by traditional groupware systems and the work in this paper seeks out to address this. Mico is a system that provides a set of application level peer-to-peer services for the ad-hoc formation and facilitation of collaborative groups across a diverse mobile device domain. The system builds on the Java ME bindings of the JXTA P2P protocols, and is designed with an approach to use the lowest common denominators that are required for collaboration between varying degrees of mobile device capability. To demonstrate how our platform facilitates application development, we built an exemplary set of demonstration applications and include code examples here to illustrate the ease and speed afforded when developing collaborative software with Mico.
Is the human body a suitable place for a microchip? Such discussion is no longer hypothetical - in fact in reality it has not been so for some years. Restorative devices such as pacemakers and cochlear implants have become well established, yet these sophisticated devices form notably intimate links between technology and the body. More recent developments in engineering technologies have meant that the integration of silicon with biology is now reaching new levels - with devices which interact directly with the brain. As medical technologies continue to advance, their potential benefits for human enhancement will become increasingly attractive, and so we need to seriously consider where this may take us. In this paper, an attempt is made to demonstrate that, in the medical context, the foundations of more advanced implantable enhancement technologies are already notably progressed, and that they are becoming more science fact than is widely considered. A number of wider moral, ethical and legal issues stem from enhancement applications and it is difficult to foresee the social consequences, the fundamental changes on our very conception of self and the impact on our identity of adoption long term. As a result, it is necessary to acknowledge the possibilities and is timely to have debate to address the wider implications these possibilities may bring.
This paper presents a study investigating how the performance of motion-impaired computer users in point and click tasks varies with target distance (A), target width (W), and force-feedback gravity well width (GWW). Six motion-impaired users performed point and click tasks across a range of values for A, W, and GWW. Times were observed to increase with A, and to decrease with W. Times also improved with GWW, and, with the addition of a gravity well, a greater improvement was observed for smaller targets than for bigger ones. It was found that Fitts Law gave a good description of behaviour for each value of GWW, and that gravity wells reduced the effect of task difficulty on performance. A model based on Fitts Law is proposed, which incorporates the effect of GWW on movement time. The model accounts for 88.8% of the variance in the observed data.
In collaborative situations, eye gaze is a critical element of behavior which supports and fulfills many activities and roles. In current computer-supported collaboration systems, eye gaze is poorly supported. Even in a state-of-the-art video conferencing system such as the access grid, although one can see the face of the user, much of the communicative power of eye gaze is lost. This article gives an overview of some preliminary work that looks towards integrating eye gaze into an immersive collaborative virtual environment and assessing the impact that this would have on interaction between the users of such a system. Three experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy of eye gaze within immersive virtual environments. In each experiment, subjects observed on a large screen the eye-gaze behavior of an avatar. The eye-gaze behavior of that avatar had previously been recorded from a user with the use of a head-mounted eye tracker. The first experiment was conducted to assess the difference between users' abilities to judge what objects an avatar is looking at with only head gaze being viewed and also with eye- and head-gaze data being displayed. The results from the experiment show that eye gaze is of vital importance to the subjects, correctly identifying what a person is looking at in an immersive virtual environment. The second experiment examined whether a monocular or binocular eye-tracker would be required. This was examined by testing subjects' ability to identify where an avatar was looking from their eye direction alone, or by eye direction combined with convergence. This experiment showed that convergence had a significant impact on the subjects' ability to identify where the avatar was looking. The final experiment looked at the effects of stereo and mono-viewing of the scene, with the subjects being asked to identify where the avatar was looking. This experiment showed that there was no difference in the subjects' ability to detect where the avatar was gazing. This is followed by a description of how the eye-tracking system has been integrated into an immersive collaborative virtual environment and some preliminary results from the use of such a system.
SMEs are widely recognized as an important driving force of economic growth, yet, their uptake of ICT is still very low. Tosupport SMEs ICT adoption and to foster regional development, in 2000, the Lisbon Strategy on the Information Society andKnowledge-based economy created a vision for 2010 towards the creation of the European Digital Business Ecosystems(DBE). This paper is positioned within that context and reports upon a project involving 6000 SMEs whose aim was tosupport ICT adoption and to encourage SME networks through the creation of a Regional Business Portal. The papere xplores factors affecting the regional SMEs participating in the DBE. An in-depth longitudinal case study approach was adopted and multiple sources of evidence were used. Many factors affecting SMEs progression to DBE were identified:including people and organization, environmental, diffusion networks, technological, regional and time factors
“Point and click” interactions remain one of the key features of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). People with motion-impairments, however, can often have difficulty with accurate control of standard pointing devices. This paper discusses work that aims to reveal the nature of these difficulties through analyses that consider the cursor’s path of movement. A range of cursor measures was applied, and a number of them were found to be significant in capturing the differences between able-bodied users and motion-impaired users, as well as the differences between a haptic force feedback condition and a control condition. The cursor measures found in the literature, however, do not make up a comprehensive list, but provide a starting point for analysing cursor movements more completely. Six new cursor characteristics for motion-impaired users are introduced to capture aspects of cursor movement different from those already proposed.