943 resultados para immunity to infection


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Juvenile or adult fish can alter their behaviour and rely on an innate and adaptive immune system to avoid/counteract pathogens, while fish embryos have to depend on egg characteristics and may be partly protected by their developing immune system that is building up from a certain age on. We developed an infection protocol that allows testing the reaction of individual whitefish embryos (Coregonus palaea) to repeated exposures to Pseudomonas fluorescens, an opportunistic bacterial fish pathogen. We used a full-factorial in vitro breeding design to separately test the effects of paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' susceptibility to different kinds of pathogen exposure. We found that a first non-lethal exposure had immunosuppressive effects: pre-exposed embryos were more susceptible to future challenges with the same pathogen. At intermediate and high levels of pathogen intensity, maternal effects turned out to be crucial for the embryos' tolerance to infection. Paternal (i.e. genetic) effects played a significant role at the strongest level of infection, i.e. the embryos' own genetics already explained some of the variation in embryo susceptibility. Our findings suggest that whitefish embryos are largely protected by maternally transmitted substances, but build up some own innate immunocompetence several days before hatching.


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Susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with Leishmania major is associated with a T helper type 2 (Th2) response. Since interleukin-4 (IL-4) is critically required early for Th2 cell development, the kinetics of IL-4 mRNA expression was compared in susceptible and resistant mice during the first days of infection. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible mice exhibited a peak of IL-4 mRNA in their spleens 90 min after i.v. injection of parasites and in lymph nodes 16 h after s.c. injection. IL-12 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) down-regulated this early peak of IL-4 mRNA; the effect of IL-12 was IFN-gamma dependent. Treatment of resistant C57BL/6 mice with anti-IFN-gamma allowed the expression of this early IL-4 response to L. major. The increased IL-4 mRNA expression occurred in V beta 8, 7, 2- CD4+ cells in BALB/c mice and NK1.1- CD4+ cells in anti-IFN-gamma treated C57BL/6 mice. These results show that the NK1.1+ CD4+ cells, responsible for the rapid burst of IL-4 production after i.v. injection of anti-CD3, do not contribute to the early IL-4 response to L. major.


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The outcome of infection depends on multiple layers of immune regulation, with innate immunity playing a decisive role in shaping protection or pathogenic sequelae of acquired immunity. The contribution of pattern recognition receptors and adaptor molecules in immunity to malaria remains poorly understood. Here, we interrogate the role of the caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9) signaling pathway in the development of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) using the murine Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection model. CARD9 expression was upregulated in the brains of infected wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting a potential role for this pathway in ECM pathogenesis. However, P. berghei ANKA-infected Card9(-/-) mice succumbed to neurological signs and presented with disrupted blood-brain barriers similar to WT mice. Furthermore, consistent with the immunological features associated with ECM in WT mice, Card9(-/-) mice revealed (i) elevated levels of proinflammatory responses, (ii) high frequencies of activated T cells, and (iii) CD8(+) T cell arrest in the cerebral microvasculature. We conclude that ECM develops independently of the CARD9 signaling pathway.


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INTRODUCTION: For decades, clinicians dealing with immunocompromised and critically ill patients have perceived a link between Candida colonization and subsequent infection. However, the pathophysiological progression from colonization to infection was clearly established only through the formal description of the colonization index (CI) in critically ill patients. Unfortunately, the literature reflects intense confusion about the pathophysiology of invasive candidiasis and specific associated risk factors. METHODS: We review the contribution of the CI in the field of Candida infection and its development in the 20 years following its original description in 1994. The development of the CI enabled an improved understanding of the pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis and the use of targeted empirical antifungal therapy in subgroups of patients at increased risk for infection. RESULTS: The recognition of specific characteristics among underlying conditions, such as neutropenia, solid organ transplantation, and surgical and nonsurgical critical illness, has enabled the description of distinct epidemiological patterns in the development of invasive candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limited bedside practicality and before confirmation of potentially more accurate predictors, such as specific biomarkers, the CI remains an important way to characterize the dynamics of colonization, which increases early in patients who develop invasive candidiasis.


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Following infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, C57BL/6 mice develop a small lesion that heals spontaneously. Resistance to infection is associated with the development of CD4(+) Th1 cells producing gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which synergize in activating macrophages to their microbicidal state. We show here that C57BL/6 mice lacking both TNF and Fas ligand (FasL) (gld TNF(-/-) mice) infected with L. major neither resolved their lesions nor controlled Leishmania replication despite the development of a strong Th1 response. Comparable inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were detected in lesions of TNF(-/-), gld TNF(-/-), and gld mice, but only gld and gld TNF(-/-) mice failed to control parasite replication. Parasite numbers were high in gld mice and even more elevated in gld TNF(-/-) mice, suggesting that, in addition to iNOS, the Fas/FasL pathway is required for successful control of parasite replication and that TNF contributes only a small part to this process. Furthermore, FasL was shown to synergize with IFN-gamma for the induction of leishmanicidal activity within macrophages infected with L. major in vitro. Interestingly, TNF(-/-) mice maintained large lesion size throughout infection, despite being able to largely control parasite numbers. Thus, IFN-gamma, FasL, and iNOS appear to be essential for the complete control of parasite replication, while the contribution of TNF is more important in controlling inflammation at the site of parasite inoculation.


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Infections with Leishmania parasites of the Leishmania Viannia subgenus give rise to both localized cutaneous (CL), and metastatic leishmaniasis. Metastasizing disease forms including disseminated (DCL) and mutocutaneous (MCL) leishmaniasis result from parasitic dissemination and lesion formation at sites distal to infection and have increased inflammatory responses. The presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) in L. guyanensis parasites contributes to the exacerbation of disease and impacts inflammatory responses via activation of TLR3 by the viral dsRNA. In this study we investigated other innate immune response adaptor protein modulators and demonstrated that both MyD88 and TLR9 played a crucial role in the development of Th1-dependent healing responses against L. guyanensis parasites regardless of their LRV status. The absence of MyD88- or TLR9-dependent signaling pathways resulted in increased Th2 associated cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13), which was correlated with low transcript levels of IL-12p40. The reliance of IL-12 was further confirmed in IL12AB-/- mice, which were completely susceptible to infection. Protection to L. guyanensis infection driven by MyD88- and TLR9-dependent immune responses arises independently to those induced due to high LRV burden within the parasites.


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Introduction: Small for gestational age (SGA) is an important problem affecting 10% of pregnancies and is associated with significant perinatal morbidity. In about 80% of cases, a probable etiology or a major risk factor can be identified. But almost 20% of SGA cases are considered unexplained. The 60-kDa heat shock protein (HSP60) is a highly immunogenic protein whose synthesis is greatly upregulated under nonphysiological conditions. Bacterial and human HSP60 share a high degree of sequence homology, and immunity to conserved epitopes may result in development of autoimmunity following a bacterial infection. We hypothesized that unexplained SGA could be the consequence of immune sensitization to human HSP60. Methods: Unexplained SGA fetuses were identified by ultrasound biometry with normal Doppler velocimetry and with no detectable maternal or fetal abnormalities. Fetal sera were obtained by cordocentesis performed for a karyotype analysis in cases of unexplained SGA (study group) or for screening of Rhesus incompatibility (control group). Fetal sera were tested for HSP60 antigen and for IgG and IgM anti-HSP60 by ELISA as well as for other immune and hematological parameters. Results: Maternal parameters were similar between the 12 study cases and the 23 control cases. The mean gestational age at cordocentesis was 29 weeks. IgM anti-HSP60 was detected in 12 cases (100%) and in no controls (p < 0.00017), while IgG anti-HSP60 was detected in 7 cases (58%) and only 1 control (p < 0.001). Three of the 4 cases with the highest IgM antibody levels died. There were no differences in fetal serum levels of HSP60 antigen or other immune and hematological markers between the two groups. Conclusion: Fetuses with unexplained SGA are positive for IgM and IgG antibody to human HSP60 and the specific IgM antibody level is predictive of fetal mortality. Detection of these antibodies indicates that a placental perturbation and a fetal autoimmune reaction to HSP60 are associated with this developmental delay.


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Infections by opportunistic fungi have traditionally been viewed as the gross result of a pathogenic automatism, which makes a weakened host more vulnerable to microbial insults. However, fungal sensing of a host's immune environment might render this process more elaborate than previously appreciated. Here we show that interleukin (IL)-17A binds fungal cells, thus tackling both sides of the host-pathogen interaction in experimental settings of host colonization and/or chronic infection. Global transcriptional profiling reveals that IL-17A induces artificial nutrient starvation conditions in Candida albicans, resulting in a downregulation of the target of rapamycin signalling pathway and in an increase in autophagic responses and intracellular cAMP. The augmented adhesion and filamentous growth, also observed with Aspergillus fumigatus, eventually translates into enhanced biofilm formation and resistance to local antifungal defenses. This might exemplify a mechanism whereby fungi have evolved a means of sensing host immunity to ensure their own persistence in an immunologically dynamic environment.


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RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLICL'intestin est le siège d'intenses agressions de la part de l'ensemble des aliments ingérés, de bactéries agressives dites pathogènes mais également de bactéries dites commensales peuplant naturellement les surfaces intestinales muqueuses. Pour faire face, notre organisme arbore de nombreux niveaux de protections tant physiques, chimiques, mécaniques mais aussi immunitaires. La présence d'un type particulier de cellules, les cellules épithéliales (IEC) assurant une protection physique, ainsi que la production d'anticorps spécialisés par le système immunitaire appelés immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA) servent conjointement de première ligne de défense contre ces agressions externes. Néanmoins, comment le dialogue s'articule entre ces deux partenaires reste incomplet.Nous avons donc décidé de mimer ces interactions en modélisant les surfaces muqueuses par une monocouche de cellules différenciées en laboratoire. Des souches bactériennes isolées de l'intestin humain seules ou associées à des SlgA non-spécifiques ont été mises au contact de ce modèle cellulaire nous permettant de conclure quant à la présence effective d'une modulation du dialogue bactérie/lEC impliquant une activation de la réponse cellulaire vers un état de tolérance mutuelle. De façon surprenante, nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence un type d'interaction nouveau entre ces anticorps et ces bactéries. Une étude biochimique nous a permis de détailler un nouveau rôle des SlgA médié par les sucres présents à leur surface dans le maintien d'une relation pacifique avec les commensaux perpétuellement présents, relations qualifiées d'homésostase intestinale.Le rôle protecteur des SlgA a par ailleurs été abordé pour avoir une meilleure appréhension de leur impact au niveau cellulaire lors d'infection par Shigella flexneri, bactérie causant la Shigellose, diarrhée sanglante responsable de la mort de plus d'un million de personnes chaque année. Basée sur le même modèle cellulaire, cette étude nous a permis de démontrer une nouvelle entrée de ce pathogène directement via les IEC. La présence d'anticorps spécifiques à la surface des bactéries restreint leur champs d'action contre les cibles intracellulaires identifiées que sont les filaments soutenant le squelette de la cellule, les fibres d'actine ainsi que les jonctions serrées, réseaux de protéines clés des interactions entre cellules. Cette ouverture au niveau cellulaire apporte un nouvel élan quant à la compréhension du rôle protecteur des SlgA lors d'attaques de l'intestin, protection semblant dépendante d'une agrégation des bactéries.Pour finir, nous avons mis en évidence la détection directe par les cellules de la présence d'anticorps libres dans l'intestin ajoutant une nouvelle réplique dans le dialogue complexe entre ces deux piliers de l'équilibre intestinal que sont les SlgA et les cellules épithéliales.RESUMELa muqueuse intestinale est dotée d'un réseau complexe de protections physico-chimiques, mécaniques ou immunologiques. Associées à un système immunitaire omniprésent, les cellules épithéliales intestinales {IEC) bordant la lumière intestinale ont la double tâche de protéger l'intérieur de l'organisme stérile contre l'invasion et la dissémination d'agents pathogènes, et de maintenir une relation pacifique avec la flore intestinale, rôles également joués par les immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA), anticorps les plus abondamment présents à la surface des muqueuses. Tant les IEC que les SlgA sont ainsi décrites comme convergeant vers le même objectif ; néanmoins, les rouages de leurs interactions restent largement inconnus.Pour répondre à cette question, des monocouches épithéliales reconstituées in vitro ont été incubées avec des souches commensales telles que des Lactobacillus ou des Bifodobacteria, seules ou complexées avec des SlgA non-spécifiques, nous permettant de décrypter l'influence des SlgA sur la détection des bactéries par les IEC, favorisant l'adhésion bactérienne et la cohésion cellulaire, augmentant l'activation de la voie NF-κΒ ainsi que la sécrétion de la cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin contrairement à celle de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires qui reste inchangée. Par ailleurs, une interaction Fab-indépendante est suggérée dans l'interaction SlgA/bactéries. Comme une interaction de faible affinité a été décrite comme prenant naturellement place au niveau de l'intestin, nous avons donc disséqué les mécanismes sous- jacents en utilisant un large spectre de bactérie associés à des protéines soit recombinantes soit isolées à partir de colostrum, mettant en évidence un rôle crucial des N-glycanes présents sur la pièce sécrétoire et soulignant une nouvelle propriété des SlgA dans l'homéostase intestinale.Intrinsèquement liés aux caractéristiques des SlgA, nous nous sommes également focalisés sur leur rôle protecteur lors d'infection par l'enteropathogène Shigella flexneri reproduites in vitro sur des monocouches polarisées. Nous avons tout d'abord démontré une nouvelle porte d'entrée pour ce pathogène directement via les IEC. L'agrégation des bactéries par les SlgA confère aux cellules une meilleure résistance à l'infection, retardant croissance bactérienne et entrée cellulaire, affectant par ailleurs leur capacité à cibler le cytosquelette et les jonctions serrées. La formation de tels cargos détectés de façon biaisée par les IEC apparaît comme une explication plausible au maintien de la cohésion cellulaire médiée par les SlgA.Enfin, le retrotransport des SlgA à travers les IEC a été abordé soulignant une participation active de ces cellules dans la détection de l'environnement extérieur, les impliquant possiblement dans l'activation d'un état muqueux stable.Conjointement, ces résultats indiquent que les SlgA représentent l'un des éléments-clés à la surface de la muqueuse et soulignent la complexité du dialogue établi avec l'épithélium en vue du maintien d'un fragile équilibre intestinal.ABSTRACTThe intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.The Intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.


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Recent years have seen a significant increase in understanding of the host genetic and genomic determinants of susceptibility to HIV-1 infection and disease progression, driven in large part by candidate gene studies, genome-wide association studies, genome-wide transcriptome analyses, and large-scale in vitro genome screens. These studies have identified common variants in some host loci that clearly influence disease progression, characterized the scale and dynamics of gene and protein expression changes in response to infection, and provided the first comprehensive catalogs of genes and pathways involved in viral replication. Experimental models of AIDS and studies in natural hosts of primate lentiviruses have complemented and in some cases extended these findings. As the relevant technology continues to progress, the expectation is that such studies will increase in depth (e.g., to include host whole exome and whole genome sequencing) and in breadth (in particular, by integrating multiple data types).


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Natural killer (NK) cells have originally been identified based on their capacity to kill transformed cells in a seemingly non-specific fashion. Over the last 15 years, knowledge on receptor ligand systems used by NK cells to specifically detect transformed cells has been accumulating rapidly. One of these receptor ligand systems, the NKG2D pathway, has received particular attention, and now serves as a paradigm for how the immune system is able to gather information about the health status of autologous host cells. In addition to its significance on NK cells, NKG2D, as well as other NK cell receptors, play significant roles on T cells. This review aims at summarizing recent insights into the regulation of NKG2D function, the control over NKG2D ligand expression and the role of NKG2D in tumor immunity. Finally, we will discuss first attempts to exploit NKG2D function to improve immunity to tumors.


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Susceptibility and development of Th2 cells in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major result from early IL-4 production by Vbeta4Valpha8 CD4+ T cells in response to the Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 Ag. A role for CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the control of this early IL-4 production was investigated by depleting in vivo this regulatory T cell population. Depletion induced an increase in the early burst of IL-4 mRNA in the draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice, and exacerbated the course of disease with higher levels of IL-4 mRNA and protein in their lymph nodes. We further showed that transfer of 10(7) BALB/c spleen cells that were depleted of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells rendered SCID mice susceptible to infection and allowed Th2 differentiation while SCID mice reconstituted with 10(7) control BALB/c spleen cells were resistant to infection with L. major and developed a Th1 response. Treatment with a mAb against IL-4 upon infection with L. major in SCID mice reconstituted with CD25-depleted spleen cells prevented the development of Th2 polarization and rendered them resistant to infection. These results demonstrate that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells play a role in regulating the early IL-4 mRNA and the subsequent development of a Th2 response in this model of infection.


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The possible immunomodulatory role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in CD4+ T lymphocyte differentiation in mice was examined by studying the effect of transient depletion of PMN during the early phase after Leishmania major delivery. A single injection of the PMN-depleting NIMP-R14 mAb 6 h before infection with L. major prevented the early burst of IL-4 mRNA transcription otherwise occurring in the draining lymph node of susceptible BALB/c mice. Since this early burst of IL-4 mRNA transcripts had previously been shown to instruct Th2 differentiation in mice from this strain, we examined the effect of PMN depletion on Th subset differentiation at later time points after infection. The transient depletion of PMN in BALB/c mice was sufficient to inhibit Th2 cell development otherwise occurring after L. major infection. Decreased Th2 responses were paralleled with partial resolution of the footpad lesions induced by L. major. Furthermore, draining lymph node-derived CD4+ T cells from PMN-depleted mice remained responsive to IL-12 after L. major infection, unlike those of infected BALB/c mice receiving control Ab. PMN depletion had no effect when the NIMP-R14 mAb was injected 24 h postinfection. The protective effect of PMN depletion was shown to be IL-12 dependent, as concomitant neutralization of IL-12 reversed the protective effect of PMN depletion. These results suggest a role for an early wave of PMN in the development of the Th2 response characteristic of mice susceptible to infection with L. major.


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Hepatic natural killer (NK) cells mediate antigen-specific contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in mice deficient in T cells and B cells. We report here that hepatic NK cells, but not splenic or naive NK cells, also developed specific memory of vaccines containing antigens from influenza, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) or human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Adoptive transfer of virus-sensitized NK cells into naive recipient mice enhanced the survival of the mice after lethal challenge with the sensitizing virus but not after lethal challenge with a different virus. NK cell memory of haptens and viruses depended on CXCR6, a chemokine receptor on hepatic NK cells that was required for the persistence of memory NK cells but not for antigen recognition. Thus, hepatic NK cells can develop adaptive immunity to structurally diverse antigens, an activity that requires NK cell-expressed CXCR6.


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BACKGROUND: The burden of enterococcal infections has increased over the last decades with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) being a major health problem. Solid organ transplantation is considered as a risk factor. However, little is known about the relevance of enterococci in solid organ transplantation recipients in areas with a low VRE prevalence. METHODS: We examined the epidemiology of enterococcal events in patients followed in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study between May 2008 and September 2011 and analyzed risk factors for infection, aminopenicillin resistance, treatment, and outcome. RESULTS: Of the 1234 patients, 255 (20.7%) suffered from 392 enterococcal events (185 [47.2%] infections, 205 [52.3%] colonizations, and 2 events with missing clinical information). Only 2 isolates were VRE. The highest infection rates were found early after liver transplantation (0.24/person-year) consisting in 58.6% of Enterococcus faecium. The highest colonization rates were documented in lung transplant recipients (0.33/person-year), with 46.5% E. faecium. Age, prophylaxis with a betalactam antibiotic, and liver transplantation were significantly associated with infection. Previous antibiotic treatment, intensive care unit stay, and lung transplantation were associated with aminopenicillin resistance. Only 4/205 (2%) colonization events led to an infection. Adequate treatment did not affect microbiological clearance rates. Overall mortality was 8%; no deaths were attributable to enterococcal events. CONCLUSIONS: Enterococcal colonizations and infections are frequent in transplant recipients. Progression from colonization to infection is rare. Therefore, antibiotic treatment should be used restrictively in colonization. No increased mortality because of enterococcal infection was noted.