491 resultados para hurricane evacuation
In his interview with Daniel Lee, Anthony DiGiorgio recollects the impact Hurricane Hugo had on Winthrop University and the Rock Hill Community. DiGiorgio discusses weather reports leading up to the hurricane, his personal experience with the storm, and the aftermath of Hugo on campus. DiGiorgio shares the ways in which Winthrop University assisted the community and its faculty and staff. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
Table of Contents: Rebuilding after Hurricane Ike, page 3 Texas and Louisiana refuges were severely damaged in mid-September. A Crane Species Rebounding, page 5 At a Mississippi refuge, the world’s longest-running crane reintroduction program is succeeding. Focus on. . . Refuge System Wetlands, pages 8-13 The Refuge System manages wetlands to enhance their value for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, threatened and endangered species and a myriad of native fish, wildlife, and plants. Fluttering Close to Extinction, page 17. Antioch Dunes Refuge is out to save the Lange’s metalmark butterfly.
Examination of scatological motifs in Théophile de Viau’s (1590-1626) libertine, or ‘cabaret’ poetry is important in terms of how the scatological contributes to the depiction of the Early Modern body in the French lyric.1 This essay does not examine Théophile’s portrait of the body strictly in terms of the ‘Baroque’ or the ‘neo-Classical.’ Rather, it argues that the scatological context in which he situates the body (either his, or those of others), reflects a keen sensibility of the body representative of the transition between these two eras. Théophile reinforces what Bernard Beugnot terms the body’s inherent ‘eloquence’ (17), or what Patrick Dandrey describes as an innate ‘textuality’ in what the body ‘writes’ (31), and how it discloses meaning. The poet’s scatological lyric, much of which was published in the Pamasse Satyrique of 1622, projects a different view of the body’s ‘eloquence’ by depicting a certain realism and honesty about the body as well as the pleasure and suffering it experiences. This Baroque realism, which derives from a sense of the grotesque and the salacious, finds itself in conflict with the Classical body which is frequently characterized as elegant, adorned, and ‘domesticated’ (Beugnot 25). Théophile’s private body is completely exposed, and, unlike the public body of the court, does not rely on masking and pretension to define itself. Mitchell Greenberg contends that the body in late sixteenth-century and early seventeenth-century French literature is often depicted in a chaotic manner because, ‘the French body politic was rent by tumultuous religious and social upheavals’ (62).2 While one could argue that Théophile’s portraits of a syphilis-ridden narrators are more a reflection of his personal agony rather than that of France as a whole, what emerges in Théophile is an emphasis on the movement, if not decomposition of the body.3 Given Théophile’s public persona and the satirical dimension of his work, it is difficult to imagine that the degeneration he portrays is limited only to his individual experience. On a collective level, Théophile reflects what Greenberg calls ‘a continued, if skewed apprehension of the world in both its physical and metaphysical dimensions’(62–3) typical of the era. To a large extent, the body Théophile depicts is a scatological body, one whose deterioration takes the form of waste, disease, and evacuation as represented in both the private and public domain. Of course, one could cast aside any serious reading of Théophile’s libertine verse, and virtually all of scatological literature for that matter, as an immature indulgence in the prurient. Nonetheless, it was for his dissolute behavior and his scatological poetry that Théophile was imprisoned and condemned to death. Consequently, this part of his work merits serious consideration in terms of the personal and poetic (if not occasionally political) statement it represents. With the exception of Claire Gaudiani’s outstanding critical edition of Théophile’s cabaret lyric, there exist no extensive studies of the poet’s libertine œuvre.4 Clearly however, these poems should be taken seriously with respect to their philosophical and aesthetic import. As a consequence, the objective becomes that of enhancing the reader’s understanding of the lyric contexts in which Théophile’s scatological offerings situate themselves. Structurally, the reader sees how the poet’s libertine ceuvre is just that — an integrated work in which the various components correspond to one another to set forth a number of approaches from which the texts are to be read. These points of view are not always consistent, and Théophile cannot be thought of as writing in a sequential manner along the lines of devotional Baroque poets such as Jean de La Ceppède and Jean de Sponde. However, there is a tendency not to read these poems in their vulgar totality, and to overlook the formal and substantive unity in this category of Théophile’s work. The poet’s resistance to poetic and cultural standards takes a profane, if not pornographic form because it seeks to disgust and arouse while denigrating the self, the lyric other, and the reader. Théophile’s pornography makes no distinction between the erotic and scatological. The poet conflates sex and shit because they present a double form of protest to artistic and social decency while titillating and attacking the reader’s sensibilities. Examination of the repugnant gives way to a cathartic experience which yields an understanding of, if not ironic delight in, one’s own filthy nature.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Background: Digestive complications in enteral nutrition (EN) can negatively affect the nutrition clinical outcome of hospitalized patients. Diarrhea and constipation are intestinal motility disorders associated with pharmacotherapy, hydration, nutrition status, and age. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of these intestinal motility disorders in patients receiving EN and assess risk factors associated with diarrhea and constipation in hospitalized patients receiving exclusive EN therapy in a general hospital. Materials and Methods: The authors performed a sequential and observational study of 110 hospitalized adult patients fed exclusively by EN through a feeding tube. Patients were categorized according to the type of intestinal transit disorder as follows: group D (diarrhea, 3 or more watery evacuations in 24 hours), group C (constipation, less than 1 evacuation during 3 days), and group N (absence of diarrhea or constipation). All prescription drugs were recorded, and patients were analyzed according to the type and amount of medication received. The authors also investigated the presence of fiber in the enteral formula. Results: Patients classified in group C represented 70% of the study population; group D comprised 13%, and group N represented 17%. There was an association between group C and orotracheal intubation as the indication for EN (P<.001). Enteral formula without fiber was associated with constipation (logistic regression analysis: P<.001). Conclusion: Constipation is more frequent than diarrhea in patients fed exclusively by EN. Enteral diet with fiber may protect against medication-associated intestinal motility disorders. The addition of prokinetic drugs seems to be useful in preventing constipation. (Nutr Clin Pract. XXXX;xx:xx-xx)
[EN]Diel vertical migrants (DVMs) are mainly zooplankton and micronekton that migrate upward from 400-700 m depth every night to feed in the productive epipelagic zone and come back at dawn to the mesopelagic zone, where they release the ingested carbon. DVMs should contribute to the biological pump in the ocean and, accordingly, to thevglobal CO2 balance. A large portion of the DVMs biomass are the lanternfishes (myctophidae), which might represent a pathway accounting for a substantial export of organic carbon to the deep ocean. Nevertheless, the magnitude of this transport is still poorly known. The combined study of migration and feeding ecology is a good approach to improve our knowledge of the DVMs role in this active carbon flux. Two dominant myctophids in the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (Hygophum hygomii (Lütken, 1892) and (Lobianchia dofleini (Zugmayer, 1911)) were studied from several surveys carried out around the Canary Islands during the last decade. Our results showed a marked diel vertical migration and a prevailing nocturnal feeding with predation mainly on copepods and euphausiids. The digestion state of prey suggested a slow stomach evacuation rate and that most of the ingested carbon in the epipelagic is efficiently transported to the mesopelagic zone.
Auswirkungen einer hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Therapie in Kombination mit chirurgischer Hämatomentfernung auf funktionelle und histologische Defizite nach akutem subduralem Hämatom der Ratte: Die Zeit bis zur Behandlung eines akuten subduralen Hämatoms stellt eine der wichtigsten prognosebestimmenden Faktoren für die Mortalität und Morbidität der Patienten dar. Ein unbehandeltes akutes subdurales Hämatom im Rahmen eines schweren Schädelhirntraumas geht mit einer Sterblichkeit von weit über 50% einher. Selbst bei zeitiger chirurgischer Entlastung versterben noch ca. 30% der Patienten als Folge der Hirnschädigung. Um Therapieoptionen zur Verbesserung der schlechten Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom liefern zu können, wurde in dieser Studie die frühe Therapie mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen (HHT) sowie die Kombination mit chirurgischer Evakuation des Hämatoms untersucht. In dem genutzten Tiermodell wurde ein subdurales Hämatom über die Infusion von 400 µl autologen venösen Blutes erreicht. Je nach Gruppe erhielten die Ratten 30 Minuten nach ASDH eine HHT oder isotonische Kochsalzlösung und ggf. eine chirurgische Entfernung des Hämatoms eine Stunde nach Induktion. Die Studie war in zwei Teile getrennt. Die akute Studie welche den intraoperativen Verlauf von Blutwerten, intrakraniellem Druck zerebralem Perfusionsdruck und zerebralem Blutfluss untersuchte und die chronische Studie welche über Verhaltenstests (Neuroscore, Beamwalk, Open Field) die funktionellen und histologischen Ergebnisse im Verlauf von 12 Tage betrachtete. Im Ergebnis konnten durch eine HHT eine Reduktion der intrakraniellen Hypertension erreicht werden. Im Langzeit Verlauf schnitten alle Behandlungen besser ab als die unbehandelte Gruppe. In Bezug auf die neurologische Erholung und das histologische Defizit zeigten die mit einer HHT behandelten Tiere jedoch die besten Ergebnisse. rnEine frühe chirurgische Intervention ist eine protektive Maßnahme bezogen auf die funktionelle Defizite und den histologischen Schaden nach akutem subduralem Hämatom, aber frühe hypertone / hyperonkotische Behandlung ist in diesem Modell sogar noch effektiver. Eine frühe Behandlung mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen stellt somit eine vielversprechende, sichere und kausale Therapieoption zur Verbesserung der Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom dar. rn
In the present work, a detailed analysis of a Mediterranean TLC occurred in January 2014 has been conducted. The author is not aware of other studies regarding this particular event at the publication of this thesis. In order to outline the cyclone evolution, observational data, including weather-stations data, satellite data, radar data and photographic evidence, were collected at first. After having identified the cyclone path and its general features, the GLOBO, BOLAM and MOLOCH NWP models, developed at ISAC-CNR (Bologna), were used to simulate the phenomenon. Particular attention was paid on the Mediterranean phase as well as on the Atlantic phase, since the cyclone showed a well defined precursor up to 3 days before the minimum formation in the Alboran Sea. The Mediterranean phase has been studied using different combinations of GLOBO, BOLAM and MOLOCH models, so as to evaluate the best model chain to simulate this kind of phenomena. The BOLAM and MOLOCH models showed the best performance, by adjusting the path erroneously deviated in the National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and ECMWF operational models. The analysis of the cyclone thermal phase shown the presence of a deep-warm core structure in many cases, thus confirming the tropical-like nature of the system. Furthermore, the results showed high sensitivity to initial conditions in the whole lifetime of the cyclone, while the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) modification leads only to small changes in the Adriatic phase. The Atlantic phase has been studied using GLOBO and BOLAM model and with the aid of the same methodology already developed. After tracing the precursor, in the form of a low-pressure system, from the American East Coast to Spain, the thermal phase analysis was conducted. The parameters obtained showed evidence of a deep-cold core asymmetric structure during the whole Atlantic phase, while the first contact with the Mediterranean Sea caused a sudden transition to a shallow-warm core structure. The examination of Potential Vorticity (PV) 3-dimensional structure revealed the presence of a PV streamer that individually formed over Greenland and eventually interacted with the low-pressure system over the Spanish coast, favouring the first phase of the cyclone baroclinic intensification. Finally, the development of an automated system that tracks and studies the thermal phase of Mediterranean cyclones has been encouraged. This could lead to the forecast of potential tropical transition, against with a minimum computational investment.
Decompressive craniectomy (DC) lowers intracranial pressure and improves outcome in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery stroke. Its usefulness in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze feasibility and safety of DC without clot evacuation in ICH.
Potential future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) characteristics are among the more serious regional threats of global climate change. Therefore, a better understanding of how anthropogenic climate change may affect TCs and how these changes translate in socio-economic impacts is required. Here, we apply a TC detection and tracking method that was developed for ERA-40 data to time-slice experiments of two atmospheric general circulation models, namely the fifth version of the European Centre model of Hamburg model (MPI, Hamburg, Germany, T213) and the Japan Meteorological Agency/ Meteorological research Institute model (MRI, Tsukuba city, Japan, TL959). For each model, two climate simulations are available: a control simulation for present-day conditions to evaluate the model against observations, and a scenario simulation to assess future changes. The evaluation of the control simulations shows that the number of intense storms is underestimated due to the model resolution. To overcome this deficiency, simulated cyclone intensities are scaled to the best track data leading to a better representation of the TC intensities. Both models project an increased number of major hurricanes and modified trajectories in their scenario simulations. These changes have an effect on the projected loss potentials. However, these state-of-the-art models still yield contradicting results, and therefore they are not yet suitable to provide robust estimates of losses due to uncertainties in simulated hurricane intensity, location and frequency.
Oxytocin (OT) release and lactation performance in primiparous Syrian Shami cows were evaluated in response to two different machine milking regimes. Six cows were milked in the presence of the calves (PC) and subsequently suckled, whereas six cows were exclusively machine milked without the presence of their calves (WC) until day 91 post partum. Milk yield and milk constituents were determined weekly. The degree of udder evacuation was determined by the succeeding removal of residual milk. PC released OT during the milking process, whereas in WC no OT release was detected throughout the milking process. Consequently, the residual milk fraction was much lower in PC than in WC (11% v. 58%, P<0.05) and daily milk yield until day 91 post partum was higher in PC than in WC (12.6+/-0.3 v. 7.1+/-0.4 kg, P<0.05). In conclusion, Syrian Shami cattle are not suitable to be exclusively machine milked without the presence of their calves.
This paper presents a case of a 28-year-old male with a seizure episode and a 4-year history of intermittent tinnitus on the left ear. On computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, a density with rim enhancement was found at the temporal lobe, associated with mastoid tegmen destruction and middle ear mass, indicating cholesteatoma with complicating brain abscess. Evacuation of the brain abscess was performed with a combined otolaryngologic and neurosurgical procedures (canal wall-down mastoidectomy and temporal craniotomy). The pathology turned out to be infestation with Echinococcus granulosus.
BACKGROUND: Hirschsprung disease (HD) is a functional obstruction of the bowel caused by the absence of intrinsic enteric ganglion cells. The diagnosis of total colonic HD (TCHD) based on contrast enemas is difficult in newborns because radiological findings vary. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiographic and contrast enema findings in patients with pathologically proven TCHD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1966 to 2007, 17 records from a total of 31 patients with TCHD were retrospectively evaluated for diameter and shape of the colon, diameter of the small bowel, bowel wall contour, ileal reflux, abdominal calcifications, pneumoperitoneum, filling defects, transitional zones and rectosigmoid index. RESULTS: Three colonic patterns of TCHD were found: microcolon, question-mark-shape colon and normal caliber colon. Additional findings included spasmodic colon, ileal reflux, delayed evacuation and abdominal calcifications. Colonic transitional zones were found in eight patients with TCHD. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of TCHD is difficult to establish by contrast enema studies. The length of the aganglionic small bowel and the age of the patient can influence the radiological findings in TCHD. The transitional zone and the rectosigmoid index can be false-positive in TCHD. The colon can appear normal. Consider TCHD if the contrast enema study is normal but the patient remains symptomatic and other causes of distal bowel obstruction have been excluded.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence and impact of an intracerebral hematoma (ICH) on treatment and outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. METHODS: Data of 585 consecutive patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage from June 1999 to December 2005 were prospectively entered in a database. ICH was diagnosed and size was measured by computed tomographic scan before aneurysm occlusion. Fifty patients (8.5%) presented with an ICH larger than 50 cm3. The treatment decision (coil, clip, or hematoma evacuation) was based on an interdisciplinary approach. Patients were stratified into good (Hunt and Hess Grades I-III) versus poor (Hunt and Hess Grades IV and V) grade, and outcome was assessed according to the modified Rankin Scale at 6 months. RESULTS: Overall, 358 patients presented in good grade, with 4 of them having ICH (1.1%); and 227 patients presented in poor grade, with 46 of them having ICH (20.3%, P < 0.01). In good-grade patients with an ICH (n = 4), a favorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale score of 0-2) was achieved in 1 patient (25%), and in 246 patients (75%) without an ICH (P = 0.053; odds ratio, 0.11). A favorable outcome was achieved in 5 poor-grade patients (12.8%) with an ICH and in 40 patients (23.7%) without an ICH (P = 0.19; odds ratio, 0.47). Time to treatment was significantly shorter in patients with an ICH than without an ICH (median, 7 versus 26 h; P < 0.001) and shortest in patients with favorable outcome (3.5 hours; P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The current data confirm that the presence of an ICH is a predictor of unfavorable outcome. However, despite large ICHs, a significant number of patients have a good outcome. To achieve a favorable outcome, ultra-early treatment with hematoma evacuation and aneurysm obliteration seems to be mandatory.
The municipality of San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala is home to approximately 5,200 people and located on the western side of the Lake Atitlán caldera. Steep slopes surround all but the eastern side of San Juan. The Lake Atitlán watershed is susceptible to many natural hazards, but most predictable are the landslides that can occur annually with each rainy season, especially during high-intensity events. Hurricane Stan hit Guatemala in October 2005; the resulting flooding and landslides devastated the Atitlán region. Locations of landslide and non-landslide points were obtained from field observations and orthophotos taken following Hurricane Stan. This study used data from multiple attributes, at every landslide and non-landslide point, and applied different multivariate analyses to optimize a model for landslides prediction during high-intensity precipitation events like Hurricane Stan. The attributes considered in this study are: geology, geomorphology, distance to faults and streams, land use, slope, aspect, curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature and topographic wetness index. The attributes were pre-evaluated for their ability to predict landslides using four different attribute evaluators, all available in the open source data mining software Weka: filtered subset, information gain, gain ratio and chi-squared. Three multivariate algorithms (decision tree J48, logistic regression and BayesNet) were optimized for landslide prediction using different attributes. The following statistical parameters were used to evaluate model accuracy: precision, recall, F measure and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The algorithm BayesNet yielded the most accurate model and was used to build a probability map of landslide initiation points. The probability map developed in this study was also compared to the results of a bivariate landslide susceptibility analysis conducted for the watershed, encompassing Lake Atitlán and San Juan. Landslides from Tropical Storm Agatha 2010 were used to independently validate this study’s multivariate model and the bivariate model. The ultimate aim of this study is to share the methodology and results with municipal contacts from the author's time as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer, to facilitate more effective future landslide hazard planning and mitigation.