999 resultados para haptic technologies


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An approach to reconfiguring control systems in the event of major failures is advocated. The approach relies on the convergence of several technologies which are currently emerging: Constrained predictive control, High-fidelity modelling of complex systems, Fault detection and identification, and Model approximation and simplification. Much work is needed, both theoretical and algorithmic, to make this approach practical, but we believe that there is enough evidence, especially from existing industrial practice, for the scheme to be considered realistic. After outlining the problem and proposed solution, the paper briefly reviews constrained predictive control and object-oriented modelling, which are the essential ingredients for practical implementation. The prospects for automatic model simplification are also reviewed briefly. The paper emphasizes some emerging trends in industrial practice, especially as regards modelling and control of complex systems. Examples from process control and flight control are used to illustrate some of the ideas.


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Two BFRI evolved aquaculture technologies - integrated rice fish farming and carp polyculture with over-wintered fingerlings under different stocking densities were tested during 2003-04. The study was coordinated with two local NGOs namely NICHAITA and JNDP, Muktagacha, Mymensingh. Integrated rice fish farming technology was demonstrated in 9 plots each having an area between 60-100 dec. during boro season. Fifteen days after transplantation of rice seedlings, fingerlings of rajpunti (Barbodes gonionotus) of 7-10 g of individual weight were stocked in the rice fields at the density of 3,000 (T1), 3,750 (T2) and 4,500/ha (T3). The corresponding final weight of fish after three and half months in treatments 1, 2 and 3 were 110±14.21, 101±16.55 and 86±22.28 g, respectively. The mean weight of fish in treatments 1 and 2 was significantly higher than treatment 3. Fish production obtained from treatments 1, 2 and 3 were 218.16±18.29, 239.70±25.11 and 236±24.66 kg/ha, respectively. On-farm demonstrations of carp polyculture using over-wintered fingerlings rohu (25-28 g), catla (24-26 g), mrigal (21-26 g) and grass carp (20-24 g) under different stocking densities were undertaken in nine earthen ponds (1,200-1,600 square meters) for a period of six months at three different stocking densities. The stocking densities of treatment 1 (T1), treatment 2 (T2) and treatment 3 (T3) were 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000/ha, respectively. Fish were fed with rice bran and mustard oil cake (3:1). Soft green grass and banana leaves were provided mainly for grass carp. At harvest, the production obtained in treatments 1, 2 and 3 were 2,325±74.75, 2,620±49.66 and 2,982± 171.52 kg/ha, respectively. The results demonstrated higher growth of fish in treatment 1 than those of treatments 2 and 3. However, treatment 3 contributed relatively higher production than those of treatments 1 and 2, whereas, highest net benefit was received from treatment 2.


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Six carp based culture technologies such as, carp-pangas, carp polyculture, carp-golda, pangas monoculture, golda monoculture and nursery have been selected to determine the cost and returns of respective technologies in Bangladesh. The sample farmers selected for these technologies were 55, 100, 65, 50, 51 and 55 respectively and thus the total sample size stood at 376. The study covered 7 districts of Bangladesh, namely, Mymensingh, Bogra, Noakhali, Comilla, Jessore, Khulna and Bagerhat. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. It was found that farmers used a good number of feeds for the selected technologies and they maintained no standard doses for them. Remarkable differences were found among the prices of different feeds and other inputs used for different technologies in different locations. Prices of all inputs were found to be increasing and this increase was more in recent years compared to previous years. Though all the technologies were found to be profitable, the feed situation was not satisfactory. Except rice polish all the local feeds showed deficit in supply to meet the national demand for the country. If this situation persists and no proper measures are taken to secure the local feed supply, the present development of supplementary feed-based aquaculture would be fully dependent on imported feeds and would not be sustainable in future. This study strongly suggests the corresponding authority to handle the matter with proper attention considering its significant livelihood impact on the economy of the country.


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Purpose of the study was to ascertain the extent of adoption of aquaculture technologies by the farmers as well as constraints faced by them in adopting the aquaculture technologies. The study also explored its relationships with the selected characteristics of the farmers. In addition, an attempt was also made to determine some selected attributes of the technologies and their relationships with the adoption by the farmers. The study was conducted with the farmers of 10 upazilas of greater Mymensingh district who were the beneficiaries of three NGOs viz. SARA, ORD, and GRAMAUS. There were 351,241 and 249 beneficiaries under SARA, ORD and GRAMAUS, respectively who adopted the aquaculture technologies under DSAP. About 25% farmers from each of the three NGOs were selected for the study. The total sample size was 212. Pre-designed and pre-tested interview schedules were used for collecting data from the farmers. Field data were collected from the farmers during August-September, 2004. Pearson product moment correlation co-efficient were computed in order to explore the relationships of the selected characteristics of the farmers as well as selected attributes of technology with the adoption of aquaculture technologies by the farmers. The same statistical test was used to determine the relationships between the selected characteristics of the farmers and their constraints in adopting the aquaculture technologies.


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BFRI evolved some selected aquaculture technologies viz. polyculture of carps in perennial ponds, monoculture of short cycled fish species (BFRI super strain) in seasonal ponds and prawn seed production through backyard hatchery system have been demonstrated under Farming System Research (FSR) component in Jessore and Santahar regions. Both polyculture of carps and monoculture of short cycled fish species technologies were tested in farmer's ponds in Kaium Kula village near Jessore town. In polyculture trials, seven species comprising of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molirrix), catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked @ 9,500 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5); 10,750 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5) and 12,000 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:4) fish/ha respectively in ponds of T1, T2 and T3 having three replications of each. The mean highest fish production was 3,148 kg/ha in T3, followed by 2,899 kg/ha in T1 and 2,875 kg/ha in T2. Production of T3 was significantly different (P<0.05) than both T1 and T2, while there was no significant differences (P>0.05) between the production of T1 and T2. In case of trial of short cycled fish species, two treatments were tested: T1 (comprising of BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia, silver carp, common carp and silver barb; ratio 3:5:1:1) and T2 (having only BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia). Stocking density in both the treatments were same (20,000 fish/ha). In this trial average production was higher in T1 (2,743 kg/ha) than that of T2 (2,369 kg/ha) but the production figure in these two treatments was not significantly different (P>0.05). Demonstration of backyard prawn hatchery technology was tested at Santahar region of Bogra district, North-west part of Bangladesh. This hatchery consisted of three main components i) bio-filter, ii) rearing tank unit (chari) and iii) air blower/air pump unit. Plastic drum of 200-250 l capacity and cemented chari of 200-250 l capacity were used as bio-filter and larval rearing containers respectively. A 0.5 hp air blower with 6 aquarium air pump were used to operate the aeration system in the hatchery. Diluted sea water (10-12 ppt) made from brine solution (200-250 ppt) collected from salt-bed was used in the backyard hatchery system of hatching of eggs and rearing of larvae. Rearing of first stage zoea-larvae was reared in three rearing tanks following the stocking densities of 40, 50 and 60/l of water respectively. Production of post-larvae were 20±0.82, 22±1.12 and 28±1.63/liter of water in treatments I, II and III respectively in 38, 40 and 39 days rearing period.


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Current technology valuation literature predominantly focuses on explaining the merits and implications of specific tools, but little research is available that takes a contextual process perspective. The aim of this paper is to further develop an integrative process framework that supports the structuring of the valuation process and the more systematic choice of valuation techniques for new technologies. The paper starts by reviewing key concepts and issues that surround the assessment of technology investments and the evidence of what companies use. Many factors need to be brought into the appraisal process, reflecting technological and market conditions. While there is usually a desire to reduce the assessment to a financial value, it is also widely appreciated that there is long term strategic value in securing a technological lead, which is difficult, or even inappropriate, to assess in purely financial terms. The multiple factors involved in the evaluation activity are identified with respect to the changing nature of the appraisal process as the technology matures and the implications for associated tools. The result of the literature review is a process framework which provides a conceptual basis for integrating valuation techniques. This framework is then populated with the results of industrial case studies on technology valuation to allow conclusions on its applicability to be drawn. © 2011 IEEE.


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Why do firms acquire external technologies? Previous research indicates that there are a wide variety of motivations. These include the need to acquire valuable knowledge-based resources, to improve strategic flexibility, to experiment), to overcome organisational inertia, to mitigate risk and uncertainty, to reduce costs and development time in new product development, and the perception that the firm has the absorptive capacity to integrate acquisitions. In this paper we provide an in-depth literature review of the motivations for the acquisition of external technologies by firms. We find that these motivations can be broadly classed into four categories: (1) the development of technological capabilities, (2) the development of strategic options, (3) efficiency improvements, and (4) responses to the competitive environment. In light of this categorisation, we comment on how these different motivations connect to the wider issues of technology acquisition. © 2010 IEEE.


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This study evaluates the performance of a wide range of aquaculture systems in Bangladesh. It is by far the largest of its kind attempted to date. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the most important production systems, rather than to provide a nationally representative overview of the entire aquaculture sector of Bangladesh. As such, the study yields a huge amount of new information on production technologies that have never been thoroughly researched before. The study reveals an extremely diverse array of specialized, dynamic and rapidly evolving production technologies, adapted to a variety of market niches and local environmental conditions. This is a testament to the innovativeness of farmers and other value chain actors who have been the principal drivers of this development in Bangladesh. Data was collected from six geographical hubs. This survey was conducted from November 2011 to June 2012. Technological performance in terms of detailed input and output information, fish management practices, credit and marketing, and social and environmental issues were captured by the survey questionnaire, which had both open and closed format questions. The study generated insights that enable better understanding of aquaculture development in Bangladesh.