707 resultados para glyphosate isopropilamina


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Gravena, R., Filho, R. V., Alves, P. L. C. A., Mazzafera, P. and Gravena, A. R. 2012. Glyphosate has low toxicity to citrus plants growing in the field. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 119-127. There has been controversy over whether glyphosate used for weed management in citrus fields causes significant toxicity to citrus plants. Glyphosate may be toxic to non-target plants exposed to accidental application or drift. This work evaluated glyphosate toxicity in plants of Valencia citrus (Citrus sinensis. L. Osbeck) grafted onto 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia L. Osbeck) and citrumelo 'Swingle' (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf x Citrus paradisi Mad) by trunk- or foliar-directed herbicide applications under field conditions. In the first experiment, glyphosate was sprayed at rates of 0, 90, 180, 260, 540, 1080 and 2160 g a.e. ha(-1) directly on the trunk to a height of 5 cm above the grafting region. In the second experiment, glyphosate was sprayed on the plant canopies at rates of 0, 0.036, 0.36, 3.6, 36, 360 and 720 g a.e. ha(-1). There was no visual damage caused by glyphosate applied directly to the trunk, but the plants were affected by glyphosate sprayed directly on the canopies at rates over 360 g a.e. ha(-1). The main symptom was observed in the new shoots formed after the application, indicating an effect on meristems. Little or no effect was observed in mature leaves. Eight days after application the levels of shikimate, total free amino acids and total phenolic compounds were unaffected. All plants affected by glyphosate recovered between 6 and 12 mo after the treatments. Therefore, despite some transient symptoms Valencia citrus grafted onto 'Rangpur lime' and citrumelo 'Swingle' were tolerant to glyphosate.


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Auxyn type herbicides such as dicamba and 2,4-D are alternative herbicides that can be used to control glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane. With the forthcoming possibility of releasing dicamba-resistant and 2,4-D-resistant crops, use of these growth regulator herbicides will likely be an alternative that can be applied to the control of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis). The objective of this research was to model the efficacy, through dose-response curves, of glyphosate, 2,4-D, isolated dicamba and glyphosatedicamba combinations to control a brazilian hairy fleabane population resistant to glyphosate. The greenhouse dose-response studies were conducted as a completely randomized experimental design, and the rates used for dose response curve construction were 0, 120, 240, 480, 720 and 960 g a.i. ha-1 for 2,4-D, dicamba and the dicamba combination, with glyphosate at 540 g a.e. ha-1. The rates for glyphosate alone were 0, 180, 360, 540, 720 and 960 g a.e. ha-1. Herbicides were applied when the plants were in a vegetative stage with 10 to 12 leaves and height between 12 and 15 cm. Hairy fleabane had low sensitivity to glyphosate, with poor control even at the 960 g a.e. ha-1 rate. Dicamba and 2,4-D were effective in controlling the studied hairy fleabane. Hairy fleabane responds differently to 2,4-D and dicamba. The combination of glyphosate and dicamba was not antagonistic to hairy fleabane control, and glyphosate may cause an additive effect on the control, despite the population resistance.


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Often there is yellowing of soybeans following glyphosate applications that has been attributed by some as manganese or zinc deficiency. There have been varied reports of impacts of this ‘yellow flash’ on soybean yields. The trial was conducted to investigate such claims.


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Biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids in plants, many bacteria, and microbes relies on the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, a prime target for drugs and herbicides. We have identified the interaction of EPSP synthase with one of its two substrates (shikimate 3-phosphate) and with the widely used herbicide glyphosate by x-ray crystallography. The two-domain enzyme closes on ligand binding, thereby forming the active site in the interdomain cleft. Glyphosate appears to occupy the binding site of the second substrate of EPSP synthase (phosphoenol pyruvate), mimicking an intermediate state of the ternary enzyme⋅substrates complex. The elucidation of the active site of EPSP synthase and especially of the binding pattern of glyphosate provides a valuable roadmap for engineering new herbicides and herbicide-resistant crops, as well as new antibiotic and antiparasitic drugs.


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O glyphosate é o principal herbicida utilizado no manejo de plantas daninhas na agricultura, aplicado em alguns sistemas de forma repetitiva ao longo de cada ano. Esta prática selecionou biótipos resistentes de espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo o capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis) selecionado no Brasil. Portanto, se tornam necessários estudos para entender, manejar e reduzir a infestação do capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com os objetivos de: (i) mapear áreas do Brasil com possíveis infestações de capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate; (ii) avaliar alternativas químicas de seu manejo; (iii) elucidar os mecanismos de resistência ao glyphosate e; (iv) avaliar a herança genética dos genes que conferem resistência ao glyphosate. Para o desenvolvimento dos experimentos foram coletadas sementes de biótipos potencialmente resistentes de diversas regiões do Brasil onde ocorreram falhas de controle de D. insularis após a aplicação de glyphosate. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foram realizados experimentos para determinação de uma dose discriminatória de triagementre as populações resistentes e suscetíveis ao glyphosate, através de curvas de dose-resposta, para identificar a resistência ao Glyphosate, sendo que estes dados foram utilizados para mapear a ocorrência de biótipos resistentes em algumas regiões do país. Na segunda etapa foi conduzido um experimento em casa-de-vegetação visando encontrar herbicidas alternativos ao Glyphosate para controle do capim-amargoso, utilizando herbicidas recomendados para as culturas do milho e algodão, tanto em condições de aplicação de pré como em pós-emergência da planta daninha. Na terceira etapa foram realizados ensaios para determinar a existência de absorção e translocação diferencial do glyphosate em biótipos suscetíveis e resistentes, juntamente com a análise molecular para comparar a região 106 do gene que codifica a EPSPs nestes biótipos. Por fim um estudo de polinização cruzada foi conduzido para avaliar se genes de resistência ao glyphosate são transferidos para a geração seguinte após inflorescências de biótipos suscetíveis serem acondicionadas com as de biótipos resistentes, submetendo a geração seguinte a experimentos de curva de dose-resposta com o glyphosate. Através do modelo de curva dose-resposta do programa estatístico R, determinou-se a dose de 960 g e.a ha-1, como a dose utilizada para triagem dos biótipos oriundos de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Com isto foram gerados mapas indicando a presença ou ausência de resistência ao herbicida, sendo que as região oeste do Paraná e sul do Mato Grosso do Sul apresentam maior número de localidades com a presença de biótipos resistentes. As alternativas de controle viáveis como pós-emergentes no estádio de um a dois perfilhos, foram os herbicidas Nicosulfuron, Imazapic + Imazapyr, Atrazine, Haloxifop-methyl e Tepraloxydim. Na pré-emergência do capim-amargoso os herbicidas Atrazine, Isoxaflutole, S-metolachlor, Clomazone, Diuron e Flumioxazin se apresentaram como eficazes para o controle desta espécie. Os resultados do experimento de absorção, translocação e comparação da região 106 não mostraram diferenças entre os biótipos resistente e suscetível. O experimento sobre cruzamento entre biótipos resistente e suscetível determinou a espécie D. insularis como autógama e sem transferência de genes que causam a resistência ao glyphosate.


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L’utilisation des pesticides n’a cessé d’augmenter en particulier le glyphosate, herbicide utilisé principalement dans l’agriculture. Ses effets ont été démontrés néfastes sur l’environnement et sur la santé humaine. Bien que la plupart du glyphosate résiduel soit adsorbé par les constituants du sol, une partie peut être désorbée ou atteindre les eaux de surface par érosion. Le renforcement des normes de qualité de l’eau en milieu agricole et urbain entraîne le développement de nouveaux procédés. Les photocatalyseurs à base de TiO2 peuvent procurer une solution attrayante pour l’élimination de cet herbicide. Actif uniquement dans le domaine de l’UV qui représente 4% du rayonnement solaire, étendre cette réactivité photocatalytique dans le domaine du visible est un enjeu majeur. Le dopage du TiO2 à l’azote et au graphène a permis une élimination totale du glyphosate au bout de 30 minutes. Après sa synthèse, le photocatalyseur GR-N/TiO2 a été caractérisé par différentes techniques à savoir la diffraction des rayons X (DRX), l’infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR), la spectroscopie de photoélectrons X (XPS) et la microscopie électronique par transmission (TEM). L’activité photocatalytique est testée sur la dégradation du glyphosate sous irradiation de la lumière visible. Les résultats montrent que le composite GR-N/TiO2 peut effectivement photodégrader le glyphosate grâce à une amélioration impressionnante de l’activité photocatalytique due à une grande adsorption du glyphosate sur le nanomatériau synthétisé et à l’extension de l’absorption au domaine du visible.


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Glyphosate-resistant Echinochloa colona L. (Link) is becoming common in non-irrigated cotton systems. Echinochloa colona is a small seeded species that is not wind-blown and has a relatively short seed bank life. These characteristics make it a potential candidate to attempt to eradicate populations resistant to glyphosate when they are detected. A long term systems experiment was developed to determine the feasibility of attempting to eradicate glyphosate resistant populations in the field. After three seasons, the established Best Management Practice (BMP) strategy of two non-glyphosate actions in crop and fallow have been sufficient to significantly reduce the numbers of plants emerging, and remaining at the end of the season compared to the glyphosate only treatment. Additional eradication treatments showed slight improvement on the BMP strategy, however to date these improvements are not significant. The importance of additional eradication tactics are expected to become more noticeable as the seed bank gets driven down in subsequent seasons.


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A molécula de glyphosate. Manejo de plantas daninhas. Resistência das plantas daninhas.