977 resultados para gene selection


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As resistance genes have been shown to contain conserved motifs and cluster in many plant genomes, the identification of resistance gene analogues can be used as a strategy for both the discovery of DNA markers linked to disease resistance loci and the map-based cloning of disease resistance genes. Sugarcane suffers from many important diseases and an analysis of resistance gene analogues offers a means to identify DNA markers linked to resistance loci. However, sugarcane has the most complex genome of any crop plant and initially it is important to understand the extent of resistance gene analogue diversity in the sugarcane genome before genetic analysis. We review herein how more than 100 expressed sequence tags with homology to different resistance genes have been identified in sugarcane with many mapped as single-dose restriction fragment length polymorphism markers. Importantly, some of these resistance gene analogues have been shown to be linked to disease resistance genes or disease quantitative trait loci. In an attempt to more efficiently analyse additional resistance gene analogues in sugarcane, we report on experiments aimed at investigating the molecular diversity of several resistance gene analogue families using a modified form of a technique termed Ecotilling. Using Ecotilling, we were able to rapidly detect single nucleotide polymorphisms in fragments amplified by PCR from four different resistance gene analogue families, SoRP1D, SoPTO, SoXa21 and SoHs1pro-1. An analysis of a diverse set of sugarcane varieties, including modern sugarcane cultivars and several S. officinarum and S. spontaneum clones, indicated that all amplicons, apart from SoHs1pro-1, contained significant polymorphism within the gene region studied. However, a comparison among these sugarcane clones, including between the parents of two sugarcane mapping populations, indicated that most polymorphisms were multi-dose, not single-dose, preventing their genetic map location or association with disease susceptibility or resistance from being determined.


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The mesocorticolimbic system is the reward centre of the brain and the major target for drugs of abuse including alcohol. Neuroadaptive changes in this region are thought to underlie the process of tolerance and dependence. Recently, several research groups have searched for alcohol-responsive genes using high-throughput microarrays and well-characterized human post-mortem material. Comparison of data from these studies of cortical regions highlights the differences in experimental approach and selection of cases. However, alcohol-responsive gene sets associated with transcription, oxidative stress and energy production were common to these studies. In marked contrast, alcohol-responsive genes in the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area are primarily associated with changes in neurotransmission and signal transduction. These data support the concept that, within cortical regions, changes in gene expression are associated with alcoholism-related pathology. In the dopaminergic tract of the mesocorticolimbic system, alcohol-responsive gene sets suggest long-term neuroplastic changes in synaptic transmission.


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Background: Approximately 40% of mammalian mRNA sequences contain AUG trinucleotides upstream of the main coding sequence, with a quarter of these AUGs demarcating open reading frames of 20 or more codons. In order to investigate whether these open reading frames may encode functional peptides, we have carried out a comparative genomic analysis of human and mouse mRNA 'untranslated regions' using sequences from the RefSeq mRNA sequence database. Results: We have identified over 200 upstream open reading frames which are strongly conserved between the human and mouse genomes. Consensus sequences associated with efficient initiation of translation are overrepresented at the AUG trinucleotides of these upstream open reading frames, while comparative analysis of their DNA and putative peptide sequences shows evidence of purifying selection. Conclusion: The occurrence of a large number of conserved upstream open reading frames, in association with features consistent with protein translation, strongly suggests evolutionary maintenance of the coding sequence and indicates probable functional expression of the peptides encoded within these upstream open reading frames.


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Fusarium wilt of tomato, caused by the fungal pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol), is an economically damaging disease that results in huge losses in Australia and other countries worldwide. The I-3 gene, which confers resistance to Fol race 3, has been described in wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii, accessions LA716 and PI414773. We are pursuing the isolation of I-3 from LA716 by map-based cloning. We have constructed a high-resolution map of the I-3 region and have identified markers closely flanking I-3 as well as markers co-segregating with I-3. In addition, construction of a physical map based on these markers has been initiated. This review describes the context of our research and our progress towards isolating the I-3 gene. It also describes some important practical outcomes of our work, including the development and use of a PCR-based marker for marker-assisted selection for I-3, and the finding that the I-3 gene from LA716 is different to that from PI1414773, which we have now designated I-7. Tomato varieties combining I-3 and I-7 have been developed and are currently being introduced into commercial production to further safeguard tomato crops against Fusarium wilt.


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Strategies to introduce genes into non-embryogenic plants for complementation of a mutation are described and tested on tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Genes conditioning embryogenic potential, a mutant phenotype, and a gene to complement the mutation can be combined using several different crossing and selection steps. In the successful strategy used here, the M. sativa genotype MnNC-1008(NN) carrying the recessive non-nodulating mutant allele nn(1) was crossed with the highly embryogenic alfalfa line Regen S and embryogenic hybrid individuals were identified from the F1 progeny. After transformation of these hybrids with the wild-type gene (NORK), an F2 generation segregating for the mutation and transgene were produced. Plants homozygous for the mutant allele and carrying the wild-type NORK transgene could form root nodules after inoculation with Sinorhizobium meliloti demonstrating successful complementation of the nn(1) mutation.


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Plant resistance proteins (R proteins) recognize corresponding pathogen avirulence (Avr) proteins either indirectly through detection of changes in their host protein targets or through direct R-Avr protein interaction. Although indirect recognition imposes selection against Avr effector function, pathogen effector molecules recognized through direct interaction may overcome resistance through sequence diversification rather than loss of function. Here we show that the flax rust fungus AvrLS67 genes, whose products are recognized by the L5, L6, and L7 R proteins of flax, are highly diverse, with 12 sequence variants identified from six rust strains. Seven AvrL567 variants derived from Avr alleles induce necrotic responses when expressed in flax plants containing corresponding resistance genes (R genes), whereas five variants from avr alleles do not. Differences in recognition specificity between AvA567 variants and evidence for diversifying selection acting on these genes suggest they have been involved in a gene-specific arms race with the corresponding flax R genes. Yeast two-hybrid assays indicate that recognition is based on direct R-Avr protein interaction and recapitulate the interaction specificity observed in planta. Biochemical analysis of Escherichia coli-produced AvrL567 proteins shows that variants that escape recognition nevertheless maintain a conserved structure and stability, suggesting that the amino acid sequence differences directly affect the R-Avr protein interaction. We suggest that direct recognition associated with high genetic diversity at corresponding R and Avr gene loci represents an alternative outcome of plant-pathogen coevolution to indirect recognition associated with simple balanced polymorphisms for functional and nonfunctional R and Avr genes.


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Background: The controversy surrounding the non-uniqueness of predictive gene lists (PGL) of small selected subsets of genes from very large potential candidates as available in DNA microarray experiments is now widely acknowledged 1. Many of these studies have focused on constructing discriminative semi-parametric models and as such are also subject to the issue of random correlations of sparse model selection in high dimensional spaces. In this work we outline a different approach based around an unsupervised patient-specific nonlinear topographic projection in predictive gene lists. Methods: We construct nonlinear topographic projection maps based on inter-patient gene-list relative dissimilarities. The Neuroscale, the Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(SNE) and the Locally Linear Embedding(LLE) techniques have been used to construct two-dimensional projective visualisation plots of 70 dimensional PGLs per patient, classifiers are also constructed to identify the prognosis indicator of each patient using the resulting projections from those visualisation techniques and investigate whether a-posteriori two prognosis groups are separable on the evidence of the gene lists. A literature-proposed predictive gene list for breast cancer is benchmarked against a separate gene list using the above methods. Generalisation ability is investigated by using the mapping capability of Neuroscale to visualise the follow-up study, but based on the projections derived from the original dataset. Results: The results indicate that small subsets of patient-specific PGLs have insufficient prognostic dissimilarity to permit a distinction between two prognosis patients. Uncertainty and diversity across multiple gene expressions prevents unambiguous or even confident patient grouping. Comparative projections across different PGLs provide similar results. Conclusion: The random correlation effect to an arbitrary outcome induced by small subset selection from very high dimensional interrelated gene expression profiles leads to an outcome with associated uncertainty. This continuum and uncertainty precludes any attempts at constructing discriminative classifiers. However a patient's gene expression profile could possibly be used in treatment planning, based on knowledge of other patients' responses. We conclude that many of the patients involved in such medical studies are intrinsically unclassifiable on the basis of provided PGL evidence. This additional category of 'unclassifiable' should be accommodated within medical decision support systems if serious errors and unnecessary adjuvant therapy are to be avoided.


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Gene flow, or the exchange of genes between populations, is important because it determines the evolutionary trajectory of a species, including the relative influences of genetic drift and natural selection in the process of population differentiation. Gene flow differs among species because of variation in dispersal capability and abundances across taxa, and historical forces related to geological or lineage history. Both history and ecology influence gene flow in potentially complicated ways, and accounting for their effects remains an important problem in evolutionary biology. This research is a comparative study of gene flow and life-history in a monophyletic group of stream fishes, the darters. As a first step in disentangling historical and ecological effects, I reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of the study species from nucleotide sequences in the mtDNA control region. I then used this phylogeny and regional glaciation history to infer historical effects on life-history evolution and gene flow in 15 species of darters. Gene flow was estimated indirectly, using information from 20 resolvable and polymorphic allozyme loci. When I accounted for historical effects, comparisons across taxa revealed that gene flow rates were closely associated with differences in clutch sizes and reproductive investment patterns. I hypothesized that differences in larval dispersal among taxa explained this relationship. Results from a field study of larval drift were consistent with this hypothesis. Finally, I asked whether there was an interaction between species' ecology and genetic differentiation across biogeographically distinct regions. Information from allozymes and mtDNA sequences revealed that life history plays an important role in the magnitude of species divergence across biogeographic boundaries. These results suggested an important association between life histories and rates of speciation following an allopatric isolation event. This research, along with other studies from the literature, further illustrates the enormous potential of North American freshwater fishes as a system for studying speciation processes. ^


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Background: Ecosystems worldwide are suffering the consequences of anthropogenic impact. The diverse ecosystem of coral reefs, for example, are globally threatened by increases in sea surface temperatures due to global warming. Studies to date have focused on determining genetic diversity, the sequence variability of genes in a species, as a proxy to estimate and predict the potential adaptive response of coral populations to environmental changes linked to climate changes. However, the examination of natural gene expression variation has received less attention. This variation has been implicated as an important factor in evolutionary processes, upon which natural selection can act. Results: We acclimatized coral nubbins from six colonies of the reef-building coral Acropora millepora to a common garden in Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef, GBR) for a period of four weeks to remove any site-specific environmental effects on the physiology of the coral nubbins. By using a cDNA microarray platform, we detected a high level of gene expression variation, with 17% (488) of the unigenes differentially expressed across coral nubbins of the six colonies (jsFDR-corrected, p < 0.01). Among the main categories of biological processes found differentially expressed were transport, translation, response to stimulus, oxidation-reduction processes, and apoptosis. We found that the transcriptional profiles did not correspond to the genotype of the colony characterized using either an intron of the carbonic anhydrase gene or microsatellite loci markers. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence of the high inter-colony variation in A. millepora at the transcriptomic level grown under a common garden and without a correspondence with genotypic identity. This finding brings to our attention the importance of taking into account natural variation between reef corals when assessing experimental gene expression differences. The high transcriptional variation detected in this study is interpreted and discussed within the context of adaptive potential and phenotypic plasticity of reef corals. Whether this variation will allow coral reefs to survive to current challenges remains unknown.


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We thank Sean Tracey and Jaime McAllister for supplying albacore and southern bluefin tuna samples, Eva Giacomello for collecting the skipjack tuna sample, Elena Sarropoulou for providing the Atlantic bonito assembly, Helen Hipperson for assistance in the lab, Barbara Block and Ziheng Yang for advice, the editors and reviewers for comments, and the Leverhulme Trust and BBSRC for funding