968 resultados para fracture mechanics


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This thesis reports a detailed investigation of the micromechanics of agglomerate behaviour under free-fall impact, double (punch) impact and diametrical compression tests using the simulation software TRUBAL. The software is based on the discrete element method (DEM) which incorporates the Newtonian equations of motion and contact mechanics theory to model the interparticle interactions. Four agglomerates have been used: three dense (differing in interface energy and contact density) and one loose. Although the simulated agglomerates are relatively coarse-grained, the results obtained are in good agreement with laboratory test results reported in the literature. The computer simulation results show that, in all three types of test, the loose agglomerate cannot fracture as it is unable to store sufficient elastic energy. Instead, it becomes flattened for low loading-rates and shattered or crushed at higher loading-rates. In impact tests, the dense agglomerates experience only local damage at low impact velocities. Semi-brittle fracture and fragmentation are produced over a range of higher impact velocities and at very high impact velocities shattering occurs. The dense agglomerates fracture in two or three large fragments in the diametrical compression tests. Local damage at the agglomerate-platen interface always occurs prior to fracture and consists of local bond breakage (microcrack formation) and local dislocations (compaction). The fracture process is dynamic and much more complex than that suggested by continuum fracture mechanics theory. Cracks are always initiated from the contact zones and propagate towards the agglomerate centre. Fracture occurs a short time after the start of unloading when a fracture crack "selection" process takes place. The detailed investigation of the agglomerate damage processes includes an examination of the evolution of the fracture surface. Detailed comparisons of the behaviour of the same agglomerate in all three types of test are presented. The particle size distribution curves of the debris are also examined, for both free-fall and double impact tests.


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Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in aluminium butt welds has been investigated. It is shown that the initiation of cracks from both buried defects and. from the weld reinforcement may be quantified by predictive laws based on either linear elastic fracture mechanics, or on Neuber's rule of stress and strain ooncentrations. The former is preferable on the grounds of theoretical models of crack tip plasticity, although either may be used as the basis of an effeotive design criteria against crack initiation. Fatigue lives fol1owing initiation were found to follow predictions based on the integration of a Paris type power law. The effect of residual stresses from the welding operation on both initiation and propagation was accounted for by a Forman type equation. This incorporated the notional stress ratio produced by the residual stresses after various heat treatments. A fracture mechanics analysis was found to be useful in describing the fatigue behaviour of the weldments at increased temperatures up to 300°C. It is pointed out, however, that the complex interaction of residual stresses, frequency, and changes in fracture mode necessitate great caution in the application of any general design criteria against crack initiation and growth at elevated. temperatures.


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Pulsating; tension fatigue tests have been carried out on edge notched specimens of a mild steel. An electrical potential drop technique was used to determine the number of cycles taken to initiate cracks and the rate at which the cracks grew across the specimen. The results could be described by the range of stress intensity factor, which for crack initiation was modified to take account of the notch root radius. Analysis of elastic stress distributions at cracks and notches and models of plasticity at crack tips are used to discuss the results. Limited evidence in the literature indicates that the fracture mechanics approach may provide a general description of crack initiation and growth in notched specimens, and a simple graphical method of calculating fatigue lives is described. The results are used to illustrate the effects of specimen size and geometry on the fatigue life of notched specimens. The relevance of the work to the assessment of the significance of defects in welds is discussed.


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Pavement analysis and design for fatigue cracking involves a number of practical problems like material assessment/screening and performance prediction. A mechanics-aided method can answer these questions with satisfactory accuracy in a convenient way when it is appropriately implemented. This paper presents two techniques to implement the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law to evaluate and predict fatigue cracking in asphalt mixtures and pavements. The first technique, quasi-elastic simulation, provides a rational and appropriate reference modulus for the pseudo analysis (i.e., viscoelastic to elastic conversion) by making use of the widely used material property: dynamic modulus. The physical significance of the quasi-elastic simulation is clarified. Introduction of this technique facilitates the implementation of the fracture mechanics models as well as continuum damage mechanics models to characterize fatigue cracking in asphalt pavements. The second technique about modeling fracture coefficients of the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law simplifies the prediction of fatigue cracking without performing fatigue tests. The developed prediction models for the fracture coefficients rely on readily available mixture design properties that directly affect the fatigue performance, including the relaxation modulus, air void content, asphalt binder content, and aggregate gradation. Sufficient data are collected to develop such prediction models and the R2 values are around 0.9. The presented case studies serve as examples to illustrate how the pseudo J-integral based Paris’ law predicts fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures and assesses fatigue performance of asphalt pavements. Future applications include the estimation of fatigue life of asphalt mixtures/pavements through a distinct criterion that defines fatigue failure by its physical significance.


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The problems of plasticity and non-linear fracture mechanics have been generally recognized as the most difficult problems of solid mechanics. The present dissertation is devoted to some problems on the intersection of both plasticity and non-linear fracture mechanics. The crack tip is responsible for the crack growth and therefore is the focus of fracture science. The problem of crack has been studied by an army of outstanding scholars and engineers in this century, but has not, as yet, been solved for many important practical situations. The aim of this investigation is to provide an analytical solution to the problem of plasticity at the crack tip for elastic-perfectly plastic materials and to apply the solution to a classical problem of the mechanics of composite materials.^ In this work, the stresses inside the plastic region near the crack tip in a composite material made of two different elastic-perfectly plastic materials are studied. The problems of an interface crack, a crack impinging an interface at the right angle and at arbitrary angles are examined. The constituent materials are assumed to obey the Huber-Mises yielding condition criterion. The theory of slip lines for plane strain is utilized. For the particular homogeneous case these problems have two solutions: the continuous solution found earlier by Prandtl and modified by Hill and Sokolovsky, and the discontinuous solution found later by Cherepanov. The same type of solutions were discovered in the inhomogeneous problems of the present study. Some reasons to prefer the discontinuous solution are provided. The method is also applied to the analysis of a contact problem and a push-in/pull-out problem to determine the critical load for plasticity in these classical problems of the mechanics of composite materials.^ The results of this dissertation published in three journal articles (two of which are under revision) will also be presented in the Invited Lecture at the 7$\rm\sp{th}$ International Conference on Plasticity (Cancun, Mexico, January 1999). ^


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Dado el impacto negativo asociado a la ocurrencia de fallas en tubos de generadores de vapor (TGVs) en centrales nucleares, el estudio de la integridad estructural de éstos ha comenzado a recibir mayor atención recientemente. Diversas metodologías basadas en análisis de carga límite han sido propuestas para asegurar la integridad estructural de los tubos, según los requerimientos establecidos por las autoridades regulatorias. Éstas han conducido, sin embargo, a la definición de criterios de reparación o taponado de TGVs excesivamente conservativos. Por lo tanto, con el objetivo de reducir la cantidad de tubos innecesariamente removidos de servicio, nuevos criterios de evaluación de integridad han sido propuestos recientemente en la literatura. En este contexto, la mecánica de fractura elastoplástica se presenta como una alternativa para la evaluación de la integridad de TGVs, requiriéndose dos elementos para su aplicación: la estimación de la fuerza impulsora en términos del parámetro elastoplástico (por ejemplo, la integral J) y la medición experimental de la tenacidad a la fractura del material de los tubos (por ejemplo, a través de la curva de resistencia J-R). Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de técnicas experimentales no normalizadas para la determinación de curvas J-R para TGVs con fisuras pasantes circunferenciales y longitudinales. Debido a las dimensiones reducidas de los TGVs, diferentes probetas no normalizadas fueron propuestas. Además, en los ensayos se utilizaron condiciones de carga de tracción y flexión con el objetivo de modelar más adecuadamente los estados tensionales y las condiciones de constraint reales en TGVs. Los valores de la integral J fueron estimados utilizando el método del factor η. La aptitud del método fue evaluada a partir de simulaciones numéricas de los ensayos propuestos mediante análisis elastoplásticos con la técnica de elementos finitos. Se encontró que condiciones de mayor constraint asociadas con fisuras profundas y cargas de flexión favorecen la validez del método del factor η, mientras que configuraciones de menor constraint dan como resultado factores η que exhiben una mayor dependencia con el nivel de carga aplicada. También se observó que los factores η basados en la apertura de la boca de la fisura (Crack Mouth Opening Displacement o CMOD) presentan una dependencia mucho menor con el nivel de carga respecto a los factores η definidos a partir del desplazamiento del punto de aplicación de la carga (Load Line Displacement o LLD). Se presentan los valores del factor η para las probetas estudiadas con fisuras profundas (a/W ≥ 0,40). Se realizaron ensayos de fractura a temperatura ambiente y 300 °C con probetas obtenidas de TGVs nucleares fabricados a partir de las aleaciones 690 (Ni: 61; Cr: 29; Fe: 8,95, % en peso) y 800 (Ni: 33; Cr: 21,6; Fe: 42,2, % en peso). Durante los ensayos de fractura a temperatura ambiente, la extensión estable de fisura fue medida mediante una técnica óptica utilizando un microscopio digital. Para estos ensayos también se aplicó el método de normalización que propone la norma ASTM E1820-15 en el Anexo 15, encontrándose una buena coincidencia entre las longitudes estimadas por éste y las medidas ópticamente. De esta manera, el método de normalización fue utilizado para los ensayos a alta temperatura. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que ambos materiales tienen elevadas tenacidades a la fractura, siendo la aleación 800 la que presentó curvas J-R más elevadas que la aleación 690 tanto para fisuras circunferenciales como longitudinales. Las curvas J-R para ambas aleaciones mostraron un efecto marcado con la orientación de la fisura, es decir que existe una importante anisotropía en las propiedades de fractura: las fisuras circunferenciales presentaron curvas J-R más elevadas que las fisuras longitudinales. El nivel de constraint desarrollado en los ensayos, dado por las condiciones de carga de tracción y flexión, evidenció poco efecto sobre las curvas J-R para probetas con fisuras profundas (a/W ~ 0,50). A su vez, la temperatura de ensayo (temperatura ambiente y 300 °C) presentó un efecto prácticamente nulo para ambas aleaciones. Usando las propiedades de fractura obtenidas en este trabajo, la metodología FAD (Failure Assessment Diagram) fue propuesta y utilizada para la predicción de las condiciones de falla de TGVs fisurados para diferentes geometrías de fisura y condiciones de carga. La comparación entre análisis teóricos y datos experimentales muestra la potencialidad del FAD como una metodología capaz de predecir adecuadamente las fallas de estos componentes.


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Dado el impacto negativo asociado a la ocurrencia de fallas en tubos de generadores de vapor (TGVs) en centrales nucleares, el estudio de la integridad estructural de éstos ha comenzado a recibir mayor atención recientemente. Diversas metodologías basadas en análisis de carga límite han sido propuestas para asegurar la integridad estructural de los tubos, según los requerimientos establecidos por las autoridades regulatorias. Éstas han conducido, sin embargo, a la definición de criterios de reparación o taponado de TGVs excesivamente conservativos. Por lo tanto, con el objetivo de reducir la cantidad de tubos innecesariamente removidos de servicio, nuevos criterios de evaluación de integridad han sido propuestos recientemente en la literatura. En este contexto, la mecánica de fractura elastoplástica se presenta como una alternativa para la evaluación de la integridad de TGVs, requiriéndose dos elementos para su aplicación: la estimación de la fuerza impulsora en términos del parámetro elastoplástico (por ejemplo, la integral J) y la medición experimental de la tenacidad a la fractura del material de los tubos (por ejemplo, a través de la curva de resistencia J-R). Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de técnicas experimentales no normalizadas para la determinación de curvas J-R para TGVs con fisuras pasantes circunferenciales y longitudinales. Debido a las dimensiones reducidas de los TGVs, diferentes probetas no normalizadas fueron propuestas. Además, en los ensayos se utilizaron condiciones de carga de tracción y flexión con el objetivo de modelar más adecuadamente los estados tensionales y las condiciones de constraint reales en TGVs. Los valores de la integral J fueron estimados utilizando el método del factor η. La aptitud del método fue evaluada a partir de simulaciones numéricas de los ensayos propuestos mediante análisis elastoplásticos con la técnica de elementos finitos. Se encontró que condiciones de mayor constraint asociadas con fisuras profundas y cargas de flexión favorecen la validez del método del factor η, mientras que configuraciones de menor constraint dan como resultado factores η que exhiben una mayor dependencia con el nivel de carga aplicada. También se observó que los factores η basados en la apertura de la boca de la fisura (Crack Mouth Opening Displacement o CMOD) presentan una dependencia mucho menor con el nivel de carga respecto a los factores η definidos a partir del desplazamiento del punto de aplicación de la carga (Load Line Displacement o LLD). Se presentan los valores del factor η para las probetas estudiadas con fisuras profundas (a/W ≥ 0,40). Se realizaron ensayos de fractura a temperatura ambiente y 300 °C con probetas obtenidas de TGVs nucleares fabricados a partir de las aleaciones 690 (Ni: 61; Cr: 29; Fe: 8,95, % en peso) y 800 (Ni: 33; Cr: 21,6; Fe: 42,2, % en peso). Durante los ensayos de fractura a temperatura ambiente, la extensión estable de fisura fue medida mediante una técnica óptica utilizando un microscopio digital. Para estos ensayos también se aplicó el método de normalización que propone la norma ASTM E1820-15 en el Anexo 15, encontrándose una buena coincidencia entre las longitudes estimadas por éste y las medidas ópticamente. De esta manera, el método de normalización fue utilizado para los ensayos a alta temperatura. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que ambos materiales tienen elevadas tenacidades a la fractura, siendo la aleación 800 la que presentó curvas J-R más elevadas que la aleación 690 tanto para fisuras circunferenciales como longitudinales. Las curvas J-R para ambas aleaciones mostraron un efecto marcado con la orientación de la fisura, es decir que existe una importante anisotropía en las propiedades de fractura: las fisuras circunferenciales presentaron curvas J-R más elevadas que las fisuras longitudinales. El nivel de constraint desarrollado en los ensayos, dado por las condiciones de carga de tracción y flexión, evidenció poco efecto sobre las curvas J-R para probetas con fisuras profundas (a/W ~ 0,50). A su vez, la temperatura de ensayo (temperatura ambiente y 300 °C) presentó un efecto prácticamente nulo para ambas aleaciones. Usando las propiedades de fractura obtenidas en este trabajo, la metodología FAD (Failure Assessment Diagram) fue propuesta y utilizada para la predicción de las condiciones de falla de TGVs fisurados para diferentes geometrías de fisura y condiciones de carga. La comparación entre análisis teóricos y datos experimentales muestra la potencialidad del FAD como una metodología capaz de predecir adecuadamente las fallas de estos componentes.


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Nos dias de hoje, a ligação adesiva de estruturas complexas que não poderiam ou não seriam tão fáceis de ser fabricadas numa só peça é cada vez mais usual. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir muitos outros métodos de ligação, como por exemplo ligações aparafusadas, rebitas ou soldadas, devido às vantagens de facilidade na sua fabricação, resistência superior e capacidade de unir materiais diferentes. Por esta razão as juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser aplicadas cada vez mais em várias industrias como aeroespacial, aeronáutica, automóvel, naval e calçado. O tipo de adesivo a usar em determinada aplicação é principalmente escolhido consoante as suas características mecânicas e o tipo de resposta pretendida às solicitações impostas. Como exemplo de adesivo resistente e frágil existe o Araldite® AV138. Por outro lado, o adesivo Araldite® 2015 é menos resistente, mas apresenta maior ductilidade e flexibilidade. Além dos adesivos Araldite® comerciais, existem adesivos de poliuretano que combinam características de elevada resistência com características de grande ductilidade e flexibilidade, como por exemplo o Sikaforce® 7752. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar experimentalmente e numericamente, através de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), o comportamento de diferentes configurações de junta em T quando sujeitas a solicitações de arrancamento. Consideram-se os adesivos anteriormente mencionados para testar as juntas sob diferentes tipos de adesivos. A junta em T é constituída por 2 aderentes em L de alumínio e um aderente base também em alumínio, unidos por uma camada de adesivo. Experimentalmente é feito um estudo da resistência da junta com a variação da espessura dos aderentes em L (tP2). Com a análise numérica são estudadas as distribuições de tensões, evolução do dano, modos de rotura e resistência. Além disso, realizou-se um estudo numérico da existência ou não de adesivo de preenchimento na zona da curvatura dos aderentes em L nas tensões e na resistência da junta. Mostrouse que a variação da geometria nos aderentes em L, a presença de adesivo de preenchimento e o tipo de adesivo têm uma influência direta na resistência de junta. Os ensaios experimentais validaram os resultados numéricos e permitiram concluir que os MDC são uma técnica precisa para o estudo das geometrias das juntas em T.


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As most current studies, reinforced plastics have been, in recent years, a viable alternative in building structural elements of medium and large, since the lightness accompanied by high performance possible. The design of hybrid polymer composites (combination of different types of reinforcements) may enable structural applications thereof, facing the most severe service conditions. Within this class of composite materials, reinforced the underlying tissues hybrid high performance are taking space when your application requires high load bearing and high rigidity. The objective of this research work is to study the challenges in designing these fabrics bring these materials as to its mechanical characterization and fracture mechanisms involved. Some parameters associated with the process and / or form of hybridization stand out as influential factors in the final performance of the material such as the presence of anisotropy, so the fabric weave, the process of making the same, normative geometry of the specimens, among others. This sense, four laminates were developed based hybrid reinforcement fabrics involving AS4 carbon fiber, kevlar and glass 49-E as the matrix epoxy vinyl ester resin (DERAKANE 411-350). All laminates were formed each with four layers of reinforcements. Depending on the hybrid fabric, all the influencing factors mentioned above have been studied for laminates. All laminates were manufactured industrially used being the lamination process manual (hand-lay-up). All mechanical characterization and study of the mechanism of fracture (fracture mechanics) was developed for laminates subjected to uniaxial tensile test, bending in three and uniaxial compression. The analysis of fracture mechanisms were held involving the macroscopic, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy


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In this study, a finite element (FE) framework for the analysis of the interplay between buckling and delamination of thin layers bonded to soft substrates is proposed. The current framework incorporates the following modeling features: (i) geometrically nonlinear solid shell elements, (ii) geometrically nonlinear cohesive interface elements, and (iii) hyperelastic material constitutive response for the bodies that compose the system. A fully implicit Newton–Raphson solution strategy is adopted to deal with the complex simultaneous presence of geometrical and material nonlinearities through the derivation of the consistent FE formulation. Applications to a rubber-like bi-material system under finite bending and to patterned stiff islands resting on soft substrate for stretchable solar cells subjected to tensile loading are proposed. The results obtained are in good agreement with benchmark results available in the literature, confirming the accuracy and the capabilities of the proposed numerical method for the analysis of complex three-dimensional fracture mechanics problems under finite deformations.


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Significant progress in understanding the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses (MGs) was made over the past decade, particularly on mechanisms of plastic deformation. However, recent research thrust has been on exploring the mechanics and physics of fracture. MGs can be very brittle with K-Ic values similar to silicate glasses and ceramics or very tough with K-Ic akin to high toughness crystalline metals. Even the tough MGs can become brittle with structural relaxation following annealing at temperatures close to glass transition temperature (T-g). Detailed experimental studies coupled with complementary numerical simulations of the recent past have provided insights on the micromechanisms of failure as well as nature of crack tip fields, and established the governing fracture criteria for ductile and brittle glasses. In this paper, the above advances are reviewed and outstanding issues in the context of fracture of amorphous alloys that need to be resolved are identified.