1000 resultados para first intar larva
A case of renal icterohaemorrhagic leptospirosis involving a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is reported. Despite the low levels of CD4+ Tlymphocytes, the clinical course of leptospirosis was similar to that observed in non-immunodepressed patients, and no worsening of AIDS occurred due to the infebtion by the spirochete. Serologic conversion was observed in the microscopic agglutination test, with maximum titer of1:3,200. The patient had positive urine cultures for Leptospira interrogans for two months, whereas blood cultures were negative.
Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo mascidino, dezoito anos de idade, procedente de Xapuri no Estado do Acre (Brasil), com história de episódios repetidos de meningoencefalites (três num ano), acompanhadas no local de origem. Em nosso serviço, no Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, obsewamos um quadro de poliartralgias, alterações radiológicas e broncoscópicas pulmonares e sinais neurológicos de irritação tneníngea e de comprometimento do tronco-encefãlico (com tomografia axial de crânio e exames liquóricos normais), acompanhando-se de eosinofilia periférica e títulos sorológicos elevados para Toxocara canis (EIISA). Consubstanciada a hipótese diagnostica de toxocaríase (larva migrans visceral - IMV), procedeu-se ao tratamento com tiabendazol, ocorrendo remissão clínica e laboratorial completa. Um mês após, ocorreu novo episódio de cefaléia acompanhada por rigidez de nuca (que remitiu em três dias com dexametasona) e, a partir daí, não mais obsewamos quaisquer alterações clínicas ou laboratoriais em cerca de três anos e meio de acompanhamento ambulatorial.
A case of larva migrans or serpiginous linear dermatitis on the scalp of a teenager is reported. An ancylostomid larva was found within a sebaceous gland acinus. The unusual skin site for larva migrans as well as the penetration through the sebaceous gland are highlighted. The probable mechanism by which the parasite reached the skin adnexa is discussed.
Dengue is present in the Federal District since 1991 and virological studies of the vector began in 1998. Two strains of DEN1 were isolated from 9 pools of female Aedes aegypti (78 mosq.), collected in April in Gama county, where the Breteau index was 5.4, and 32 autochtonous human cases were notified.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Loxosceles laeta spiders were captured in the West zone of São Paulo City, this being the first record of the specie in this area. Since loxoscelism is an important public health problem in the South region of Brazil, it is necessary to investigate the presence of this spider in São Paulo City.
A study on the presence of Babesia in humans was performed in Puerto Berrío (Latitude 6.50deg. Longitude: -74.38deg. River: Magdalena. Area: 74.410km², Colombia-South America). Indirect immunofluorescence, thin and thick blood smears were used to study 194 individuals. Patients were grouped according to their risk-factors for Babesia infection: (group 1) individuals with fever, chills, sweating and other malaria-type symptoms; (group 2) symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals from local cattle ranches, which were enrolled in an active form, and (group 3) workers from the local slaughterhouse. Seven individuals were serologically positive for Babesia: Three individuals presented IgM antibodies against B. bovis, while one had IgG against this species; one individual had IgM against B. bigemina, another had IgG and a third both IgM and IgG against this species. Only one individual was parasitologically positive for Babesiaand serologically positive for Babesia bovis (IgM 1:64)
We report the first case of digestive tract pathology (megaesophagus) determined by Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. A 63-year- old female had presumptive clinical diagnosis of Chagas' disease, which was confirmed by imaging (endoscopy and esophagogram) and immunological methods. Further molecular diagnosis was carried out with esophagus and blood samples collected during corrective surgery. Polymerase chain reaction tested positive for Trypanosoma cruzi in both esophagus and buffy coat samples.
Descreve-se a ocorrência de larva migrans cutânea em crianças de Taciba, São Paulo, Brasil, pelo contato com areia de parques públicos, onde observou-se larvas de Ancylostoma spp. A enfermidade foi controlada após adotar-se medidas educacionais sanitárias, desativação e isolamento dos locais para reduzir acesso de animais e troca de areia.
MARQUES, B.P. (2014) From Strategic Planning to Development Initiatives: a first reflection on the situation of Lisbon and Barcelona, in 20th APDR Congress Proceddings, APDR and UÉvora, Évora, pp. 850-857, ISBN 978-989-8780-01-0.
All coelomate animals possess a population of cells that do not make part of an organ and instead freely flow inside the body cavity. These cells, termed hemocytes (in invertebrates) or blood cells (in vertebrates), are involved in varied functions including immune response, clearance of apoptotic cells and distribution of nutrient and gases (Grigorian & Hartenstein 2013).(...)
The first case of envenoming by Latrodectus geometricus in Venezuela is described. The accident occurred at the victim's home, in Aragua de Barcelona, Anzoátegui State. The 31-year-old female victim was bitten twice on the left scapular region, in quick succession (within seconds). She developed a hyperactive state of the central, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems with minor local symptoms.
The first reported case of an accident with Bothriopsis taeniata in Brazil is described. The victim, a 43-year-old man, was bitten just above his right heel and presented a clinical condition compatible with mild Bothrops poisoning: local edema with hemorrhage at the bite site and pain, although without coagulopathy.