789 resultados para fiber and waveguide optics


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The operation on how high quality single-mode operation can be readily attained on etching circles in multimode devices is discussed. Arrays of such spots can also be envisaged. Control of the polarization state is also achieved by use of deep line etches. The output filaments and beam shapes of the conventional multimode vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) is shown to be engineered in terms of their positions, widths, and polarizations by use of focused ion beam etching (FIBE). Several GaAs quantum well top-emitting devices with cavity diameters of 10 μm and 18 μm were investigated.


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A technique is demonstrated that allows for the wavelength conversion of data with both simultaneous monitoring and replacing of a wavelength identifying pilot tone. The technique should be upgradable to data rates of 10Gb/s and higher.


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This work demonstrates transmission at 2.5 Gbit/s across two wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) network nodes, constructed using counter-propagating semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) wavelength converters and an integrated wavelength-selective router separated by 45 km of fiber, with an overall penalty of 0.6 dB. Minimal degradation of the eye diagram is evident across the whole system. Full utilization of the capacity of the router would allow an aggregate 360-Gbit/s node capacity for a WDM channel of 2.5 Gb/s.


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A GaAs Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) that generates controlled modes offset from the center is described. The device is modulated with a 27-1 pseudo-random bit sequence and its output is transmitted along a 1 km length of multimode fiber (MMF). Open eyes are obtained for data rates as high as 1.4Gb/s. The transmission bandwidth increases by a factor of 4 over over-filled launch (OFL). This enhancement is stable against environment influences on the fiber.


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An integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed feedback (SOA/DFB) laser that show promise as a simple all-optical wavelength conversion device together with useful simultaneous functions such as 2R regeneration and the ability to remove a wavelength identifying tone is presented. Wavelength conversion performance at 20Gb/s and 40Gb/s can be obtained with this laser.


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A Fabry-Perot laser source operating at 1300 nm was modulated at 2.5 Gb/s with a 27-1 pseudo-random bit sequence. Three techniques were examined for increasing the bandwidth of optical links using multimode fiber (MMF). With an offset launch of 14 μm, the eye remained open after the 2 km link of 50 μm core MMF containing seven connectors and three splices. An approximate four-fold bandwidth improvement was obtained using the offset launch with a bandwidth-length product of 7.5 Gb/s.km and a bit error rate below 10-10. The bandwidth enhancement was stable against environmental influences on the fiber link, such as mechanical agitation. Detailed simulations demonstrated that the technique allows enhanced operating bandwidths in over 99% of existing link.


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In this study, a collimating lens is introduced at the output facet of a tapered waveguide laser to compensate for the divergence of the optical mode. The collimating lens is shown to enhance the laser efficiency while simultaneously reducing the far field divergence.


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Tapered waveguides have been used for enhancing pulse powers in Q-switched AlGaAs and InGaAsP lasers. This paper reports on passively Q-switched pulses with 1.53 W peak power and 41-ps FWHM from an InGaAs/GasAs (970 nm) double-contact tapered semiconductor laser in a well defined single-lobed far-field.


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A single-contact, mode-hop-free, single longitudinal mode laser operating cw under large signal modulation at 2.5 Gbit/s at room temperature was created by introducing a short etched region around the ridge-waveguide of a Fabry-Perot laser. The device could be suitable for use in extended range data communications applications.


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A novel compact integrated nonlinear optical switch is demonstrated. Using a high-power picosecond pulse of 5-ps pulsewidth and 250-MHz repetition rate, all-optical switching with a contrast ratio of 23 dB has been achieved using an in-fiber input power < 14 dBm (100 pJ/pulse). The switch speed depends on the carrier sweep-out time, which can be reduced to the 10 ps range by either applying a reverse bias or by introduction of carrier recombination centers in the active layer.


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Mangrove, a tidal wetland, is a good example of complex land and water system whose resource attributes is neither fully understood from an ecological perspective nor valued comprehensively in economic terms. With increased ecological and social perception of the functions of wetlands, the utility and relative values will increase. The perception, however, varies from society to society. It must be recognized that mangrove forests differ greatly in local conditions and in their ability to produce a wide variety of economic products. What may be highly productive strategy for one country may have little meaning to its neighbor. Therefore, it becomes essential that from among diversity of potential uses of the mangrove environment, specific uses will have to be decided, and management plan developed on site, or area specific basis. It is therefore necessary to arrive at a balance between the views of the ecologists and economists on the management of mangroves. Biological conservation should encompass resource management in the sense that integrity of the biological and physical attributes of the resource base should be sustained and man-induced management practices should not alter an ecosystem to the extent that biological production is eliminated. Sustained yield management for food, fiber and fuel would serve to sustain local fisheries while generating new economic enterprises. This requires the recognition of mangrove environment as a resource with economic value, and managed according to local conditions and national priorities.


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The importance of metal coating technologies drives the continuous improvement of metal deposition techniques for application in a wide range of industrial sectors. This work presents the foundations of a new process technology for the deposition of Ti and Ti64 coatings on various substrates using supersonic powder streams and impact site laser heating. Full density metallic deposits are obtained under appropriate impact conditions without the need for transiting the melting point of the deposited material or substrate leading to large energy savings. Details of the experimental approach will be presented along with the general characteristics of the titanium coatings produced using this novel coatings method.


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Over the past decades mode-locked fibre lasers have been extensively refined and developed, with most research efforts focussing on employing rare-earth doped fibres as the active elements [1]. This presents the problem that operation is limited to regions of the spectrum where such elements exhibit gain [1]. Raman amplification in silica fibre is an attractive way to overcome this spectral limitation, with gain available across the entire transparency window (300 nm - 2300 nm) [2-4]. There have been a number of reports utilising Raman gain in ultrashort pulse sources [2-4], however none using a broadband saturable absorber, such as carbon nanotubes [5-7] and graphene [7-9]. A broadband saturable absorber is an essential pre-requisite in order to fully exploit the wavelength flexibility provided by the Raman gain in short pulse mode-locked fiber lasers. © 2011 IEEE.


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We demonstrate passive mode-locking of a Raman fiber laser using a nanotube-based saturable absorber. The normal dispersion cavity generates highly-chirped 500 ps pulses that are compressed down to 2 ps, with 1.4 kW peak power. © 2011 OSA.


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Biological investigations were carried out in Sapian Bay, Capiz from November 1975 to December 1976 with samplings conducted fortnightly. Histological studies on the gonad reveal a high percentage of ripe and spent females during the month of April and May, and ripe to near ripe during November to December. However, larval counts were highest on February 25, 1976 with 253 mytilid larvae per haul compared to 0-79 per haul during all other months. The high larval count was followed by the highest spat settlement during the next sampling period two weeks later, with the spat collector set in the water during the February 25 sampling. The four materials tested, blue polypropylene fiber rope, black polypropylene fiber, and coir rope, all had their highest spat counts during this period with an average of 471 spats per standard 10 cm rope piece. The range during the other time periods is 2-283 spats. Of the 4 materials tested, the black fibrillated polypropylene film had the highest larval counts in 15 out of a total of 25 sampling periods. The blue rope was the poorest spat collector. Coconut husk was tested later on and it proved to have a very high catchability, with spats completely enveloping the husk surface. Growth monitored from one cohort in Sapian Bay averaged 10 mm per month. 50-60 mm is considered marketable size. Trial growth experiments with transplanted mussels were also conducted at Igang Bay in Guimaras Island, Makato River in Aklan, and a milkfish pond in Leganes, Iloilo. Survival in Igang was less than 50% after the second week, and the condition of the surviving mussels can be described only as 'watery' with the mantle completely transparent. Mortality was minimal in Makato but the growth rate was only 30% that of Sapian Bay. The pond experiments were terminated due to severe crab predation.