354 resultados para ferrugem das mirtáceas
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
The Asian rust currently is the main disease of soybean culture, having as characteristics the difficult control, by start at the bottom of plants where penetration of the droplets is harder. The fine droplets has been used with the intention of improve the penetration and increase efficiency of agrochemicals, but that are losses by drift easily. New products have been developed to increase deposition of the drops at targets. The aim of this work was evaluate the TA- 35 capacity to improving the deposition of fungicides spray solution with or without mineral oil by aerial and ground applications. Was used a factorial 3x2, three spray solutions composed by Priori Xtra (concentrated suspension of azoxystrobin 200 g L-1 + cyproconazole 80 g L-1 ) mixed with adjuvants, Nimbus (emulsifiable concentrate containing aliphatic hydrocarbons 428 g L-1 ) and TA-35 (soluble concentrate containing sodium lauryl ether sulfate, surfactants, sequestering agents and emulsifiers), in aerial and ground applications. In ground applications was used 50 L ha-1 , TXA 8002 VS spray nozzles and on aerials was used 15 L ha-1 , Turboaero atomizer, both applying fine droplets. Was utilized the Brilliant Blue (FD & C n. 1) tracer to determine the deposits. There were used glass slides as targets to collect spray droplets. After to extract the tracer of the targets using distilled water, the samples were analyzed by spectrophotometry, thereby was possible quantify the tracer deposited on each glass slide. A study to evaluate possible losses of the tracer by degradation or retention also was done. The comparative analysis of treatments was done by statistical method "Confidence Interval for Differences Between the Averages" with 95% of confidence degree (IC95%). There was degradation or retention of the tracer between the processes of application of the droplets and the processing of the samples. The deposition averages with the presence of TA-35 were greatest for both sprayers however, there were not significant differences among the treatments. The viability of TA-35 use may consider other parameters or complementary studies.
Observou-se a ocorrência de ferrugem em Malva sylvestris, causada por Puccinia heterospora, no Município de Garanhuns (PE). Esta espécie fúngica é microcíclica e apresenta apenas o estádio sexual, com a produção de teliósporos, com morfologia variada, podendo produzir, em menor número, teliósporos bicelulares do tipo Puccinia e, predominantemente teliósporos unicelulares do tipo Uromyces (mesosporos). A produção abundante de mesosporos é uma das características morfológicas mais marcantes da espécie. Essa ferrugem possui ampla distribuição geográfica, infectando plantas pertencentes à família Malvaceae. Este representa o primeiro registro dessa ferrugem sobre o gênero Malva no Brasil. Uma amostra de referência foi depositada no Herbário Dimitri Sucre Benjamin do Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ-RB). São apresentadas a descrição da morfologia do fungo com base na amostra coletada, ilustrações e comentários sobre a distinção entre essa espécie e outras morfologicamente semelhantes. Palavras-chave: ferrugem, Malvaceae, Pucciniales, teliósporos.
Os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na resistência de plantas contra patógenos são um tema bastante discutido no meio acadêmico, sendo o objetivo maior dos estudos a diminuição das perdas de produtividade provocadas por doenças em plantações do mundo todo. Muitos modelos de interação patógeno-hospedeiro foram propostos e desenvolvidos priorizando plantas e culturas de rápido desenvolvimento com ciclo de vida curto. Espécies de ciclo longo, porém, devem lidar durante anos - ao menos até a idade reprodutiva - contra o ataque de bactérias, fungos e vírus, sem contar, nesse meio tempo, com recombinações genéticas e mutações que tornariam possível o escape contra as moléstias causadas por microrganismos. Assim, como alternativa aos modelos usuais, o presente trabalho estudou um diferente par de antagonistas: Eucalyptus grandis e Puccinia psidii. Apesar da contribuição de programas de melhoramento genético, o patossistema E. grandis X P. psidii ainda é pouco descrito no nível molecular, havendo poucos estudos sobre os processos e as moléculas que agem de forma a conferir resistência às plantas. Assim, buscando o melhor entendimento da relação entre E. grandis X P. psidii, o presente trabalho estudou a mudança dos perfis de proteínas e metabólitos secundários ocorrida nos tecidos foliares de plantas resistentes e susceptíveis durante a infecção pelo patógeno, com o auxílio da técnica de cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as plantas resistentes percebem a presença do patógeno logo nas primeiras horas pós-infecção, produzindo proteínas ligadas à imunidade (HSP90, ILITYHIA, LRR Kinase, NB-ARC disease resistance protein). Essa percepção desencadeia a produção de proteínas de parede celular e de resposta oxidativa, além de modificar o metabolismo primário e secundário. As plantas susceptíveis, por outro lado, têm o metabolismo subvertido, produzindo proteínas responsáveis pelo afrouxamento da parede celular, beneficiando a absorção de nutrientes, crescimento e propagação de P. psidii. No trabalho também são propostos metabólitos biomarcadores de resistência, moléculas biomarcadoras de resposta imune e sinais da infecção por patógeno em E. grandis.
The inefficiency of chemical pesticides to control phytopathogenic fungi in agriculture and the frequent incidence of human diseases caused by bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics lead to the search for alternative antimicrobial compounds. In this context, plant defensins are a promising tool for the control of both plant and human pathogenic agents. Plant defensins are cationic peptides of about 50 amino acid residues, rich in cysteine and whose tridimensional structure is considerably conserved among different plant species. These antimicrobial molecules represent an important innate component from plant defense response against pathogens and are expressed in various plant tissues, such as leaves, tubers, flowers, pods and seeds. The present work aimed at the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of two plant defensins against different phytopathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacteria to humans. The defensin Drr230a, whose gene was isolated from pea (Pisum sativum), and the defensin CD1,whose gene was identified within coffee (Coffea arabica) transcriptome, were subcloned in yeast expression vector and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The gene cd1 was subcloned as two different recombinant forms: CD1tC, containing a six-histidine sequence (6xHis) at the peptide C-terminal region and CD1tN, containing 6xHis coding sequence at the N-terminal region. In the case of the defensin Drr230a, the 6xHis coding sequence was inserted only at the N-terminal region. Assays of the antimicrobial activity of the purified recombinant proteins rDrr230a and rCD1 against Phakopsora pachyrhizi, causal agent of soybean Asian rust, were performed to analyze the in vitro spore germination inhibition and disease severity caused by the fungus in planta. Both recombinant defensins were able to inhibit P. pachyrhizi uredospore germination, with no difference between the antimicrobial action of either CD1tC or CD1tN. Moreover, rDrr230a and rCD1 drastically reduced severity of soybean Asian rust, as demonstrated by in planta assays. In spite of the fact that rCD1 was not able to inhibit proliferation of the human pathogenic bacteria Staplylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae, rCD1 was able to inhibit growth of the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium tucumaniae, that causes soybean sudden death syndrome. The obtained results show that these plant defensins are useful candidates to be used in plant genetic engineering programs to control agriculture impacting fungal diseases.
Coffee plants were introduced in Brazil in the Northern State of Para around 1727. Two major diseases have affected coffee trees in the country. One is rust, caused by fungus Hemileia vastatrix and accountable for production losses up to 50%. The other one is Cercospora leaf spot, caused by fungus Cercospora coffeicola endemic to all Brazilian coffee farms and, therefore, economically critical due to production losses both in the plant nursery and in the field. Availability of resistant varieties has been a constant challenge for breeders. Research programs play an important role in the search for new resistant and/or tolerant genotypes, since over time plants can become susceptible to new, genetically variable races of pathogens. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and severity of such diseases, the resistance of different coffee genotypes to H. vastatrix and C. coffeicola pathogens, as well as the productivity of said genotypes in dense planting system. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with twelve genotypes (treatments) and two replications (blocks). SISVAR® program was used to analyze data and compare them building on Scott-Knott test and Tukey’s test with a probability of 5%. Disease incidence and severity percentage were assessed for both Cercospora leaf spot and rust. Means were used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of both diseases. As to rust, the most resistant genotypes were H586-6, IBC 12, and H556-7 H567-6. As to Cercospora leaf spot and productivity, no statistical differences were found across genotypes. The dense planting system did not impair plant development, but favored disease evolution given the microclimate it produces.
Wool production and reproductive performance components of similar genotypes, brought from distinct production areas, were evaluated during five years trial at similar environments, such as, joining season and stocking rate on winter improved pasture. The least squares means revealed that the origin (breed) effect concentrated upon the Corriedale ewes wool production, whereas in Romney females it affected the reproductive performance.
O presente trabalho foi delineado para se avaliar possíveis modificações nas características reprodutivas de carneiros em função da quantidade de lã no escroto e época do ano.