931 resultados para ethnic groups - Mandingo - West Africa - Gambia


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Orosomucoid (ORM) or alpha-1 acid glycoprotein is an acute phase protein of human plasma whose function is suggested to be the competitive inhibition of cellular recognition by infective agents. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) and immunoblotting have been combined and optimum conditions have been determined for reliable classification of different ORM phenotypes. Addition of 6 M urea in an IEF gel revealed additional microheterogeneity in the ORM system which has not been previously reported. 1,667 individuals from different native ethnic groups of North and South America, Africa and New Guinea have been screened to determine the distribution of ORM alleles. Two common alleles, ORM1*1 and ORM1*2 have been observed and their frequencies were determined. Genetically independent variation consistent with expression of the ORM2 locus was observed in American and African blacks but was not observed in other sampled populations. The population allele frequencies for this new locus were 0.958, 0.025, 0.006, 0.011, for alleles ORM2*1, ORM2*2, ORM2*3, ORM2*4, respectively. Family studies confirm the autosomal codominant inheritance of the phenotypes observed at both ORM loci. ^


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Background. The childhood obesity epidemic has disproportionately impacted the lives of low-income, minority preschoolers and their families. Research shows that parents play a major role as "gatekeepers" who control what food is brought into the home and as role models for dietary practices. Currently, there is limited research regarding ethnic differences in families of low-income preschoolers. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to look at ethnic differences in food availability at home among the low-income families of Hispanic and African American preschoolers attending Head Start centers in Harris County, Texas. ^ Design/Subjects. Descriptive data on food availability at home between Hispanic and African American families were used and analyzed for this study. Parents or primary caregivers (n = 718) of children enrolled at Head Start Centers in Houston, Texas completed the Healthy Home Survey. ^ Methods. In the Healthy Home Survey, participants were asked to answer open-ended questions regarding various types of foods currently available at home, such as fresh, canned or jarred, dried and frozen fruits; fresh, canned or jarred, and frozen vegetables; salty snacks, sweet snacks, candy, and soda. Descriptive analyses were conducted to identify significant differences between Hispanics and African Americans via a paired t-test to compare the means of variables between the study groups and a Pearson's chi-square or Fischer's exact (if cell size was <5) test calculated for food availability (food types) between ethnicities to determine differences in distributions. ^ Results. Although both Hispanics and African Americans reported having all categories of food types at home, there were statistically significant differences between ethnic groups. Hispanics were more likely to have fresh fruits and vegetables at home than African Americans. At the same time, more African American families reported having canned or jarred fruits and canned green/leafy vegetables than Hispanics. More Hispanic families reported having diet, regular, and both diet and regular sodas available compared to African American families. However, high percentages of unhealthy foods (including snacks and candy) were reported by both ethnicities. ^ Conclusions. The findings presented in this study indicate the implicit ethnic differences that exist in the food availability among low-income families of Hispanic and African American preschoolers. Future research should investigate the associations between food availability and children's weight status by ethnicity to identify additional differences that may exist.^


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For adolescents, unprotected sexual intercourse is the primary cause of sexually transmitted disease (STD), including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (virus which causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)), and pregnancy. Although many studies on adolescent sexual behavior have addressed racial/ethnic differences, few studies have examined the relation between race/ethnicity while controlling for other sociocultural and psychosocial variables. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between racial/ethnic categories and selected sociocultural and psychosocial variables, with reported adolescent sexual risk-taking and preventive behavior.^ A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from 3132 students in a Texas school district (Section 3.5.2). The instrument contained approximately 100 questions on demographic characteristics, sexual behavior, and psychosocial determinants of sexual behavior. Based on the findings of this study, the following major conclusions are made: (1) There are differences in reported sexual risk-taking and preventive behavior among Black, Hispanic and White adolescents in this study. The stratified analysis by gender further suggests significant gender differences in reported sexual behavior among the three racial/ethnic groups. (2) Gender, living arrangement, academic grades, and language spoken at home modified the association between reported sexual risk-taking and preventive behavior and race/ethnicity in this study. This suggests that these sociocultural variables should be considered in future research and practice involving multicultural populations. (3) There are differences in selected psychosocial determinants among the three racial/ethnic groups and between males and females. These differences were consistent with the reported sexual risk-taking and preventive behaviors among race/ethnicity and gender for adolescents in this study. The findings support the consideration of psychosocial determinants in research and interventions addressing adolescent sexual behavior among different racial/ethnic groups.^ Based on the results of this study, two recommendations for practice are made. First, health professionals developing interventions for adolescents from different cultural backgrounds and gender need to be familiar with the specific sociocultural and psychosocial factors which will reduce risky sexual behavior, and promote protective behavior. Second, the need for immediate, realistic, and continuous HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention programs for children and adolescents should be considered. ^


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Seven sediment cores from the cruises of the "Meteor" and "Valdivia" were examined palynologically. The cores were retrieved from the lower continental slope in the area of between 33.5° N and 8° N, off the West African coast. Most of the cores contain sediments from the last Glacial and Interglacial period. In some cases, the Holocene sediments are missing. Some individual cores contain sediments also from earlier Glacial and Interglacial periods. The main reason for making this palynological study was to find out the differences between the vegetation of Glacial and Interglacial periods in those parts of West Africa which at present belong to the Mediterranean zone, the Sahara and the zones of the savannas and tropical forests. In today's Mediterranean vegetation zone at core 33.5° N, forests and deciduous forests in particular, are missing during Glacial conditions. Semi-deserts are found instead of these. In the early isotope stage 1, there is a very significant development of forests which contain evergreen oaks; this is the Mediterranean type of vegestation development. The Sahara type of vegetation development is shown in four cores from between 27° N and 19° N. The differences between Glacial and Interglacial periods are very small. It must be assumed therefore that in this latitudes, both Glacial and Interglacial conditions gave rise to desert generally. The results are in favour of a slightly more arid climate during Glacial and more humid one during Interglacial periods. The southern boundary of the Sahara and the adjacent savannas with grassland and tropical woods were situated more to the south during the Glacial periods than they were during the Interglacial ones. In front of today's savanna belt, it can be seen from the palynological results that there are considerable differences between the vegetation of Glacial and Interglacial periods. The woods are more important in Interglacial periods. During the Glacial periods these are replaced from north to south decreasingly by grassland (savanna and rainforest type of vegetation development). The southern limit of the Sahara during stage 2 was somewhat between 12° N and 8° N which is between 1.5 and 5 degrees in latitude further south than it i s today. Not only do these differences in climate and vegetation apply to the maximum of the last Glacial and for the Holocene, but they apparently apply also to the older Glacial and Interglacial periods, where they have been found in the profiles. The North African deset belt can be said to have expanded during Glacial times both towards the north and towards the south. All the available evidence of this study indicates that the grass land or the semi-desert of the Southern Europe cam einto connection with those of the N Africa; there could not have been any forest zone between them. The present study was also a good opportunity for investigating some of the basic marine palynological problems. The very well known overrepresentation of pollen grains of the genus Pinus in marine sediments can be traced as fa as 21° N. The present southern limit for the genus Pinus is on the Canaries and on the African continent as approximately 31° N. Highest values of Ephedra pollen grains even occur south of the main area of the present distribution of that genus. These does not seem to be any satisfactory explanation for this. In general, it would appear that the transport of pollen grains from the north is more important than transport from the south. The results so far, indicate strongly that further palynological studies are necessary. These should concentrate particularly on cores from between 33° N and 27° N as well as between 17° N and 10° N. It would also be useful to have a more detailed examination of sediments from the last Intergalcial period (substage 5 e). Absolute pollen counts and more general examination of surface samples would be desirable. Surface samples should be taken from the shelf down to the bottom of the continental slope in different latitudes.


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Seven cores from the West African continental margin in 12-18° N have been investigated by means of a coarse fraction analysis. Four of the seven cores contain allochthonous material: turbidites and debris flow deposits. The source of the allochthonous material is in about 300-600 m water depth. The age of the slide induced debris flow deposits is at the end of oxygen isotope stage 2. One debris flow deposit is covered by a turbidite (core GIK13211-1). The turbidites in the deep-sea core GIK13207-3 originate from river-influenced sediments from the West-African continental margin, whereas the autochthonous sequences are influenced by volcanic material from the Cape Verde Islands. Particle by particle supply from upper slope areas has been found in all four cores from the continental slope. Current sorting occurs on the submarine diapir (core GIK13289-3), whereas core GIK13291-1 on the NW-flanc, 200 m below core GIK13289-3, has no current sorting, except for stage 1 and parts of stage 5. The current sorting is reflected by parallel variations of median diameters of whole tests and of fragments of planktonic foraminifers, by higher median diameters of foraminifers on top of the diapir, by reduced accumulation rates and increased sand fraction percentages in core GIK13289-3 compared to core GIK13291-1. The Late Quarternary climatic history of the West-African near coastal area (12-18° N) has been redrawn: - in oxygen isotope stage 1 a humid climate is found in 12-18° N (This "humid impression" in 18° N, which is actually an arid area, is due to the poleward directed undercurrent, which transports Senegal river material to the north). - in oxygen isotope stage 2 an arid climate existed in 14-18° N, whereas in 12° N river discharfe persisted. But within stage 2 dune formation occured in 12° N on the (dry) shelf, additionally to fluviatile sediment input. - Older periods are preserved in autochthonous sediments of core GIK13289-3 and GIK13291-1, where oxygen stage 3,5 and 7 (the latter only in core GIK13289-3 present) show a humid climate (as well as in stage 5 of core GIK13255-3), interrupted by short arid intervals in core GIK12389-3, and stage 4 and 6 show an arid climate, interrupted by short humid periods The allochthonous stage 5 sediment in core GIK13211-1 also reflects a humid climate. The dissolution of planktonic foraminifers is strongest in th eLate Holocene and shows a minimum in the early Holocene, where also pteropods are preserved. The degree of carbonate dissolution is related mainly to the fine matter content (< 63 µm) whereas water depth is a less decisvive factor.


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Over 100 samples of recent surface sediments from the bottomn of the Atlantic Ocean offshore NW Africa between 34° and 6° N have been analysed palynologically. The objective of this study was to reveal the relation between source areas, transport systems, and resulting distribution patterns of pollen and spores in marine sediments off NW Africa, in order to lay a sound foundation for the interpretation of pollen records of marine cores from this area. The clear zonation of the NW-African vegetation (due to the distinct climatic gradient) is helpful in determining main source areas, and the presence of some major wind belts facilitates the registration of the average course of wind trajectories. The present circulation pattern is driven by the intertropical front (ITCZ) which shifts over the continent between c. 22° N (summer position) and c. 4° N (winter position) in the course of the year. Determination of the period of main pollen release and the average atmospheric circulation pattern effective at that time of the years is of prime importance. The distribution patterns in recent marine sediments of pollen of a series of genera and families appear to record climatological/ecological variables, such as the trajectory of the NE trade, January trades, African Easterly Jet (Saharan Air Layer), the northernmost and southernmost position of the intertropical convergence zone, and the extent and latitudinal situation of the NW-African vegetation belt. Pollen analysis of a series of dated deep-sea cores taken between c. 35° and the equator off NW African enable the construction of paleo-distribution maps for time slices of the past, forming a register of paleoclimatological/paleoecological information.