948 resultados para embedded linux, ISO 14443
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
BCM (business continuity Management) is a holistic management process aiming at ensuring business continuity and building organizational resilience. Maturity models offer organizations a tool for evaluating their current maturity in a certain process. In the recent years BCM has been subject to international ISO standardization, while the interest of organizations to bechmark their state of BCM agains standards and the use of maturity models for these asessments has increased. However, although new standards have been introduced, very little attention has been paid to reviewing the existing BCM maturity models in research - especially in the light of the new ISO 22301 standard for BCM. In this thesis the existing BCM maturily models are carefully evaluated to determine whetherthey could be improved. In order to accomplish this, the compliance of the existing models to the ISO 22301 standard is measured and a framework for assessing a maturitymodel´s quality is defined. After carefully evaluating the existing frameworks for maturity model development and evaluation, an approach suggested by Becker et al. (2009) was chosen as the basis for the research. An additionto the procedural model a set of seven research guidelines proposed by the same authors was applied, drawing on the design-science research guidelines as suggested by Hevner et al. (2004). Furthermore, the existing models´ form and function was evaluated to address their usability. Based on the evaluation of the existing BCM maturity models, the existing models were found to have shortcomings in each dimension of the evaluation. Utilizing the best of the existing models, a draft version for an enhanced model was developed. This draft model was then iteratively developed by conducting six semi-structured interviews with BCM professionals in finland with the aim of validating and improving it. As a Result, a final version of the enhanced BCM maturity model was developed, conforming to the seven key clauses in the ISO 22301 standard and the maturity model development guidelines suggested by Becker et al. (2009).
Pro gradu -tutkielman aihe on terrorismin vaikutus Euroopan unionin ja Ison-Britannian uhkamalleihin. Päämääränä, tässä tutkielmassa, on selvittää, miten terrorismi ilmenee Euroopan unionin ja Ison-Britannian turvallisuusstrategioissa. Turvallisuusstrategiassa kuvataan uhkat ja riskit, joista on muodostettu uhkamallit, joita vastaan varaudutaan strategian mukaisesti. Terrorismi on jaoteltu tässä tutkimuksessa Europolin -mallin mukaisesti: uskonnollinen terrorismi, etnis-nationalistinen terrorismi, vasemmistolainen ja anarkistiterrorismi, oikeistolainen terrorismi sekä yhden asian terrorismi. Tässä tutkielmassa käytetään Euroopan unionin ja Ison-Britannian määritelmää terrorismista. Tutkielman teoreettinen lähestymistapa on liberalismin mukainen, jossa keskeisenä tutkimuskohteena ovat valtiot sekä kansainväliset instituutiot, jotka muodostavat luonteeltaan anarkisen kansainvälisen järjestelmän. Liberalismin ajatuksen mukaisesti valta kansainvälisessä järjestelmässä koostuu taloudellisista, poliittisista, sosiaalisista sekä sotilaallisista resursseista, esimerkiksi Euroopan unionilla on merkittävä määrä valtaa kansainvälisessä järjestelmässä vaikka sillä ei olekaan omaa sotilaallista komponenttia. Kansainvälisen järjestelmän anarkiaa on mahdollista hallita kansainvälisien instituutioiden sekä yhteisten normien avulla. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään asiakirja- ja kirjallisuustutkimusta. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty julkisia virallisia dokumentteja, aiheeseen liittyvää tieteellistä kirjallisuutta, julkisen median artikkeleita sekä tutkielmaani kirjoitusvaiheessa lukeneiden asiantuntijoiden kommentit aiheesta. Terrorismi on ollut keskeinen osa Euroopan unionin ja Ison-Britannian turvallisuusstrategioita koko 2000-luvun. Sen vaikutus näkyy mm. turvallisuusstrategioissa, lainsäädännössä, instituutioissa sekä median artikkeleissa. Terrorismi on hyvin syvälle juurtunut ilmiö maailmanlaajuisesti, joten sen merkitys tulee todennäköisesti säilymään hyvin korkeana prioriteettina sekä Euroopan unionin että Ison-Britannian uhkamalleissa vaikka ei-sotilaalliset uhkat ovatkin nousseet haastamaan sen aseman keskeisimpänä kylmän sodan jälkeisenä uhkana.
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeisenä ajanjaksona Iso-Britannia joutui useisiin vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin konflikteihin siirtomaarakenteiden purkautumisen ja maailmanpoliittisen tilanteen johdosta. Tutkielma käsittelee Ison-Britannian turvallisuusjoukkojen käyttöperiaatteita vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin konflikteissa Malaijalla vuosina 1948–1960 ja Keniassa vuosina 1952–1960. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty lähdeaineistoon perustuvaa sisällönanalyysia. Lähdeaineisto koostuu pääsääntöisesti ulkomaalaisissa sotakouluissa tehdyistä opinnäytetöistä sekä tutkimus- ja aikalaiskirjallisuudesta. Lisäksi lähteenä on käytetty Britannian asevoimien ohjesääntöjä vastakumouksellisesta sodankäynnistä. Britannian vastakumouksellisen sodankäynnin taisteluoppi korosti sodan poliittista ratkaisua. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä taisteluopissa uhkamalli muodostui Mao Tse-Tungin oppien mukaisesti taistelevasta kumouksellisesta liikkeestä. Malaijalla ja Keniassa kumouksellisen toiminnan raamit olivat monin osin yhtenäiset. Kapinalliset pystyttiin määrittämään selväksi vähemmistöryhmittymäksi koko kansakunnan osalta. Kapinallisten toiminta- aluetta olivat pääsääntöisesti maiden rajojen sisäpuolelle rajoittuvat harvaan asutut viidakko- ja metsäalueet. Britannian turvallisuusjoukkojen toiminnan perustana ollut ohjesääntö määritteli turvallisuusjoukkojen tärkeimmäksi tehtäväksi kumouksellisten eristämisen väestöstä, minkä avulla kumouksellisilta riistettiin toimintansa kannalta elintärkeät resurssit. Poliisivoimilla sekä paikallisesta väestöstä perustetuilla kodinturvajoukoilla kontrolloitiin ja valvottiin asuttuja alueita sotilasvoimien suorittaessa operaatioita viidakko- ja metsäalueiden laitamilla ja syvyydessä. Samanaikaisesti toteutetut uudelleenasuttamisen ohjelmat ja elintarvikkeiden säätelyt vaikeuttivat kapinallisten tukeutumista väestöön ja pakottivat heidät vetäytymään syrjäseuduille. Tutkielman tärkeimpänä havaintona voidaan pitää turvallisuusjoukkojen käyttöperiaatteiden yhtäläisyyttä Malaijalla ja Keniassa. Turvallisuusjoukkojen rakenne ja periaatteellinen käyttö noudattivat molemmissa konflikteissa samaa kaavaa perustuen Malaijan alkuvuosien havaintojen pohjalta laadittuun käsikirjaan. Turvallisuusjoukkojen käyttöön vaikuttaneet asteittaiset toimenpiteet kapinallisten eristämiseksi väestöstä, johtaen aina heidän voimiensa lopulliseen tuhoamiseen, olivat käyttöperiaatteiden kannalta ohjaava tekijä. Konflikteista saatujen havaintojen perusteella pystyttiin määrittelemään turvallisuusjoukkojen toimijoille selkeät roolit ja tehtäväkentät kriisien eri vaiheissa.
Työssä tutkitaan tietointensiivisen asiantuntijapalveluyrityksen kohtaamia mahdollisia haasteita sen kansainvälistyessä Iso-Britannian markkinoille.
Traction motor design significantly differs from industrial machine design. The starting point is the load cycle instead of the steady-state rated operation point. The speed of the motor varies from zero to very high speeds. At low speeds, heavy overloading is used for starting, and the field-weakening region also plays an important role. Finding a suitable fieldweakening point is one of the important design targets. At the lowest speeds, a high torque output is desired, and all current reserves of the supplying converter unit are used to achieve the torque. In this paper, a 110-kW 2.5-p.u. starting torque and a maximum 2.5-p.u. speed permanent-magnet traction motor will be studied. The field-weakening point is altered by varying the number of winding turns of machine. One design is selected for prototyping. Theoretical results are verified by measurements.
This guide summarizes useful information about the European Space Agency (ESA), the European space industry, the ECSS standards and product assurance for small and medium enterprises that are aiming to enter the industry. Additionally, the applicability of agile development in space projects is discussed.
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are developing rapidly, and therefore there exist several standards of interconnection protocols and platforms. The existence of heterogeneous protocols and platforms has become a critical challenge for IoT system developers. To mitigate this challenge, few alliances and organizations have taken the initiative to build a framework that helps to integrate application silos. Some of these frameworks focus only on a specific domain like home automation. However, the resource constraints in the large proportion of connected devices make it difficult to build an interoperable system using such frameworks. Therefore, a general purpose, lightweight interoperability framework that can be used for a range of devices is required. To tackle the heterogeneous nature, this work introduces an embedded, distributed and lightweight service bus, Lightweight IoT Service bus Architecture (LISA), which fits inside the network stack of a small real-time operating system for constrained nodes. LISA provides a uniform application programming interface for an IoT system on a range of devices with variable resource constraints. It hides platform and protocol variations underneath it, thus facilitating interoperability in IoT implementations. LISA is inspired by the Network on Terminal Architecture, a service centric open architecture by Nokia Research Center. Unlike many other interoperability frameworks, LISA is designed specifically for resource constrained nodes and it provides essential features of a service bus for easy service oriented architecture implementation. The presented architecture utilizes an intermediate computing layer, a Fog layer, between the small nodes and the cloud, thereby facilitating the federation of constrained nodes into subnetworks. As a result of a modular and distributed design, the part of LISA running in the Fog layer handles the heavy lifting to assist the lightweight portion of LISA inside the resource constrained nodes. Furthermore, LISA introduces a new networking paradigm, Node Centric Networking, to route messages across protocol boundaries to facilitate interoperability. This thesis presents a concept implementation of the architecture and creates a foundation for future extension towards a comprehensive interoperability framework for IoT.
The treatment of Diabetes should not only be sought through drug administration; diet is also a part of its treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a diet with six meals having equal calories on the body weight and blood glucose on diabetes type 2 patients. This research is an Experimental study conducted in 2009 on 181 patients with diabetes. The patients visited the IDSF (Iranian Diabetes Society of Fars) weekly and the patients to be studied were randomly divided into two groups of 85 and 96 patients, respectively. The participants were repeatedly requested to consume their calculated calorie in six equal parts. The average age in the Experimental and Control groups were 51.2 ± 13.3 and 53.1 ± 9.4, respectively. The mean body weight and fasting blood glucose at the beginning of the study in Experimental and Control groups were 66.3 ± 9.4 and 69.1 ± 11.1 kg, 198.9 ± 35.1, and 199.8 ± 39.1 mg.dL-1, respectively. At the end of the study, however, the values were 63.5 ± 7.5 and 66.98 ± 9 kg, 139.5 ± 34.6 and 164.2 ± 22.1 mg.dL-1, respectively. Only the mean fasting blood glucose at the end of the study revealed a significant difference (p-value = 0.001). The results show that educating those afflicted with Diabetes Type 2 aiming at changing their diet can greatly help them manage their blood glucose.
Markku Laitisen esitys Kirjastonjohtajien neuvottelupäivillä Lahdessa 1.10.2015.
Globalization and interconnectedness in the worldwide sphere have changed the existing and prevailing modus operandi of organizations around the globe and have challenged existing practices along with the business as usual mindset. There are no rules in terms of creating a competitive advantage and positioning within an unstable, constantly changing and volatile globalized business environment. The financial industry, the locomotive or the flagship industry of global economy, especially, within the aftermath of the financial crisis, has reached a certain point trying to recover and redefine its strategic orientation and positioning within the global business arena. Innovation has always been a trend and a buzzword and by many has been considered as the ultimate answer to any kind of problem. The mantra Innovate or Die has been prevailing in any organizational entity in a, sometimes, ruthless endeavour to develop cutting-edge products and services and capture a landmark position in the market. The emerging shift from a closed to an open innovation paradigm has been considered as new operational mechanism within the management and leadership of the company of the future. To that respect, open innovation has been experiencing a tremendous growth research trajectory by putting forward a new way of exchanging and using surplus knowledge in order to sustain innovation within organizations and in the level of industry. In the abovementioned reality, there seems to be something missing: the human element. This research, by going beyond the traditional narratives for open innovation, aims at making an innovative theoretical and managerial contribution developed and grounded on the on-going discussion regarding the individual and organizational barriers to open innovation within the financial industry. By functioning across disciplines and researching out to primary data, it debunks the myth that open innovation is solely a knowledge inflow and outflow mechanism and sheds light to the understanding on the why and the how organizational open innovation works by enlightening the broader dynamics and underlying principles of this fascinating paradigm. Little attention has been given to the role of the human element, the foundational pre-requisite of trust encapsulated within the precise and fundamental nature of organizing for open innovation, the organizational capabilities, the individual profiles of open innovation leaders, the definition of open innovation in the realms of the financial industry, the strategic intent of the financial industry and the need for nurturing a societal impact for human development. To that respect, this research introduces the trust-embedded approach to open innovation as a new insightful way of organizing for open innovation. It unveils the peculiarities of the corporate and individual spheres that act as a catalyst towards the creation of productive open innovation activities. The incentive of this research captures the fundamental question revolving around the need for financial institutions to recognise the importance for organizing for open innovation. The overarching question is why and how to create a corporate culture of openness in the financial industry, an organizational environment that can help open innovation excel. This research shares novel and cutting edge outcomes and propositions both under the prism of theory and practice. The trust-embedded open innovation paradigm captures the norms and narratives around the way of leading open innovation within the 21st century by cultivating a human-centricity mindset that leads to the creation of human organizations, leaving behind the dehumanization mindset currently prevailing within the financial industry.