951 resultados para electron beams


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Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) aquasalis, is the main coastal vector of malaria from northeastern Venezuela to southeastern Brazil. Several authors have argued that An. aquasalis is a highly polymorphic species while others indicated that it is a complex of closely related species. This investigation compared the morphology of An. aquasalis eggs from Sinamaica (Zulia State) and Yaguaraparo (Sucre State), the west and east of Venezuela, respectively. We were able to separate eggs from the two localities using discriminant analyses based on ratios and percentages of anterior and posterior tubercles measured by scanning electron microscopy. The results of this work suggest that An. aquasalis has high intraspecific variation


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Tubercles, spines and sensory receptors are the most studied structures of adult male worms of Schistosoma mansoni isolated in other countries. The purpose of this investigation was to properly define these structures in Brazilian worms. Specimens 7-8 weeks after infection were recovered from albino SW mice and from a wild rodent (Nectomys squamipes) and processed for scanning electron microscopy studies. Photomicrographs of the anterior region with the aspects related to the outer and inner regions of both suckers were considered. The ventral portion of the middle region was represented by the anterior of gynaecophoric canal while the dorsal surface was studied in its ventral and dorsal regions mainly focusing the aspect of the tubercles, spines and sensorial papillae. The outer surface of the oral sucker is spiny and spines are bigger, sharp with sensory receptors in their posterior edge. Tubercles with spines or receptors are more concentrated in the middle region and in one of the margins of the gynaecophoric canal. An excretory pore-like structure in the posterior portion was observed. The gynaecophoric canal has few sensory structures, spines broadned in their mid-region and are sharp pointed at the distal end. It was concluded that the presently studied characters are similar to those previously reported


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In vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled neurons in the intact brain is being used increasingly to study neuronal plasticity. However, interpreting the observed changes as modifications in neuronal connectivity needs information about synapses. We show here that axons and dendrites of GFP-labeled neurons imaged previously in the live mouse or in slice preparations using 2-photon laser microscopy can be analyzed using light and electron microscopy, allowing morphological reconstruction of the synapses both on the imaged neurons, as well as those in the surrounding neuropil. We describe how, over a 2-day period, the imaged tissue is fixed, sliced and immuno-labeled to localize the neurons of interest. Once embedded in epoxy resin, the entire neuron can then be drawn in three dimensions (3D) for detailed morphological analysis using light microscopy. Specific dendrites and axons can be further serially thin sectioned, imaged in the electron microscope (EM) and then the ultrastructure analyzed on the serial images.


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Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 is a parasitic nematode with its biological cycle still unknown, even though it was found in humans, domestic and silvatic animals. Adult worms, collected by surgical drainage from a human patient from the State of Pará, Brazil, were micrographed using a scanning electron microscope. Morphological aspects of males and females such as cephalic structures, caudal papillae and cuticular patterns were analyzed and compared with the previous descriptions adding new data for the identification of this species.


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Hysterothylacium geschei n. sp. (Nematoda, Anisakidae) is described from the intestine of Cauque mauleanum (Steindachner) (Pisces: Atherinidae) from Lake Panguipulli (39º43'S; 72º13'W), Chile. Eleven (78.6%) out of 14 fish were infected, with a mean intensity (range) of 14.4 (1-55) worms. The new species can be differentiated from the two previously described species of freshwater fishes from South America by the presence of lateral alae, the number of caudal papillae, and the length of the spicules, oesophagus, intestinal caecum, distance vulva-anterior extremity and the length ratio intestinal caecum: ventricular appendix. From the fishes examined in Lake Panguipulli, including the introduced salmonid species Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and the authochthonous species Basilichthys australis Eigenmann (Atherinidae) and Percichthys trucha (Valenciennes) (Percichthyidae), only one specimen of P. trucha was found parasitized by a third-stage larva of this species.


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In the present study, posterior spiracles of laboratory-reared fourth instar larvae of Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. lenti, and L. whitmani (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the State of Ceará, Brazil, were examined under scanning electron microscopy. The number of papillae of spiracles examined varied according to the species examined, but no intraspecific differences were found. The importance of this structure to sand fly larva identification and phylogeny is commented.


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The surface topography and ultrastructure of the tegument of Paranaella luquei Kohn, Baptista-Farias & Cohen, 2000, a microcotylid monogenean parasite from the gills of Hypostomus regani (Ihering, 1905) (Loricariidae) was studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By SEM, it was observed that the tegument presents transversal ridges, forming folds in the ventral and dorsal surfaces and microvillous-like tegumental projections in the anterior and median regions of body. These projections were also observed by TEM. The tegument is made up of a syncytium delimited by apical and basal plasma membranes, containing inclusion bodies and mitochondria, connected to the nucleated region by means of cytoplasmatic processes. The tegumental cells present a well developed nucleus and cytoplasm containing inclusion bodies, similar to those found on the external layer, mitochondria, rough endoplasmatic reticulum and free ribossomes.


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Loss of T-tubules (TT), sarcolemmal invaginations of cardiomyocytes (CMs), was recently identified as a general heart failure (HF) hallmark. However, whether TT per se or the overall sarcolemma is altered during HF process is still unknown. In this study, we directly examined sarcolemmal surface topography and physical properties using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in living CMs from healthy and failing mice hearts. We confirmed the presence of highly organized crests and hollows along myofilaments in isolated healthy CMs. Sarcolemma topography was tightly correlated with elasticity, with crests stiffer than hollows and related to the presence of few packed subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM) as evidenced by electron microscopy. Three days after myocardial infarction (MI), CMs already exhibit an overall sarcolemma disorganization with general loss of crests topography thus becoming smooth and correlating with a decreased elasticity while interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM), myofilaments alignment and TT network were unaltered. End-stage post-ischemic condition (15days post-MI) exacerbates overall sarcolemma disorganization with, in addition to general loss of crest/hollow periodicity, a significant increase of cell surface stiffness. Strikingly, electron microscopy revealed the total depletion of SSM while some IFM heaps could be visualized beneath the membrane. Accordingly, mitochondrial Ca(2+) studies showed a heterogeneous pattern between SSM and IFM in healthy CMs which disappeared in HF. In vitro, formamide-induced sarcolemmal stress on healthy CMs phenocopied post-ischemic kinetics abnormalities and revealed initial SSM death and crest/hollow disorganization followed by IFM later disarray which moved toward the cell surface and structured heaps correlating with TT loss. This study demonstrates that the loss of crest/hollow organization of CM surface in HF occurs early and precedes disruption of the TT network. It also highlights a general stiffness increased of the CM surface most likely related to atypical IFM heaps while SSM died during HF process. Overall, these results indicate that initial sarcolemmal stress leading to SSM death could underlie subsequent TT disarray and HF setting.


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In the present study, some morphological structures of antennae, maxillary palps and caudal setae of fourth instar larvae of laboratory-reared phlebotomine sand flies (Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. evandroi, L. lenti, L. sericea, L. whitmani and L. intermedia) of the State of Ceará, Brazil, were examined under scanning electron microscopy. The antennal structures exhibited considerable variation in the morphology and position. A prominent digitiform distal segment has been observed only on the antenna of species of the subgenus Nyssomyia. The taxonomic relevance of this and other antennal structure is discussed. The papiliform structures found in the maxillae and the porous structures of the caudal setae of all species examined may have chemosensory function. Further studies with transmission electron microscopy are needed to better understand the physiological function of these external structures.


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The ultrastructure of Proechinophthirus zumpti Werneck, 1955, mainly the external chorionic features of the egg, is described through electronic microscopy techniques. This species was first cited in Argentina, infesting Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann, 1873). The morphological adaptations of adults and nymphs are described in both species of Proechinophthirus parasitic on Otariidae: P. fluctus (Ferris, 1916) and P. zumpti.


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The ultrastructural morphology of the ventral region of the head (rostrum and buccula) and proesternum (stridulatory sulcus) of nymphs from the 1st to 5th instars of Triatoma guazu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 and Triatoma jurbergi Carcavallo, Galvão & Lent, 1998 was described. Morphological differences between the two species and of the five nymphal stages development of each species were observed. These structures showed systematic differential characteristics of the studied species and may be used to increase their taxonomic range.


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Axial deflection of DNA molecules in solution results from thermal motion and intrinsic curvature related to the DNA sequence. In order to measure directly the contribution of thermal motion we constructed intrinsically straight DNA molecules and measured their persistence length by cryo-electron microscopy. The persistence length of such intrinsically straight DNA molecules suspended in thin layers of cryo-vitrified solutions is about 80 nm. In order to test our experimental approach, we measured the apparent persistence length of DNA molecules with natural "random" sequences. The result of about 45 nm is consistent with the generally accepted value of the apparent persistence length of natural DNA sequences. By comparing the apparent persistence length to intrinsically straight DNA with that of natural DNA, it is possible to determine both the dynamic and the static contributions to the apparent persistence length.


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The occurrence of autochthonous cases of Chagas disease in the Amazon region of Brazil over recent decades has motivated an intensification of studies in this area. Different species of triatomines have been identified, and ten of these have be proven to be carriers of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi or " cruzi-like " parasites. Studies conducted in the municipalities of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and Barcelos, located on the Upper and Middle of the Negro River, microregion of Negro River, state of Amazonas have confirmed not only that Rhodnius brethesi is present in the palm tree Leopoldinia piassaba, but also that this insect was recognized by palm fiber collectors. A morphological study of eyes, inter-ocular and inter-ocellar regions, antennae, buccula, labrum, rostrum, stridulatory sulcus and feet, including the apex of the tibia, spongy fossette and ctenidium was conducted by scanning electron microscopy. The buccula and the stridulatory sulcus presented notable differences in specimens of different genera and also of different species. These data make it possible to suggest that the details presented in these structures can be included as diagnostic characteristics to be used in new dichotomous keys, thereby contributing towards studies of taxonomy and systematics and furnishing backing for comparative analysis of specimens collected from different localities.


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The pharmacological activity of several amphiphilic drugs is often related to their ability to interact with biological membranes. Propranolol is an efficient multidrug resistance (MDR) modulator; it is a nonselective beta-blocker and is thought to reduce hypertension by decreasing the cardiac frequency and thus blood pressure. It is used in drug delivery studies in order to treat systemic hypertension. We are interested in the interaction of propranolol with artificial membranes, as liposomes of controllable size are used as biocompatible and protective structures to encapsulate labile molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids or drugs, for pharmaceutical, cosmetic or chemical applications. We present here a study of the interaction of propranolol, a cationic surfactant, with pure egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) vesicles. The gradual transition from liposome to micelle of EPC vesicles in the presence of propranolol was monitored by time-resolved electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) under different experimental conditions. The liposome-drug interaction was studied with varying drug/lipid (D/L) ratios and different stages were captured by direct thin-film vitrification. The time-series cryo-EM data clearly illustrate the mechanism of action of propranolol on the liposome structure: the drug disrupts the lipid bilayer by perturbing the local organization of the phospholipids. This is followed by the formation of thread-like micelles, also called worm-like micelles (WLM), and ends with the formation of spherical (globular) micelles. The overall reaction is slow, with the process taking almost two hours to be completed. The effect of a monovalent salt was also investigated by repeating the lipid-surfactant interaction experiments in the presence of KCl as an additive to the lipid/drug suspension. When KCl was added in the presence of propranolol the overall reaction was the same but with slower kinetics, suggesting that this monovalent salt affects the general lipid-to-micelle transition by stabilizing the membrane, presumably by binding to the carbonyl chains of the phosphatidylcholine.