977 resultados para economic policy - Estonia


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The latest reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has recently been accepted, identifying important challenges for EU agriculture, but proposing only limited changes to the previous CAP. Now it is time for the implementation of the new measures. However, from a theoretical point of view, it seems that the CAP can hardly meet the challenges it faces due to the inconsistencies between the predefined challenges and the measures proposed to meet them. The aim of the paper is to systematically analyse the consistency between the challenges of European agriculture and the policy measures aimed at meeting them. It seems that not all measures are consistent with the challenges.


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The latest reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has recently been accepted, identifying important challenges for EU agriculture, but proposing only limited changes to the previous CAP. Now it is time for the implementation of the new measures. However, from a theoretical point of view, it seems that the CAP can hardly meet the challenges it faces due to the inconsistencies between the predefined challenges and the measures proposed to meet them. The aim of the paper is to systematically analyse the consistency between the challenges of European agriculture and the policy measures aimed at meeting them. It seems that not all measures are consistent with the challenges.


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The latest Hungarian economic growth data, though favourable, do not let us forget that in the longer term growth is weak compared to the preceding period – as well as to the performance of the East-Central European region, which is more dynamic than the European average. In order to make sense of the past decade’s relative loss of pace and lay the foundations for future development policy, it is worth placing Hungary’s case in the context of the slowing tempo typical of middle-income countries. The economic development policies currently pursued by the government are aimed at increasing output in the processing industry, and by extension exports, while relevant international experience advises that it is the higher value-added activities of the global value chain, particularly business services, which should be developed further. In this way real wages and income levels could be increased, and the economy would be less exposed to the fluctuations of international cycles.


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This dissertation presents an analysis of the impacts of trade policy reforms in Sri Lanka. A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is constructed with detailed description of the domestic production structure and foreign trade. The model is then used to investigate the effects of trade policy reforms on resource allocation and welfare.^ Prior to 1977, Sri Lanka maintained stringent control over its imports through rigid quantitative restrictions. A new economic policy reform package was introduced in 1977, and it shifted Sri Lanka's development strategy toward an export oriented policy regime. The shift of policy focus from a restrictive trade regime toward a more open trade regime is expected to have a significant impact on the volume of external trade, domestic production structure, allocation of resources, and social welfare.^ Simulations are carried out to assess the effects of three major policy reforms: (1) a devaluation of the Sri Lanka rupee, (2) a partial or a complete elimination of export duties, and (3) a devaluation-cum-removal of export duties.^ Simulation results indicate that the macroeconomic impact of a devaluation-cum-removal of export duties can be substantial. They also suggest that the resource-pull effects of a devaluation and a devaluation-cum-export duty removal policy are significant. However, the model shows that a devaluation combined with an export duty reduction is likely to be a superior strategy. ^


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As the agricultural non-point source pollution(ANPSP) has become the most significant threat for water environmental deterioration and lake eutrophication in China, more and more scientists and technologists are focusing on the control countermeasure and pollution mechanism of agricultural non-point source pollution. The unreasonable rural production structure and limited scientific management measures are the main reasons for acute ANSPS problems in China. At present, the problem for pollution control is a lack of specific regulations, which affects the government's management efficiency. According to these characteristics and problems, this paper puts forward some corresponding policies. The status of the agricultural non-point source pollution of China is analyzed, and ANSPS prevention and control model is provided based on governance policy, environmental legislation, technical system and subsidy policy. At last, the case analysis of Qiandao Lake is given, and an economic policy is adopted based on its situation.


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Este estudo sistematiza e aborda a temática da formação de educadores desenvolvida nas inter-relações entre universidades brasileiras e o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, especificamente nos cursos de graduação em História na Universidade Federal da Paraíba e de Engenharia Agronômica na Universidade Federal de Sergipe, no período de 2004 a 2008. Tal processo desenvolve-se em um contexto difícil e complexo da luta pela reforma agrária no Brasil, principalmente pelas transformações ocorridas nos últimos anos oriundas da ampliação das lógicas de produção do agronegócio. Esta condição leva o MST a discutir e propor uma nova concepção de reforma agrária que a designa de popular em substituição à proposta de reforma agrária clássica. Por outro lado, apresenta uma visão das universidades brasileiras e dos projetos que são construídos e implementados nos últimos anos, inclusive, observando coincidências com as políticas econômicas gerais para a sociedade. Apresenta uma concepção de formação que vem sendo construída no interior das práticas do MST que também procura as universidades para firmar convênios e desenvolver processos de escolarização/formação de seus militantes educadores. Dentre as dimensões desse processo educativo/formativo, destacam-se: vínculo permanente com os processos orgânicos; a formação como um processo ético, estético, místico que trata das atitudes/comportamentos e como um processo dialógico, crítico e articulado que contempla saberes, experiências, em uma interação que busca superar as monoculturas. Captura por intermédio da pesquisa de campo: estranhamentos, entraves, sentidos da ocupação pedagógica e coletiva, alternativas, legados que permanecem tanto no MST como na universidade e apresenta o resultado do envolvimento e atuação dos egressos de ambos os cursos na atualidade. Aponta também para desafios, possibilidades outras de enfrentar a difícil mas necessária tarefa de formar educadores, militantes capazes de coletivamente levar adiante a luta por um mundo mais justo, solidário e democrático, em que a terra e o conhecimento, juntamente com os demais bens econômicos e culturais sejam profundamente democratizados. Pretende ser uma contribuição para o debate acerca da relevância dessas inter-relações entre universidade e movimentos sociais, em que essas experiências demarcam novas possibilidades de abertura e avanços democráticos e menos elitista da universidade e novos patamares de escolarização/formação para integrantes do Movimento dos Sem Terra.


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A pesquisa desta tese investiga as mediações das categorias de raça e de classe social no processo de implementação do modelo de cotas sociais da Ufes para ingresso nos cursos de graduação, entre 2006 a 2012, como parte das ações afirmativas dessa universidade. Tal modelo, para incluir a população afro-brasileira no ensino superior do Espírito Santo, respeitou estritamente os critérios de renda e de origem escolar pública, não adotando o critério étnico-racial que contemplaria especificamente os negros e os indígenas. Diante disso, o autor busca sustentar a tese de que, considerando o padrão das relações raciais brasileiras produtor de assimetrias entre grupos com marcas raciais distintas, no caso de negros e brancos, as desigualdades raciais têm na operacionalização do racismo seu mote ofensivo e poderoso, ao mesmo tempo em que a classe social isolada é insuficiente na compreensão e superação do problema racial do Brasil. Portanto, na adoção de políticas de combate às desigualdades raciais no ensino superior, caberia também a utilização de medidas etnicamente referenciadas. Autores como Hall (2008) e Fraser (2006), ao trazerem a dimensão articulada e bifocal das injustiças simbólicas e das injustiças econômicas, permitem entender a complementaridade e as dinâmicas entre ambas, deslocando-se de determinismos classistas que invisibilizam o racismo como instrumento opressor nas relações sociais. Como objetivos específicos, considera: compreender o processo de construção do modelo de cotas da Ufes, para ingresso nos cursos de graduação implementado em 2008, sob a perspectiva do debate da relação entre raça e classe; examinar as políticas de ações afirmativas como respostas às demandas históricas dos afro-brasileiros no contexto da sociedade brasileira; avaliar a posição de professores e alunos de cursos de graduação da Ufes diante do ingresso de alunos cotistas, sobretudo afro-brasileiros e pobres; e investigar a relação das políticas classistas, no caso específico das cotas sociais, na superação das assimetrias raciais. Adota como procedimentos metodológicos a metodologia dialética de pesquisa considerando todas as contradições entre raça e classe no processo de implementação de ações afirmativas na Ufes. Como instrumentos de pesquisa, utiliza entrevistas de professores e alunos cotistas e não cotistas de cursos variados da universidade, assim como documentos referentes à temática. Os resultados apontam para uma “oxigenação” da universidade depois de uma entrada maior de negros e pobres, principalmente nos cursos mais elitizados, pois as cotas operam uma dimensão pedagógica de ampliar a diversidade social na academia, trazendo outras demandas, outras 10 afetividades, outras lógicas de mundo e concepções de sociedade para a única universidade pública do Espírito Santo. Indica que os mecanismos discriminatórios e estigmatizantes interpessoais e institucionais, vividos no contexto das cotas sociais e explícitos na pesquisa, não inviabilizam a importância das ações afirmativas, pois apontam para a universidade repensar e ressignificar seus currículos e ações pedagógicas homogeneizantes no sentido de ampliar a ideia de inclusão e de democratização de seus espaços. Reitera que a raça, em seu viés político e cultural, é operante de forma relacional e independente com a classe social no contexto da produção das assimetrias raciais brasileiras, de maneira que a ação de uma não nega a ação da outra, mesmo na relação entre ambas. Enfatiza a importância do entendimento e da materialidade das ações afirmativas como políticas de reconhecimento que combateriam as desigualdades simbólicas na Ufes. Aponta a relevância das políticas de assistência estudantil, conjugadas às cotas, como políticas de redistribuição econômica, que lidariam com as dificuldades ou ausências materiais dos discentes, principalmente dos cotistas. Conclui que as cotas étnico-raciais nas universidades brasileiras são instrumentos legítimos de luta pela educação, um direito social de oportunidade dos grupos historicamente apartados de princípios constituidores da emancipação, da cidadania, dos direitos humanos, da justiça social, da igualdade e da diferença.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresa (MBA), 16 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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In this paper we follow the tradition of applied general equilibrium modelling of the Walrasian static variety to study the empirical viability of a double dividend (green, welfare, and employment) in the Spanish economy. We consider a counterfactual scenario in which an ecotax is levied on the intermediate and final use of energy goods. Under a revenue neutral assumption, we evaluate the real income and employment impact of lowering payroll taxes. To appraise to what extent the model structure and behavioural assumptions may influence the results, we perform simulations under a range of alternative model and policy scenarios. We conclude that a double dividend –better environmental quality, as measured by reduced CO2 emissions, and improved levels of employment– may be an achievable goal of economic policy.


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This paper analyzes the different compositions of the catalan governing coalitions during the current democratic period, and offers some predictions about the coalitions that can be expected in the future. During this period, in catalan politics, there have been two main political issues over which the different parties have taken positions: rightist versus leftist with respect to economic policy, and sovereign versus centralist with respect to the power distribution within the state. I find that for any allocation of parliament seats there is a key party: a party that has a clear advantage in terms of being able to decide the composition of the governing coalition. I show the features that allow a party to become the key party and those that affect the size of the advantage of the key party.


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We analyse natural resource use dynamics in the Mexican economy during the last three decades. Despite low and uneven economic growth, the extraction and use of materials in the Mexican economy has continuously increased during the last 30 years. In this period, population growth rather than economic growth was the main driving force for biophysical growth. In addition, fundamental changes have taken place in the primary sectors, in manufacturing, and in household consumption and these are reflected in an increasing emphasis on the use of fossil fuels and construction materials. Mexico’s economy has been strongly influenced by international trade since the country commenced competing in international markets. In the 1970s, Mexico mainly exported primary resources. This pattern has changed and manufactured goods now have a much greater importance due to a boom in assembling industries. In contrast with other Latin American countries, Mexico has achieved a diversification of production, moving towards technology-intensive products and a better mix in its export portfolio. However, crude oil exports still represent the single most important export good. Mexico’s material consumption is still well below the OECD average but is growing fast and the current resource use patterns may well present serious social and environmental problems to the medium and long term sustainability of Mexico’s economy and community. Information on natural resource use and resource productivity could provide valuable guidance for economic policy planning in Mexico.


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This position paper considers the devolution of further fiscal powers to the Scottish Parliament in the context of the objectives and remit of the Smith Commission. The argument builds on our discussion of fiscal decentralization made in our previous published work on this topic. We ask what sort of budget constraint the Scottish Parliament should operate with. A soft budget constraint (SBC) allows the Scottish Parliament to spend without having to consider all of the tax and, therefore, political consequences, of that spending, which is effectively the position at the moment. The incentives to promote economic growth through fiscal policy – on both the tax and spending sides are weak to non-existent. This is what the Scotland Act, 1998, and the continuing use of the Barnett block grant, gave Scotland. Now other budget constraints are being discussed – those of the Calman Commission (2009) and the Scotland Act (2012), as well as the ones offered in 2014 by the various political parties – Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Greens, Scottish Labour, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Government. There is also the budget constraint designed by the Holtham Commission (2010) for Wales that could just as well be used in Scotland. We examine to what extent these offer the hard budget constraint (HBC) that would bring tax policy firmly into the realm of Scottish politics, asking the Scottish electorate and Parliament to consider the costs to them of increasing spending in terms of higher taxes; or the benefits to them of using public spending to grow the tax base and own-sourced taxes? The hardest budget constraint of all is offered by independence but, as is now known, a clear majority of those who voted in the referendum did not vote for this form of budget constraint. Rather they voted for a significant further devolution of fiscal powers while remaining within a political and monetary union with the rest of the UK, with the risk pooling and revenue sharing that this implies. It is not surprising therefore that none of the budget constraints on offer, apart from the SNP’s, come close to the HBC of independence. However, the almost 25% fall in the price of oil since the referendum, a resource stream so central to the SNP’s economic policy making, underscores why there is a need for a trade off between a HBC and risk pooling and revenue sharing. Ranked according to the desirable characteristic of offering something approaching a HBC the least desirable are those of the Calman Commission, the Scotland Act, 2012, and Scottish Labour. In all of these the ‘elasticity’ of the block grant in the face of failure to grow the Scottish tax base is either not defined or is very elastic – meaning that the risk of failure is shuffled off to taxpayers outside of Scotland. The degree of HBC in the Scottish Conservative, Scottish Greens and Scottish Liberal Democrats proposals are much more desirable from an economic growth point of view, the latter even embracing the HBC proposed by the Holtham Commission that combines serious tax policy with welfare support in the long-run. We judge that the budget constraint in the SNP’s proposals is too hard as it does not allow for continuation of the ‘welfare union’ in the UK. We also consider that in the case of a generalized UK economic slow requiring a fiscal stimulus that the Scottish Parliament be allowed increased borrowing to be repaid in the next economic upturn.


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The dilemma efficiency versus equity, together with political partisan interests, has received increasing attention to explain the territorial allocation of investments. However, centralization intended to introduce or reinforce hierarchization in the political system has not been object as of now of empirical analysis. Our main contribution to the literature is providing evidence that meta-political objectives related to the ordering of political power and administration influence regional investment. In this way, we find evidence that network mode’s (roads and railways) investment programs are influenced by the centralization strategy of investing near to the political capital, while investment effort in no-network modes (airports and ports) appears to be positively related to distance. Since investment in surface transportation infrastructures is much higher than that in airports and ports, and taken into account that regions surrounding the political capital are poorer than the average, we suggest that centralization rather than redistribution has been the driver for the concentration of public investment on these regions.