969 resultados para drug administration schedule
PURPOSE: Implanted venous access devices (IVADs) are often used in patients who require long-term intravenous drug administration. The most common causes of device dysfunction include occlusion by fibrin sheath and/or catheter adherence to the vessel wall. We present percutaneous endovascular salvage techniques to restore function in occluded catheters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of these techniques. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Through a femoral or brachial venous access, a snare is used to remove fibrin sheath around the IVAD catheter tip. If device dysfunction is caused by catheter adherences to the vessel wall, a new "mechanical adhesiolysis" maneuver was performed. IVAD salvage procedures performed between 2005 and 2013 were analyzed. Data included clinical background, catheter tip position, success rate, recurrence, and rate of complication. RESULTS: Eighty-eight salvage procedures were performed in 80 patients, mostly women (52.5 %), with a mean age of 54 years. Only a minority (17.5 %) of evaluated catheters were located at an optimal position (i.e., cavoatrial junction ±1 cm). Mechanical adhesiolysis or other additional maneuvers were used in 21 cases (24 %). Overall technical success rate was 93.2 %. Malposition and/or vessel wall adherences were the main cause of technical failure. No complications were noted. CONCLUSION: These IVAD salvage techniques are safe and efficient. When a catheter is adherent to the vessel wall, mechanical adhesiolysis maneuvers allow catheter mobilization and a greater success rate with no additional risk. In patients who still require long-term use of their IVAD, these procedures can be performed safely to avoid catheter replacement.
Os agentes de contraste à base de gadolínio são muito mais seguros que o contraste iodado, no entanto, existem complicações que devem ser reconhecidas, para orientação e tratamento adequados. A incidência total de reações adversas aos meios de contraste em ressonância magnética varia entre 2% e 4%. Casos de reações adversas agudas maiores ao gadolínio, como laringoespasmo e choque anafilático, são raros. As complicações crônicas com o uso do gadolínio também existem e, recentemente, foi descrita associação entre seu uso e uma doença dermatológica rara que ocorre em pacientes com insuficiência renal. A fibrose nefrogênica sistêmica foi tema de anúncio público oficial pela agência americana de regulação de drogas, a Food and Drug Administration. Esta doença progressiva caracteriza-se pelo espessamento e endurecimento da pele e fibrose, que podem acometer outras partes do corpo. Os pacientes que desenvolveram esta complicação apresentavam insuficiência renal crônica, estavam em acidose metabólica e foram submetidos a angiografia por ressonância magnética, provavelmente com injeção de grande volume de contraste paramagnético. Esta revisão tem o objetivo de apresentar uma descrição sucinta dos tipos de meios de contraste à base de gadolínio, possíveis complicações e medidas para prevenção e tratamento destas.
PURPOSE: To assess the agreement and repeatability of horizontal white-to-white (WTW) and horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) diameter measurements and use these data in combination with available literature to correct for interdevice bias in preoperative implantable collamer lens (ICL) size selection. DESIGN: Interinstrument reliability and bias assessment study. METHODS: A total of 107 eyes from 56 patients assessed for ICL implantation at our institution were included in the study. This was a consecutive series of all patients with suitable available data. The agreement and bias between WTW (measured with the Pentacam and BioGraph devices) and STS (measured with the HiScan device) were estimated. RESULTS: The mean spherical equivalent was -8.93 ± 5.69 diopters. The BioGraph measures of WTW were wider than those taken with the Pentacam (bias = 0.26 mm, P < .01), and both horizontal WTW measures were wider than the horizontal STS measures (bias >0.91 mm, P < .01). The repeatability (Sr) of STS measured with the HiScan was 0.39 mm, which was significantly reduced (Sr = 0.15 mm) when the average of 2 measures was used. Agreement between the horizontal WTW measures and horizontal STS estimates when bias was accounted for was г = 0.54 with the Pentacam and г = 0.64 with the BioGraph. CONCLUSIONS: Large interdevice bias was observed for WTW and STS measures. STS measures demonstrated poor repeatability, but the average of repeated measures significantly improved repeatability. In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepted guidelines for ICL sizing, clinicians should be aware of and account for the inconsistencies between devices.
[Summary] 2. Roles of quality control in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. - 2.1. Pharmaceutical industry. - 2.2. Biopharmaceutical industry. - 2.3. Policy and regulatory. - 2.3.1. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). - 2.3.2. The European Medicine Agency (EMEA). - 2.3.3. The Japanese Ministry of Work, Labor and Welfare (MHLW). - 2.3.4. The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic). - 2.3.5. The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). - - 3. Types of testing. - 3.1. Microbiological purity tests. - 3.2. Physiochemical tests. - 3.3. Critical to quality steps. - 3.3.1. API starting materials and excipients. - 3.3.2. Intermediates. - 3.3.3. APIs (drug substances) and final drug product. - 3.3.4. Primary and secondary packaging materials fro drug products. - - 4. Manufacturing cost and quality control. - 4.1.1. Pharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.1.2. Biopharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.2. Batch failure / rejection / rework / recalls. - - 5. Future trends in the quality control of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. - 5.1. Rapid and real time testing. - 5.1.1. Physio-chemicals testing. - 5.1.2. Rapid microbiology methods
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a clinical procedure, which utilize a photosensitive compound and light. This is a new modality of treatment for cancer, aged related macular degenerescence (AMD), psoriasis, arthritis, arterial restenosis, etc which exhibits efficiency, less traumatic effects, low recovery time and few co-lateral effects. The first officially approved drug for PDT by the Food and Drug Administration (EUA) is Photofrinâ, which is applied for cancer. A new generation drug for PDT, Visudyneâ was recently approved to treat AMD; its photoactive compound is BPDMA, a benzoporphyrin mono-acid derivative (chlorin-type molecule). A concise history, technical information and some drugs for PDT are reported.
Depending on formula composition, microemulsions may be used as a vehicle for drug administration. In this work the main applicable parameters used in the development of pharmaceutical microemulsions (ME) are analyzed. The conceptual description of the system, theoretical parameters related to formation of internal phases and some aspects of ME stability are described. The pseudo ternary phase diagram is used to characterize ME boundaries and to describe different structures in several regions of the diagram. Some applications of ME as drug delivery systems for different administration routes are also analyzed. ME offer advantages as drug delivery systems, because they favor drug absorption, being in most cases faster and more efficient than other methods in delivering the same amount of drug.
A multicompartment compliance aid (MCA) is a blister-type repackaging system that aims to facilitate drug administration and thereby increase patient adherence. One of the characteristics of the MCA that should be taken into account is the moisture permeability, since this atmospheric condition is one of the most important factors that can modify the stability of medicines. In the current paper we report the moisture permeability tests performed on a MCA according to the US Pharmacopeia. This information on the suitability of the device will help pharmacists implement a high-quality professional service.
Chromatographic methods are commonly used for analysis of small molecules in different biological matrices. An important step to be considered upon a bioanalytical method's development is the capacity to yield reliable and reproducible results. This review discusses validation procedures adopted by different governmental agencies, such as Food and Drug Administration (USA), European Union (EU) and Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR) for quantification of small molecules by bioanalytical chromatographic methods. The main parameters addressed in this review are: selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy, quantification and detection limits, recovery, dilution integrity, stability and robustness. Also, the acceptance criterions are clearly specified.
Poorly soluble drugs have low bioavailability, representing a major challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. Processing drugs into the nanosized range changes their physical properties, and these are being used in pharmaceutics to develop innovative formulations known as Nanocrystals. Use of nanocrystals to overcome the problem of low bioavailability, and their production using different techniques such as microfluidization or high pressure homogenization, was reviewed in this paper. Examples of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceutical ingredients were also discussed. These technologies are well established in the pharmaceutical industry and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
OBJETIVO: estudar o uso de medicamentos por gestantes atendidas durante o pré-natal em unidades básicas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) na cidade de Natal, rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. MÉTODOS: foram entrevistadas 610 grávidas, entre o primeiro e o terceiro trimestre de gestação, que compareceram para consulta pré-natal em unidades de saúde localizadas nos quatro distritos sanitários de Natal, entre maio e julho de 2006. Os dados foram coletados com entrevistas estruturadas, baseando-se em perguntas uso-orientadas e medicamento-orientadas. Os fármacos foram classificados de acordo com o Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) e segundo critérios de risco para a gestação da Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Utilizou-se teste do chi2 para análise dos dados. RESULTADOS: eram utilizados 1.505 medicamentos, obtendo-se uma média de 2,4 drogas por mulher. O uso de pelo menos um fármaco na gravidez foi relatado por 86,6% das gestantes. As classes mais utilizadas foram os antianêmicos (35,6% dos medicamentos), analgésicos (24,9%), drogas para distúrbios gastrintestinais (9,1%) e vitaminas (7%). De acordo com a classificação do FDA, dos medicamentos empregados 42,7% pertencem a categoria A de risco; 27,1% à categoria B, 29,3% à categoria C; 0,3 à categoria D e nenhum à categoria X. Foram usados, no primeiro trimestre da gestação, 43,6% dos fármacos. Observou-se maior uso de medicamentos quanto maior a escolaridade e a renda familiar da mulher. A automedicação ocorreu em 12,2% dos medicamentos; esse índice foi maior no primeiro trimestre de gravidez e em gestantes de baixa escolaridade e multigestas. CONCLUSÕES: as gestantes de Natal estão sendo expostas a uma variedade de medicamentos, cuja segurança na gravidez ainda é incerta, o que exige prescrição criteriosa para evitar possíveis danos ao feto.
OBJETIVO:Identificar o perfil de uso de medicamentos no primeiro trimestre de gravidez com ênfase na avaliação da segurança e na adoção do ácido fólico e do sulfato ferroso por gestantes em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde da região Sul do Brasil.MÉTODOS:Trata-se de estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte de gestantes. Os medicamentos foram classificados segundo a Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC), e a segurança avaliada segundo a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) e a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Foi investigado o uso/prescrição de sulfato ferroso e ácido fólico segundo o protocolo do Ministério da Saúde.RESULTADOS:Foram incluídas 212 gestantes. Dessas, 46,7% estavam em uso de medicamentos no momento do diagnóstico da gravidez e 97,6% utilizaram medicamentos no primeiro trimestre gestacional. O percentual mais elevado de automedicação ocorreu antes do início do pré-natal (64,9%). Observou-se maior exposição a medicamentos de risco D e X, segundo a classificação do FDA, antes do início do pré-natal (23,0%). Entre as gestantes, 32,5% não seguiam o protocolo de uso de ácido fólico e sulfato ferroso do Ministério da Saúde. No total, 67,9% das gestantes tiveram exposição inadequada aos medicamentos. Houve diferença entre as proporções de medicamentos utilizados segundo a ATC, e os principais grupos anatômicos identificados foram os dos medicamentos que atuam no sangue e órgãos hematopoiéticos e anti-infecciosos de uso sistêmico. Na época do diagnóstico da gravidez, observou-se expressivo uso de medicamentos que atuam no sistema geniturinário e hormônios sexuais (16,2%), como anticoncepcionais orais, o que provavelmente está relacionado ao percentual de gestações não planejadas (67,0%), nessa mesma ocasião 4 gestantes utilizaram ácido fólico e 3 utilizaram o sulfato ferroso.CONCLUSÃO:Os resultados demonstram uso expressivo de medicamentos durante a gravidez. Mesmo que haja menor exposição aos medicamentos no momento do diagnóstico da gravidez, observa-se maior consumo de medicamentos de risco e da prática de automedicação nesse período.
The connexin 32 (Cx32) is a protein that forms the channels that promote the gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in the liver, allowing the diffusion of small molecules through cytosol from cell-to-cell. Hepatic fibrosis is characterized by a disruption of normal tissue architeture by cellular lesions, and may alter the GJIC. This work aimed to study the expression and distribution of Cx32 in liver fibrosis induced by the oral administration of dimethylnitrosamine in female Wistar rats. The necropsy of the rats was carried out after five weeks of drug administration. They presented a hepatic fibrosis state. Sections from livers with fibrosis and from control livers were submitted to immunohistochemical, Real Time-PCR and Western-Blot analysis to Cx32. In fibrotic livers the Cxs were diffusely scattered in the cytoplasm, contrasting with the control livers, where the Cx32 formed junction plaques at the cell membrane. Also it was found a decrease in the gene expression of Cx32 without reduction in the protein quantity when compared with controls. These results suggest that there the mechanism of intercellular communication between hepatocytes was reduced by the fibrotic process, which may predispose to the occurrence of a neoplastic process, taken in account that connexins are considered tumor suppressing genes.
Resumo: Brazilian sheep production has intensified, predisposing sheep to an increased incidence of digestive disorders, such as abomasal ulcers. Ranitidine is used to prevent and treat this disease; however, there is little information on the parenteral use of this drug in adult ruminants. Few data exist on the concomitant metabolic changes and the behavior of the digestive system associated with its use. For this study, five healthy male sheep with ruminal and abomasal cannulas were used. A 5x5 Latin square experiment with a 2x2+1 factorial arrangement of the treatments was performed. Sheep treated with drug doses of 1 or 2mg/kg ranitidine administered intravenously every 8 or 12 hours were compared with the control group, was treated intravenously with 1 mL of physiological solution per 25 kg every 12 hours. Higher total protein concentrations, hemoglobin levels, as well as increased aspartate aminotransferase activity and increased abomasal pH for up to 150 min following drug administration were observed in all animals that received the drug, regardless of dose and frequency. The animals treated every 12 hours showed a decrease in leukocyte number compared with the control group and with the animals treated every 8 hours. Increased serum creatinine concentrations were observed in the animals treated every 8 hours. Treatments of 1mg/kg every 8 hours and 2mg/kg every 12 hours increased the red blood cell count and decreased the serum pepsinogen. All protocols studied were safe for healthy sheep, but 1mg/kg ranitidine every 8 hours and 2mg/kg ranitidine every 12 hours were the most effective protocols for gastric protection.
R,S-sotalol, a ß-blocker drug with class III antiarrhythmic properties, is prescribed to patients with ventricular, atrial and supraventricular arrhythmias. A simple and sensitive method based on HPLC-fluorescence is described for the quantification of R,S-sotalol racemate in 500 µl of plasma. R,S-sotalol and its internal standard (atenolol) were eluted after 5.9 and 8.5 min, respectively, from a 4-micron C18 reverse-phase column using a mobile phase consisting of 80 mM KH2PO4, pH 4.6, and acetonitrile (95:5, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min with detection at lex = 235 nm and lem = 310 nm, respectively. This method, validated on the basis of R,S-sotalol measurements in spiked blank plasma, presented 20 ng/ml sensitivity, 20-10,000 ng/ml linearity, and 2.9 and 4.8% intra- and interassay precision, respectively. Plasma sotalol concentrations were determined by applying this method to investigate five high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to the Emergency Service of the Medical School Hospital, who received sotalol, 160 mg po, as loading dose. Blood samples were collected from a peripheral vein at zero, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.0 and 24.0 h after drug administration. A two-compartment open model was applied. Data obtained, expressed as mean, were: CMAX = 1230 ng/ml, TMAX = 1.8 h, AUCT = 10645 ng h-1 ml-1, Kab = 1.23 h-1, a = 0.95 h-1, ß = 0.09 h-1, t(1/2)ß = 7.8 h, ClT/F = 3.94 ml min-1 kg-1, and Vd/F = 2.53 l/kg. A good systemic availability and a fast absorption were obtained. Drug distribution was reduced to the same extent in terms of total body clearance when patients and healthy volunteers were compared, and consequently elimination half-life remained unchanged. Thus, the method described in the present study is useful for therapeutic drug monitoring purposes, pharmacokinetic investigation and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic sotalol studies in patients with tachyarrhythmias.
Hypomagnesemia is the most common electrolyte disturbance seen upon admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Reliable predictors of its occurrence are not described. The objective of this prospective study was to determine factors predictive of hypomagnesemia upon admission to the ICU. In a single tertiary cancer center, 226 patients with different diagnoses upon entering were studied. Hypomagnesemia was defined by serum levels <1.5 mg/dl. Demographic data, type of cancer, cause of admission, previous history of arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, drug administration (particularly diuretics, antiarrhythmics, chemotherapy and platinum compounds), previous nutrition intake and presence of hypovolemia were recorded for each patient. Blood was collected for determination of serum magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels. Upon admission, 103 (45.6%) patients had hypomagnesemia and 123 (54.4%) had normomagnesemia. A normal dietary habit prior to ICU admission was associated with normal Mg levels (P = 0.007) and higher average levels of serum Mg (P = 0.002). Postoperative patients (N = 182) had lower levels of serum Mg (0.60 ± 0.14 mmol/l compared with 0.66 ± 0.17 mmol/l, P = 0.006). A stepwise multiple linear regression disclosed that only normal dietary habits (OR = 0.45; CI = 0.26-0.79) and the fact of being a postoperative patient (OR = 2.42; CI = 1.17-4.98) were significantly correlated with serum Mg levels (overall model probability = 0.001). These findings should be used to identify patients at risk for such disturbance, even in other critically ill populations.