960 resultados para diameter
O presente estudo visou avaliar os efeitos da associação da medroxiprogesterona (análogo sintético da progesterona) ao protocolo Ovsynch sobre o crescimento folicular, a ovulação e a taxa de concepção de búfalas criadas na Amazônia Oriental (Tracuateua-PA). Vinte e sete fêmeas adultas (G1 n=14 e G2 n=13), cíclicas, sem bezerro ao pé e com ECC 3,5 foram submetidas a Ovsynch. Os animais do G2 receberam 60 mg de medroxiprogesterona entre D0 e D7 (D0=início do tratamento). A ultra-sonografia ovariana foi realizada nos D 0, 7, 9 e 10. O contingente de folículos pequenos diferiu no D7 (G1: 4,57±0,60 versus G2: 6,54±0,67; P=0,05). Tempo e tratamento influenciaram o diâmetro folicular no D7. O crescimento do folículo dominante entre D7 e D9 foi maior nos animais tratados (G1: 2,05±0,49 mm/dia versus 3,48±0,41 mm/dia; P<0,05). Mais animais do G1 ovularam precocemente (35,71% versus 30,77%), porém isso não afetou as taxas de concepção (G1: 50,00% e G2: 30,77%; P>0,05). Os achados sugerem que a medroxiprogesterona (1) aumenta recrutamento folicular e retarda o crescimento dos folículos com diâmetro maior que 5,0 mm entre D0 e D7; (2) sua retirada incrementa em 1,7 vezes o crescimento folicular do D7 ao D9; (3) pode contribuir para a ovulação de folículos maiores e, em tese, para maior formação de tecido luteínico; (4) não promove ovulação precoce após o Ovsynch; (5) não eleva as taxas de concepção após sincronização de fêmeas cíclicas e com bom escore corporal, devendo ser avaliada para uso em fêmeas acíclicas ou com ECC mais baixo.
FUNDAMENTO: As troponinas cardíacas são marcadores altamente sensíveis e específicos de lesão miocárdica. Esses marcadores foram detectados na insuficiência cardíaca (IC) e estão associadas com mau prognóstico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação da troponina T (cTnT) e suas faixas de valores com o prognóstico na IC descompensada. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 70 pacientes com piora da IC crônica que necessitaram de hospitalização. Na admissão, o modelo de Cox foi utilizado para avaliar as variáveis capazes de predizer o desfecho composto por morte ou re-hospitalização em razão de piora da IC durante um ano. RESULTADOS: Durante o seguimento, ocorreram 44 mortes, 36 re-hospitalizações por IC e 56 desfechos compostos. Na análise multivariada, os preditores de eventos clínicos foram: cTnT (cTnT > 0,100 ng/ml; hazard ratio (HR) 3,95 intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%: 1,64-9,49, p = 0,002), diâmetro diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE >70 mm; HR 1,92, IC95%: 1,06-3,47, p = 0,031) e sódio sérico (Na <135 mEq/l; HR 1,79, IC95%: 1,02-3,15, p = 0,044). Para avaliar a relação entre a elevação da cTnT e o prognóstico na IC descompensada, os pacientes foram estratificados em três grupos: cTnT-baixo (cTnT < 0,020 ng/ml, n = 22), cTnT-intermediário (cTnT > 0,020 e < 0,100 ng/ml, n = 36) e cTnT-alto (cTnT > 0,100 ng/ml, n = 12). As probabilidades de sobrevida e sobrevida livre de eventos foram: 54,2%, 31,5%, 16,7% (p = 0,020), e 36,4%, 11,5%, 8,3% (p = 0,005), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A elevação da cTnT está associada com mau prognóstico na IC descompensada, e o grau dessa elevação pode facilitar a estratificação de risco
The tree Gmelina arborea has been widely introduced in Costa Rica for commercial purposes. This new conditions for melina cause variations on anatomy in secondary xylem of the trees growing in plantations. The objective of the present research was to determine the variation in the anatomy of xylem caused by the ecological conduction variation. Dimensions of fiber, axial parenchyma percentage of cross sections, parameters of vessels and the ray were measured. The results showed that some anatomical characteristics remained stable despite variations of ecological conditions, especially radial parenchyma and anatomical features which were less affected by the altitude. On the other hand, the vessels, axial parenchyma and fiber were less stable because they were affected significantly by the longitude, latitude, altitude and precipitation. Latitude significantly affected vessel percentage, length and diameter of the fiber and lumen. Longitude affected vessel percentage and fiber diameter. Altitude had a significant correlation with the amount of cells at my height. Annual average precipitation affected vessel percentage and diameter, not only of the fiber, but also of the lumen. These results suggest that the new growth conditions of G. arborea trees in Costa Rica have produced an anatomic adaptation.
A considerable portion of Brazil's commercial eucalypt plantations is located in areas Subjected to periods of water deficit and grown in soils with low natural fertility, particularly poor In potassium. Potassium is influential in controlling water relations of plants. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of potassium fertilization and soil water potential (psi(w)) oil the dry matter production and oil water relations Of eucalypt seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. the experimental units were arranged in 4x4x2 randomized blocks factorial design, as follow: four species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and hybrid Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), four dosages of K (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3)) and two soil water potentials (-0.01 M Pa and -0.1 M Pa). Plastic containers with 15 cm diameter and 18 cm height, with Styrofoam base, containing 3.0 dm(3) of soil and two plants per container were used. Soil water potential was kept at -0.01 MPa for 40 days after seeding. Afterward, the experimental units were divided into two groups: in one group the potential was kept at 0.01 MPa, and in the other one, at -0.10 MPa. Sol I water potential was control led gravimetrically twice a day with water replacement until the desired potential was reestablished. A week before harvesting, the leaf water potential (psi), the photosynthetic rate (A), the stomatal conductance (gs) and the transpiration rate were evaluated. The last week before harvesting, the mass of the containers was recorded daily before watering to determine the consumption of water by the plants. After harvesting, total dry matter and leaf area were evaluated. the data were Submitted to analysis of variance, to Tukey's tests and regression analyses. The application of K influenced A, gs and the transpiration rate. Plants deficient in K showed lower A and higher Us and transpiration rates. There were no statistical differences in A, gs and transpiration rates ill plants with and Without water deficit. The addition of K reduced the consumption of water per unit of leaf area and, in general, plants submitted to water deficit presented a lower consumption of water.
The use of fertilization in forest stands results in yield gains, yet little attention has been directed to its potential effects on the quality of wood produced. Information is scarce about the effect of fertilization on anatomical structures of older Eucalyptus wood. This work aims to study the effect of fertilization on tissue cell size of wood from an Eucalyptus grandis stand at age 21 years, the management system of which is based on selective thinning and fertilizer application at the start of the thinning season. Factors to consider include: presence or absence of fertilizers, two log positions and five radial (pith to bark) positions. Results led to the conclusion that fertilization significantly influenced only vessel frequency. Vessel element length was influenced by tree height. Fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber wall thickness, vessel element length, vessel diameter and vessel frequency were influenced by the radial position of the sample in relation to the log. A positive correlation was observed between fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber wall thickness, vessel element length, vessel diameter, ray width and radial position, while a negative correlation was observed between ray frequency and radial position.
The design of a lateral line for drip irrigation requires accurate evaluation of head losses in not only the pipe but in the emitters as well. A procedure was developed to determine localized head losses within the emitters by the formulation of a mathematical model that accounts for the obstruction caused by the insertion point. These localized losses can be significant when compared with tire total head losses within the system due to the large number of emitters typically installed along the lateral line. Air experiment was carried out by altering flow characteristics to create Reynolds numbers (R) from 7,480 to 32,597 to provide turbulent flow and a maximum velocity of 2.0 m s(-1). The geometry of the emitter was determined by an optical projector and sensor An equation was formulated to facilitate the localized head loss calculation using the geometric characteristics of the emitter (emitter length, obstruction ratio, and contraction coefficient). The mathematical model was tested using laboratory measurements on four emitters. The local head loss was accurately estimated for the Uniram (difference of +13.6%) and Drip Net (difference of +7.7%) emitters, while appreciable deviations were found for the Twin Plus (-21.8%) and Tiran (+50%) emitters. The head loss estimated by the model was sensitive to the variations in the obstruction area of the emitter However, the variations in the local head loss did not result in significant variations in the maximum length of the lateral lines. In general, for all the analyzed emitters, a 50% increase in the local head loss for the emitters resulted in less than an 8% reduction in the maximum lateral length.
QTL mapping provides usefull information for breeding programs since it allows the estimation of genomic locations and genetic effects of chromossomal regions related to the expression of quantitative traits. The objective of this study was to map QTL related to several agronomic important traits associated with grain yield: ear weight (EW), prolificacy (PROL), ear number (NE), ear length (EL) and diameter (ED), number of rows on the ear (NRE) and number of kernels per row on the ear (NKPR). Four hundred F-2:3 tropical maize progenies were evaluated in five environments in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The genetic map was previously estimated and had 117 microssatelite loci with average distance of 14 cM. Data was analysed using Composite Interval Mapping for each trait. Thirty six QTL were mapped and related to the expression of EW (2), PROL (3), NE (2), EL (5), ED (5), NRE (10), NKPR (5). Few QTL were mapped since there was high GxE interaction. Traits EW, PROL and EN showed high genetic correlation with grain yield and several QTL mapped to similar genomic regions, which could cause the observed correlation. However, further analysis using apropriate statistical models are required to separate linked versus pleiotropic QTL. Five QTL (named Ew1, Ne1, Ed3, Nre3 and Nre10) had high genetic effects, explaining from 10.8% (Nre3) to 16.9% (Nre10) of the phenotypic variance, and could be considered in further studies.
This study had the following objectives: to induce and describe symptoms of deficiency of boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn), determining the effect on the mineral composition of leaves. The experiment was developed in a green house and used diagnosis technique by subtraction. The experimental design usedn was a randomized blocks, with seven treatments and three replicates. It was verified that micronutrient omission led to morphological alterations which, in turn, caused visual symptoms. The symptoms caused by the omission of Cu, Mn and Zn were the first to appear, and were followed by those of B, Fe and Mo. The omission of B, Mn and Zn was responsible for the more pronounced reduction in height and stem diameter.
Background: Cationic bilayers based on the inexpensive synthetic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) have been useful as carriers for drug delivery, immunoadjuvants for vaccines and active antimicrobial agents. Methods: Rifampicin (RIF) or isoniazid (ISO) interacted with DODAB bilayer fragments (BF) or large vesicles (LV). Dispersions were evaluated by dynamic light-scattering for zeta-average diameter (Dz) and zeta-potential (zeta) analysis; dialysis for determination of drug entrapment efficiency; plating and CFU counting for determination of cell viability of Mycobacterium smegmatis or tuberculosis, minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) and synergism index for DODAB/drug combinations. Results: DODAB alone killed micobacteria over a range of micromolar concentrations. RIF aggregates in water solution were solubilised by DODAB BF. RIF was incorporated in DODAB bilayers at high percentiles in contrast to the leaky behavior of ISO. Combination DODAB/RIF yielded MBCs of 2/2 and 4/0.007 mu g/mL against Mycobacterium smegmatis or Mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectively. Synergism indexes equal to 0.5 or 1.0, indicated synergism against the former and independent action, against the latter species. Conclusions: In vitro, DODAB acted effectively both as micobactericidal agent and carrier for rifampicin. The novel assemblies at reduced doses may become valuable against tuberculosis.
Background. The radioguided localization of occult breast lesions (ROLL) technique often utilizes iodinated radiographic contrast to assure that the local injection of (99m)Tc-MAA corresponds to the location of the lesion under investigation. However, for this application, this contrast has several shortcomings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety, effectiveness and technical feasibility of the use of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as radiological contrast and tissue marker in ROLL. Materials and methods. The safety assessment was performed by the acute toxicity study in Wistar rats (n = 50). The radiological analysis of breast tissue (n = 32) from patients undergoing reductive mammoplasty was used to verify the effectiveness of PDMS as contrast media. The technical feasibility was evaluated through the scintigraphic and histologic analysis. Results. We found no toxic effects of PDMS for this use during the observational period. It has been demonstrated in human breast tissue that the average diameter of the tissue marked by PDMS was lower than when marked by the contrast medium (p <0.001). PDMS did not interfere with the scintigraphic uptake (p = 0.528) and there was no injury in histological processing of samples. Conclusions. This study demonstrated not only the superiority of PDMS as radiological contrast in relation to the iodinated contrast, but also the technical feasibility for the same applicability in the ROLL.
Trypanosoma cruzi. The aim of this work was to analyze histologically and histometrically the sublingual gland of mice infected with the RAL strain of T cruzi, according to the sex. Swiss mice (Mus musculus) were inoculated with 2 x 10(4) blood trypomastigotes of the RAL strain of T cruzi. In the peak of the parasitemia (12th day) the mice were sacrificed, and the sublingual glands were fixed in ALFAC. HE-stained histological sections were evaluated histometrically. The parasitemia was higher in females. Histopatologically, acini of the infected animals were smaller, with scanty production of secretion, and smaller striated ducts. The nuclei of the demilunes were smaller and showed amastigote nests in the cytoplasm. Karyometrically, nuclei of the acini, demilunes and striated ducts were smaller in the infected mice. Stereologically, it was observed that relative volumes of acini and ducts were smaller and, inversely, relative volumen were greater for the conjunctive tissue in the infected males. The surface densities of acini and ducts were bigger and the diameter and thickness of the wall were smaller in this group. On the other hand, relative volume of acini was smaller and those of the ducts and conjunctive tissue were bigger in the infected females. The diameter and thickness of the wall of acini were smaller, and those of the striated ducts were bigger in this group. The RAL strain of T cruzi caused general atrophy in the sublingual gland, with numerous nests of parasites in the glandular parenchyma.
We have adapted an actin-mosin motility assay to examine the interactions in vitro between actin cables isolated from the giant internodal cells of the freshwater alga, Nitella, and pigment granules extracted from red ovarian chromatophores of the freshwater palaemonid shrimp, Macrobrachium olfersi. The chromatophore pigment mass consists of large (0.5-1.0-mu m diameter) membrane-bounded granules, and small (140-nm diameter), a membranous granules, both structurally continuous with the abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Our previous immunocytochemical studies show a myosin motor to be stably associated with the pigment mass; however, to which granule type or membrane the myosin motor is attached is unclear. Here, we show that sodium vanadate, a myosin ATPase inhibitor, markedly increases the affinity of isolated, large, membrane-bounded granules for Nitella actin cables to which they become permanently attached. This interaction does not occur in granule preparations containing ATP with uninhibited, active myosin without vanadate. We propose that a stable state of elevated affinity is established between the granule-located myosin motor and the Nitella actin cables, resulting from a vanadate-inhibited acto-myosin-ADP complex. This finding provides further evidence for a myosin motor positioned on the surface of the membrane-bounded pigment granules in shrimp ovarian chromatophores.
This study reports on the successful use of magnetic albumin nanosphere (MAN) with in vivo magnetohyperthermia (MHT) in a mouse Ehrlich tumor. Maghemite nanoparticles (8.9 nm average diameter) were encapsulated within MAN (73.0 nm average diameter). Ehrlich tumor obtained after implantation of tumor cells in the subcutaneous tissue of mice was used as a model throughout this study. MHT was performed with MAN (40 mu L) containing 1.2 x 10(15) particle/mL and 40 Oe amplitude ac magnetic field oscillating at 1 MHz. Animals not treated, treated with MAN, or exposed to the ac field were used as controls. Histopathological analysis was carried out after 2, 5, or 11 days of tumor implantation. We found that the MHT most efficient condition was obtained while applying the ac field protocol twice a day during three consecutive days. Further, in this ac field-treated group no proliferation cells were detected. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3559498]
Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasia and currently well recognized as a distinct entity with characteristic morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. We report a case of PEComa arising in the antrum of a 71-year-old female with melena. The tumor, located predominantly in the submucosa as a well delimited nodule, measured 3.0 cm in diameter and was completely resected, with no evidence of the disease elsewhere. Histologically, it was composed predominantly of eosinophilic epithelioid cells arranged in small nests commonly related to variably sized vessels, with abundant extracellular material, moderate nuclear variation and discrete mitotic activity. No necrosis, angiolymphatic invasion or perineural infiltration was seen. Tumor cells were uniformly positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, desmin and melan A. Although unusual, PEComa should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastric neoplasia with characteristic epithelioid and oncocytic features and prominent vasculature: (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Objective: This study investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and electrical stimulation (ES) on bone loss in spinal cord-injured rats. Materials and Methods: Thirty-seven male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: standard control group (CG); spinal cord-injured control (SC); spinal cord-injured treated with laser (SCL; GaAlAs, 830 nm, CW, 30mW/cm, 250 J/cm(2)); and spinal cord-injured treated with electrical field stimulation (SCE; 1.5 MHz, 1: 4 duty cycles, 30 mW, 20 min). Biomechanical, densitometric, and morphometric analyses were performed. Results: SC rats showed a significant decrease in bone mass, biomechanical properties, and morphometric parameters (versus CG). SCE rats showed significantly higher values of inner diameter and internal and external areas of tibia diaphyses; and the SCL group showed a trend toward the same result (versus SC). No increase was found in either mechanical or densitometric parameters. Conclusion: We conclude that the mentioned treatments were able to initiate a positive bone-tissue response, maybe through stimulation of osteoblasts, which was able to determine the observed morphometric modifications. However, the evoked tissue response could not determine either biomechanical or densitometric modifications.