876 resultados para design, design process, design research, imagining, presence, presence research, interior design, architecture, spatial design
This paper intends to investigate the route required for the formation of adequate knowledge of death based on analysis of the philosophy of Epicurus. The central hypothesis is to demonstrate that the understanding of death can only be achieved through a continuous process of research into the nature of things, guided reflection within a system of thought, with radical impact on the conceptions of the universe, man, soul and world. The human mortality can only become clear to the man himself through philosophy. Epicurus developed his thinking so that when investigating the nature, man could understand the principles of the constitution of all things. This raises issues about the consequences of knowledge generation and corruption in human life, the most disturbing of them is death. The vain opinions are considered the causes of evils, the proper knowledge of death is one way of purging the disturbances that the souls of men, thereby promoting the wisdom philosophy combines knowledge to health. Strictly speaking advocate, confirmed the relevance of the connections mentioned above, the problem of knowledge of the nature of death is one of the privileged ways to demonstrate the coherence and unity of the philosophy of Epicurus
This research seeks to reflect on the dynamics of television reception, studying the Brazilian TV miniseries Hoje é Dia de Maria, produced by Globo Television Network, and aims to generally promote inferences in the process of image reading, mainly for aesthetic reading in school context, aiming at the formation of visual proficient readers. The research was conducted with students from the third grade of a state high school, geographically located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The theoretical framework comes from the assumptions of cognitive social interactionism to understand language, and it is also based on the ideas of Bakhtin (1992) and Vygotsky (1998), which enabled us to understand the social interaction and the Theory of Aesthetics Reception and Aesthetic Effect with Jauss (1979) and Iser (1999), which provided a better understanding of aesthetic experience, aesthetic effects and production of meaning. The methodological approach assumes a qualitative nature and an interpretive bias, accomplished through interviews, observation, questionnaire and application of a set of investigative activities, such as introductory exposition of themes, handing out of images and mediation process. This research is the result of a research-action process in a pedagogical intervention in a state school. The results indicate that the interactional linguistic resources used by the speakers demonstrated lack of prior knowledge and repertoire regarding image reading, which initially led them to do a cursory reading. It was evident that the respondents were unaware of the initial proposal. However, throughout the meetings, it was possible to realize their transformation, because the pre-established concepts were analyzed with the help of mediation, so that the group felt more autonomous and safe to read images at the end. The survey also showed significant data, so that the school could develop new methods of teaching televisual reading.
The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT), an activity of the international marine carbon research community, provides access to synthesis and gridded fCO2 (fugacity of carbon dioxide) products for the surface oceans. Version 2 of SOCAT is an update of the previous release (version 1) with more data (increased from 6.3 million to 10.1 million surface water fCO2 values) and extended data coverage (from 1968-2007 to 1968-2011). The quality control criteria, while identical in both versions, have been applied more strictly in version 2 than in version 1. The SOCAT website (http://www.socat.info/) has links to quality control comments, metadata, individual data set files, and synthesis and gridded data products. Interactive online tools allow visitors to explore the richness of the data. Applications of SOCAT include process studies, quantification of the ocean carbon sink and its spatial, seasonal, year-to-year and longerterm variation, as well as initialisation or validation of ocean carbon models and coupled climate-carbon models.
At a time when the issue of the inclusion of hearing-impaired students in regular schools has been discussed, it becomes necessary to reflect upon the relevance of a recurrent educational process in schools specialized in education for the hearing-impaired: the bilingual schools. Such institutions, still scarce in Brazil, offer an oriented and specialized education to hearing-impaired children and adolescents, since they have the Brazilian Sign Language as a language of instruction in all subjects, and the Portuguese written language as an additional language, which gives them the bilingual status. This research aims to investigate how the practices developed in my Portuguese classes in a bilingual school have contributed to the development of student‟s literacy, specifically the Critical Literacy (STREET, 1985, 1990, 1998), in two classes of hearing-impaired students enrolled in the final grades of elementary school. It is a qualitative, ethnographic research, which uses the triangulation system for analyzing data: (i) the pedagogical sequences; (ii) the students‟ activities and (iii) the teacher‟s and students‟ written accounts registered as field notes. Through the intersection of the data, this work evaluates whether students have achieved some level of Critical Literacy, and what kind of collaboration and/or activity is relevant during this process. This research is justified by the need to evaluate practices at bilingual schools that, although supported by current law in Brazil, are still a minority whose work is still not acknowledged or valued. The results show that activities using real texts of different genres can contribute to the development of Critical Literacy, and also to dynamic classes, with discussions about relevant topics to society in Sign Language. Also, activities that encourage students to do research and that provide to the hearing-impaired student, the understanding of the real usefulness of Portuguese as an instrument for the social inclusion of the hearing-impaired providing opportunities for them to change their social position can collaborate to this process.
The research identifies and describes the principles and methodological procedures of the director Gilles Gaetan Gwizdek on the transposition of the dramatic text to the space of representation through action and movement. Besides that, it presents the results of the experiment in two different labor camps and conducting modes: the no-actor student, inserted into the basic education, and the actor-student, inserted in higher education. Through the scenic paths encountered by the director, the individuals were could find their own ways and verify, through the scenic conductions, how such methodological procedures can achieve a pedagogical thinking about the actor's work. As theoretical referential, were studied the artists-educators: Jacques Copeau, in what sensitizes to the use of dramatic text, and Jacques Lecoq, it approaches of the physical use of the actor's body to the theater. The concepts about theater of the scholars in theater: Constantin Stanislavski, Eugênio Barba, Meyerhold, Eugênio Kusnet, Bertold Brecht go through the theoretical revisions of the thinkers: Odete Aslan, Patrice Pavis, Ney Piacentini, Lúcia Romano, Flávio Desgranges e Anne Bogart, in what affects their practical experiences and conceptual about the text, the action and the movement. It was analyzed also the practical experience based on the principles and methodological procedures of Gilles director, in rehearsals and performances of students in the ninth grade of the primary school the Basic School of the Federal University of Uberlândia - ESEBA, as also, of the students of the sixth, seventh and eighth period, of the Theater Graduation in the same university. From this analysis, it was proposed an interrelation between the theoretical and practical works, done by reading of the artists-educators about movement and Gilles Gwizdek in his work process. The research suggests that, from the movement, the student can build autonomously a character through the experience of small movements of the body. Thus, this student would increase his relationship between stage and audience, and consequently, he would cause a possible state of "seduction" of the spectator to the spectacle.
Estudo sobre a Rádio Comunitária Boa Nova FM do município de Senhora de Oliveira-MG, no que se refere às suas configurações e as relações com a comunidade local. Os objetivos são identificar o sistema de funcionamento da rádio comunitária como forma de compreender até que ponto ela se insere no cotidiano oliveirense e articula a movimentação local, sobretudo em períodos eleitorais; averiguar o tipo de informação veiculada; observar o sentimento dos ouvintes em relação à mesma. O estudo se baseia em pesquisa bibliográfica para tecer as teorias e nortear todo o processo de pesquisa e no estudo de caso por meio de procedimentos metodológicos como a pesquisa documental, a pesquisa participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, além de uma pesquisa de recepção junto aos ouvintes. Conclui-se que a rádio Boa Nova, que convive harmoniosamente com a comunicação comunitária estabelecida também pelo alto falante, articula de forma simplória a informação e a cultura local em suas práticas, pois há reprodução de conteúdo da mídia convencional, além de não haver uma participação ampla da associação comunitária que é sua mantenedora. Apesar da falta de conhecimento técnico da maioria dos locutores e da relação político partidária presente na emissora, há compatibilidade entre o que a rádio veicula e o interesse dos ouvintes
China is today facing rapid economic development and the long-term implications of China’s rise for European economy, society and culture, are constantly debated but still almost unknown. Moreover, only recently a new volume edited by Kunzmann has clearly pointed out a particular field of research like the EU spatial impact of China’s convergence in the global market. The aim of the present paper is to deal with the spatial issues related to the growing Chinese communities, especially in Italy, that are part of a more general and considerable transformation process of the traditional Chinese enclaves in EU cities: from recognizable “Chinatowns” to new hybrid urban formations where housing, retail, wholesale and even commodity production often tend to match. Key-Concepts like rise, fragmentation, infringement and fear are useful in analysing some of the more controversial socio-economic dynamics of Chinese clusters especially in a traditionally manufactured-based country like Italy, where it’s recognizable a unique paradox of a “double competition” from outside and from inside. This statement poses a serious threat to local economic systems in terms of sustainability and social cohesion, making it necessary to rethink the role and the nature of public action in facing new forms of marginality at urban and regional level.
This study examined how students leveraged different types of knowledge resources on an outdoor learning trail. We positioned the learning trail as an integral part of the curriculum with a pre- and post-trail phase to scaffold and to support students’ meaning-making process. The study was conducted with two classes of secondary two students. We coded two groups’ discourse to examine the use of knowledge resource types in the meaning-making process in an outdoor learning setting: contextual resource, new conceptual resource, prior knowledge resource, as well as the relationship among these knowledge resource types. Next, we also examined environmental interaction and integration in the students’ use of these knowledge resource types. Analysis showed that contextual resources are chiefly instrumental in fostering students’ capacity to harness new conceptual resource and to activate prior knowledge resource in interacting with and integrating the outdoor learning environment in the meaning-making process.
This work aims to understand the spatial organization in the Town of Macau, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This approach focus on bringing back the history of the town, the main personages responsible for the construction of this place, denominated "social agents", as well as its social processes and the spatial forms derived from them. As the personages and their practices were identified, it was found out the existence of a driving force for structuring, interlocking, and maintaining the actions carried out by the social agents during the time. Such actions were materialized in the urban space: "the social segregation". The social segregation takes place as a specific geography of domination. The outcome of those owning the best areas" and ways of accessibility in the urban space, varies from the enrichment by property valorization, because of the concentration of public investments of infrastructure, to the comfort of easily reaching all the daily needs related to the displacements in the urban space. In the latter case, such facility has contributed to improve life quality. While one takes advantage of the location in the urban space, others are negatively affected by the same process. This research identified the salina worker as the weakest element of this social structure, occupying the urban periphery of the town of Macau. Such area is characterized by the lack of services and urban equipment in opposition to the center of the town, the locus of elite. This way, it is established the most known segregation pattern: center x periphery, in which the space acts as a mechanism of segregation
Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli luoda laskentamalli identiteetin- ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintajärjestelmien kustannus- ja tulosvaikutuksista. Mallin tarkoitus oli toimia järjestelmätoimittajien apuvälineenä, jolla mahdolliset asiakkaat voidaan paremmin vakuuttaa järjestelmän kustannushyödyistä myyntitilanteessa. Vastaavia kustannusvaikutuksia mittaavia malleja on rakennettu hyvin vähän, ja tässä tutkimuksessa rakennettu malli eroaa niistä sekä järjestelmätoimittajan työkustannusten että tietoturvariskien huomioimisen osalta. Laskentamallin toimivuuden todentamiseksi syntynyttä laskentamallia testattiin kahdessa yrityksessä, joiden käytössä on keskitetty identiteetinhallintajärjestelmä. Testaus suoritettiin syöttämällä yrityksen tiedot laskentamalliin ja vertaamalla mallin antamia tuloksia yrityksen havaitsemiin kustannusvaikutuksiin. Sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksen että laskentamallin testaamisen perusteella voidaan todeta, että identiteetinhallintaprosessin merkittävimmät kustannustekijät ovat identiteettien luomiseen ja muutoksiin kuluva työaika sekä näiden toimintojen aiheuttama työntekijän tehokkuuden laskeminen prosessin aikana. Tutkimuksen perusteella keskitettyjen identiteetinhallintajärjestelmien avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä identiteetinhallintaprosessin toiminnoista, lisenssikustannuksista sekä IT-palvelukustannuksista. Kaikki kustannussäästöt eivät kuitenkaan ole konkreettisia, vaan liittyvät esimerkiksi työtehokkuuden nousemiseen järjestelmän ansiosta. Kustannusvaikutusten lisäksi identiteetinhallintajärjestelmät tarjoavat muita hyötyjä, joiden rahallisen arvon laskeminen on erittäin haastavaa. Laskentamallin käytön haasteina ovatkin konkreettisten ja epäsuorien kustannussäästöjen tunnistaminen ja arvottaminen sekä investoinnin kokonaishyötyjen arvioinnin vaikeus.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio emerge da prática pedagógica supervisionada na educação de infância inserida no curso de mestrado de educação pré-escolar e ensino do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico. Esta foi desenvolvida no jardim de infância da Escola Básica de Monte Aventino que integra o Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre. O estágio formativo efetuado teve como principal intenção o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas à capacidade de reflexão sistemática antes, durante e pós-ação tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de uma ação educativa baseada na investigação de práticas e na co-construção de saberes profissionais. No sentido de alcançar as competências estabelecidas e de direcionar a prática educativa para os interesses e necessidades das crianças foram exercidas várias etapas cíclicas do processo educativo como a observação, planificação, reflexão e avaliação. Deste modo a metodologia eleita para o exercício deste ciclo espiral assentou na investigação-ação uma vez que esta permite indagar sobre as práticas desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua reestruturação voltada para as carências demonstradas. Como estratégia de formação, esta metodologia também possui grandes potencialidades sendo que foram igualmente utilizados procedimentos como reflexões individuais, narrativas colaborativas e guiões de observação orientados para o favorecimento da investigação individual e colaborativa das práticas exercidas em díade e tríade de formação. O desenvolvimento das diversas ações referidas conduziu ao alcance das competências enunciadas que confluíram na formação do perfil profissional da mestranda capaz de criar um integrado do currículo, recorrer ao exercício das etapas do processo educativo assim como à organização do ambiente educativo.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-graduação em Arte, 2015.
O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) visa descrever e explicitar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito das Unidades Curriculares Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Creche e em Jardim-de-Infância do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar da Universidade de Évora, com o objetivo de promover a sustentabilidade ambiental, económica, cultural e social, nestes dois contextos. Tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pessoal pela temática que considero fundamental ser promovida e trabalhada precocemente (em creche e jardim de infância), com vista ao desenvolvimento de uma literacia ambiental, acresceu a constatação de práticas de sustentabilidade ambiental, económica cultural e social pouco consolidadas na instituição onde decorreu a PES. O recurso à escala ERS-SDEC, num processo de investigação ação, onde a análise, reflexão e avaliação conduziu a um planeamento intencional e a uma ação educativa que envolveu crianças, famílias, equipa educativa e comunidade, promovendo aprendizagens e produzindo mudanças ao nível da adoção de hábitos e práticas mais sustentáveis. Foram essenciais para a concretização dos objetivos da PES, a inscrição da instituição no Programa Eco Escolas, os princípios pedagógicos do Movimento da Escola Moderna e as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar; ABSTRACT: This report of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) aims to describe and explain the work carried out within the framework of the courses Supervised Teaching Practice in Creche and Preschool of the Masters degree in Preschool Education of the University of Évora, in order to promote environmental, economic, cultural and social sustainability in these two contexts. The starting point was my personal interest on the theme, which I consider fundamental promoting early on (in creche and Preschool), to develop an environmental literacy, as well as the realization that environmental sustainability practices were poorly consolidated in the institution where I developed the STP. The use of the ERS-SDEC scale, in a process of research-action, where the analysis, reflection and evaluation led to an intentional planning and an educational activity involving children, families, educational staff and community, promoting learning, changing habits and developing more sustainable practices. It was essential the enrollment in the Eco-Schools Program, the adoption of the pedagogic principles of the Modern School Movement and of the Portuguese Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education.
Ajustes de comportamento podem ocorrer rapidamente e a custo menor do que os ajustes fisiológicos. Considerando o comportamento social, é sugestivo que a freqüência e a intensidade de interações agressivas, o total de coesão social e a extensão de vícios sociais possam ser utilizados para avaliação de bem-estar. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise das interações entre os fatores experimentais, como temperatura, linhagem e período do dia, nos comportamentos de matrizes pesadas alojadas em câmara climática, buscando evidenciar as diferentes reações das aves submetidas a distintas condições ambientais. Os resultados encontrados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos expressos pelas diferentes linhagens, reforçando a necessidade do monitoramento em tempo real do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas em alojamentos comerciais, dada a complexidade com que as variáveis ambientais interferem no bem-estar. A pesquisa permitiu concluir também que a avaliação do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas deve considerar o período do dia na observação dos comportamentos.
Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais