906 resultados para crowdsense indoor localization fingerprint WiFi android
In the present work the prototype for a self-propelled embedded system with wireless connectivity has been carried out. The system is designed to receive commands from the Internet.
Planificació i construcció d'una aplicació de gestió i compartició de geolocalitzacions amb Android.
El objetivo de este trabajo es la localización de una persona u objeto mediante la tecnología inalámbrica. Para realizarlo se ha hecho un estudio sobre las ondas wifi observando su comportamiento en distintas situaciones, así como sus problemas y factores que pueden ser relevantes en el proceso, para dar lugar a un posicionamiento acertado.
El projecte té com a objectiu principal donar a conèixer les millors platges d'Eivissa per mitjà de votacions i comentaris que els usuaris deixaran en el sistema.
The excessive accumulation of the adipose tissue is at the origin of the obesity. However its severity has no direct correlation with the comorbidities. These last ones are rather linked to the type of distribution of the fat than to its total quantity. The morphological and functional analysis of the adipose tissue reveals specific differences in its localization. The adipose tissue is thus a complex organ constituted by several cell types having various capacities of hypertrophy, hyperplasia and differentiation. While the first one is more predominant in the subcutaneous compartment, where the cell size is big, the others are more specific of the visceral adipocytes. Finally the severity of the obesity is linked to hypertrophy, while the comorbidities are associated with the capacity of proliferation and differentiation.
The interaction of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with supercoiled DNA was visualized by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified samples and by classical electron microscopy methods. We observed that when E. coli RNA polymerase binds to a promoter on supercoiled DNA, this promoter becomes located at an apical loop of the interwound DNA molecule. During transcription RNA polymerase shifts the apical loop along the DNA, always remaining at the top of the moving loop. This relationship between RNA polymerase and the supercoiled template precludes circling of the RNA polymerase around the DNA and prevents the growing RNA transcript from becoming entangled with the template DNA.
Aquest treball de final de carrera pretén aprofitar les característiques de la API d'Android en la gestió de la localització i el seu disseny modular, així com també utilitzar l'API de mapes de Google per a Android en una aplicació que té per objectiu principal l'enregistrament i la lectura de recorreguts i punts d'interés.
El projecte presenta el disseny d'un vehicle a motor elèctric construït sobre el sistema microcontrolador LPC1769 amb comunicacions sense fils via xarxes WiFi i detecció d'obstacles per sonar.
The electron localization function (ELF) has been proven so far a valuable tool to determine the location of electron pairs. Because of that, the ELF has been widely used to understand the nature of the chemical bonding and to discuss the mechanism of chemical reactions. Up to now, most applications of the ELF have been performed with monodeterminantal methods and only few attempts to calculate this function for correlated wave functions have been carried out. Here, a formulation of ELF valid for mono- and multiconfigurational wave functions is given and compared with previous recently reported approaches. The method described does not require the use of the homogeneous electron gas to define the ELF, at variance with the ELF definition given by Becke. The effect of the electron correlation in the ELF, introduced by means of configuration interaction with singles and doubles calculations, is discussed in the light of the results derived from a set of atomic and molecular systems
En aquest projecte es pretén desenvolupar, utilitzant un framework gràfic (AndEngine), una aplicació lúdica sobre la plataforma Android enfocada principalment per a un smartphone senzill.
This study was conducted to assess if fingerprint specialists could be influenced by extraneous contextual information during a verification process. Participants were separated into three groups: a control group (no contextual information was given), a low bias group (minimal contextual information was given in the form of a report prompting conclusions), and a high bias group (an internationally recognized fingerprint expert provided conclusions and case information to deceive this group into believing that it was his case and conclusions). A similar experiment was later conducted with laypersons. The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group. In contrast, the novice participants were more influenced by the bias conditions and did tend to make incorrect judgments, especially when prompted towards an incorrect response by the bias prompt.
A maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) root homogenate was prepared and centrifuged to sediment the mitochondria. The pellet (6 KP) and the supernatant (6 KS) were collected and fractionated on linear sucrose density gradients. Marker enzymes were used to study the distribution of the different cell membranes in the gradients. The distribution of the ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumping activities was similar after 3 hours of centrifugation of the 6 KS or the 6 KP fraction. The pumps were clearly separated from the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase and the plasmalemma marker UDP-glucose-sterolglucosyl-transferase. The pyrophosphate-dependent proton pump might be associated with the tonoplast, as the ATP-dependent pump, despite the lack of a specific marker for this membrane. However, under all the conditions tested, the two pumps overlapped the Golgi markers latent UDPase and glucan synthase I and the ER marker NADH-cytochrome c reductase. It is therefore not possible to exclude the presence of proton pumping activities on the Golgi or the ER of maize root cells. The two pumps (but especially the pyrophosphate-dependent one) were more active (or more abundant) in the tip than in the basal part of maize roots, indicating that these activities might be important in growth processes.
State University Audit Report
La memòria descriu el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a Android que empra l'API UOC per accedir als recursos de missatgeria de la UOC (fòrums, taulers i correu).
Aquest projecte estudia la implementació d’un sistema de localització híbrid amb la combinació del posicionament GPS y el posicionament obtingut mitjançant mesures de potència rebuda (RSS) utilitzant una xarxa de sensors sense fils (WSN). Inicialment s’analitzen les característiques principals de les WSN y les tècniques de posicionament GPS y RSS. A continuació es proposen tècniques de localització híbrides que combinen el posicionament bàsic brindat per la WSN (GPS y RSS)per obtenir posicionament tant en escenaris interiors com exteriors a més d’obtenir una precisió major que les precisions bàsiques. Una vegada s’han analitzat els conceptes bàsics y s’han proposat les tècniques a utilitzar en el sistema de localització híbrida s’expliquen els aspectes d’implementació relacionats amb la programació de la WSN. Finalment, després d’analitzar els resultats de diverses mesures, queda present la necessitat de tècniques d’estimació d’error en el posicionament, per això es proposa una tècnica d’estimació d’error per ser utilitzada en les estimacions híbrides y obtenir així el funcionament desitjat de les tècniques híbrides.