980 resultados para cross-flow heat exchangers


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The PolySMART demonstration system SP1b has been modeled in TRNSYS and calibrated against monitored data. The system is an example of distributed cooling with centralized CHP, where the driving heat is delivered via the district heating network. The system pre-cools the cooling water for the head office of Borlänge municipality, for which the main cooling is supplied by a 200 kW compression chiller. The SP1b system thus provides pre-cooling. It consists of ClimateWell TDC with nominal capacity of 10 kW together with a dry cooler for recooling and heat exchangers in the cooling and driving circuits. The cooling system is only operated from 06:00 to 17:00 during working days, and the cooling season is generally from mid May to mid September. The nominal operating conditions of the main chiller are 12/15°C. The main aims of this simulation study were to: reduce the electricity consumption, and if possible to improve the thermal COP and capacity at the same time; and to study how the system would perform with different boundary conditions such as climate and load. The calibration of the system model was made in three stages: estimation of parameters based on manufacturer data and dimensions of the system; calibration of each circuit (pipes and heat exchangers) separately using steady state point; and finally calibration of the complete model in terms of thermal and electrical energy as well as running times, for a five day time series of data with one minute average data values. All the performance figures were with 3% of the measured values apart from the running time for the driving circuit that was 4% different. However, the performance figures for this base case system for the complete cooling season of mid-May to midSeptember were significantly better than those for the monitoring data. This was attributed to long periods when the monitored system was not in operation and due to a control parameter that hindered cold delivery at certain times. 


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Metal casting is a process governed by the interaction of a range of physical phenomena. Most computational models of this process address only what are conventionally regarded as the primary phenomena – heat conduction and solidification. However, to predict other phenomena, such as porosity formation, requires modelling the interaction of the fluid flow, heat transfer, solidification and the development of stressdeformation in the solidified part of the casting. This paper will describe a modelling framework called PHYSICA[1] which has the capability to stimulate such multiphysical phenomena.


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The value of integrating a heat storage into a geothermal district heating system has been investigated. The behaviour of the system under a novel operational strategy has been simulated focusing on the energetic, economic and environmental effects of the new strategy of incorporation of the heat storage within the system. A typical geothermal district heating system consists of several production wells, a system of pipelines for the transportation of the hot water to end-users, one or more re-injection wells and peak-up devices (usually fossil-fuel boilers). Traditionally in these systems, the production wells change their production rate throughout the day according to heat demand, and if their maximum capacity is exceeded the peak-up devices are used to meet the balance of the heat demand. In this study, it is proposed to maintain a constant geothermal production and add heat storage into the network. Subsequently, hot water will be stored when heat demand is lower than the production and the stored hot water will be released into the system to cover the peak demands (or part of these). It is not intended to totally phase-out the peak-up devices, but to decrease their use, as these will often be installed anyway for back-up purposes. Both the integration of a heat storage in such a system as well as the novel operational strategy are the main novelties of this thesis. A robust algorithm for the sizing of these systems has been developed. The main inputs are the geothermal production data, the heat demand data throughout one year or more and the topology of the installation. The outputs are the sizing of the whole system, including the necessary number of production wells, the size of the heat storage and the dimensions of the pipelines amongst others. The results provide several useful insights into the initial design considerations for these systems, emphasizing particularly the importance of heat losses. Simulations are carried out for three different cases of sizing of the installation (small, medium and large) to examine the influence of system scale. In the second phase of work, two algorithms are developed which study in detail the operation of the installation throughout a random day and a whole year, respectively. The first algorithm can be a potentially powerful tool for the operators of the installation, who can know a priori how to operate the installation on a random day given the heat demand. The second algorithm is used to obtain the amount of electricity used by the pumps as well as the amount of fuel used by the peak-up boilers over a whole year. These comprise the main operational costs of the installation and are among the main inputs of the third part of the study. In the third part of the study, an integrated energetic, economic and environmental analysis of the studied installation is carried out together with a comparison with the traditional case. The results show that by implementing heat storage under the novel operational strategy, heat is generated more cheaply as all the financial indices improve, more geothermal energy is utilised and less fuel is used in the peak-up boilers, with subsequent environmental benefits, when compared to the traditional case. Furthermore, it is shown that the most attractive case of sizing is the large one, although the addition of the heat storage most greatly impacts the medium case of sizing. In other words, the geothermal component of the installation should be sized as large as possible. This analysis indicates that the proposed solution is beneficial from energetic, economic, and environmental perspectives. Therefore, it can be stated that the aim of this study is achieved in its full potential. Furthermore, the new models for the sizing, operation and economic/energetic/environmental analyses of these kind of systems can be used with few adaptations for real cases, making the practical applicability of this study evident. Having this study as a starting point, further work could include the integration of these systems with end-user demands, further analysis of component parts of the installation (such as the heat exchangers) and the integration of a heat pump to maximise utilisation of geothermal energy.


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"Work performed under contract no. W-7405-Eng.-26."


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Laminar and pulsed flows typical of multi-commuted and multi-pumping flow systems, were evaluated in relation to analytical procedures carried out at high temperatures. As application, the spectrophotometric determination of total reducing sugars (TRS, hydrolyzed sucrose plus reducing sugars) in sugar-cane juice and molasses was selected. The method involves in-line hydrolysis of sucrose and alkaline degradation of the reducing sugars at about 98 degrees C. Better results were obtained with pulsed flows, due to the efficient radial mass transport inherent to the multi-pumping flow system. The proposed system presents favorable characteristics of ruggedness, analytical precision (r.s.d. < 0.013 for typical samples), stability (no measurable baseline drift during 4-h working periods), linearity of the analytical curve (r > 0.992, n = 5, 0.05-0.50% w/v TRS) and sampling rate (65 h(-1)). Results are in agreement with ion chromatography.


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This paper describes the manufacture of tubular UF and MF porous and supported ceramic membranes to oil/water emulsions demulsification. For such a purpose, a rigorous control was realized over the distribution and size of pores. Suspensions at 30 vol.% of solids (zirconia or alumina powder and sucrose) and 70 vol.% of liquids (isopropyl alcohol and PVB) were prepared in a jar mill varying the milling time of the sucrose particles, according to the pores size expected. The membranes were prepared by isostatic pressing method and structurally characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion and measurements of weight by immersion. The morphological characterization of the membranes identified the formation of porous zirconia and alumina membranes and supported membranes. The results of porosimetry analysis by mercury intrusion presented an average pore size of 1.8 mu m for the microfiltration porous membranes and for the ultrafiltration supported membranes, pores with average size of 0.01-0.03 mu m in the top-layer and 1.8 mu m in the support. By means of the manufacture method applied, it was possible to produce ultra and microfiltration membranes with high potential to be applied to the separation of oil/water emulsions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of wake-induced vibrations (WIV) of a pair of cylinders in a tandem arrangement is investigated by experiments. A typical WIV response is characterized by a build-up of amplitude persisting to high reduced velocities; this is different from a typical vortex-induced vibration (VIV) response, which occurs in a limited resonance range. We suggest that WIV of the downstream cylinder is excited by the unsteady vortex-structure interactions between the body and the upstream wake. Coherent vortices interfering with the downstream cylinder induce fluctuations in the fluid force that are not synchronized with the motion. A favourable phase lag between the displacement and the fluid force guarantees that a positive energy transfer from the flow to the structure sustains the oscillations. If the unsteady vortices are removed from the wake of the upstream body then WIV will not be excited. An experiment performed in a steady shear flow turned out to be central to the understanding of the origin of the fluid forces acting on the downstream cylinder.


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A two-dimensional numeric simulator is developed to predict the nonlinear, convective-reactive, oxygen mass exchange in a cross-flow hollow fiber blood oxygenator. The numeric simulator also calculates the carbon dioxide mass exchange, as hemoglobin affinity to oxygen is affected by the local pH value, which depends mostly on the local carbon dioxide content in blood. Blood pH calculation inside the oxygenator is made by the simultaneous solution of an equation that takes into account the blood buffering capacity and the classical Henderson-Hasselbach equation. The modeling of the mass transfer conductance in the blood comprises a global factor, which is a function of the Reynolds number, and a local factor, which takes into account the amount of oxygen reacted to hemoglobin. The simulator is calibrated against experimental data for an in-line fiber bundle. The results are: (i) the calibration process allows the precise determination of the mass transfer conductance for both oxygen and carbon dioxide; (ii) very alkaline pH values occur in the blood path at the gas inlet side of the fiber bundle; (iii) the parametric analysis of the effect of the blood base excess (BE) shows that V(CO2) is similar in the case of blood metabolic alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, or normal BE, for a similar blood inlet P(CO2), although the condition of metabolic alkalosis is the worst case, as the pH in the vicinity of the gas inlet is the most alkaline; (iv) the parametric analysis of the effect of the gas flow to blood flow ratio (Q(G)/Q(B)) shows that V(CO2) variation with the gas flow is almost linear up to Q(G)/Q(B) = 2.0. V(O2) is not affected by the gas flow as it was observed that by increasing the gas flow up to eight times, the V(O2) grows only 1%. The mass exchange of carbon dioxide uses the full length of the hollow-fiber only if Q(G)/Q(B) > 2.0, as it was observed that only in this condition does the local variation of pH and blood P(CO2) comprise the whole fiber bundle.


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The settling characteristics of cell debris and inclusion bodies prior to, and following, fractionation in a disc-stack centrifuge were measured using Cumulative Sedimentation Analysis (CSA) and Centrifugal Disc photosedimentation (CDS). The impact of centrifuge feedrate and repeated homogenisation on both cell debris and inclusion body collection efficiency was investigated. Increasing the normalised centrifuge feedrate (Q/Sigma) from 1.32 x 10(-9) m s(-1) to 3.97 x 10(-9) m s(-1) leads to a 36% increase in inclusion body paste purity. Purity may also be improved by repeated homogenisation. Increasing the number of homogeniser passes results in smaller cell debris size whilst leaves inclusion body size unaltered. At a normalised centrifuge feedrate of 2.65 x 10(-9) m s(-1), increasing the number of homogeniser passes from two (2) to ten (10) improved overall inclusion body paste purity by 58%. Grade-efficiency curves for both the cell debris and inclusion bodies have also been generated in this study. The data are described using an equation developed by Mannweiler (1989) with parameters of k = 0.15-0.26 and n = 2.5-2.6 for inclusion bodies, and k = 0.12-0.14 and n = 2.0-2.2 for cell debris. This is the first accurate experimentally-determined grade efficiency curve for cell debris. Previous studies have simply estimated debris grade efficiency curves using an approximate debris size distribution and grade efficiency curves determined with 'ideal particles' (e.g. spherical PVA particles). The findings of this study may be used to simulate and optimise the centrifugal fractionation of inclusion bodies from cell debris.


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The Oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) can be used to produce particles with controlled size and morphology, in batch or continuous flow. This is due to the effect of the superimposed oscillations that radially mixes fluid but still allows plug-flow (or close to plug flow) behaviour in a continuous system. This mixing, combined with a close to a constant level of turbulence intensity in the reactor, leads to tight droplet and subsequent product particle size distributions. By applying population balance equations together with experimental droplet size distributions, breakage rates of droplets can be determined and this is a useful tool for understanding the product engineering in OBRs. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Este trabalho na área dos processos físicos de separação por membranas, nomeadamente, a nanofiltração (NF), tem como objectivo principal a recuperação dos efluentes resultantes das águas da 3ª lavagem utilizadas na operação de tingimento de fibras de algodão, com corantes reactivos. Estão inerentes as problemáticas: da escassez da água como matéria-prima na vertente de água potável; da diminuição de efluentes que necessitam de tratamentos devido à sua carga poluente; da recuperação sempre que seja viável dos produtos químicos adicionados nesta fase de tratamento das fibras de algodão e por último e não menos importante, da energia contida nestes efluentes que vão para o esgoto a temperaturas na ordem dos 50 ºC. A metodologia adoptada na realização deste trabalho consistiu, inicialmente num estudo sobre os trabalhos realizados até hoje nesta área, seguindo-se a recolha dos efluentes na empresa ―Estamparia Têxtil Adalberto Pinto da Silva, S.A.‖ (ETAPS) e posterior estudo da recuperação dos efluentes em causa pelo processo de NF utilizando a membrana NF270-2540 da empresa FILMTEC. Os efluentes estudados no presente trabalho continham corantes reactivos sendo um corante azul-claro (CAC) de composição (Amarelo Bril Remazol GL 150% + Azul Brilhante Remazol BB 133% + Azul Turqueza Remazol G) e o outro corante azul-marinho (CAM) de composição (Preto Remazol B 133% + Vermelho Remazol RGB + Amarelo Ouro Remazol RGB). Estes estudos de recuperação compreenderam basicamente 3 fases: caracterização do efluente recolhido na empresa; tratamento desse efluente utilizando uma instalação piloto de NF de fluxo cruzado ou também conhecido por membrana de fluxo tangencial instalado no Laboratório de Tecnologia (LT) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), e caracterização dos permeados e dos rejeitados obtidos. A análise de resultados do presente trabalho permitiu concluir ser possível a recuperação e reutilização das 3ª águas de lavagem do processo de tingimento quando tratadas pelo processo de NF a pressões de operação de 6 bar. Nestas circunstâncias os permeados obtidos (tanto no efluente com corante azul-claro como no efluente com corante azul-marinho) apresentam valores, em todos os parâmetros estudados, significativamente abaixo dos valores limites recomendáveis para uma água de abastecimento na Industria Têxtil (IT). Salienta-se reduções mais expressivas nos permeados do corante CAM, com vários parâmetros a sofrerem reduções no intervalo de 98 a 100%, nomeadamente, na cor, turvação, CQO, dureza total, alumínio e manganês. Os resultados obtidos para as pressões de operação de 4 e 8 bar mostram alguns parâmetros com valores acima dos recomendados para uma água de abastecimento na Indústria Têxtil, nomeadamente a cor no corante CAC quando se opera a 4 bar e no corante CAM quando se opera a 8 bar e os sulfatos e ferro no CAM à pressão de 4 bar. Estes resultados mostram ser possível a reutilização da água na própria instalação industrial, trazendo um benefício económico e ambiental, pela redução no consumo de água fresca e energia, além da redução do volume de efluentes que necessitam ser tratados, estando na mesma linha de pensamento de Gross et al (1999), que refere que o uso de membranas para o tratamento de efluentes do processo de tingimento tem como principal objectivo a viabilidade económica, a redução no consumo de água, de sais, de corantes e energia, bem como, a redução do volume de efluentes a ser tratado.


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O estudo de optimização energética da Unidade 1400 da Fábrica de Combustíveis da Refinaria de Matosinhos da Galp Energia foi realizado com base no projecto de revamping elaborado pela AXENS, devido à existência de dúvidas (Galp Energia) de que aquele projecto não estivesse, do ponto de vista energético, totalmente rentabilizado. Para a consecução deste estudo, foi aplicado o conceito Pinch (Ponto de Estrangulamento), recorrendo-se quer a software dedicado disponível (ASPEN Energy Analyser), quer ao cálculo da Cascata de Calor. Os resultados obtidos em definitivo foram-no através deste último, tendo servido o primeiro apenas como indicador, devido à existência de incoerências (pelo menos aparentes). Foram considerados três cenários, tendo apenas como elemento diferenciador o valor de ΔTmin: 10, 15 e 20 oC. Foi detectado, somente para este último (20 oC), um ponto de estrangulamento. Os três cenários concordam na necessidade de inclusão de um novo permutador de calor entre a corrente de gasóleo após sofrer reacção de hidrogenação (fundo do reactor) e após dois estágios de arrefecimento e a corrente de gasóleo à entrada da Unidade e após recepção do reciclo de hidrogénio, constituindo assim a sua fonte inicial de aquecimento. Como consequência, também são reduzidas as necessidades de serviço da fornalha pré-reactor e das utilidades de arrefecimento. Para o cálculo do novo permutador de calor, seguiram-se duas vias: carcaça e tubos convencional e carcaça e tubos com disposição helicoidal das chicanas (Helixchanger®). Para o primeiro tipo, recorreu-se ao software ASPEN Exchanger Design & Rating, sendo, para o segundo, a empresa detentora da tecnologia (Lummus Technology) a fornecer a solução pretendida. Procedeu-se a um breve estudo de rentabilidade económica do investimento em causa, considerando o seu maior valor (Helixchanger®), sendo o resultado favorável à sua aplicação.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo optimização energética na indústria química