979 resultados para cooking chemicals
One of the most important scientific and environmental issues is reducing global dependence on fossil sources and one of the solutions is to use biomass as feedstock. In particular, the use of lignocellulosic biomass to obtain molecules with considerable commercial importance is gaining more and more interest. Lignin, the most recalcitrant part of lignocellulosic biomass, is a valuable source of sustainable and renewable aromatic molecules, currently produced from petrochemical processes. Vanillin, one of the most important aromatic aldehydes on an industrial level, can be obtained through catalytic lignin oxidation. An alternative to the conventional catalytic oxidation process is the electro-catalytic process, which can be carried out at ambient temperature and pressure, using water as solvent, and it can be considered as a renewable energy storage. In this thesis, the electrocatalytic oxidation of Kraft and Dealkaline lignin in NaOH was investigated over Ni foam catalysts. The effect of the reaction parameters (i.e. time, applied potential, lignin concentration, NaOH concentration, and temperature) on the yields of vanillin and other valuable products was evaluated. After the screening of the reaction conditions, a systematic study of the contribution of the homogeneous reaction (lignin depolymerization due to the basic solvent) to the yield of the product was accomplished. Finally, considering the obtained results, an alternative reaction procedure was proposed.
Il progetto di tesi è stato svolto all’interno della divisione logistica dello stabilimento BASF Italia s.p.a. situato a Pontecchio Marconi (BO). L’elaborato tratta lo studio di fattibilità per la valorizzazione di reflui liquidi in un impianto di produzione di fine chemicals volto principalmente al miglioramento della separazione tra liquidi immiscibili all’interno delle cisterne del parco reflui del sito. La prima fase dello studio si è concentrata nella valutazione dello stato dell’arte nell’attuale gestione dei reflui in sito, che ha visto la sua prosecuzione naturale nel campionamento degli stessi per la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica. A seguito dello screening tecnologico e in funzione dei risultati ottenuti dalle analisi, sono stati individuati i processi più idonei per la finalità descritta. Infine sono stati contattati alcuni fornitori per svolgere delle prove con impianti pilota con l’obiettivo di ricavare dei risultati rappresentativi di un processo industriale. Lo studio di fattibilità si è concluso con il confronto tra le soluzioni individuate, evidenziando i diversi aspetti di carattere tecnico-economico-ambientale e illustrando gli svantaggi e i vantaggi di ognuna delle tecnologie.
Il concept alla base di Onecook è stato ispirato dalle esigenze dei giovani adulti che vivono da soli in piccole case. Infatti, molte persone in questa fascia di età hanno appena iniziato a vivere da sole e spesso hanno uno spazio limitato in cucina. Il mio obiettivo era creare un set che includesse tutti gli elementi essenziali, per cucinare in modo più efficiente risparmiando anche energia, con un design compatto e salvaspazio. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, ho progettato una piastra ad induzione con un’area di riscaldamento flessibile, affinché potesse permettere l’utilizzo simultaneo di pentole e padelle di diverse dimensioni. Grazie a questa flessibilità, la piastra si scalda solamente nell’area utilizzata, aumentando, quindi, l’efficienza energetica e contribuendo a ridurre il consumo energetico complessivo. Inoltre, è stata progettata una cappa di aspirazione filtrante portatile, che può essere facilmente spostata e riposta quando non viene utilizzata. Onecook include anche una varietà di altri strumenti essenziali come un coltello, un tagliere, un mestolo e una spatola. Una delle caratteristiche uniche di questo set è che le padelle e le pentole sono progettate per essere impilabili e modulari, massimizzando lo spazio di archiviazione e facilitando la ricerca della pentola o padella giusta per una ricetta particolare. Oltre alla funzionalità, ho considerato anche l’aspetto estetico del set e scelto colori e materiali moderni e senza tempo. Il prodotto finale è un set funzionale, poco ingombrante e visivamente gradevole. Nel complesso, Onecook è progettato per soddisfare le esigenze dei giovani adulti che cercano un modo compatto ed efficiente per cucinare per loro stessi. Credo che questo set li aiuterà a creare pasti deliziosi e salutari nelle loro piccole case.
Viscosupplements, used for treating joint and cartilage diseases, restore the rheological properties of synovial fluid, regulate joint homeostasis and act as scaffolds for cell growth and tissue regeneration. Most viscosupplements are hydrogels composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) microparticles suspended in fluid HA. These microparticles are crosslinked with chemicals to assure their stability against enzyme degradation and to prolong the action of the viscosupplement. However, the crosslinking also modifies the mechanical, swelling and rheological properties of the HA microparticle hydrogels, with consequences on the effectiveness of the application. The aim of this study is to correlate the crosslinking degree (CD) with these properties to achieve modulation of HA/DVS microparticles through CD control. Because divinyl sulfone (DVS) is the usual crosslinker of HA in viscosupplements, we examined the effects of CD by preparing HA microparticles at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1 HA/DVS mass ratios. The CD was calculated from inductively coupled plasma spectrometry data. HA microparticles were previously sized to a mean diameter of 87.5 µm. Higher CD increased the viscoelasticity and the extrusion force and reduced the swelling of the HA microparticle hydrogels, which also showed Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior and were classified as covalent weak. The hydrogels were not cytotoxic to fibroblasts according to an MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2014.
Background and aims: Recent findings have highlighted enhanced fish consumption as a potential measure to increase intake of healthy fatty acids, particularly omega-3. The generalizability of this recommendation, however, may fall short by differences in fish species and cooking techniques. Hence, we investigated how these 2 variables affect the lipid content in fish flesh. Methods and Results: Nine species of freshwater, deep sea or shore fish were grilled, steamed or fried with or without the addition of soybean oil, olive oil or butter. The lipid composition was analysed and a significant difference was observed in cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and omega-6 fatty acids contents between species (p<0.05). The use of soybean or olive oil was associated with a significant change in flesh concentration of polyunsaturated, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study calls attention to the specific lipid content that must be expected from different fish species and cooking techniques.
Using a desorption/ionization technique, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization coupled to mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), documents related to the 2nd generation of Brazilian Real currency (R$) were screened in the positive ion mode for authenticity based on chemical profiles obtained directly from the banknote surface. Characteristic profiles were observed for authentic, seized suspect counterfeit and counterfeited homemade banknotes from inkjet and laserjet printers. The chemicals in the authentic banknotes' surface were detected via a few minor sets of ions, namely from the plasticizers bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), most likely related to the official offset printing process, and other common quaternary ammonium cations, presenting a similar chemical profile to 1st-generation R$. The seized suspect counterfeit banknotes, however, displayed abundant diagnostic ions in the m/z 400-800 range due to the presence of oligomers. High-accuracy FT-ICR MS analysis enabled molecular formula assignment for each ion. The ions were separated by 44 m/z, which enabled their characterization as Surfynol® 4XX (S4XX, XX=40, 65, and 85), wherein increasing XX values indicate increasing amounts of ethoxylation on a backbone of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (Surfynol® 104). Sodiated triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TBG) of m/z 229 (C10H22O4Na) was also identified in the seized counterfeit banknotes via EASI(+) FT-ICR MS. Surfynol® and TBG are constituents of inks used for inkjet printing.
Enormous amounts of pesticides are manufactured and used worldwide, some of which reach soils and aquatic systems. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that is effective against all types of weeds and has been used for many years. It can therefore be found as a contaminant in water, and procedures are required for its removal. This work investigates the use of biopolymeric membranes prepared with chitosan (CS), alginate (AG), and a chitosan/alginate combination (CS/AG) for the adsorption of glyphosate present in water samples. The adsorption of glyphosate by the different membranes was investigated using the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models, as well as the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The membranes were characterized regarding membrane solubility, swelling, mechanical, chemical and morphological properties. The results of kinetics experiments showed that adsorption equilibrium was reached within 4 h and that the CS membrane presented the best adsorption (10.88 mg of glyphosate/g of membrane), followed by the CS/AG bilayer (8.70 mg of glyphosate/g of membrane). The AG membrane did not show any adsorption capacity for this herbicide. The pseudo-second order model provided good fits to the glyphosate adsorption data on CS and CS/AG membranes, with high correlation coefficient values. Glyphosate adsorption by the membranes could be fitted by the Freundlich isotherm model. There was a high affinity between glyphosate and the CS membrane and moderate affinity in the case of the CS/AG membrane. Physico-chemical characterization of the membranes showed low values of solubility in water, indicating that the membranes are stable and not soluble in water. The SEM and AFM analysis showed evidence of the presence of glyphosate on CS membranes and on chitosan face on CS/AG membranes. The results showed that the glyphosate herbicide can be adsorbed by chitosan membranes and the proposed membrane-based methodology was successfully used to treat a water sample contaminated with glyphosate. Biopolymer membranes therefore potentially offer a versatile method to eliminate agricultural chemicals from water supplies.
Bologna-type sausages were produced with 50% of their pork back-fat content replaced with gels elaborated with different ratios of pork skin, water, and amorphous cellulose (1:1:0, 1:1:0.1, 1:1:0.2, 1:1:0.3, and 1:1:0.4). The impact of such replacement on the physico-chemical characteristics and the consumer sensory profiling was evaluated. The modified treatments had 42% less fat, 18% more protein, and 8% more moisture than the control group. Treatments with amorphous cellulose had a lower cooking loss and higher emulsion stability. High amorphous cellulose content (1:1:0.3 and 1:1:0.4) increased hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. The gel formulated with the ratio of 1:1:0.2 (pork skin: water: amorphous cellulose gel) provided a sensory sensation similar to that provided by fat and allowed products of good acceptance to be obtained. Therefore, a combination of pork skin and amorphous cellulose is useful in improving technological quality and producing healthier and sensory acceptable bologna-type sausages.
Both high-fat diet and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been implicated in susceptibility to pathological prostate lesions, but the consequences of combining the two have not yet been examined. We evaluated the effects of gestational and postnatal exposure to a high-fat diet (20% fat) and low doses of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP; 5mg/kg/day), individually or in combination, on the tissue response and incidence of pathological lesions in the ventral prostate of adult gerbils. Continuous intake of a high-fat diet caused dyslipidemia, hypertrophy, and promoted the development of inflammatory, premalignant and malignant prostate lesions, even in the absence of obesity. Life-time DBP exposure was obesogenic and dyslipidemic and increased the incidence of premalignant prostate lesions. Combined exposure to DBP and a high-fat diet also caused prostate hypertrophy, but the effects were less severe than those of individual treatments; combined exposure neither induced an inflammatory response nor altered serum lipid content.
Although the hypothesis that environmental chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects is not new, the issue has been a growing level of concern due to reports of increased incidences of endocrine-related disease in humans, including declining male fertility, and more significantly, to adverse physiological effects observed in wildlife where cause and effect relationships are more evident. The list of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) includes a range of anthropogenic compounds, phytoestrogens, naturally occurring sex steroids and synthetic estrogens. Within the aquatic environment, the presence of EDCs has concerned many scientists and water quality regulators. Discharge of effluents from treatment facilities is likely to be a significant source of input of contaminants to many systems, and the potential for concentration of hydrophilic compounds and transformation products within sludges has implications for their disposal. Then, understanding the processes and the fate of EDCs on the environment, as well as the mechanisms of endocrine disruption, may facilitate controlling or limiting exposure of both humans and the environment to these compounds.
Cutinases (EC are also known as cutin hidrolases. These enzymes share catalytic properties of lipases and esterases, presenting a unique feature of being active regardless the presence of an oil-water interface, making them interesting as biocatalysts in several industrial processes involving hydrolysis, esterification and trans-esterification reactions. They are also active in different reaction media, allowing their applications in different areas such as food industry, cosmetics, fine chemicals, pesticide and insecticide degradation, treatment and laundry of fiber textiles and polymer chemistry. The present review describes the characteristics, potential applications and new perspectives for these enzymes.
The chemical industries worldwide are passing through a very particular moment of re-adaptation due to the implementation of an European regulation called, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). In Brazil, the Brazilian Chemical Industry needs urgently a specific guide of chemical products stability. The main purpose of this work is to present a proposal of a guide of stability for chemical products based on the reference guides of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Thus, this work proposes an innovation in terms of methodology which will be useful for shelf life definition purpose for chemical industry products.
Twenty-two Triceps brachii muscle obtained from 11 cows aged 3 and 4 years , killed in an experimental slaughter plant, were submitted to mechanical tenderization, injection with acetic acid 0,1M and lactic acid 0,2M, ageing for 9 and 14 days and electrical stimulation (250v - 60Hz - 90s), some of them were reserved as a control group, without treatment. The 14 days ageing time presented 21% of increase in subjective tenderness and 12% of reduction in shear force, these values were similar to the electrical stimulated meat. However the injection with acids and the ageing time 9 days did not present significant effect in the texture. Although the shear force values of mechanical tenderized meat was the shortest among all treatments, suspect of superestimation because of the fractures plan created by this process. Another analyses were carried out: pH reduction curve, R value; colour analysis; weight losses by cooking and by treatment; and microbiological analysis.
The goals of this research were to estimate the phenotypic correlations among various meat quality traits from a male broiler line and to describe the relation among these variables. Phenotypical correlations were determined among quality traits, isolating the effects of slaughter date, the age of the mother and sex. The evaluated traits were pH measurements taken at time 0 and at 6 and 24 hours after slaughtering, color parameters, water loss due to exudation, thawing and cooking of the meat, and shear force. Important associations (P<0.01) were found to be significant and, in most cases, weak or moderate, varying from -0.35 to 0.28. The initial pH of the meat was not associated (P>0.05) to the other traits of the meat, whereas the pH at 24 hours after slaughter was able of directly interfering with the attributes of the meat, since this trait was inversely related with lightness and water losses, which indicates an effect of pH fall along 24h after slaughtering on protein denaturation. This study demonstrates that the variables of poultry meat quality are related and that there is a phenotypical association between lightness and cooking losses and the other attributes of the meat. The pH at 24 hours after slaughtering, lightness and cooking losses could be efficient meat quality indicators in this broiler line.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as características de qualidade da carne de suínos de diferentes linhagens genéticas, em diferentes pesos de abate. Neste estudo foram utilizados 88 suínos por linhagem, fêmeas e machos castrados, com idade e peso médio iniciais de 74 dias e 30kg, respectivamente, pertencentes a três linhagens genéticas distintas, designadas de AgroceresPic, Dalland e Seghers. A etapa experimental foi dividida em quatro fases (Crescimento I, Crescimento II, Terminação I e Terminação II). Ao final de cada etapa, foram abatidos 60 animais (10 por linhagem/sexo), para as análises de qualidade da carne. O pH e a temperatura foram determinados a 1 e 24 horas post mortem. Foram retiradas amostras para as determinações de cor, perda de água por exsudação (PAE), perda de água por cocção (PAC) e força de Cisalhamento. As amostras provenientes das carcaças dos animais da linhagem AgroceresPic e Dalland apresentaram valores médios de PAE superiores aos da linhagem Seghers. Os valores médios de PAC foram diferentes entre as diferentes fases. Na fase Crescimento II, as carnes provenientes das carcaças das fêmeas Dalland foram mais duras, ou seja, com maiores valores de força de cisalhamento, que as carnes dos machos. Entretanto, na linhagem Seghers, as carnes dos machos foram mais duras. Observou-se diferença de L* entre os sexos da linhagem AgroceresPic nas fases Terminação I e II e, na linhagem Dalland, na Terminação II. As linhagens Dalland e Seghers apresentaram carnes com resultados superiores de a*, parâmetro característico da cor vermelha (a*>0). Pode-se concluir, portanto, que as características de qualidade da carne de suínos (pH, perda de água por exsudação, cor e maciez) podem variar entre grupos genéticos, entre sexos e entre diferentes pesos ao abate.