881 resultados para computer systems
Cloud Computing has evolved to become an enabler for delivering access to large scale distributed applications running on managed network-connected computing systems. This makes possible hosting Distributed Enterprise Information Systems (dEISs) in cloud environments, while enforcing strict performance and quality of service requirements, defined using Service Level Agreements (SLAs). {SLAs} define the performance boundaries of distributed applications, and are enforced by a cloud management system (CMS) dynamically allocating the available computing resources to the cloud services. We present two novel VM-scaling algorithms focused on dEIS systems, which optimally detect most appropriate scaling conditions using performance-models of distributed applications derived from constant-workload benchmarks, together with SLA-specified performance constraints. We simulate the VM-scaling algorithms in a cloud simulator and compare against trace-based performance models of dEISs. We compare a total of three SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms (one using prediction mechanisms) based on a real-world application scenario involving a large variable number of users. Our results show that it is beneficial to use autoregressive predictive SLA-driven scaling algorithms in cloud management systems for guaranteeing performance invariants of distributed cloud applications, as opposed to using only reactive SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms.
Population growth is always increasing, and thus the concept of smart and cognitive cities is becoming more important. Developed countries are aware of and working towards needed changes in city management. However, emerging countries require the optimization of their own city management. This chapter illustrates, based on a use case, how a city in an emerging country can quickly progress using the concept of smart and cognitive cities. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is chosen for the test case. More than half of the population of Nairobi lives in slums with poor sanitation, and many slum inhabitants often share a single toilet, so the proper functioning and reliable maintenance of toilets are crucial. For this purpose, an approach for processing text messages based on cognitive computing (using soft computing methods) is introduced. Slum inhabitants can inform the responsible center via text messages in cases when toilets are not functioning properly. Through cognitive computer systems, the responsible center can fix the problem in a quick and efficient way by sending repair workers to the area. Focusing on the slum of Kibera, an easy-to-handle approach for slum inhabitants is presented, which can make the city more efficient, sustainable and resilient (i.e., cognitive).
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are middleware platforms able to combine resources from different administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b) resolve when to scale resources depending on the users’ demand. This system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the execution of other users’ tasks by getting too many resources. Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring that resources are fairly shared among users.
We argüe that in order to exploit both Independent And- and Or-parallelism in Prolog programs there is advantage in recomputing some of the independent goals, as opposed to all their solutions being reused. We present an abstract model, called the Composition- Tree, for representing and-or parallelism in Prolog Programs. The Composition-tree closely mirrors sequential Prolog execution by recomputing some independent goals rather than fully re-using them. We also outline two environment representation techniques for And-Or parallel execution of full Prolog based on the Composition-tree model abstraction. We argüe that these techniques have advantages over earlier proposals for exploiting and-or parallelism in Prolog.
The Andorra family of languages (which includes the Andorra Kernel Language -AKL) is aimed, in principie, at simultaneously supporting the programming styles of Prolog and committed choice languages. On the other hand, AKL requires a somewhat detailed specification of control by the user. This could be avoided by programming in Prolog to run on AKL. However, Prolog programs cannot be executed directly on AKL. This is due to a number of factors, from more or less trivial syntactic differences to more involved issues such as the treatment of cut and making the exploitation of certain types of parallelism possible. This paper provides basic guidelines for constructing an automatic compiler of Prolog programs into AKL, which can bridge those differences. In addition to supporting Prolog, our style of translation achieves independent and-parallel execution where possible, which is relevant since this type of parallel execution preserves, through the translation, the user-perceived "complexity" of the original Prolog program.
The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.
Future high-quality consumer electronics will contain a number of applications running in a highly dynamic environment, and their execution will need to be efficiently arbitrated by the underlying platform software. The multimedia applications that currently execute in such similar contexts face frequent run-time variations in their resource demands, originated by the greedy nature of the multimedia processing itself. Changes in resource demands are triggered by numerous reasons (e.g. a switch in the input media compression format). Such situations require real-time adaptation mechanisms to adjust the system operation to the new requirements, and this must be done seamlessly to satisfy the user experience. One solution for efficiently managing application execution is to apply quality of service resource management techniques, based on assigning and enforcing resource contracts to applications. Most resource management solutions provide temporal isolation by enforcing resource assignments and avoiding any resource overruns. However, this has a clear limitation over the cost-effective resource usage. This paper presents a simple priority assignment scheme based on uniform priority bands to allow that greedy multimedia tasks incur in safe overruns that increase resource usage and do not threaten the timely execution of non-overrunning tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed priority assignment scheme in combination with a resource accounting mechanism preserves timely multimedia execution and delivery, achieves a higher cost-effective processor usage, and guarantees the execution isolation of non-overrunning tasks.
Data grid services have been used to deal with the increasing needs of applications in terms of data volume and throughput. The large scale, heterogeneity and dynamism of grid environments often make management and tuning of these data services very complex. Furthermore, current high-performance I/O approaches are characterized by their high complexity and specific features that usually require specialized administrator skills. Autonomic computing can help manage this complexity. The present paper describes an autonomic subsystem intended to provide self-management features aimed at efficiently reducing the I/O problem in a grid environment, thereby enhancing the quality of service (QoS) of data access and storage services in the grid. Our proposal takes into account that data produced in an I/O system is not usually immediately required. Therefore, performance improvements are related not only to current but also to any future I/O access, as the actual data access usually occurs later on. Nevertheless, the exact time of the next I/O operations is unknown. Thus, our approach proposes a long-term prediction designed to forecast the future workload of grid components. This enables the autonomic subsystem to determine the optimal data placement to improve both current and future I/O operations.
This work proposes an encapsulation scheme aimed at simplifying the reuse process of hardware cores. This hardware encapsulation approach has been conceived with a twofold objective. First, we look for the improvement of the reuse interface associated with the hardware core description. This is carried out in a first encapsulation level by improving the limited types and configuration options available in the conventional HDLs interface, and also providing information related to the implementation itself. Second, we have devised a more generic interface focused on describing the function avoiding details from a particular implementation, what corresponds to a second encapsulation level. This encapsulation allows the designer to define how to configure and use the design to implement a given functionality. The proposed encapsulation schemes help improving the amount of information that can be supplied with the design, and also allow to automate the process of searching, configuring and implementing diverse alternatives.
Workflow technology continues to play an important role as a means for specifying and enacting computational experiments in modern science. Reusing and re-purposing workflows allow scientists to do new experiments faster, since the workflows capture useful expertise from others. As workflow libraries grow, scientists face the challenge of finding workflows appropriate for their task, understanding what each workflow does, and reusing relevant portions of a given workflow.We believe that workflows would be easier to understand and reuse if high-level views (abstractions) of their activities were available in workflow libraries. As a first step towards obtaining these abstractions, we report in this paper on the results of a manual analysis performed over a set of real-world scientific workflows from Taverna, Wings, Galaxy and Vistrails. Our analysis has resulted in a set of scientific workflow motifs that outline (i) the kinds of data-intensive activities that are observed in workflows (Data-Operation motifs), and (ii) the different manners in which activities are implemented within workflows (Workflow-Oriented motifs). These motifs are helpful to identify the functionality of the steps in a given workflow, to develop best practices for workflow design, and to develop approaches for automated generation of workflow abstractions.
La aparición de Internet y los sistemas informáticos supuso un antes y un después en el modo que las personas emplearían para acceder a los sistemas de información. El crecimiento exponencial seguido en los años posteriores ha llevado este hecho hasta la situación actual, donde prácticamente todos los ámbitos del día a día se encuentran reflejados en la Red. Por otro lado, a la par que la sociedad se desplazaba al ciberespacio, también comenzaban a hacerlo aquellos que buscaban obtener un rendimiento delictivo de los nuevos medios y herramientas que se ponían a su disposición. Avanzando a pasos agigantados en el desarrollo de técnicas y métodos para vulnerar unos sistemas de seguridad, aún muy inmaduros, los llamados ciberdelincuentes tomaban ventaja sobre las autoridades y su escasa preparación para abordar este nuevo problema. Poco a poco, y con el paso de los años, esta distancia ha ido reduciéndose, y pese a que aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer, y que el crecimiento de los índices de ciberdelincuencia, junto con la evolución y aparición de nuevas técnicas, sigue a un ritmo desenfrenado, los gobiernos y las empresas han tomado consciencia de la gravedad de este problema y han comenzado a poner sobre la mesa grandes esfuerzos e inversiones con el fin de mejorar sus armas de lucha y métodos de prevención para combatirla. Este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera dedica sus objetivos a la investigación y comprensión de todos estos puntos, desarrollando una visión específica de cada uno de ellos y buscando la intención final de establecer las bases suficientes que permitan abordar con la efectividad requerida el trabajo necesario para la persecución y eliminación del problema. ABSTRACT. The emergence of Internet and computer systems marked a before and after in the way that people access information systems. The continued exponential growth in the following years has taken this fact to the current situation, where virtually all areas of everyday life are reflected in the Net. On the other hand, meanwhile society moved into cyberspace, the same began to do those seeking to obtain a criminal performance of new media and tools at their disposal. Making great strides in the development of techniques and methods to undermine security systems, still very immature, so called cybercriminals took advantage over the authorities and their lack of preparation to deal with this new problem. Gradually, and over the years, this distance has been declining, and although there is still much work to do and the growth rates of cybercrime, along with the evolution and emergence of new techniques, keep increasing at a furious pace, governments and companies have become aware of the seriousness of this problem and have begun to put on the table great efforts and investments in order to upgrade their weapons to fight against this kind of crimes and prevention methods to combat it. This Thesis End of Grade Project focuses its objectives on the research and understanding of all these points, developing a specific vision of each of them and looking for the ultimate intention of establishing a sufficient basis by which to manage with the required effectiveness the type of work needed for the persecution and elimination of the problem.
La seguridad verificada es una metodología para demostrar propiedades de seguridad de los sistemas informáticos que se destaca por las altas garantías de corrección que provee. Los sistemas informáticos se modelan como programas probabilísticos y para probar que verifican una determinada propiedad de seguridad se utilizan técnicas rigurosas basadas en modelos matemáticos de los programas. En particular, la seguridad verificada promueve el uso de demostradores de teoremas interactivos o automáticos para construir demostraciones completamente formales cuya corrección es certificada mecánicamente (por ordenador). La seguridad verificada demostró ser una técnica muy efectiva para razonar sobre diversas nociones de seguridad en el área de criptografía. Sin embargo, no ha podido cubrir un importante conjunto de nociones de seguridad “aproximada”. La característica distintiva de estas nociones de seguridad es que se expresan como una condición de “similitud” entre las distribuciones de salida de dos programas probabilísticos y esta similitud se cuantifica usando alguna noción de distancia entre distribuciones de probabilidad. Este conjunto incluye destacadas nociones de seguridad de diversas áreas como la minería de datos privados, el análisis de flujo de información y la criptografía. Ejemplos representativos de estas nociones de seguridad son la indiferenciabilidad, que permite reemplazar un componente idealizado de un sistema por una implementación concreta (sin alterar significativamente sus propiedades de seguridad), o la privacidad diferencial, una noción de privacidad que ha recibido mucha atención en los últimos años y tiene como objetivo evitar la publicación datos confidenciales en la minería de datos. La falta de técnicas rigurosas que permitan verificar formalmente este tipo de propiedades constituye un notable problema abierto que tiene que ser abordado. En esta tesis introducimos varias lógicas de programa quantitativas para razonar sobre esta clase de propiedades de seguridad. Nuestra principal contribución teórica es una versión quantitativa de una lógica de Hoare relacional para programas probabilísticos. Las pruebas de correción de estas lógicas son completamente formalizadas en el asistente de pruebas Coq. Desarrollamos, además, una herramienta para razonar sobre propiedades de programas a través de estas lógicas extendiendo CertiCrypt, un framework para verificar pruebas de criptografía en Coq. Confirmamos la efectividad y aplicabilidad de nuestra metodología construyendo pruebas certificadas por ordendor de varios sistemas cuyo análisis estaba fuera del alcance de la seguridad verificada. Esto incluye, entre otros, una meta-construcción para diseñar funciones de hash “seguras” sobre curvas elípticas y algoritmos diferencialmente privados para varios problemas de optimización combinatoria de la literatura reciente. ABSTRACT The verified security methodology is an emerging approach to build high assurance proofs about security properties of computer systems. Computer systems are modeled as probabilistic programs and one relies on rigorous program semantics techniques to prove that they comply with a given security goal. In particular, it advocates the use of interactive theorem provers or automated provers to build fully formal machine-checked versions of these security proofs. The verified security methodology has proved successful in modeling and reasoning about several standard security notions in the area of cryptography. However, it has fallen short of covering an important class of approximate, quantitative security notions. The distinguishing characteristic of this class of security notions is that they are stated as a “similarity” condition between the output distributions of two probabilistic programs, and this similarity is quantified using some notion of distance between probability distributions. This class comprises prominent security notions from multiple areas such as private data analysis, information flow analysis and cryptography. These include, for instance, indifferentiability, which enables securely replacing an idealized component of system with a concrete implementation, and differential privacy, a notion of privacy-preserving data mining that has received a great deal of attention in the last few years. The lack of rigorous techniques for verifying these properties is thus an important problem that needs to be addressed. In this dissertation we introduce several quantitative program logics to reason about this class of security notions. Our main theoretical contribution is, in particular, a quantitative variant of a full-fledged relational Hoare logic for probabilistic programs. The soundness of these logics is fully formalized in the Coq proof-assistant and tool support is also available through an extension of CertiCrypt, a framework to verify cryptographic proofs in Coq. We validate the applicability of our approach by building fully machine-checked proofs for several systems that were out of the reach of the verified security methodology. These comprise, among others, a construction to build “safe” hash functions into elliptic curves and differentially private algorithms for several combinatorial optimization problems from the recent literature.