999 resultados para collector material
286 p. : il. col.
In this paper, a new definition of SE and CE, which is based on the hexahedron mesh and simpler than Chang's original CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method), is proposed and an improved CE/SE scheme is constructed. Furthermore, the improved CE/SE scheme is extended in order to solve the elastic-plastic flow problems. The hybrid particle level set method is used for tracing the interfaces of materials. Proper boundary conditions are presented in interface tracking. Two high-velocity impact problems are simulated numerically and the computational results are carefully compared with the experimental data, as well as the results from other literature and LS-DYNA software. The comparisons show that the computational scheme developed currently is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate and efficient for the problems considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To meet the demand of modern acoustic absorbing material for which acoustic absorbing frequency region can be readily tailored, we introduced woodpile structure into locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) and fabricated an underwater acoustic absorbing material, which is called locally resonant phononic woodpile (LRPW). Experimental results show that LRPW has a strong capability of absorbing sound in a wide frequency range. Further theoretical research revealed that LRPC units and woodpile structure in LRPW play an important role in realization of wide band underwater strong acoustic absorption.
105 p. : il. - Ilustraciones de Oscar Mardones Ruiz
The goal of this thesis is to develop a proper microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) process to manufacture piezoelectric Parylene-C (PA-C), which is famous for its chemical inertness, mechanical and thermal properties and electrical insulation. Furthermore, piezoelectric PA-C is used to build miniature, inexpensive, non-biased piezoelectric microphones.
These piezoelectric PA-C MEMS microphones are to be used in any application where a conventional piezoelectric and electret microphone can be used, such as in cell phones and hearing aids. However, they have the advantage of a simplified fabrication process compared with existing technology. In addition, as a piezoelectric polymer, PA-C has varieties of applications due to its low dielectric constant, low elastic stiffness, low density, high voltage sensitivity, high temperature stability and low acoustic and mechanical impedance. Furthermore, PA-C is an FDA approved biocompatible material and is able to maintain operate at a high temperature.
To accomplish piezoelectric PA-C, a MEMS-compatible poling technology has been developed. The PA-C film is poled by applying electrical field during heating. The piezoelectric coefficient, -3.75pC/N, is obtained without film stretching.
The millimeter-scale piezoelectric PA-C microphone is fabricated with an in-plane spiral arrangement of two electrodes. The dynamic range is from less than 30 dB to above 110 dB SPL (referenced 20 µPa) and the open-circuit sensitivities are from 0.001 – 0.11 mV/Pa over a frequency range of 1 - 10 kHz. The total harmonic distortion of the device is less than 20% at 110 dB SPL and 1 kHz.
Electric and magnetic responses of the medium to the probe field are analysed in a four-level loop atomic system by taking into account the relative phase of the applied fields. An interesting phenomenon is found: under suitable conditions, a change of the refractive index from positive to negative can occur by modulating the relative phase of the applied fields. Then the medium can be switched from a positive index material to a negative index material in our scheme. In addition, a negative index material can be realized in different frequency regions by adjusting the relative phase. It may give us a convenient way to obtain the desired material with positive or negative index.
Collector-type experiments have been conducted to investigate two different aspects of sputtering induced by keV ions. The first study looked for possible ejection mechanisms related to the primary charge state of the projectile. Targets of CsI and LiNbO_3 were bombarded with 48 keV Ar^(q+), and a Au target was bombarded with 60 keV Ar^(q+), for q = 4, 8, and 11. The collectors were analyzed using heavy-ion Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy to determine the differential angular sputtering yields; these and the corresponding total yields were examined for variations as a function of projectile charge state. For the Au target, no significant changes were seen, but for the insulating targets slight (~10%) enhancements were observed in the total yields as the projectile charge state was increased from 4+ to 11+.
In the second investigation, artificial ^(92)Mo/^(100)Mo targets were bombarded with 5 and 10 keV beams of Ar^+ and Xe^+ to study the isotopic fractionation of sputtered neutrals as a function of emission angle and projectile fluence. Using secondary ion mass spectroscopy to measure the isotope ratio on the collectors, material ejected into normal directions at low bombarding fluences (~ 10^(15) ions cm^(-2)) was found to be enriched in the light isotope by as much as ~70‰ compared to steady state. Similar results were found for secondary Mo ions sputtered by 14.5 keV O^-. For low-fluence 5 keV Xe^+ bombardment, the light-isotope enrichment at oblique angles was ~20‰ less than the corresponding enrichment in the normal direction. No angular dependence could be resolved for 5 keV Ar^+ projectiles at the lowest fluence. The above fractionation decreased to steady-state values after bombarding fluences of a few times 10^(16) ions cm^(-2) , with the angular dependence becoming more pronounced. The fractionation and total sputtering yield were found to be strongly correlated, indicating that the above effects may have been related to the presence of a modified target surface layer. The observed effects are consistent with other secondary ion measurements and multiple-interaction computer simulations, and are considerably larger than predicted by existing analytic theory.
Matematikaren ikaskuntza-irakaskuntza prozesuaren elementu nabarmen bat erabiltzen diren material eta baliabideak dira, eta horien artean unitate didaktikoak eta proiektuak. Era askotakoak daude, baina gehienak zaharkiturik daude eta ez dute ikasleen interesa eta motibazioa pizten. Umeen errealitatea, gustuak eta nahiak, eduki, kolore eta jolasekin erlazionaturik dagoen proiektu original eta berritzailea sortzea izan da lan honen helburua. Ikasleak era aktiboan barneratuko dituzte edukiak eta praktikara eraman ahal izango dituzte, ikasketa esanguratsua eta parte hartzailea bultzatuz. Horrek guztiak haurren egunerokotasuna eta interesak barne hartzen dituen proiektu honetan eragina du, emaitza positiboak jasotzerako orduan, eta beraz, ikasleen aldetik, harrera ezin hobea eskaintzen du.
Compliant foams are usually characterized by a wide range of desirable mechanical properties. These properties include viscoelasticity at different temperatures, energy absorption, recoverability under cyclic loading, impact resistance, and thermal, electrical, acoustic and radiation-resistance. Some foams contain nano-sized features and are used in small-scale devices. This implies that the characteristic dimensions of foams span multiple length scales, rendering modeling their mechanical properties difficult. Continuum mechanics-based models capture some salient experimental features like the linear elastic regime, followed by non-linear plateau stress regime. However, they lack mesostructural physical details. This makes them incapable of accurately predicting local peaks in stress and strain distributions, which significantly affect the deformation paths. Atomistic methods are capable of capturing the physical origins of deformation at smaller scales, but suffer from impractical computational intensity. Capturing deformation at the so-called meso-scale, which is capable of describing the phenomenon at a continuum level, but with some physical insights, requires developing new theoretical approaches.
A fundamental question that motivates the modeling of foams is ‘how to extract the intrinsic material response from simple mechanical test data, such as stress vs. strain response?’ A 3D model was developed to simulate the mechanical response of foam-type materials. The novelty of this model includes unique features such as the hardening-softening-hardening material response, strain rate-dependence, and plastically compressible solids with plastic non-normality. Suggestive links from atomistic simulations of foams were borrowed to formulate a physically informed hardening material input function. Motivated by a model that qualitatively captured the response of foam-type vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) pillars under uniaxial compression [2011,“Analysis of Uniaxial Compression of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes,” J. Mech.Phys. Solids, 59, pp. 2227–2237, Erratum 60, 1753–1756 (2012)], the property space exploration was advanced to three types of simple mechanical tests: 1) uniaxial compression, 2) uniaxial tension, and 3) nanoindentation with a conical and a flat-punch tip. The simulations attempt to explain some of the salient features in experimental data, like
1) The initial linear elastic response.
2) One or more nonlinear instabilities, yielding, and hardening.
The model-inherent relationships between the material properties and the overall stress-strain behavior were validated against the available experimental data. The material properties include the gradient in stiffness along the height, plastic and elastic compressibility, and hardening. Each of these tests was evaluated in terms of their efficiency in extracting material properties. The uniaxial simulation results proved to be a combination of structural and material influences. Out of all deformation paths, flat-punch indentation proved to be superior since it is the most sensitive in capturing the material properties.
Sputtering yields for uranium metal under bombardment by 13 - 120 keV protons and by 20 - 120 keV He+ are presented. Angular distributions of the material sputtered by these ions are also given. Sputtering yields for 40 and 80 keV Ar+ were measured as well.
The technique employed to make these measurements was the detection of fission tracks in mica produced by ^(235)U sputtered onto collector foils which were subsequently exposed to a high fluence of thermal neutrons. The technique is extremely sensitive and allowed the measurement of sputtering yields less than 10^(-4) atoms per ion. It also made possible a detailed study of the emission of chunks from the uranium targets during sputtering. Mass distributions of chunks emitted during bombardment by 40 - 120 keV protons and by 80 keV argon are presented.
Comparisons are made between the experimental results and those predicted by the Sigmund theory of sputtering.
Na Odontologia, ao se confeccionar peças restauradoras dentárias, pela técnica indireta, o processo mais rotineiramente empregado utiliza um modelo de gesso, obtido a partir de um molde de elastômero, tomado de um dente preparado. Vários fatores podem influenciar na boa precisão de ajustes destas peças como o escoamento do material de vazamento dentro da moldagem, a compatibilidade do material de vazamento com o da moldagem, o tempo de presa, a estabilidade dimensional, a resistência mecânica do material quando da separação moldagem/modelo, a resistência a abrasão e a fidelidade de reprodução de detalhes. Materiais foram introduzidos na odontologia para utilização na confecção de troquéis no intuito de minimizar as desvantagens do gesso, como baixa resistência a abrasão e ligeira expansão de presa. Dentre eles os troquéis metalizados e as resinas epóxicas, que tem vantagens em relação às propriedades mecânicas, porém o primeiro exige técnica demorada e de alto custo e o segundo apresenta contração. O presente trabalho se propõe a testar uma nova composição de poliéster insaturado com estireno adicionado ao carbonato de cálcio em diferentes proporções (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70%) e compará-la ao gesso tipo IV e a resina epoxídica com óxido de alumínio, através de ensaios mecânicos, de abrasão e de alteração dimensional, para avaliar a possibilidade de sua utilização como material de confecção de troquéis para a construção de restaurações indiretas. Para caracterização dos materiais foram feitas análises de espectrometria no infravermelho, Calorimetria de varredura diferencial, termogravimétrica e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O compósito a base de poliéster insaturado com 50% de carbonato de cálcio se mostrou viável para utilização como material para troquel. Quando comparado aos materiais de controle mostrou propriedades mecânicas próximas as da resina epoxídica e bem superiores ao gesso, resistência a abrasão superior ao gesso e inferior a resina epoxídica e alteração dimensional próxima a resina epoxídica e maior ao gesso. Sendo a formulação do poliéster/carbonato de cálcio apenas constituída de polímero, catalisador e carga, é possível melhorar a formulação modificando a carga e/ou acrescentando aditivos visando minimizar a contração de polimerização.