965 resultados para co-occurrence
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Renal nephroblastoma is a malignant tumor composed by embryonic tissue that affects mainly puppies. This works reports the occurrence of unilateral renal nephroblastoma in a puppy with four months. The diagnosis was obtained by histopathological examination of mass obtained by exploratory laparotomy, with realization of nephrectomy. The animal died at 15 days post-operatively by the presence of pulmonary metastases. The survival rate with surgical excision of the mass, with or without complementary therapies, can vary with the stage of disease.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Intracranial neoplasms are common causes of neurological disorders in middle-aged and elderly dogs. With the feasibility of computed tomography, it is now possible to determine the extent and exact location of brain tumors, identifying them ante mortem in dogs and cats. This paper aims to report the occurrence of a mixed glioma in a Boxer dog examined at the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp, Botucatu Campus. The animal presented with a brain syndrome of acute onset and progressive course. CT scan showed the presence of a mass in the right cerebral hemisphere extending from the frontal to the parietal region and involving the basal ganglia. Given the gravity of the neurological disorder, the owner chose to perform euthanasia. Microscopic analysis of the mass allowed the diagnosis of mixed glioma.
Metabolic studies are very important to improve quality of functional dairy products. For this purpose, the behaviors of pure cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus (St) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr) as well a co-culture of them (St-Lr) were investigated during skim milk fermentation, and the inulin effect as prebiotic was assessed. Lr was able to metabolize 6 g/100 g more galactose than St and St-Lr. Final lactic acid production by Lr was higher (9.8 g/L) compared to St (9.1 g/L) and St-Lr (9.1 g/L). Acetic acid concentration varied from 0.8 g/L (St-Lr) to 1.5 g/L (Lr) and that of ethanol from only 0.2 g/L (St-Lr) to 0.4 g/L (Lr), which suggests the occurrence in Lr of a NADH oxidase activity and citrate co-metabolization via pyruvate, both dissipating a part of the reducing power. Diacetyl and acetoin accumulated at the highest levels (18.4 and 0.8 mg/L, respectively) with St-Lr, which suggests possible synergistic interactions between these microorganisms as well as the Lr capability of co-metabolizing citrate in the presence of lactose. Inulin stimulated both biomass growth and levels of all end-products, as the likely result of fructose release from its partial hydrolysis and subsequent metabolization as an additional carbon and energy source. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Understanding the epidemiology of pneumococcal co-colonization is important for monitoring vaccine effectiveness and the occurrence of horizontal gene transfer between pneumococcal strains. In this study we aimed to evaluate the impact of the seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) on pneumococcal co-colonization among Portuguese children. Nasopharyngeal samples from children up to 6 years old yielding a pneumococcal culture were clustered into three groups: pre-vaccine era (n = 173), unvaccinated children of the vaccine era (n = 169), and fully vaccinated children (4 doses; n = 150). Co-colonization, serotype identification, and relative serotype abundance were detected by analysis of DNA of the total bacterial growth of the primary culture plate using the plyNCR-RFLP method and a molecular serotyping microarray-based strategy. The plyNCR-RFLP method detected an overall co-colonization rate of 20.1%. Microarray analysis confirmed the plyNCR-RFLP results. Vaccination status was the only factor found to be significantly associated with co-colonization: co-colonization rates were significantly lower (p = 0.004; Fisher's exact test) among fully vaccinated children (8.0%) than among children from the pre-PCV7 era (17.3%) or unvaccinated children of the PCV7 era (18.3%). In the PCV7 era there were significantly less non-vaccine type (NVT) co-colonization events than would be expected based on the NVT distribution observed in the pre-PCV7 era (p = 0.024). In conclusion, vaccination with PCV7 resulted in a lower co-colonization rate due to an asymmetric distribution between NVTs found in single and co-colonized samples. We propose that some NVTs prevalent in the PCV7 era are more competitive than others, hampering their co-existence in the same niche. This result may have important implications since a decrease in co-colonization events is expected to translate in decreased opportunities for horizontal gene transfer, hindering pneumococcal evolution events such as acquisition of antibiotic resistance determinants or capsular switch. This might represent a novel potential benefit of conjugate vaccines.
The Semail ophiolite in Oman is capped by up to 2 km of basaltic-andesitic lavas that host copper-dominant, Cyprus-type, volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. This study identifies multiple volcanostratigraphic horizons on which the deposits are situated, based on characterization of footwall and hanging-wall lavas from 16 deposits or deposit clusters. Comparison of field and petrographic features, compositions of igneous clinopyroxenes, and whole-rock geochemical signatures permits classification of the lavas within a modified version of the established regional volcanostratigraphy. Four extrusive units host deposits: Geotimes (earliest), Lasail, Alley, and Boninitic Alley (latest). The latter was previously known only at few localities, but this study reveals its regional extent and significance as a host for VMS deposits. The Geotimes and Lasail units represent Late Cretaceous, ocean spreading ridge and related off-axis volcanic environments, respectively. The Alley and Boninitic Alley units represent younger, subduction-related volcanism prior to Coniacian-Santonian obduction of the ophiolite. Our results show that VMS deposits occur on or near the Geotimes/Lasail and Geotimes/Alley contacts as well as entirely within the Geotimes, Lasail, Alley, and Boninitic Alley units. Highest Cu grades tend to occur in deposits lying on or within the Geotimes, whereas highest Au grades occur in deposits within the Boninitic Alley. In contrast to earlier studies, we conclude that essentially every horizon marking a hiatus in lava deposition in the Semail ophiolite, i.e., contacts between the four major eruptive units, and umbers and sedimentary chert layers within the units, has exploration potential for Cu-Au VMS deposits.
This study focuses on the analysis of lake sediments retrieved from the deepest part of Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). One gravity core of 115 cm length, covering the last ~ 4000 cal BP, was analyzed for geochemical and biological parameters. High organic content at ~ 4000 cal BP and the coinciding presence of pyrite framboids until ~ 2000 cal BP point to hampered decomposition of organic material due to anoxic conditions within the lake sediments. At the same time sedimentological and biological proxies suggest a rather high lake level, but still ~ 5 m below the recent one, with less saline lake water due to enhanced monsoonal activity. During this time a change in the source of organic matter to lowered input of terrestrial components is observed. A rather quick shift to a dry environment with less monsoonal influence and a lake level ~ 15 m lower than today at ~ 2000 cal BP lead to the oxygenation of sediment, the degradation of organic matter and the absence of pyrite. Oscillations of the lake level thereafter were of minor amplitude and not able to establish anoxia at the lake bottom again. A wet spell between ~ 1500 cal BP and ~ 1150 cal BP is visible in proxies referring to catchment hydrology and the ostracod-based water depth transfer function gives only a slightly elevated lake level. The last ~ 300 years are characterized by low TOC and rising TN values reflecting enhanced nutrient supply and hence an advancing influence of human activity in the catchment. Decreasing TOC/TN values point to a complete shift to almost solely aquatic biomass production. These results show that hydrological variations in terms of lake level change based on monsoonal strength can be linked to redox conditions at the lake bottom of Nam Co. Comparison with other archives over larger parts of the Tibetan Plateau and beyond exhibits a rather homogeneous climatic pattern throughout the late Holocene.
The basal beds on the Shatsky Rise cored during Leg 6 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project are the oldest sediments recovered to date in the Pacific Ocean. Based on benthonic Foraminifera, the sediments correlate with the lower Barremian to upper Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) rather than the Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous as previously reported. Thus the oldest sediments presently known from the Pacific Ocean are considerably younger than those in the western North Atlantic Ocean (Oxfordian; Upper Jurassic).
Miocene paleoceanographic evolution exhibits major changes resulting from the opening and closing of passages, the subsequent changes in oceanic circulation, and development of major Antarctic glaciation. The consequences and timing of these events can be observed in variations in the distribution of deep-sea hiatuses, sedimentation patterns, and biogeographic distribution of planktic organisms. The opening of the Drake Passage in the latest Oligocene to early Miocene (25-20 Ma) resulted in the establishment of the deep circumpolar current, which led to thermal isolation of Antarctica and increased global cooling. This development was associated with a major turnover in planktic organisms, resulting in the evolution of Neogene assemblages and the eventual extinction of Paleogene assemblages. The erosive patterns of two widespread hiatuses (PH, 23.0-22.5 Ma; and NH 1, 20-18 Ma) indicate that a deep circumequatorial circulation existed at this time, characterized by a broad band of carbonate-ooze deposition. Siliceous sedimentation was restricted to the North Atlantic and a narrow band around Antarctica. A major reorganization in deep-sea sedimentation and hiatus distribution patterns occurred near the early/middle Miocene boundary, apparently resulting from changes in oceanic circulation. Beginning at this time, deep-sea erosion occurred throughout the Caribbean (hiatus NH 2, 16-15 Ma), suggesting disruption of the deep circumequatorial circulation and northward deflection of deep currents, and/or intensification of the Gulf Stream. Sediment distribution patterns changed dramatically with the sudden appearance of siliceous-ooze deposition in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific by 16.0 to 15.5 Ma, coincident with the decline of siliceous sedimentation in the North Atlantic. This silica switch may have been caused by the introduction of Norwegian Overflow Water into the North Atlantic acting as a barrier to outcropping of silica-rich Antarctic Bottom Water. The main aspects of the present oceanic circulation system and sediment distribution pattern were established by 13.5 to 12.5 Ma (hiatus NH 3), coincident with the establishment of a major East Antarctic ice cap. Antarctic glaciation resulted in a broadening belt of siliceous-ooze deposition around Antarctica, increased siliceous sedimentation in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific and Indian Oceans, and further northward restriction of siliceous sediments in the North Atlantic. Periodic cool climatic events were accompanied by lower eustatic sea levels and widespread deep-sea erosion at 12 to 11 Ma (NH 4), 10 to 9 Ma (NH 5), 7.5 to 6.2 Ma (NH 6), and 5.2 to 4.7 Ma (NH 7).
Changes in the vertical water mass structure of the Vema Channel during the Pliocene have been inferred from benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopic analyses from three sites of DSDP Leg 72 (South Atlantic). Faunal and isotopic results from Sites 516A and 518 suggest that a major change occurred in deep-water circulation patterns in the late Pliocene near 3.2 Ma. Benthic oxygen isotopic records from Sites 516A and 518 show a characteristic increase in d18O values near 3.2 Ma. This has been documented in numerous Pliocene isotopic records. The magnitude of the oxygen isotopic enrichment near 3.2 Ma appears to increase with water depth from an average enrichment of 0.34 per mil in Site 516A (1313 m) to an average enrichment of 0.58 per mil in Site 518 (3944 m). We suggest that this enrichment resulted partly from a change in deep-water circulation patterns which included a decrease in bottom-water temperatures. Planktonic d18O values near 3.2 Ma show no evidence of an enrichment which would be indicative of an increase in global ice volume. On the contrary, d18O values in Sites 517 and 518 become more depleted near 3.2 Ma, indicating a surface-water warming perhaps due to a change in the strength and/or position of the Brazil Current. An increase in the relative abundance of the benthic foraminifer Nuttalides umbonifera, which is associated with Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the modern ocean, coincides with the benthic 18O enrichment in Site 518. At 3.2 Ma, oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients between Sites 518 (3944 m) and 516A (1313 m) show a marked increase such that Site 518 becomes enriched in 18O and depleted in 13C relative to Site 516A. This enrichment in d18O is interpreted as partly representing a temperature decrease at Site 518; the depletion in d13C indicates a corrosive water mass which is high in metabolic CO2. We suggest that benthic foraminiferal and stable isotopic changes in Site 518 resulted from a pulse-like increase in the formation of AABW near 3.2 Ma. The cause of this circulation event may have been linked to global cooling and/or the final closure of the Central American Seaway.