965 resultados para children - genetic origin
Objective: In an attempt to clarify the clonality and genetic relationships that are involved in the tumorigenesis of uterine leiomyomas, we used a total of 43 multiple leiomyomas from 14 patients and analyzed the allelic status with 15 microsatellite markers and X chromosome inactivation analysis.Study design: We have used a set of 15 microsatellite polymorphism markers mapped on 3q, 7p, 11, and 15q by automated analysis. The X chromosome inactivation was evaluated by the methylation status of the X-linked androgen receptor gene.Results: Loss of heterozygosity analysis showed a different pattern in 7 of the 8 cases with allelic loss for at least 1 of 15 microsatellite markers that were analyzed. A similar loss of heterozygosity findings at 7p22-15 was detected in 3 samples from the same patient. X chromosome inactivation analysis demonstrated the same inactivated allele in all tumors of the 9 of 12 informative patients;. different inactivation patterns were observed in 3 cases.Conclusion: Our data support the concept that uterine leiomyomas are derived from a single cell but are generated independently in the uterus. Loss of heterozygosity findings at 7p22-15 are consistent with previous data that suggested the relevance of chromosomal aberrations at 7p that were involved in individual uterine leiomyomas. (C) 2005 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
The data used in the present study were recorded at the Jockey Club of Sorocaba for 5094 racing performance of 1350 Quarter Horses at the Paulista Race Track of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1997. The considered traits were time and final rank. The model used in analysis included random animal and permanent environmental effects, and race, sex, age and origin as fixed effects. The variance and covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood for an animal model, using the derivative-free process method and the MTDFREML software. For the time, heritability was 0.17 (0.05), while estimate of repeatability 0.55 (0.05). The lower heritability for the final rank, 0.13 (0.04), indicate that this trait is not the most appropriate one for inclusion in programs of Quarter horse selection in Sorocaba racetrack. The repeatability estimate for rank was 0.44 (0.04) and the genetic correlation between this trait and time was 0.99.
The origin and evolution of domestic cattle have recently moved to the forefront of the scientific literature in consideration of their links to human history and to decisions on Genetic Resources conservation strategies. DNA from modern and ancient Bos samples is being analysed to reconstruct, in cooperation with archaezoology, the main events and forces that shaped nowadays cattle genetic diversity. Still, a number of open questions remain, that hopefully will be answered with the help of new technologies and the combined analysis of worldwide data.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In a one-year prospective study carried out to define the role of rotavirus and Escherichia coli in local childhood diarrhea, we determined the prevalence of both agents in 54 diarrheic children attending a health center in Botucatu. Diarrheogenic E. coli (DEC) strains were characterized by O:H serotyping, a search for virulence genetic markers, and assays of adherence to HEp-2 cells. Except for enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), no other DEC category was detected in the children's stools. Both EAEC and rotavirus were isolated from 22 of the 54 (41.0%) diarrheic children as single agents or in combination with other enteropathogens. However, when considering the presence of a single agent, EAEC was dominant and isolated from 20.4% of the patients, whereas rotavirus was detected in 14.8%. These results indicate that rotavirus and EAEC play a significant role as agents of childhood diarrhea in the local population.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two Brazilian populations of Psammolestes tertius (Ceara and Minas Gerais) collected from thornbird nests (Furnariidae) were compared by male genital morphology, morphametry, isoenzymes, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Merle genitalia showed no difference between the populations. In contrast, morphometry, isoenzyme, and RAPD clearly distinguished the two populations. Possible mechanisms of dispersal and the origin of Psammolestes are discussed.
Sessenta e nove acessos de Psidium, coletados em seis estados brasileiros, foram analisados para dois métodos não hierárquicos de agrupamento e por componentes principais (CP), visando orientar programas de melhoramento. Foram analisadas as variáveis ácido ascórbico, β-caroteno, licopeno, fenóis totais, flavonóides totais, atividade antioxidante, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares solúveis totais, teor de umidade, diâmetro lateral e transversal do fruto, peso da polpa e das sementes/fruto, número e produção de frutos/planta. Foram observados agrupamentos específicos para os acessos de araçazeiros no método de Tocher e do k-means e na dispersão tridimensional dos quatro CPs. Os acessos de araçazeiros foram separados dos de goiabeira. Não foi observado nenhum agrupamento específico por estado de coleta, indicando a inexistência de barreiras na propagação dos acessos de goiabeira. As análises sugerem a prospecção de maior número de amostras de germoplasma num menor número de regiões, bem como acessos divergentes com alto teor de compostos nutricionais.
Paspalum dilatatum is a valuable forage grass in the subtropics. This species consists of several sexual (tetraploid) and apomict (penta- and hexaploid) biotypes. It has been proposed that the presence of a genome of unknown origin, the X genome, is responsible for apomixis in penta- and hexaploid biotypes. Here we evaluated the utility of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers for discriminating sexual and apomictic P dilatatum biotypes. DNA samples from nine accessions, including P. intermedium, P. juergensh, and P dilatatum (ssp. flavescens, and the common and Uruguayan biotypes) were analyzed with 86 RAPID primers. Three hundred sixty-two fragments were scored and genetic similarity estimates revealed that the penta- and hexaploid biotypes were highly similar (S,, greater than or equal to 0.913). Forty RAPDs were unique to the penta- and hexaploid biotypes. Overall RAPID markers were useful for assessing genetic variation among closely related P dilatatum genotypes as well as generating putative X genome markers.
A comparative analysis of G-banded karyotypes was performed for seven species of Chiroptera, representing two families (Phyllostomidae and Molossidae). Despite the differences in diploid and fundamental numbers, extensive homologies between six karyotypes were identified: A . planirostris, P. lineatus, S. lilium, G. soricina, P. hastatus (Phyllostomidae) and M. rufus (Molossidae). Robertsonian rearrangements and pericentric inversions account for the differences between the karyotypes of phyllostomid and molossid species. The homologies and rearrangements observed reinforce the monophiletic origin of phyllostomids and the inclusion of species in different subfamilies. In situ hybridization with genomic DNA revealed considerable conservation of the karyotypes, including C. perspicillata, that did not show G-band homologies with the other species analyzed. For the first time, chromosomal evidence is presented of a common origin for Phyllostomidae and Molossidae.
Since their domestication in the Neolithic, cattle have belonged to our cultural heritage. The reconstruction of their history is an active field of research 1 that contributes to our understanding of human history. Archeological data are now supplemented by analyses of modern and ancient samples of cattle with DNA markers of maternal, paternal, or autosomal inheritance. The most recent genetic data suggest that maternal lineages of taurine cattle originated in the Fertile Crescent with a possible contribution of South-European wild cattle populations, while zebu cattle originate from the Indus Valley. Subsequently, cattle accompanied human migrations, which led to the dispersal of domestic cattle of taurine, indicine, or mixed origin over Asia, Africa, Europe, and the New World. This has resulted in their adaptation to different environments and considerable variation in appearance and performance. More recently, rational management of breeding led to international movements of sires, which again changed the global patterns of genetic diversity.
Two hundred and eighteen Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from Brazil were characterized by the presence of crystal protein genes by PCR with primers specific to different cry and cyt genes. Among these isolates, 95 were selected according to their geographic origin for genetic characterization with the 16S rRNA gene, RAPD, and plasmid profile. Isolates containing cryl genes were the most abundant (48%) followed by the cry11 and cyt (7%) and cry8 genes (2%). Finally, 40.3% of the isolates did not produce any PCR product. The plasmid profile and RAPD analysis showed a remarkable diversity among the isolates of B. thuringiensis not observed in the 16S rRNA gene. These results suggest that the genetic diversity of B. thuringiensis species results from the influence of different ecological factors and spatial separation between strains generated by the conquest of different habitats.
This study investigated the possible intrafamilial similarity of mutans streptococcal strains in some families with a child with Down syndrome using chromosomal DNA fingerprinting. The isolates were genotyped using arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction with the OPA 02 and OPA 03 primers. The results showed that five children with Down syndrome harbored mutans streptococci genotypes different from those of their mothers. A matching of genotypes was observed within the control pair (mother/child without Down syndrome). After six months, new samples were collected from all participants. Analysis showed that samples from children with Down syndrome were colonized by a new strain of Streptococcus mutans that did not match the previously collected one. The results suggest the S. mutans indigenous bacteria change more than once in children with Down syndrome.
Objective. Juvenile localized scleroderma (JLS) includes a number of conditions often grouped together. With the long-term goal of developing uniform classification criteria, we studied the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of children with JLS followed by paediatric rheumatology and dermatology centres. Methods. A large, multicentre, multinational study was conducted by collecting information on the demographics, family history, triggering environmental factors, clinical and laboratory features, and treatment of patients with JLS. Results. Seven hundred and fifty patients with JLS from 70 centres were enrolled into the study. The disease duration at diagnosis was 18 months. Linear scleroderma (LS) was the most frequent subtype (65%), followed by plaque morphea (PM) (26%), generalized morphea (GM) (7%) and deep morphea (DM) (2%). As many as 15% of patients had a mixed subtype. Ninety-one patients (12%) had a positive family history for rheumatic or autoimmune diseases; 100 (13.3%) reported environmental events as possible trigger. ANA was positive in 42.3% of the patients, with a higher prevalence in the LS-DM subtype than in the PM-GM subtype. Scl70 was detected in the sera of 3% of the patients, anticentromere antibody in 2%, anti-double-stranded DNA in 4%, anti-cardiolipin antibody in 13% and rheumatoid factor in 16%. Methotrexate was the drug most frequently used, especially during the last 5 yr. Conclusion. This study represents the largest collection of patients with JLS ever reported. The insidious onset of the disease, the delay in diagnosis, the recognition of mixed subtype and the better definition of the other subtypes should influence our efforts in educating trainees and practitioners and help in developing a comprehensive classification system for this syndrome. © 2006 Oxford University Press.
The genetic divergence in 20 Eucalyptus spp. clones was evaluated by multivariate techniques based on 167 RAPD markers, of which 155 were polymorphic and 12 monomorphic. The measures of genetic distances were obtained by the arithmetic complement of the coefficients of Jaccard and of Sorenso-Nei and Li and evaluated by the hierarchical methods of Single Linkage clustering and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA). Independent of the dissimilarity coefficient, the greatest divergence was found between clones 7 and 17 and the smallest between the clones 11 and 14. Clone clustering was little influenced by the applied procedure so that, adopting the same percentage of divergence, the UPGMA identified two groups less for the coefficient of Sorenso-Nei and Li. The clones evidenced considerable genetic divergence, which is partly associated to the origin of the study material. The clusters formed by the UPGMA clustering algorithm associated to the arithmetic complement of Jaccard were most consistent.