956 resultados para chemical water treatment
This thesis is devoted to the development, synthesis, properties, and applications of nano materials for critical technologies, including three areas: (1) Microbial contamination of drinking water is a serious problem of global significance. About 51% of the waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States can be attributed to contaminated ground water. Development of metal oxide nanoparticles, as viricidal materials is of technological and fundamental scientific importance. Nanoparticles with high surface areas and ultra small particle sizes have dramatically enhanced efficiency and capacity of virus inactivation, which cannot be achieved by their bulk counterparts. A series of metal oxide nanoparticles, such as iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles and iron oxide-silver nanoparticles, coated on fiber substrates was developed in this research for evaluation of their viricidal activity. We also carried out XRD, TEM, SEM, XPS, surface area measurements, and zeta potential of these nanoparticles. MS2 virus inactivation experiments showed that these metal oxide nanoparticle coated fibers were extremely powerful viricidal materials. Results from this research suggest that zinc oxide nanoparticles with diameter of 3.5 nm, showing an isoelectric point (IEP) at 9.0, were well dispersed on fiberglass. These fibers offer an increase in capacity by orders of magnitude over all other materials. Compared to iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles didn’t show an improvement in inactivation kinetics but inactivation capacities did increase by two orders of magnitude to 99.99%. Furthermore, zinc oxide nanoparticles have higher affinity to viruses than the iron oxide nanoparticles in presence of competing ions. The advantages of zinc oxide depend on high surface charge density, small nanoparticle sizes and capabilities of generating reactive oxygen species. The research at its present stage of development appears to offer the best avenue to remove viruses from water. Without additional chemicals and energy input, this system can be implemented by both points of use (POU) and large-scale use water treatment technology, which will have a significant impact on the water purification industry. (2) A new family of aliphatic polyester lubricants has been developed for use in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), specifically for hard disk drives that operate at high spindle speeds (>15000rpm). Our program was initiated to address current problems with spin-off of the perfluoroether (PFPE) lubricants. The new polyester lubricant appears to alleviate spin-off problems and at the same time improves the chemical and thermal stability. This new system provides a low cost alternative to PFPE along with improved adhesion to the substrates. In addition, it displays a much lower viscosity, which may be of importance to stiction related problems. The synthetic route is readily scalable in case additional interest emerges in other areas including small motors. (3) The demand for increased signal transmission speed and device density for the next generation of multilevel integrated circuits has placed stringent demands on materials performance. Currently, integration of the ultra low-k materials in dual Damascene processing requires chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to planarize the copper. Unfortunately, none of the commercially proposed dielectric candidates display the desired mechanical and thermal properties for successful CMP. A new polydiacetylene thermosetting polymer (DEB-TEB), which displays a low dielectric constant (low-k) of 2.7, was recently developed. This novel material appears to offer the only avenue for designing an ultra low k dielectric (1.85k), which can still display the desired modulus (7.7Gpa) and hardness (2.0Gpa) sufficient to withstand the process of CMP. We focused on further characterization of the thermal properties of spin-on poly (DEB-TEB) ultra-thin film. These include the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), biaxial thermal stress, and thermal conductivity. Thus the CTE is 2.0*10-5K-1 in the perpendicular direction and 8.0*10-6 K-1 in the planar direction. The low CTE provides a better match to the Si substrate which minimizes interfacial stress and greatly enhances the reliability of the microprocessors. Initial experiments with oxygen plasma etching suggest a high probability of success for achieving vertical profiles.
The aim of this paper is to make a characterization of water quality problems, in the river Vouga, regarding its use for public water supply. The river Vouga basin is located in a mountainous area, draining to the coastal lagoon of the Ria de Aveiro. Other medium size rivers also contribute to the load of pollution entering the estuarine system of the Ria de Aveiro. Two major impacts of the pollution in the river Vouga basin were identified. One is the eutrophication process of the lower reach of the river, including the Ria de Aveiro; the other is the occasional deterioration in the quality of the water abstracted from the medium reach of river Vouga. The causes of this deterioration are related to the enrichment of the river water with organic material. To improve the river water quality, both urban wastewater and agriculture related sources, must be controlled.
Steel slag is a byproduct of iron and steel production by the metallurgical industries. Annually, 21 million tons of steel slag is produced in the United States. Most of the slag is landfilled, which represents a significant economic loss and a waste of valuable land space. Steel slag has great potential for the construction of highway embankments; however, its use has been limited due to its high swelling potential and alkalinity. The swelling potential of steel slags may lead to deterioration of the structural stability of highways, and high alkalinity poses an environmental challenge as it affects the leaching behavior of trace metals. This study seeks a methodology that promotes the use of steel slag in highway embankments by minimizing these two main disadvantages. Accelerated swelling tests were conducted to evaluate the swelling behavior of pure steel slag and water treatment residual (WTR) treated steel slag, where WTR is an alum-rich by-product of drinking water treatment plants. Sequential batch tests and column leach tests, as well as two different numerical analyses, UMDSurf and WiscLEACH, were carried out to check the environmental suitability of the methods. Tests were conducted to study the effect of a common borrow fill material that encapsulated the slag in the embankment and the effects of two subgrade soils on the chemical properties of slag leachate. The results indicated that an increase in WTR content in the steel slag-WTR mixtures yields a decrease in pH and most of the leached metal concentrations, except aluminum. The change in the levels of pH, after passing through encapsulation and subgrade, depends on the natural pHs of materials.
The rapid population growth is the great motivator for the development of the construction industry and the increased demand for drinking water, resulting in a gradual increase in the generation of solid waste. Thus, this work was carried out in order to recycle industrial and municipal wastes incorporating them into materials for civil construction. The composite produced from water treatment sludge and marble polishing mud, applying lime production waste as a binder, was evaluated for its mechanical performance and its morphological structure. The raw materials were characterized for their chemical composition, mineralogy, morphology, particle size and also the moisture content. With the featured materials nine compositions have been developed varying the content of the water treatment sludge between 25 to 50%, marble polishing mud between 35 to 50% and the lime production waste between 10 to 30%. The composites were subjected to mechanical strength tests, water absorption, chemical and mineralogical composition and morphology. The developed materials presented, on the 3rd day of hydration, maximum strength value of 4.65 MPa, the 7th day 6.36 MPa, on the 14th day 6.74 MPa, the 28th day 5.98 MPa, on the 60th day 8.52 MPa at 90th day 11.75 MPa and 180th day 12.06 MPa. The water absorption values after 28 days of hydration ranged from 16.27% to 26.32% and after 90 days, from 13.57% to 23.56%.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE), Guimarães, 2016
Novel magnetic carbon xerogels consisting of interconnected carbon microspheres with iron and/or cobalt microparticles embedded in their structure were developed by a simple route. As inferred from the characterization data, materials with distinctive properties may be directly obtained upon inclusion of iron and/or cobalt precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing. The unique properties of these magnetic carbon xerogels were explored in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of an antimicrobial agent typically found throughout the urban water cycle – sulfamethoxazole (SMX). A clear synergistic effect arises from the inclusion of cobalt and iron in carbon xerogels (CX/CoFe),the resulting magnetic material revealing a better performance in the CWPO of SMX at the ppb level(500 microg L−1) when compared to that of monometallic carbon xerogels containing only iron or cobalt.This effect was ascribed to the increased accessibility of highly active iron species promoted by the simultaneous incorporation of cobalt.The performance of the CWPO process in the presence of CX/CoFe was also evaluated in environmentally relevant water matrices, namely in drinking water and secondary treated wastewater, considered in addition to ultrapure water. It was found that the performance decreases when applied to more complex water and wastewater samples. Nevertheless, the ability of the CWPO technology for the elimination of SMX in secondary treated wastewater was unequivocally shown, with 96.8% of its initial content being removed after 6 h of reaction in the presence of CX/CoFe, at atmospheric pressure, room temperature(T = 25◦C), pH = 3, [H2O2]0= 500 mg L−1and catalyst load = 80 mg L−1. A similar performance (97.8% SMX removal) is obtained in 30 min when the reaction temperature is slightly increased up to 60◦C in an ultra-pure water matrix. Synthetic water containing humic acid, bicarbonate, sulphate or chloride, was also tested. The results suggest the scavenging effect of the different anions considered, as well as the negative impact of dissolved organic matter typically found in secondary treated wastewater, as simulated by the presence of humic acid.An in-situ magnetic separation procedure was applied for catalyst recovery and re-use during reusability cycles performed to mimic real-scale applications. CWPO runs performed with increased SMX concentration (10 mg L−1), under a water treatment process intensification approach, allowed to evalu-ate the mineralization levels obtained, the antimicrobial activity of the treated water, and to propose adegradation mechanism for the CWPO of SMX.
A presença de metais traço no ambiente está associada às fontes naturais e antropogênicas. O aumento das concentrações desses elementos pode resultar em um desequilíbrio do ecossistema tornando-se um risco potencial para o meio. O metal cromo tem seus efeitos relacionados com sua concentração e com o estado de oxidação em que se apresenta, já que seu estado trivalente é considerando essencial, enquanto que seu estado hexavalente é considerado extremamente tóxico. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar a especiação química do cromo após ter sido realizada a revalidação analítica, englobando faixa linear de trabalho, limites de detecção e quantificação, exatidão e precisão. Este estudo é essencial tanto pela questão ambiental quanto sanitária, já que a especiação foi realizada em cinco pontos do Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos - dois na Zona Portuária e três no Saco da Mangueira, entre os meses de março e setembro de 2008 e também na Estação de Tratamento de Água que ocorreram entre os meses de janeiro e setembro de 2008. Foram realizadas determinações das frações de Cr (III) ativo, Cr (VI) e Cr (III) não ativo, por Voltametria de Redissolução Catódica. A Fração de Cromo Total foi determinada por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica. Também foram realizadas in situ determinações dos seguintes parâmetros físicoquímicos: salinidade, pH, Eh, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura; além dos nutrientes nitrogenados. As determinações não identificaram o metal no estado de oxidação mais tóxico (cromo hexavalente), também não foi identificada a fração de Cr (III) ativo. O metal foi identificado na forma de Cr (III) não-ativo, ou seja, na forma trivalente e complexada por ligantes naturais estáveis. As concentrações de cromo total estiveram sempre abaixo do limite estabelecido pelos órgãos reguladores competentes. Portanto, mesmo com as atividades industriais e portuárias existentes na região, não foram identificadas concentrações ou espécies de cromo que caracterizam um ambiente impactado.
This study shows a possibility of using municipal sewage sludge after thermal treatment in the production of a filtering material to water treatment. Due to the fast urbanization and implementation of high standards for effluent in many countries in recent years, the sewage sludge is being produced in an ever increasing amount. Therefore, the use of sludge is a suitable solution for the expected large quantity of sludge. Dehydration of sludge was performed by controlled heating at temperatures of 1100 degrees C, 850 degrees C, 650 degrees C, 350 degrees C for 3 hours. After thermal treatment the sludge was characterized by X-ray fluorescence, TG/DTG/DTA, residue solubilization and residue lixiviation tests. The aim of the present work was to observe, thought the characterization techniques, if the treated sewage sludge is or not adequate to be used as filter material to water treatment. It will be verified which treatment temperature of the sludge offer possibility to its use in water treatment without carrying pollutants in concentrations out of the standards.
tratamiento debe ser evaluado y controlado periódicamente, para garantizar su calidad para el consumo humano. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue evaluar mediante un estudio físico-químico y microbiológico el Sistema de Calidad y Tratamiento del Agua que se efectúa en la Planta Potabilizadora del cantón Chordeleg. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, de campo, descriptivo y de corte no longitudinal. Para el análisis físico-químico se evaluaron 176 muestras en las 8 semanas, realizando 1 muestreo al día. En cada muestreo se realizó el análisis de 11 muestras que corresponden: 2 muestra de agua cruda, 2 muestras de agua pre-filtrada, 6 muestras de agua filtrada y 1 muestra de agua tratada realizándose un total de 22 muestras a la semana, en los cuales se determinó los parámetros físico-químicos: temperatura, sólidos totales disueltos, turbiedad y color, pH, dureza, alcalinidad, hierro, sulfato, nitritos, nitratos y cloro libre residual; parámetros microbiológicos: Coliformes totales y fecales. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas, mediante el análisis estadístico demostraron que los parámetros fisicoquímicos cumplen con lo establecido en la norma INEN 1108-2014, mientras que en los parámetros microbiológicos se estableció que los Coliformes fecales se encuentran dentro del rango establecido por la norma INEN 1108-2014 y los Coliformes totales fuera de lo establecido por la OMS(ausencia).
The acceleration of industrial growth in recent decades on all continents aroused the interest of the companies to counter the impacts produced on the environment, spurred primarily by major disasters in the petroleum industry. In this context, the water produced is responsible for the largest volume of effluent from the production and extraction of oil and natural gas. This effluent has in its composition some critical components such as inorganic salts, heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, ), presence of oil and chemicals added in the various production processes. In response to impact, have been triggered by research alternative adsorbent materials for water treatment and water produced, in order to removing oils and acids and heavy metals. Many surveys of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in Brazil involve studies on the physico-chemical, mineral deposits, extraction, processing and applications. The official estimated Jazi are around 2.5 million tonnes, the main located in the states of Bahia (44%) and Rio Grande do Norte (37,4%). Moreover, these two states appear as large offshore producers, earning a prominent role in research of adsorbents such as diatomite for treatment of water produced. Its main applications are as an agent of filtration, adsorption of oils and greases, industrial load and thermal insulator. The objective of this work was the processing and characterization of diatomite diatomaceous earth obtained from the municipality of Macaíba-RN (known locally as tabatinga) as a low cost regenerative adsorbent for removal of heavy metals in the application of water produced treatment. In this work we adopted a methodology for batch processing, practiced by small businesses located in producing regions of Brazil. The characterization was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface area (BET). Research conducted showed that the improvement process used was effective for small volume production of diatomite concentrated. The diatomite obtained was treated by calcination at temperature of 900 oC for 2 hours, with and without fluxing Na2CO3 (4%), according to optimal results in the literature. Column adsorption experiments were conducted to percolation of the in nature, calcined and calcined fluxing diatomites. Effluent was used as a saline solution containing ions of Cu, Zn, Na, Ca and Mg simulating the composition of produced waters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The breakthrough curves for simultaneous removal of copper ions and zinc as a result, 84.3% for calcined diatomite and diatomite with 97.3 % for fluxing. The calcined fluxing diatomite was more efficient permeability through the bed and removal of copper and zinc ions. The fresh diatomite had trouble with the permeability through the bed under the conditions tested, compared with the other obtained diatomite. The results are presented as promising for application in the petroleum industry
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity
The kinetics of metal uptake by gel and dry calcium alginate beads was analysed using solutions of copper or lead ions. Gel beads sorbed metal ions faster than the dry ones and larger diffusivities of metal ions were calculated for gel beads: approximately 10−4 cm2/min vs. 10−6 cm2/min for dry beads. In accordance, scanning electron microscopy and nitrogen adsorption data revealed a low porosity of dry alginate particles. However, dry beads showed higher sorption capacities and a mechanical stability more suitable for large-scale use. Two sorption models were fitted to the kinetic results: the Lagergren pseudo-first order and the Ho and McKay pseudo-second order equations. The former was found to be the most adequate to model metal uptake by dry alginate beads and kinetic constants in the orders of 10−3 and 10−2 min−1 were obtained for lead solutions with concentrations up to 100 g/m3. The pseudo-first order model was also found to be valid to describe biosorbent operation with a real wastewater indicating that it can be used to design processes of metal sorption with alginate-based materials.
Alginate polysaccharide is a promising biosorbent for metal uptake. Dry protonated calcium alginate beads for biosorption applications were prepared, briefly characterized and tested for lead uptake. Several advantages of this biosorbent are reported and discussed in comparison with other alginate-based sorbents. The alginate beads contained 4.7 mmol/g of COOH groups, which suffered hydrolysis near pH 4. The Weber and Morris model, applied to kinetic results of lead uptake, showed that intraparticle diffusion was the rate-controlling step in lead sorption by dry alginate beads. Equilibrium experiments were performed and the data were fitted with different isotherm models. The Langmuir equation was the most adequate to model lead sorption. The maximum uptake capacity (qmax) was estimated as 339 mg/g and the Langmuir constant (b) as 0.84 l/mg. These values were compared with that of other sorbents found in the literature, indicating that dry protonated calcium alginate beads are among the best biosorbents for the treatment and recovery of heavy metals from aqueous streams.
The capacity of dry protonated calcium alginate beads to sorb metals from an industrial effluent was studied and compared with a commercial ion-exchange resin (Lewatit TP 207). Both sorbents decreased zinc, nickel, iron and calcium concentrations in the effluent, and released sodium during treatment. Alginate beads removed lower amounts of heavy metals than the resin, but exhibited faster uptake kinetics. Zinc desorption from the sorbents was achieved in 30 minutes using 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M H(2)SO(4). Desorption ratios with these acids varied between 90 and 100% for alginate, and 98 to 100% for the ion-exchange resin. Reusability tests with HCl showed that alginate beads can stand acid desorption and recover binding capacity. Overall, the comparison of dry protonated alginate beads with the resin supports the potential of the biosorbent for the treatment of industrial effluents.