882 resultados para cessation tabagique
This briefing looks at who is making use of NHS stop smoking services in the London area.
This poster was published as part of the 'Want to stop!' smoking cessation campaign that centred on the PHA's public information website www.want2stop.info The website also allows the user to create a personalised quit plan to suit their needs.
This card was published as part of the 'Want to stop!' smoking cessation campaign that centred on the PHA's public information website www.want2stop.info The website also allows the user to create a personalised quit plan to suit their needs.
This poster was produced as part of the PHA's public information campaign on smoking.
Cigarette smoking is the major cause of preventable ill health in Northern Ireland. It accounts for 2400 premature deaths every year. Fifty percent or one in every two smokers will die prematurely due to their addiction; many will suffer chronic ill health and poor quality of life before their death (DHSSPS, 2007; ASH, 2008). Approximately 340,000 people smoke in Northern Ireland or 24% of the population over 16yrs. The Public Health Agency (PHA) commissions specialist stop smoking services across Northern Ireland. It has enabled the establishment of specialist stop smoking services in a range of settings including GP practices, pharmacies, hospitals and community settings. Tobacco control activities are overseen locally by the PHA's Tobacco Control Groups. The multi-agency groups oversee and advise on tobacco control initiatives.All stop smoking services are required to comply with the requirements of 18 standards. This report highlights the standards.
The Quit Kit promotional materials were developed as part of the smoking cessation campaign which highlights the range of support available and reinforces the message that quitting is achievable with the right support and motivation. Support highlighted in this part of the campaign includes the smoking support services, GP/pharmacy support, helpline, web site www.want2stop.info and a quit kit. �The Quit Kit poster directs individuals to the smokers helpline 0808 812 8008 and www.want2stop.info to register for free Quit Kit
The Quit Kit promotional materials were developed as part of the smoking cessation campaign which highlights the range of support available and reinforces the message that quitting is achievable with the right support and motivation. Support highlighted in this part of the campaign includes the smoking support services, GP/pharmacy support, helpline, web site www.want2stop.info and a quit kit. �The Quit Kit flyer allows individuals to register for free Quit Kit on completion of flyer.
This booklet takes smokers through the stages of stopping smoking:preparing to stopstoppingstaying stoppedIt also provides advice on the various forms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and non-nicotine medications available, as well as a list of contacts for advice and support.Note: translations are of the 2009 leaflet, which will have lower costs for packets of cigarettes.
The Quit Kit promotional materials were developed as part of the smoking cessation campaign which highlights the range of support available and reinforces the message that quitting is achievable with the right support and motivation.
Tobacco-smoking prevalence has been decreasing in many high-income countries, but not in prison. We provide a summary of recent data on smoking in prison (United States, Australia, and Europe), and discuss examples of implemented policies for responding to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), their health, humanitarian, and ethical aspects. We gathered data through a systematic literature review, and added the authors' ongoing experience in the implementation of smoking policies outside and inside prisons in Australia and Europe. Detainees' smoking prevalence varies between 64 per cent and 91.8 per cent, and can be more than three times as high as in the general population. Few data are available on the prevalence of smoking in women detainees and staff. Policies vary greatly. Bans may either be 'total' or 'partial' (smoking allowed in cells or designated places). A comprehensive policy strategy to reduce ETS needs a harm minimization philosophy, and should include environmental restrictions, information, and support to detainees and staff for smoking cessation, and health staff training in smoking cessation.
A healthy 60-year-old woman had uneventful bilateral sequential cataract surgery with diffractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Immediately after surgery in the first eye, the patient complained of right monocular oscillopsia during motion. Surgery in the second eye was followed by the same symptoms. Ocular motility was normal. Any movement of head or eye was accompanied by oscillopsia, disappearing immediately upon cessation of movement. Slitlamp examination revealed pseudophacodonesis, without obvious zonular laxity. We postulate that the rapid oscillation of an unsteady multifocal IOL during head or eye movement caused the optical steps to pass in front of the visual axis. Cataract surgeons must be aware of this potential, but rare, complication before deciding to implant a multifocal IOL.
Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the leading avoidable cause of death worldwide. Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) increases the risk of CVD among non-smokers. Smoking cessation benefits all smokers, regardless of age or amount smoked. The excess risk of CVD is rapidly reversible, and stopping smoking after a myocardial infarction reduces an individual's risk of CVD mortality by 36% over 2 years. Smoking cessation is a key component of primary and secondary CVD prevention strategies, but tobacco use often receives less attention from cardiologists than other risk factors, despite the availability of proven treatments that improve smoking cessation rates. Both psychosocial counselling and pharmacotherapy are effective methods to help smokers quit, but they are most effective when used together. The first-line medications licensed to aid smoking cessation, nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion and varenicline, are effective in and appropriate for patients with CVD. An evidence-based approach for physicians is to routinely ask all patients about smoking status and SHS exposure, advise all smokers to quit and all patients to adopt smoke-free policies for their home and car, and offer all smokers in the office or hospital brief counselling, smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and referral to local programmes where psychosocial support can be sustained in person or by telephone. Like other chronic diseases, tobacco use requires a long-term management strategy. It deserves to be managed as intensively as other CVD risk factors.
Purpose: to assess among current smokers in Switzerland the willingness to quit and the preferred methods to help quitting smoking. Methods: cross-sectional study including 1265 current smokers (607 women and 658 men). Difficulty quitting smoking and the preferred methods to help quitting smoking were assessed by questionnaire. Results: 89% of women and 84% of men reported being "very difficult" or "difficult" to quit smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers (73% of women and 70% of men) reported some willingness to quit smoking, but less than 25% of them wanted to do so within the next 30 days, and only 64% within the next 6 months. Willingness to quit was stronger among younger smokers while no differences were found for gender, physical activity or education al Javel. The preferred methods to help quitting smoking were personalized counselling by a doctor (51.4%), acupuncture (35.9%); nicotine replacement therapy (37.6%); hypnosis (28.8%); information flyers (24.9%); autogenic training (15.3%); bupropion (15.2%); personalized counselling by a non-doctor (14.7%) and group interventions (13.2%). Acupuncture and hypnosis were more favoured by women, and autogenic training by younger smokers. Still, a sizable fraction (between 19 and 51%) of smokers did not know some of the methods to help quitting smoking. Conclusion: although more than two thirds of Swiss smokers want to quit, only a small fraction wishes to do so in the short term. Setter information regarding the different methods to help quitting is also necessary.
En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las características deconsumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas dela conducta de fumar en función de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross,1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentesen la población general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego están representadas en lasdiferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha población. Por otra parte,no se ha encontrado relación entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerström yla etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo detabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a losbeneficios de fumar. En los análisis en función de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferenciassignificativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los próximos seis meses,(contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) enel beneficio “fumar ayuda a relajarse” que es más valorado por los primeros. También seencuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios:“fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza” y “fumar a veces provoca taquicardia” que son másvalorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervencionesmás adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juegopuedan también tener éxito en el abandono de la adicción al tabaco