1000 resultados para cardiologia intervencionista


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The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known to be an important modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). Changes in ANS control of heart rate variability (HRV) occur during orthostatism to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis. Wavelet transform has emerged as a useful tool that provides time-frequency decomposition of the signal under investigation, enabling intermittent components of transient phenomena to be analyzed. AIM: To study HRV during head-up tilt (HUT) with wavelet transform analysis in PAF patients and healthy individuals (normals). METHODS: Twenty-one patients with PAF (8 men; age 58 +/- 14 yrs) were examined and compared with 21 normals (7 men, age 48 +/- 12 yrs). After a supine resting period, all subjects underwent passive HUT (60 degrees) while in sinus rhythm. Continuous monitoring of ECG and blood pressure was carried out (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). Acute changes in RR-intervals were assessed by wavelet analysis and low-frequency power (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz), high-frequency power (HF: 0.15-0.60 Hz) and LF/HF (sympathovagal) were calculated for 1) the last 2 min of the supine period; 2) the 15 sec of tilting movement (TM); and 3) the 1st (TT1) and 2nd (TT2) min of HUT. Data are expressed as means +/- SEM. RESULTS: Baseline and HUT RR-intervals were similar for the two groups. Supine basal blood pressure was also similar for the two groups, with a sustained increase in PAF patients, and a decrease followed by an increase and then recovery in normals. Basal LF, HF and LF/ HF values in PAF patients were 632 +/- 162 ms2, 534 +/- 231 ms2 and 1.95 +/- 0.39 respectively, and 1058 +/- 223 ms2, 789 +/- 244 ms2 and 2.4 +/- 0.36 respectively in normals (p = NS). During TM, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 747 +/- 277 ms2, 387 +/- 94 ms2 and 2.9 +/- 0.6 respectively, and 1316 +/- 315 ms2, 698 +/- 148 ms2 and 2.8 +/- 0.6 respectively in normals (p < 0.05 for LF and HF). During TF1, LF, HF and LF/ HF values for PAF patients were 1243 +/- 432 ms2, 302 +/- 88 ms2 and 7.7 +/- 2.4 respectively, and 1992 +/- 398 ms2, 333 +/- 76 ms2 and 7.8 +/- 0.98 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF). During TF2, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 871 +/- 256 ms2, 242 +/- 51 ms2 and 4.7 +/- 0.9 respectively, and 1263 +/- 335 ms2, 317 +/- 108 ms2 and 8.6 +/- 0.68 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF/HF). The dynamic profile of HRV showed that LF and HF values in PAF patients did not change significantly during TM or TT2, and LF/HF did not change during TM but increased in TT1 and TT2. CONCLUSION: Patients with PAF present alterations in HRV during orthostatism, with decreased LF and HF power during TM, without significant variations during the first minutes of HUT. These findings suggest that wavelet transform analysis may provide new insights when assessing autonomic heart regulation and highlight the presence of ANS disturbances in PAF.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate variations in oxidized LDL (oxLDL) at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and over the recovery period, exploring their relationship with coronary disease severity. A follow-up of 50 AMI patients was evaluated against 25 healthy volunteers (reference group). The AMI patients were evaluated at three time points: at admission before the administration of IIb/IIIa inhibitors and angioplasty, and two and 40 days after intervention. Plasma oxLDL concentrations were measured by ELISA. oxLDL was found to be significantly higher in AMI patients in the acute phase relative to reference levels, decreasing progressively over the recovery period. The results also demonstrated that oxLDL levels were decreased in patients with the left circumflex artery (LCX) as culprit vessel compared to the left anterior descending coronary (LAD) or right coronary artery (RCA). The results highlight a significant increase in oxLDL concentration related to coronary artery disease severity, as conditions such as LCX lesions are usually associated with a favorable prognosis, contrasting with LAD-associated conditions that can compromise large areas of myocardium. The results thus suggest that oxLDL may constitute a promising marker in assessment of AMI evolution.


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O quilopericárdio é uma entidade rara, que é encontrada mais frequentemente associada a traumatismos (com lesão do canal torácico), neoplasias e infiltrações por filária. As formas primárias são mais raras e associam-se a malformações da circulação linfática. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de um doente de 52 anos, sexo masculino, com o diagnóstico de quilopericárdio primário, sendo discutida a abordagem diagnóstica, assim como a evolução clínica favorável com tratamento conservador.


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INTRODUCTION: The definition of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is an asymptomatic state in which free thyroxine (T4) is normal and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are elevated. Its relationship with coronary disease is not clear and has been the subject of recent interest. Current evidence is conflicting and there is a lack of studies supported by coronary angiography. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between SH and the presence and extent of coronary disease diagnosed by angiography. METHODS: We prospectively studied 354 consecutive patients referred for elective coronary angiography. Those with known thyroid disease, documented coronary disease or previous myocardial infarction were excluded. Fasting blood specimens were collected to measure thyroid hormones, lipid profile, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and NT-proBNP. Patients with SH were compared with those without to assess differences in clinical characteristics and biochemical and angiographic results. Significant coronary disease was defined as the presence of at least one lesion with > or = 50% luminal stenosis. Lesions with <50% stenosis were considered minimal. RESULTS: SH was diagnosed in 32 (9%) patients. Mean age was similar between the groups. There were more women (66% vs. 39%; p=0.003) and atrial fibrillation was more frequent (25% vs. 11%; p=0.016) in the group of patients with SH. There were no significant differences in the other baseline clinical parameters, and blood biochemistry results were similar in the two groups, with the exception of higher levels of NT-proBNP in SH patients, although without statistical significance. The angiographic results were as follows: significant coronary disease (SH 28.1% vs. non-SH 43.8%; p=0.087); three-vessel disease (9.4% vs. 9.9%; p=0.919); two-vessel disease (12.5% vs. 13.4%; p=0.892); single-vessel disease (6.3% vs. 29.5%; p=0.051); minimal lesions (9.4% vs. 10.9%; p=0.794); and no coronary disease (62.4% vs, 45.3%; p=0.064). CONCLUSION: In this population SH was not associated with the presence or extent of coronary disease diagnosed by coronary angiography.


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INTRODUCTION: Primary angioplasty is accepted as the preferred treatment for acute myocardial infarction in the first 12 hours. However, outcomes depend to a large extent on the volume of activity and experience of the center. Continuous monitoring of methods and results obtained is therefore crucial to quality control. OBJECTIVE: To describe the demographic, clinical and angiographic characteristics as well as in-hospital outcomes of patients undergoing primary PCI in a high-volume Portuguese center. We also aimed to identify variables associated with in-hospital mortality in this population. METHODS: This was a retrospective registry of consecutive primary PCIs performed at Santa Marta Hospital between January 2001 and August 2007. Demographic, clinical, and angiographic characteristics and in-hospital outcomes were analyzed. Independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were identified by multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1157 patients were identified, mean age 61+/-12 years, 76% male. Mean pain-to-balloon time was 7.6 hours and primary angiographic success was 88%. Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.9%, or 5.5% if patients presenting in cardiogenic shock were excluded from the analysis. Previous history of heart failure, cardiogenic shock on admission, invasive ventilatory support, major hemorrhage, and age over 75 years were found to be associated with increased risk of in-hospital death. Conclusions: In this center primary PCI is effective and safe. Angiographic success rates and in-hospital mortality and morbidity are similar to other international registries. Patients at increased risk for adverse outcome can be identified by simple clinical characteristics such as advanced age, cardiogenic shock on admission, mechanical ventilation and major hemorrhage during hospitalization.


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A Nocardia é responsável por diversos tipos de infecção quer em receptores imunocompetentes, quer imunocomprometidos e pode afectar qualquer órgão. A endocardite a Nocardia spp é muito rara e tem mau prognóstico. Segundo o nosso conhecimento e após revisão da literatura, foram reportados apenas 12 casos de endocardite a Nocardia, a maioria tratada com substituição valvular. Reportamos o primeiro caso descrito em Portugal de endocardite protésica a Nocardia, tratado com sucesso apenas com terapêutica antimicrobiana (trimetoprimsulfametoxazol), sem necessidade de substituição valvular.


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Encontra-se bem estabelecido que, na abordagem terapêutica do enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM), a trombólise e a angioplastia coronária percutânea (ACTP) permitem diminuir a mortalidade e melhorar o prognóstico, sendo esse benefício tanto maior quanto menor o tempo decorrido entre o evento isquémico e o procedimento terapêutico. No entanto, não está ainda estabelecido qual o impacto que o atraso da implementação dessas terapêuticas tem no desenvolvimento de taquidisritmias ventriculares e por consequência no resultado da alternância da onda T(TWA), que representa um método reconhecido para avaliação da vulnerabilidade ventricular às referidas arritmias. Objectivo: Analisar os resultados da TWA por microvoltagem numa população submetida a ACTP na sequência de EAM e avaliar a influência do timing de revascularização miocárdica nos resultados da TWA. Métodos: Estudámos 79 doentes (67 do sexo masculino; 57 ± 11 anos) consecutivos, admitidos por EAM e sujeitos a revascularização miocárdica por ACTP durante o internamento. A TWA foi avaliada utilizando um aparelho da HeartTwave System (Cambridge Heart, Inc., Bedford, Massachusetts) nos 30 dias pós-EAM. Durante a realização de uma prova de esforço em tapete rolante com protocolo manual, com o objectivo de elevar a frequência cardíaca até aos 110 batimentos por minuto, realizou-se o registo electrocardiográfico através da aplicação de sete eléctrodos standard e outros sete eléctrodos sensores de alta-resolução, especialmente concebidos para redução do «ruído», dispostos segundo as derivações ortogonais de Frank(X,Y, Z). A TWA foi considerada positiva quando se verificou a presença de alternância da onda T de magnitude ³ 1,9 μV de forma consistente e mantida (> 1 minuto), com início para frequências cardíacas < 110 batimentos/minuto ou quando esta alternância se verificou em doentes em repouso. Foi considerada negativa quando se conseguiu obter dados sem artefactos durante pelo menos um minuto, com frequências > 105 batimentos/minuto, sem atingir critério de positividade e indeterminada se não podia ser classificada como positiva ou negativa. Foram excluídos doentes com EAM ou revascularização miocárdica (cirúrgica ou percutânea) prévios, os que apresentavam insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, com fibrilhação auricular, > 10 extrassístoles por minuto, pacemaker definitivo, bradicárdia < 40 bpm, complexos QRS com duração > 130 ms ou sob terapêutica anti-arrítmica. Considerámos como marcador de risco para a ocorrência de eventos arrítmicos ventriculares malignos a presença de TWA positiva ou indeterminada. (TWA «nãonegativa»). Os resultados da TWA foram comparados entre o grupo de doentes submetidos a ACTP nas primeiras 24 horas pós-EAM (Grupo A; n = 45) e o grupo de doentes submetidos a ACTP > 24 horas pós-EAM. (Grupo B; n = 34) Resultados: A TWA foi positiva em 16 doentes (20,2%) e negativa em 56 (70,9%). Em 7 casos (8,9%), o resultado do teste foi considerado indeterminado. A TWA foi «não-negativa» em 29,1% da população. No grupo A a TWA foi “não-negativa” em 9 doentes (20 %) (6 com TWA positiva e três com TWA indeterminada) e negativa em 36 doentes (80 %) e no grupo B foi «não-negativa» em 14 doentes (41%) (10 com TWA positiva e quatro com TWA indeterminada) e negativa em 20 (59 %) (p < 0,05). Não se encontraram diferenças entre os dois grupos no que respeita à fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda. No seguimento até aos 60 dias após a alta hospitalar não foram documentados eventos arrítmicos ventriculares, síncopes ou óbito. Foram reinternados cinco doentes (7 %) por recorrênciade angor. Conclusões: Numa população de sobreviventes de EAM encontrámos uma prevalência de TWA não negativa de 29 %, apesar da revascularização miocárdica com ACTP. A ACTP, quando efectuada nas primeiras 24 horas após o início do EAM, reduz de forma significativa o número de doentes com TWA não negativa,sugerindo que esta intervenção precoce poderá baixar o risco arrítmico destes doentes e influenciar favoravelmente o prognóstico pós-EAM. O impacto da morte súbita na mortalidade pós-EAM justifica estudos prospectivos de maiores dimensões


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Recentemente, surgiram alguns trabalhos que ressaltaram a importância do cálculo do volume da aurícula esquerda (VAE) como um marcador de eventos cardíacos adversos. Foi objectivo deste estudo avaliar a importância prognóstica deste parâmetro em doentes (dts) com deficiente função ventricular esquerda e correlacioná-lo com outros parâmetros clássicos de prognóstico – consumo de O2 (VO2 max) e pro-BNP (pBNP). Métodos: Analisou-se o volume da aurícula esquerda (VAE) por método de Simpson, numa população de 35 dts com cardiopatia dilatada (idiopática e isquémica) com fracção de ejecção (FE) 31±9,6% doentes (dts) eram de sexo masculino e a média de idades foi de 50,5±10,5 anos. Toda a população efectuou estudos de ecocardiografia convencional (incluindo avaliação por M-mode, bidimensional e Doppler), prova cardiorespiratória (VO2max) e doseamento de pro-BNP. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 24 ± 4 meses, tendo-se considerado como eventos cardíacos (EC): internamento por insuficiência cardíaca, transplante e morte. Resultados: Dos parâmetros da ecocardiografia - o diâmetro da AE foi de 46,6±5,7mm, as dimensões do VE em diástole – 73,5±10mm e em sístole -58,9±11mm, a média da fracção de ejecção foi de 31±9,6%, o VAE foi de 78,6±33 ml, os volumes do VE foram de 214±82ml em diástole e de 153±75ml em sístole, 15 dts tinham padrão restritivo de enchimento ventricular (E/A>2), a média da área (Doppler cor) da insuficiência mitral foi de 4±3,3cm2, 14 dts tinham E/E’>15. O VO2 max médio foi de 20±5,8ml/kg/min e o pro-BNP de 3146±4629pg/mL. Para além da correlação de outros parâmetros clássicos ecocardiográficos com o prognóstico (volumes VE, FE e E/E’), o VAE e o volume indexado da AE (VAE/SC) mostraram uma correlação com o prognóstico (EC) com r=0,4 (p=0,02) que não se verificou para o diâmetro da AE (p=ns). Em relação à tolerância ao esforço, houve uma correlação inversa entre o diâmetro, o volume e o volume indexado da AE e o VO2max, com maior significado estatístico para o VAE e VAE/SC com r=-0,48, p=0,008. Quanto ao pro-BNP, quer o diâmetro, quer o VAE (ou volume indexado) tiverem o mesmo nível de significado estatístico (r=0,43; p=0,02). O valor predictivo de eventos (curvas ROC) para o VAE foi de 70ml e de 37ml/m2 para o VAE/m2. Conclusão: O volume da aurícula esquerda/volume indexado é um parâmetro ecocardiográfico com significado prognóstico em dts com deficiente função ventricular esquerda, correlacionando-se com a tolerância ao esforço e pro-BNP.


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INTRODUCTION: Peripheral embolism is frequently related to a cardiac source of embolism. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a useful tool for identifying such sources. OBJECTIVES: Our laboratory has gained wide experience in TEE, with a large number of exams performed to search for a cardiac source of embolism. We therefore thought it would be useful to present our experience in the last 12 years following the introduction of the technique. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 1110 consecutive patients undergoing TEE to search for a cardiac source of embolism, after an embolic event and a transthoracic echocardiogram. RESULTS: The patients' mean age was 53 +/- 14 years, 52% male. There was peripheral embolism in 5% of cases and cerebral embolism in the remainder. The exam identified a potential embolic source in 35.6% of cases, the most frequent diagnoses being intracardiac shunt at the atrial level (9.5%), atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) (6.6%), intracardiac thrombi (6.4%) and atherosclerotic plaques in the thoracic aorta (9.6%). The presence of ASA was frequently associated with patent foramen ovale (27%), which was more frequent in younger patients. Overall, we identified a cardiac source of embolism more often in elderly patients, with a predominance of atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta. ETE was more frequently diagnostic in patients with peripheral embolism, but there were no differences in terms of etiology. CONCLUSIONS: TEE is very useful to search for cardiac sources of embolism, especially in younger patients, in whom causes potentially treatable surgically or percutaneously can be identified. In elderly patients, therapeutic strategy will probably not be changed by the findings (mostly thrombi and atherosclerotic plaques). The presence of ASA and embolic events makes it essential to perform a thorough search by TEE for intracardiac shunts, which are frequently associated.


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BACKGROUND: ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with the culprit lesion in the left main artery is a rare cardiac emergency with a poor prognosis. OBJECTIVE: Review and prognosis evaluation of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) performed in the setting of STEMI with left main occlusion in a single high-volume center. METHODS: Of the 483 primary or rescue PCIs performed and followed in our hospital during a 24-month period (August 2004 to July 2006), we retrospectively evaluated those involving left main procedures and analyzed in-hospital mortality and major cardiac events (MACE) in a 12-month follow-up. We found nine patients, age 68 +/- 9 years, five male, seven with multivessel disease and two with isolated left main disease. Rescue PCI was performed in three patients and primary PCI in the others. RESULTS: Seven patients presented in cardiogenic shock and two were classified in Killip class II on admission. Inotropic drugs, intra-aortic balloon pump and abciximab were used in eight patients. Drug-eluting stents were used in six patients, bare-metal stents in two, and isolated balloon angioplasty in one. Five patients (55%) died in the hospital and the four discharged home (two of them aged 81 and 82 years) were still alive and free from MACE at 12-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical presentation of STEMI with the culprit lesion in the left main artery was very severe. During PCI, drug-eluting stents, intra-aortic balloon pump and abciximab were used in almost all patients. This entity had a high mortality rate even though primary PCI was performed. Those who survived had a good mid-term prognosis.


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INTRODUCTION: The use of drug-eluting stents in the context of mechanical reperfusion following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) was initially viewed with concern. The main fear was that the drugs' action in unstable lesions could increase the risk of thrombotic stent occlusion. Furthermore, there was no evidence that the proven benefit of reduced instent restenosis could be extended to such patients, since they were excluded from the initial clinical trials. OBJECTIVES: To assess the safety and long-term clinical outcomes of the use of drug-eluting stents in primary angioplasty. METHODS: The first 100 consecutive and non-selected patients admitted for MI and treated by primary angioplasty with drug-eluting stent implantation in the target lesion were analyzed retrospectively. The efficacy and safety of the procedure, in-hospital clinical evolution and the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events in the first year were assessed. RESULTS: Patients' mean age was 58.2 +/- 11.5 years, and 78 were male. The success rate of primary angioplasty was 99%. Stents coated with sirolimus were used in 67 patients, paclitaxel in 19 and dexamethasone in 16. In-hospital mortality was 3%. The follow-up rate at 12 months was 98%. During this period, the rate of target vessel revascularization was 1% (with no patient requiring target lesion revascularization), MI 2%, and overall mortality 3.9%. Fourteen patients had clinical indication for repeat coronary angiography, which showed no significant in-stent restenosis. One event was considered to be due to acute stent thrombosis. The incidence of major adverse events was 5.9%. CONCLUSION: The use of drug-eluting stents in MI patients undergoing primary mechanical revascularization is safe and is associated with a reduced incidence of major adverse events, thrombosis and clinical restenosis at one year.


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Atrial electrical remodeling plays a part in recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF). It has been related to an increase in heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness that facilitates the occurrence of multiple reentry wavelets and vulnerability to AF. AIM: To examine the relationship between dispersion of atrial refractoriness (Disp_A) and vulnerability to AF induction (A_Vuln) in patients with clinical paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS: Thirty-six patients (22 male; age 55+/-13 years) with > or =1 year of history of PAF (no underlying structural heart disease--n=20, systemic hypertension--n=14, mitral valve prolapse--n=1, surgically corrected pulmonary stenosis--n=1), underwent electrophysiological study (EPS) while off medication. The atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was assessed at five different sites--high (HRA) and low (LRA) lateral right atrium, high interatrial septum (IAS), proximal (pCS) and distal (dCS) coronary sinus--during a cycle length of 600 ms. AERP was taken as the longest S1-S2 interval that failed to initiate a propagation response. Disp_A was calculated as the difference between the longest and shortest AERP. A_Vuln was defined as the ability to induce AF with 1-2 extrastimuli or with incremental atrial pacing (600-300 ms) from the HRA or dCS. The EPS included analysis of focal electrical activity based on the presence of supraventricular ectopic beats (spontaneous or with provocative maneuvers). The patients were divided into group A--AF inducible (n=25) and group B--AF not inducible (n=11). Disp_A was analyzed to determine any association with A_Vuln. Disp_A and A_Vuln were also examined in those patients with documented repetitive focal activity. Logistic regression was used to determine any association of the following variables with A_Vuln: age, systemic hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrial size, left ventricular function, duration of PAF, documented atrial flutter/tachycardia and Disp_A. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data. AF was inducible in 71% of the patients and noninducible in 29%. Group A had greater Disp_A compared to group B (105+/-78 ms vs. 49+/-20 ms; p=0.01). Disp_A was >40 ms in 50% of the patients without A_Vuln and in 91% of those with A_Vuln (p=0.05). Focal activity was demonstrated in 14 cases (39%), 57% of them with A_Vuln. Disp_A was 56+/-23 ms in this group and 92+/-78 ms in the others (p=0.07). Using logistic regression, the only predictor of A_Vuln was Disp_A (p=0.05). CONCLUSION: In patients with paroxysmal AF, Disp_A is a major determinant of A_Vuln. Nevertheless, the degree of nonuniformity of AERP appears to be less important as an electrophysiological substrate for AF due to focal activation.