326 resultados para cardan shaft
This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas
The aim of the project was to design in Solidworks and improve an existing Tire inspection machine. The project was developed in Gislotica - Mechanical Solutions, guided by ing. Rui Manuel Fazenda Silva who is a professor in ISEP. The designed device relates to the inspection of automobile tires for holes and weak places caused by punctures and usage. Such inspection includes careful examination of the inside surface of the tire which is difficult because of its cylindrical shape, stiff and resistant nature of the material out of which the tire is made. The whole idea is to provide a machine by which the walls of the tire may be spread and hold apart, presenting the inner surface for the worker to control. The device must also perform rotational and vertical movement of the tire. It is meant to provide inspection in hich there is no need for the controller to use force. It makes his work easier and more efficient.
Drilling fluids present a thixotropic behavior and they usually gel when at rest. The sol-gel transition is fundamental to prevent the deposit of rock fragments, generated by drilling the well, over the drill bit during eventual stops. Under those conditions, high pressures are then required in order to break-up the gel when circulation is resumed. Moreover, very high pressures can damage the rock formation at the bottom of the well. Thus, a better understanding of thixotropy and the behavior of thixotropic materials becomes increasingly important for process control. The mechanisms that control thixotropy are not yet well defined and modeling is still a challenge. The objective of this work is to develop a mathematical model to study the pressure transmission in drilling fluids. This work presents a review of thixotropy and of different mathematical models found in the literature that are used to predict such characteristic. It also shows a review of transient flows of compressible fluids. The problem is modeled as the flow between the drillpipe and the annular region (space between the wall and the external part of the drillpipe). The equations that describe the problem (mass conservation, momentum balance, constitutive and state) are then discretized and numerically solved by using a computational algorithm in Fortran. The model is validated with experimental and numerical data obtained from the literature. Comparisons between experimental data obtained from Petrobras and calculated by three viscoplastic and one pseudoplastic models are conducted. The viscoplastic fluids, due to the yield stress, do not fully transmit the pressure to the outlet of the annular space. Sensibility analyses are then conducted in order to evaluate the thixotropic effect in pressure transmission.
This study presents a proposal of speed servomechanisms without the use of mechanical sensors (sensorless) using induction motors. A comparison is performed and propose techniques for pet rotor speed, analyzing performance in different conditions of speed and load. For the determination of control technique, initially, is performed an analysis of the technical literature of the main control and speed estimation used, with their characteristics and limitations. The proposed technique for servo sensorless speed induction motor uses indirect field-oriented control (IFOC), composed of four controllers of the proportional-integral type (PI): rotor flux controller, speed controller and current controllers in the direct and quadrature shaft. As the main focus of the work is in the speed control loop was implemented in Matlab the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS) for identification of mechanical parameters, such as moment of inertia and friction coefficient. Thus, the speed of outer loop controller gains can be self adjusted to compensate for any changes in the mechanical parameters. For speed estimation techniques are analyzed: MRAS by rotóricos fluxes MRAS by counter EMF, MRAS by instantaneous reactive power, slip, locked loop phase (PLL) and sliding mode. A proposition of estimation in sliding mode based on speed, which is performed a change in rotor flux observer structure is displayed. To evaluate the techniques are performed theoretical analyzes in Matlab simulation environment and experimental platform in electrical machinery drives. The DSP TMS320F28069 was used for experimental implementation of speed estimation techniques and check the performance of the same in a wide speed range, including load insertion. From this analysis is carried out to implement closed-loop control of sensorless speed IFOC structure. The results demonstrated the real possibility of replacing mechanical sensors for estimation techniques proposed and analyzed. Among these, the estimator based on PLL demonstrated the best performance in various conditions, while the technique based on sliding mode has good capacity estimation in steady state and robustness to parametric variations.
Research on mushroom production and products is gaining more grounds globally and in particular Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine nutritional relationship between the substrate used for cultivation and the fruiting body on each of the substrates. Agro-wastes, namely: palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) fruit shaft, plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) leaves, sawdust and kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) stem, were assessed for suitability as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus floridanus Singer ). The spawn of the mushroom was used to inoculate each of the substrates, using a complete randomised design, with five replicates for each substrate. Results showed that all the substrates supported mycelia growth and development of fruiting bodies of the fungus. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among substrates in terms of number of days to complete mycelia run, with the least recorded in palm fruit shaft (25.20), and the highest in kenaf (32.40). Total yield also differed significantly (P<0.05), with the highest in palm fruit shaft (51.4 g 100 g-1) and lowest in plantain leaves (6.0 g 100 g-1). There was also significant difference (P<0.05) in the nutritional content of fruiting bodies, the highest fat content being on plantain leaves (1.72 g 100 g-1) and the lowest on palm fruit shaft (0.55 g 100 g-1). The trend was similar for mushroom substrates, plantain leaves having (2.55 g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft, (0.41g 100 g-1). Starch content for fruiting bodies was highest on sawdust (5.31 g 100 g-1) and lowest on kenaf (2.66 g 100 g-1), while for mushroom substrates, kenaf was (0.33g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft was (4.45g 100 g-1). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.24) between the nutrient of fruiting bodies and that of the substrate on which it was cultivated.
Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de tener energía eléctrica en cada hogar, debido al aumento de nuevos aparatos eléctricos, del aumento del coste de la energía por parte de las compañías eléctricas y de la inminente desaparición de los materiales fósiles como el petróleo o el carbón para la generación de electricidad. Para ello se crea este proyecto, para que comunidades de vecinos o viviendas aisladas, tengan la posibilidad de autoabastecerse de energía eléctrica. A pesar de un primer desembolso de dinero para su implantación, tras su implantación se verá reducida la factura de la luz. Este proyecto se compone de dos grandes subgrupos, la parte mecánica y la parte eléctrica o electrónica. De estas dos, nos hemos centrado en la parte mecánica. Que se descompone en varios subconjuntos que son; la base del aerogenerador, la jaula completa y el posicionamiento o la parte superior del aerogenerador. Cada subconjunto se divide en mas subconjunto y finalmente en cada componente. Para ello se ha realizado un pequeño estudio aerodinámico de las zonas ideales de colocación del aerogenerador, altura mínima de colocación para una optima generación. Por otra parte, para la elección del numero de alabes del rotor se ha tomado en cuenta un estudio realizado en un túnel de viento realizado por Ben F. Blackwell, Robert E. Sheldahl y Louis V. Feliz. En la que se llega a la conclusión que mas alabes no aumenta la eficiencia del aerogenerador. Por lo que se optó por un aerogenerador de dos alabes. Puesto que la eficiencia era pequeña debido a que cuando el aire golpea en un rotor desnudo, disminuye la velocidad de giro de éste por que el aire golpea en sus partes cóncavas y convexas generando fuerzas en sentidos opuestos. Por lo que se desarrollo un estator para la canalización del flujo del aire a los alabes del rotor. Este estator es de aberturas regulables según el caudal de aire que se disponga, también funciona como mecanismo de seguridad en caso de velocidades muy grandes de viento, para evitar que el rotor se embale y genere daños dentro de este. Este mecanismo de posicionamiento de los alabes del estator se regulan mediante un PLC que tiene varios sensores por el aerogenerador para abrir o cerrar el estator cuando haga falta. Debido a que el estator es semiautomático, se han previsto una serie de medidas de prevención de riesgos para evitar daños físicos. También es necesario que se coloque una barandilla que limite el espacio del aerogenerador o por el contrario delimitar el acceso de las azoteas a personal autorizado. El posicionamiento de los alabes del estator se controlan desde la parte superior del aerogenerador, mediante un motor step, un reductor y un disco del cual salen vástagos con garfios en el extremo que se unen al alabe móvil. La fijación entre vástago y garfio se realiza mediante un pasador. El motor step es quien proporciona un torque pequeño que al pasar por el reductor aumenta hasta darnos el par necesario para mover el conjunto de los alabes del estator con rachas de viento hasta . El motor step va fijado mediante una brida metálica al soporte de reductor para evitar que se mueva. El reductor se fija a la pieza mediante la cual pivota el disco de posicionamiento. La pieza de pivote se le han realizado una serie de rebajes disminuir el peso, por lo que para su conformado se realizará mediante inyección de plástico al igual que el garfio y el disco de posicionamiento. El aerogenerador esta sujeto mediante seis pilares inferiores y un pilar central que se encarga de sustentar el rotor. Estos pilares reparten el peso del aerogenerador y a su vez sostienen la pletina exterior que esconde los elementos que hay debajo como; la multiplicadora, el alternador, el cardan y el PLC. La pletina tendrá una abertura por la que el operario tendrá acceso a sus partes. La pletina exterior estará formada por varias láminas de acero unidas por cordones de soldadura. La pletina estará sujeta mediante tornillería a los pilares. El montaje de los subconjuntos se realizarán en el sitio donde se vaya a colocar el aerogenerador a excepción del reductor que es posible su montaje en taller. Previamente se tendrán que colocar barras roscadas en el suelo de la azotea para la posterior colocación y amarre de los pilares. En ese instante se colocará la multiplicadora y el alternador. La jaula junto con los alabes se montará encima de los pilares y a su vez se colocará el rotor. Posteriormente se colocará la tapa y el mecanismo de posicionamiento de los alabes y la cúpula. Una vez fijado el rotor se colocará el cardan que unirá rotor y multiplicadora. Se colocará el acople entre alternador y la multiplicadora. Se finalizara con el cierre de la pletina. Se colocarán los aparatos electrónicos que harán que el aerogenerador se comporte como un aparato semiautomático. En un compartimento dentro del edificio se colocarán baterías que acumularán la energía generada. En este habitáculo se colocará un aparato donde se visualice la potencia que se esta generando así como la velocidad de rotación y la velocidad del viento. Junto a este aparato un pulsador de parada de emergencia. Alrededor del aerogenerador se colocarán señales que indiquen los peligros que se pueden dar así como, las precauciones a tener en cuenta. Las medidas vendrán escritas en un documento junto con los mantenimientos que se han de dar. En la puerta de acceso a la azotea y en la ventana de acceso a los interiores del aerogenerador habrá un resumen del documento anteriormente descrito.
This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas
Introduction: Involvement of penis is a rare presentation in henoch-schonlein purpura (HSP). The presentations are mainly due to the deposition of immunoglobulin A (IgA) into the vessel walls. In this report, we present the clinical history of nine HSP cases that presented with penile skin involvement. Case Presentation: All patients were referred in the acute phase of HSP. Penile skin involvement was evident as erythema, edema, ecchymosis, or induration of prepuce and/or penile shaft, that appeared simultaneously with skin rash in seven patients. Gastrointestinal involvement was positive in six patients. Patients were treated with steroids and follow up visits were normal except for one patient that developed crescentic glomerulonephritis. Conclusions: We present nine cases of HSP with penile involvement in order to indicate another rare aspect of HSP and its possible complications as well as its appropriate treatment.
Background: Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital genital anomalies in males that necessitates to be operated early in infancy (when 6 to 9 months old). On the other hand, hypospadias is a challenging field of pediatric urology with multiple reconstruction techniques. A perfect hypospadias repair is supposed to return urethral continuity with sufficient caliber, eradicate phallus curvature, and supply an acceptable appearance with low complications. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of using onlay island flap technique in the repair of hypospadias with shallow urethral plate. Patients and Methods: In this prospective study within June 2012 to December 2013, we performed onlay island flap procedure to repair hypospadias with shallow urethral plate measuring less than 6 millimeter. This technique was selected for all types of hypospadiasis except subcoronal type. Nesbit’s dorsal plication procedure was established for chordee. In cases with very small glans, urethroplasty was performed without glansplasty. Results: Twenty three patients with mean age of 30 (range 10 - 60) months underwent onlay island flap repair; all had a shallow urethral plate < 6 mm, 3 had a very small glans, and 18 had chordee. Meatus was located in distal shaft in 5 cases, mid shaft in 8, proximal in 6 and penoscrotal type in 4 patients. Chordee was corrected with Nesbit’s dorsal plication in 16 cases. Complications were: meatal stenosis in 2 cases and urethrocutaneous fistula in 2 patients, all of which were repaired surgically. Mean follow up time was 13 (3 - 20) months. All cases that had glansplasty have excellent esthetic appearance. Conclusions: This technique offers acceptable results regarding meatal stenosis, urethrocutaneous fistula and esthetic outcome.
Today’s snowmobile industry faces great challenges in the field of noise & vibration. The area of main concern is the pass-by noise restriction defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) test standard J192, with a maximum sound pressure level of 78 dB(A) being required by many states and national parks. To continue meet or beat this requirement without effecting machine performance, a deeper understanding of the sound transfer paths is required. This thesis examines the transfer paths created by the tunnel, rear suspension, drive shaft, and rubber composite track, with the primary source being suspension input through the ground. Using a combination of field experiments and analytical modeling, perspective was gained on which suspension and drive elements create the primary transfer paths. With further understanding of these paths, industry can tailor and fine-tune the approaches taken in to control overall noise output.
The research activities described in this thesis were focused on two main topics: the study of shaft-hub joint performance, with particular regard to interference-fitted and adhesively bonded connection, and the fatigue characterization of additively processed metal alloys. The research on interference-fitted shaft-hub joints dealt with some studies in the field of fretting fatigue. Rotating bending fatigue tests were performed on different materials by not conventional specimens to determine the fatigue properties of interference-fitted joints and to investigate the fretting fatigue phenomenon, which led to novel and original results. In adhesively bonded and interference-fitted shaft-hub connections (called hybrid joints) the synergic effect of anaerobic adhesive and interference has the capability of improving the joint strength. However, the adhesive contribution depends on several factors. Therefore, its behavior was investigated for different coupling pressure, coupling procedure, operating temperature and joint design. The study on additively manufactured metal alloy deals with rotating banding fatigue tests. AlSi10Mg and Maraging Stainless Steel CX were involved in the campaign for their wide applicability in Automotive. Build direction, heat and surface treatments were considered as input parameters. Fatigue results were interpreted by statistical method and microscopy analyses in order to determine the effectiveness and the beneficial or detrimental effects of the considered factors. Fracture mode and microstructure were investigated by fractographic and micrographic analyses