966 resultados para capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometric detection with selective ion monitoring
Reactive halogen compounds are known to play an important role in a wide variety of atmospheric processes such as atmospheric oxidation capacity and coastal new particle formation. In this work, novel analytical approaches combining diffusion denuder/impinger sampling techniques with gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric (GC–MS) determination are developed to measure activated chlorine compounds (HOCl and Cl2), activated bromine compounds (HOBr, Br2, BrCl, and BrI), activated iodine compounds (HOI and ICl), and molecular iodine (I2). The denuder/GC–MS methods have been used to field measurements in the marine boundary layer (MBL). High mixing ratios (of the order of 100 ppt) of activated halogen compounds and I2 are observed in the coastal MBL in Ireland, which explains the ozone destruction observed. The emission of I2 is found to correlate inversely with tidal height and correlate positively with the levels of O3 in the surrounding air. In addition the release is found to be dominated by algae species compositions and biomass density, which proves the “hot-spot” hypothesis of atmospheric iodine chemistry. The observations of elevated I2 concentrations substantially support the existence of higher concentrations of littoral iodine oxides and thus the connection to the strong ultra-fine particle formation events in the coastal MBL.
Flüchtige organische Halogenverbindungen übernehmen in der Chemie der Troposphäre eine Schlüsselrolle. Photolytisch gebildete Halogenatome reagieren mit troposphärischem Ozon und können durch Oxidation, vor allem von Iod, zur Neubildung von Partikeln beitragen. Auf diese Weise beeinflussen Halogenalkane den Strahlungshaushalt der Atmosphäre. Aus analytischem Blickwinkel ist es wichtig die Konzentration der einzelnen Spezies zu untersuchen um Rückschlüsse auf deren biotische oder abiotische Quellen ziehen und die Emissionswege besser verstehen zu können. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher eine sensitive Methode zur Untersuchung von halogenierten Kohlenwasserstoffen entwickelt, basierend auf anreichernder Probenahme mit anschließender Thermodesorption und der Analyse mittels Massenspektrometrie mit negativer chemischer Ionisation. Die Kennwerte der Methode sind: Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.11 pg und 5.86 pg bzw. zwischen 1.0 ppqV und 44.7 ppqV, Linearität zwischen R2=0.993 und R2=1.000, Reproduzierbarkeit (Triplikate) RSD < 15 % und ein sicheres Probenahmevolumen von 10 L. Die Methode wurde im Anschluss im Rahmen von zwei Feldmessungen, in Mace Head, Irland und auf einer Schiffskampagne im antarktischen Amundsen-Meer, angewendet. Durch die Ergebnisse aus Irland kann gezeigt werden, dass die Mischungsverhältnisse der Iodalkane mit denen früherer Studien vergleichbar sind, und dass die verschiedenen untersuchten Algenarten deutlich unterschiedliche Emissionsraten zeigen. Die Ergebnisse der Kampagne im Amundsen-Meer zeigen einen großen Einfluss der Windrichtung auf die Halogenalkan-Konzentrationen. So sind die Mischungsverhältnisse der Halogenalkane deutlich höher, wenn der Wind zuvor über die antarktischen Eisflächen strömt. Für die biotischen Quellen wurden die Emissionsraten ausgewählter Makroalgen unter dem Einfluss von Ozon untersucht. Die Emissionsrate der Iodalkane zeigt einen exponentiellen Zusammenhang, sowohl zur I2-Emission als auch zum Gesamtiodgehalt der Algen. Unter oxidativen Bedingungen zeigt L. Digitata eine linear steigende Iodalkanemission. Mit diesem Verhalten wird die These der Bildung von Iodalkanen als Nebenprodukt beim Abbau reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies unterstützt. Neben den Makroalgen wurden auch Mikroalgen als biotische Quellen untersucht. Hierbei können zwei unterschiedliche Emissionsmuster der Halogenalkane für Diatomeen und Phaeocystis sp. gezeigt werden. Im Gegensatz zur Iodalkan-Emission hängt die I2 Emission der Mikroalgenproben von der Ozonkonzentration der Luft ab. Durch die lineare Korrelation der I2-Emission mit der Iodid-Konzentration der wässrigen Phase einerseits, und dem Ozonverbrauch andererseits, kann die Bildung von I2 durch Oxidation von Iodid durch Ozon bestätigt werden. Für das Emissionsverhalten der Mikroalgenprobe aus dem Sylter Wattenmeer, welche keine Korrelation mit dem verbrauchten Ozon zeigt, gibt es zwei Erklärungen: Zum einen kann I2 durch den hohen Gehalt an organischen Verbindungen an diesen adsorbiert bzw. chemisch gebunden werden und wird dann nicht mehr in die Gasphase emittiert. Zum anderen können aktive organische Verbindungen das Gleichgewicht zwischen HOI und I2 in Richtung HOI verlagern. Im Versuch zur abiotischen Bildung von Iodalkanen aus Partikeln, bestehend aus I2O5 und verschiedenen Alkoholen, kann gezeigt werden, dass die Bildung von Iodmethan und Diiodmethan abläuft, dass jedoch die Emission bis zu zwei Größenordnungen kleiner ist als die von I2. Somit trägt die Bildung von Iodalkanen nur in einem sehr eingeschränkten Rahmen zum Recycling des Iods in der Atmosphäre bei. Der vorgestellte abiotische Bildungsweg hängt sowohl vom pH-Wert als auch vom Mischungsverhältnis im Partikel ab.
In den letzten Jahren stieg in Deutschland der Gebrauch bzw. Missbrauch von Opioid-Analgetika zunehmend an. Das entwickelte Verfahren sollte unter Einbeziehung neuer Substanzen möglichst viele verschiedene Opioide und auch ihre pharmakologisch aktiven Stoffwechselprodukte berücksichtigen.rnVor Analyse wurden Blut-, Serum- oder Urinproben mit Phosphatpuffer versetzt und mittels Festphasenextraktion an C18-Säulenmaterial aufgearbeitet. Post-Mortem-Gewebematerial wurde mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung versetzt, homogenisiert und anschließend durch eine Festphasenextraktion aufgereinigt. Haarproben wurden nach Zerkleinerung mit Methanol unter Ultrabeschallung extrahiert. Die Flüssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (Elektrosprayionisation im positiven Modus) erwies sich als geeignetes Verfahren für die simultane Bestimmung der Opioide in biologischem Probenmaterial (Körperflüssigkeiten, Gewebe und Haaren). Der Multi-Analyt Assay erlaubt die quantitative Analyse von 35 verschiedenen Opioiden. Die Analyten wurden durch eine Phenyl-Hexyl Säule und einen Wasser/Acetonitril Gradienten durch eine UPLC 1290 Infinity gekoppelt mit einem 6490 Triple Quadrupol von Agilent Technologies separiert.rnDie LC/MS Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von 35 Opioiden in Serum und Haaren wurde nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft für Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh) validiert. Im Fall der Serumvalidierung lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.02 und 0.6 ng/ml und die Bestimmungsgrenzen im Bereich von 0.1 bis 2.0 ng/ml. Die Kalibrationskurven waren für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 linear. Wiederfindungsraten lagen für alle Verbindungen zwischen 51 und 88 %, außer für Alfentanil, Bisnortiliidn, Pethidin und Morphin-3-Glucuronid. Der Matrixeffekt lag zwischen 86 % (Ethylmorphin) und 105 % (Desomorphin). Für fast alle Analyten konnten akzeptable Werte bei der Bestimmung der Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit nach den Richtlinien der GTFCh erhalten werden. Im Fall der Validierung der Haarproben lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.004 und 0.6 ng/Probe und die Bestimmungsgrenzen zwischen 0.1 ng/Probe und 2.0 ng/Probe. Für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 waren alle Kalibrationsgeraden linear. Die Wiederfindungsraten lagen für die Opioide im Bereich von 73.5 % (Morphin-6-Glucuronid) und 114.1 % (Hydrocodon). Die Werte für die Bestimmung der Richtigkeit lagen zwischen - 6.6 % (Methadon) und + 11.7 % (Pholcodin). Präzisionsdaten wurden zwischen 1.0 % für Dextromethorphan und 11.5 % für Methadon ermittelt. Die Kriterien der GTFCh konnten bei Ermittlung des Matrixeffekts für alle Substanzen erfüllt werden, außer für 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Bisnortilidin, Meperidin, Methadon, Morphin-3-glucuronid, Morphin-6-glucuronid, Normeperidin, Nortilidin und Tramadol.rnZum Test des Verfahrens an authentischem Probenmaterial wurden 206 Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten mit Hilfe der simultanen LC/MS Screening Methode untersucht. Über 150 Proben wurden im Rahmen von forensisch-toxikologischen Untersuchungen am Instituts für Rechtsmedizin Mainz analysiert. Dabei konnten 23 der 35 Opioide in den realen Proben nachgewiesen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Opioiden bei Patienten der anästhesiologischen Intensivstation mit Sepsis wurden über 50 Blutproben untersucht. Den Patienten wurde im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie einmal täglich vier Tage lang Blut abgenommen. In den Serumproben wurde hauptsächlich Sufentanil (0.2 – 0.8 ng/ml in 58 Fällen) und Piritramid (0.4 – 11 ng/ml in 56 Fällen) gefunden. Außerdem wurden die Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten und Gewebe von 13 verschiedenen Autopsiefällen mit Hilfe des Multi-Analyt Assays auf Opioide untersucht.rnIn einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Extraktions- und Messmethode zur Quantifizierung der 35 Opioide am Forensic Medicine Center in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) etabliert. Insgesamt wurden 85 Herzblutproben von Obduktionsfällen mit Verdacht auf Opiatintoxikation näher untersucht. Der überwiegende Teil der untersuchten Fälle konnte auf eine Heroin- bzw. Morphin-Vergiftung zurückgeführt werden. Morphin wurde in 68 Fällen im Konzentrationsbereich 1.7 – 1400 ng/ml und der Heroinmetabolit 6-Monoactetylmorphin in 34 Fällen (0.3 – 160 ng/ml) nachgewiesen werden.rnSchließlich wurden noch 15 Haarproben von Patienten einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die illegale Rauschmittel konsumiert hatten, mit Hilfe der simultanen Opioid-LC/MS Screeningmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden mit früheren Auswertungen von gaschromatographischen Analysen verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung der Untersuchungsergebnisse für die Opioide 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Morphin, Codein, Dihydrocodein und Methadon. Mit der LC/MS Methode konnten weitere Substanzen, wie zum Beispiel Bisnortilidin, Dextromethorphan und Tramadol in den Haarproben gefunden werden, die bislang nicht entdeckt worden waren.rn
Renal allograft donors are at risk of developing hypertension. Here, we hypothesized that this risk is at least in part explained by an enhanced intracellular availability of 11β-hydroxyglucocorticoids due to an increased 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 enzyme (11β-HSD1), an intracellular prereceptor activator of biologically inactive 11-ketocorticosteroids in the liver, and/or a diminished 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2), an inactivator of 11β-hydroxyglucocorticoids in the kidney. To test this hypothesis, uninephrectomized (UNX) (n=9) and sham-operated (n=10) adult Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated. Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured continuously by telemetry for 6 days in week 5 after UNX. The mRNA of 11β-Hsd1 and 11β-Hsd2 in liver and kidney tissues were assessed by RT-PCR and the 11β-HSD activities were directly quantified in their corresponding tissues by determining the ratios of (tetrahydrocorticosterone+5α-tetrahydrocorticosterone)/tetrahydrodehydrocorticosterone ((THB+5α-THB)/THA) and of corticosterone/dehydrocorticosterone (B/A) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The apparent total body activities of 11β-HSD1 and 11β-HSD2 were estimated using the urinary and plasma ratios of (THB+5α-THB)/THA and B/A. Mean arterial blood pressure was increased after UNX when compared with sham operation. Hepatic mRNA content of 11β-Hsd1 and hepatic, plasma, and urinary ratios of (THB+5α-THB)/THA were decreased after UNX, indicating diminished access of glucocorticoids to its receptors. In renal tissue, 11β-Hsd2 mRNA was reduced and B/A ratios measured in kidney, plasma, and urine were increased, indicating reduced 11β-HSD2 activity and enhanced access of glucocorticoids to mineralocorticoid receptors. Both 11β-HSD1 and 11β-HSD2 are downregulated after UNX in rats, a constellation considered to induce hypertension.
In Europe and the United States, the recreational use of gamma-hydroxy butyric acid (GHB) at dance clubs and "rave" parties has increased substantially. In addition, GHB is used to assist in the commission of sexual assaults. The aim of this controlled clinical study was to acquire pharmacokinetic profiles, detection times, and excretion rates in human subjects. Eight GHB-naïve volunteers were administered a single 25-mg/kg body weight oral dose of GHB, and plasma, urine, and oral fluid specimens were analyzed by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Liquid-liquid extraction was performed after acid conversion of GHB to gamma-butyrolactone. Limits of quantitation of 0.1 (oral fluid), 0.2 (urine), and 0.5 microg/mL (plasma) could be achieved in the selected ion monitoring mode. GHB plasma peaks of 39.4 +/- 25.2 microg/mL (mean +/- SEM) occurred 20-45 min after administration. The terminal plasma elimination half-life was 30.4 +/- 2.45 min, the distribution volume 52.7 +/- 15.0 L, and the total clearance 1228 +/- 233 microL/min. In oral fluid, GHB could be detected up to 360 min, with peak concentrations of 203 +/- 92.4 microg/mL in the 10-min samples. In urine, 200 +/- 71.8 and 230 +/- 86.3 microg/mL, were the highest GHB levels measured at 30 and 60 min, respectively. Only 1.2 +/- 0.2% of the dose was excreted, resulting in a detection window of 720 min. Common side-effects were confusion, sleepiness, and dizziness; euphoria and change of vital functions were not observed. GHB is extensively metabolized and rapidly eliminated in urine and oral fluid. Consequently, samples should be collected as soon as possible after ingestion.
Patients with adult GH deficiency are often dyslipidemic and may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The secretion and clearance of very low density lipoprotein apolipoprotein B 100 (VLDL apoB) are important determinants of plasma lipid concentrations. This study examined the effect of GH replacement therapy on VLDL apoB metabolism using a stable isotope turnover technique. VLDL apoB kinetics were determined in 14 adult patients with GH deficiency before and after 3 months GH or placebo treatment in a randomized double blind, placebo-controlled study using a primed constant [1-(13)C]leucine infusion. VLDL apoB enrichment was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. GH replacement therapy increased plasma insulin-like growth factor I concentrations 2.9 +/- 0.5-fold (P < 0.001), fasting insulin concentrations 1.8 +/- 0.6-fold (P < 0.04), and hemoglobin A1C from 5.0 +/- 0.2% to 5.3 +/- 0.2% (mean +/- SEM; P < 0.001). It decreased fat mass by 3.4 +/- 1.3 kg (P < 0.05) and increased lean body mass by 3.5 +/- 0.8 kg (P < 0.01). The total cholesterol concentration (P < 0.02), the low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration (P < 0.02), and the VLDL cholesterol/VLDL apoB ratio (P < 0.005) decreased. GH therapy did not significantly change the VLDL apoB pool size, but increased the VLDL apoB secretion rate from 9.2 +/- 2.0 to 25.9 +/- 10.3 mg/kg x day (P < 0.01) and the MCR from 11.5 +/- 2.7 to 20.3 +/- 3.2 mL/min (P < 0.03). No significant changes were observed in the placebo group. This study suggests that GH replacement therapy improves lipid profile by increasing the removal of VLDL apoB. Although GH therapy stimulates VLDL apoB secretion, this is offset by the increase in the VLDL apoB clearance rate, which we postulate is due to its effects in up-regulating low density lipoprotein receptors and modifying VLDL composition.
The range of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) including phenethylamines, cathinones, piperazines, tryptamines, etc. is continuously growing. Therefore, fast and reliable screening methods for these compounds are essential and needed. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) for a fast straightforward approach helps to simplify and shorten sample preparation significantly. DBS were produced from 10 µl of whole blood and extracted offline with 500 µl methanol followed by evaporation and reconstitution in mobile phase. Reversed-phase chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection (RP-LC-MS/MS) was achieved within a run time of 10 min. The screening method was validated by evaluating the following parameters: limit of detection (LOD), matrix effect, selectivity and specificity, extraction efficiency, and short-term and long-term stability. Furthermore, the method was applied to authentic samples and results were compared with those obtained with a validated whole blood method used for Routine analysis of NPS. LOD was between 1 and 10 ng/ml. No interference from Matrix compounds was observed. The method was proven to be specific and selective for the analytes, although with limitations for 3-FMC/flephedrone and MDDMA/MDEA. Mean extraction efficiency was 84.6 %. All substances were stable in DBS for at least a week when cooled. Cooling was essential for the stability of cathinones. Prepared samples were stable for at least 3 days. Comparison to the validated whole blood method yielded similar results. DBS were shown to be useful in developing a rapid screening method for NPS with simplified sample preparation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
This study describes the development and validation of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to identify and quantitate phenytoin in brain microdialysate, saliva and blood from human samples. A solid-phase extraction (SPE) was performed with a nonpolar C8-SCX column. The eluate was evaporated with nitrogen (50°C) and derivatized with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide before GC-MS analysis. As the internal standard, 5-(p-methylphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin was used. The MS was run in scan mode and the identification was made with three ion fragment masses. All peaks were identified with MassLib. Spiked phenytoin samples showed recovery after SPE of ≥94%. The calibration curve (phenytoin 50 to 1,200 ng/mL, n = 6, at six concentration levels) showed good linearity and correlation (r² > 0.998). The limit of detection was 15 ng/mL; the limit of quantification was 50 ng/mL. Dried extracted samples were stable within a 15% deviation range for ≥4 weeks at room temperature. The method met International Organization for Standardization standards and was able to detect and quantify phenytoin in different biological matrices and patient samples. The GC-MS method with SPE is specific, sensitive, robust and well reproducible, and is therefore an appropriate candidate for the pharmacokinetic assessment of phenytoin concentrations in different human biological samples.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the commonest causes of death from cancer. A plethora of metabolomic investigations of HCC have yielded molecules in biofluids that are both up- and down-regulated but no real consensus has emerged regarding exploitable biomarkers for early detection of HCC. We report here a different approach, a combined transcriptomics and metabolomics study of energy metabolism in HCC. A panel of 31 pairs of HCC tumors and corresponding nontumor liver tissues from the same patients was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)-based metabolomics. HCC was characterized by ∼2-fold depletion of glucose, glycerol 3- and 2-phosphate, malate, alanine, myo-inositol, and linoleic acid. Data are consistent with a metabolic remodeling involving a 4-fold increase in glycolysis over mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. A second panel of 59 HCC that had been typed by transcriptomics and classified in G1 to G6 subgroups was also subjected to GCMS tissue metabolomics. No differences in glucose, lactate, alanine, glycerol 3-phosphate, malate, myo-inositol, or stearic acid tissue concentrations were found, suggesting that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway activated by CTNNB1 mutation in subgroups G5 and G6 did not exhibit specific metabolic remodeling. However, subgroup G1 had markedly reduced tissue concentrations of 1-stearoylglycerol, 1-palmitoylglycerol, and palmitic acid, suggesting that the high serum α-fetoprotein phenotype of G1, associated with the known overexpression of lipid catabolic enzymes, could be detected through metabolomics as increased lipid catabolism. Conclusion: Tissue metabolomics yielded precise biochemical information regarding HCC tumor metabolic remodeling from mitochondrial oxidation to aerobic glycolysis and the impact of molecular subtypes on this process.
High-resolution chemical depth profiling measurements of copper films are presented. The 10 μm thick copper test samples were electrodeposited on a Si-supported Cu seed under galvanostatic conditions in the presence of particular plating additives (SPS, Imep, PEI, and PAG) used in the semiconductor industry for the on-chip metallization of interconnects. To probe the trend of these plating additives toward inclusion into the deposit upon growth, quantitative elemental mass spectrometric measurements at trace level concentration were conducted by using a sensitive miniature laser ablation ionization mass spectrometer (LIMS), originally designed and developed for in situ space exploration. An ultrashort pulsed laser system (τ ∼ 190 fs, λ = 775 nm) was used for ablation and ionization of sample material. We show that with our LIMS system, quantitative chemical mass spectrometric analysis with an ablation rate at the subnanometer level per single laser shot can be conducted. The measurement capabilities of our instrument, including the high vertical depth resolution coupled with high detection sensitivity of ∼10 ppb, high dynamic range ≥10(8), measurement accuracy and precision, is of considerable interest in various fields of application, where investigations with high lateral and vertical resolution of the chemical composition of solid materials are required, these include, e.g., wafers from semiconductor industry or studies on space weathered samples in space research.
Abstract BACKGROUND: 3-Bromotyrosine (3-BrY) is a stable product of eosinophil peroxidase and may serve as a marker of eosinophil activation. A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method to measure 3-BrY concentrations in serum from dogs has recently been established and analytically validated. The aims of this study were to determine the stability of 3-BrY in serum, to determine the association between peripheral eosinophil counts and the presence of an eosinophilic infiltrate in the gastrointestinal tract, and to compare serum 3-BrY concentrations in healthy dogs (n = 52) and dogs with eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE; n = 27), lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis (LPE; n = 25), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI; n = 26), or pancreatitis (n = 27). RESULTS: Serum 3-BrY concentrations were stable for up to 8, 30, and 180 days at 4°C, -20°C, and -80°C, respectively. There was no significant association between peripheral eosinophil count and the presence of eosinophils in the GI tissues (P = 0.1733). Serum 3-BrY concentrations were significantly higher in dogs with EGE (median [range] = 5.04 [≤0.63-26.26] μmol/L), LPE (median [range] = 3.60 [≤0.63-15.67] μmol/L), and pancreatitis (median [range] = 1.49 [≤0.63-4.46] μmol/L) than in healthy control dogs (median [range] = ≤0.63 [≤0.63-1.79] μmol/L; P < 0.0001), whereas concentrations in dogs with EPI (median [range] = 0.73 [≤0.63-4.59] μmol/L) were not different compared to healthy control dogs. CONCLUSIONS: The present study revealed that 3-BrY concentrations were stable in serum when refrigerated and frozen. No relationship between peripheral eosinophil count and the presence of eosinophils infiltration in the GI tissues was found in this study. In addition, serum 3-BrY concentrations were increased in dogs with EGE, but also in dogs with LPE and pancreatitis. Further studies are needed to determine whether measurement of 3-BrY concentrations in serum may be useful to assess patients with suspected or confirmed EGE or LPE.
CONTEXT Complex steroid disorders such as P450 oxidoreductase deficiency or apparent cortisone reductase deficiency may be recognized by steroid profiling using chromatographic mass spectrometric methods. These methods are highly specific and sensitive, and provide a complete spectrum of steroid metabolites in a single measurement of one sample which makes them superior to immunoassays. The steroid metabolome during the fetal-neonatal transition is characterized by a) the metabolites of the fetal-placental unit at birth, b) the fetal adrenal androgens until its involution 3-6 months postnatally, and c) the steroid metabolites produced by the developing endocrine organs. All these developmental events change the steroid metabolome in an age- and sex-dependent manner during the first year of life. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to provide normative values for the urinary steroid metabolome of healthy newborns at short time intervals in the first year of life. METHODS We conducted a prospective, longitudinal study to measure 67 urinary steroid metabolites in 21 male and 22 female term healthy newborn infants at 13 time-points from week 1 to week 49 of life. Urine samples were collected from newborn infants before discharge from hospital and from healthy infants at home. Steroid metabolites were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and steroid concentrations corrected for urinary creatinine excretion were calculated. RESULTS 61 steroids showed age and 15 steroids sex specificity. Highest urinary steroid concentrations were found in both sexes for progesterone derivatives, in particular 20α-DH-5α-DH-progesterone, and for highly polar 6α-hydroxylated glucocorticoids. The steroids peaked at week 3 and decreased by ∼80% at week 25 in both sexes. The decline of progestins, androgens and estrogens was more pronounced than of glucocorticoids whereas the excretion of corticosterone and its metabolites and of mineralocorticoids remained constant during the first year of life. CONCLUSION The urinary steroid profile changes dramatically during the first year of life and correlates with the physiologic developmental changes during the fetal-neonatal transition. Thus detailed normative data during this time period permit the use of steroid profiling as a powerful diagnostic tool.
OBJECTIVE To assess the in vivo amount of BPA released from a visible light-cured orthodontic adhesive, immediately after bracket bonding. METHODS 20 orthodontic patients were recruited after obtaining informed consent. All patients received 24 orthodontic brackets in both dental arches. In Group A (11 patients), 25 ml of tap water were used for mouth rinsing, whereas in Group B (9 patients) a simulated mouth rinse formulation was used: a mixture of 20 ml de-ionized water plus 5 ml absolute ethanol. Rinsing solutions were collected before, immediately after placing the orthodontic appliances and after washing out the oral cavity and were then stored in glass tubes. Rinsing was performed in a single phase for 60s with the entire volume of each liquid. The BPA analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS An increase in BPA concentration immediately after the 1st post-bonding rinse was observed, for both rinsing media, which was reduced after the 2nd post-bonding rinse. Water exhibited higher levels of BPA concentration than water/ethanol after 1st and 2nd post-bonding rinses. Two-way mixed Repeated Measures ANOVA showed that the primary null hypothesis declaring mean BPA concentration to be equal across rinsing medium and rinsing status was rejected (p-value <0.001). The main effects of the rinsing medium and status, as well as their interaction were found to be statistically significant (p-values 0.048, <0.001 and 0.011 respectively). SIGNIFICANCE A significant pattern of increase of BPA concentration, followed by a decrease that reached the initial values was observed. The amount of BPA was relatively low and far below the reference limits of tolerable daily intake.
The chemical and isotopic compositions of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) from two mid-slope sites of the northern Cascadia margin were investigated during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 311 to elucidate the organic matter origins and identify potential microbial contributions to SOM. Gas hydrate is present at both locations (IODP Sites U1327 and U1328), with distinct patterns of near-seafloor structural accumulations at the cold seep Site U1328 and deeper stratigraphic accumulations at the slope-basin Site U1327. Source characterization and evidence that some components of the organic matter have been diagenetically altered are determined from the concentrations and isotopic compositions of hydrocarbon biomarkers, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total sulfur (TS). The carbon isotopic compositions of TOC (d13C TOC = -26 to -22 per mil) and long-chain n-alkanes (C27, C29 and C31, d13C = -34 to -29 per mil) suggest the organic matter at both sites is a mixture of 1) terrestrial plants that employ the C3 photosynthetic pathway and 2) marine algae. In contrast, the d15N TN values of the bulk sediment (+4 to +8 per mil) are consistent with a predominantly marine source, but these values most likely have been modified during microbial organic matter degradation. The d13C values of archaeal biomarker pentamethylicosane (PMI) (-46.4 per mil) and bacterial-sourced hopenes, diploptene and hop-21-ene (-40.9 to -34.7 per mil) indicate a partial contribution from methane carbon or a chemoautotrophic pathway. Our multi-isotope and biomarker-based conclusions are consistent with previous studies, based only on the elemental composition of bulk sediments, that suggested a mixed marine-terrestrial organic matter origin for these mid-slope sites of the northern Cascadia margin.