969 resultados para axon terminals


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El presente proyecto parte de la propuesta realizada por la empresa Tempos21 donde se recoge la necesidad de crear una librería de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres para la plataforma Android. Esta librería podrá ser utilizada por diferentes aplicaciones ejecutadas en terminales móviles que cuenten con este sistema operativo.


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Axons, and particularly regenerating axons, have high metabolic needs in order to maintain critical functions such as axon transport and membrane depolarization. Though some of the required energy likely comes form extracellular glucose and ATP generated in the soma, we and others hypothesize that some of the energy may be supplied by lactate. Unlike glucose that requires glycolytic enzymes to produce pyruvate, lactate can be converted directly to pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase and transported into mitochondria for oxidative metabolism. In order to be transported into or out of cells, lactate requires specific monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), the most abundant of which is MCT1. If MCT1 and lactate are critical for nerve function and regeneration, we hypothesize that MCT1 heterozygote null mice, which appear phenotypically normal despite having approximately 40% MCT1 as compared to wildtype littermate mice, would have reduced capacity for repair following nerve injury. To investigate this, adult MCT1 heterozygote null mice or wild-type mice underwent unilateral sciatic nerve crush in the proximal thigh. We found that regeneration of the sciatic nerve, as measured by recovery of compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) in the lateral plantar muscles following proximal sciatic nerve stimulation, was delayed from a median of 21 days in wildtype mice to 38.5 days in MCT1 heterozygote mice. In fact, half of the MCT1 heterozygote null mice had no recovery of CMAP by the endpoint of the study at 42 days, while all of the wild-type mice had recovered. In addition, the maximal amplitude of CMAP recovery in MCT1 heterozygote mull mice was reduced from a mean of 3 mV to 0.5 mV. As would be expected, the denervated gastrocnemius muscle of MCT1 heterozygote null mice remained atrophic at 42 days compared to wild-type mice. Our experiments show that lactate supplied through MCT1 is necessary for nerve regeneration. Experiments are underway to determine whether loss of MCT1 prevents nerve regrowth directly due to reduced energy supply to axons or indirectly by dysfunctional Schwann cells normally dependent on lactate supply through MCT1.


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Intrinsic connections in the cat primary auditory field (AI) as revealed by injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) or biocytin, had an anisotropic and patchy distribution. Neurons, labelled retrogradely with PHA-L were concentrated along a dorsoventral stripe through the injection site and rostral to it; the spread of rostrally located neurons was greater after injections into regions of low rather than high characteristic frequencies. The intensity of retrograde labelling varied from weak and granular to very strong and Golgi-like. Out of 313 Golgi like retrogradely labelled neurons 79.6% were pyramidal, 17.2% multipolar, 2.6% bipolar, and 0.6% bitufted; 13.4% were putatively inhibitory, i.e. aspiny or sparsely spiny multipolar, or bitufted. Individual anterogradely labelled intrinsic axons were reconstructed for distances of 2 to 7 mm. Five main types were distinguished on the basis of the branching pattern and the location of synaptic specialisations. Type 1 axons travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and sent collaterals at regular intervals; boutons were only present in the terminal arborizations of these collaterals. Type 2 axons also travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and had rather short and thin collateral branches; boutons or spine-like protrusions occurred in most parts of the axon. Type 3 axons travelled obliquely through the cortex and formed a single terminal arborization, the only site where boutons were found. Type 4 axons travelled for some distance in layer I; they formed a heterogeneous group as to their collaterals and synaptic specializations. Type 5 axons travelled at the interface between layer VI and the white matter; boutons en passant, spine-like protrusions, and thin short branches with boutons en passant were frequent all along their trajectory. Thus, only some axonal types sustain the patchy pattern of intrinsic connectivity, whereas others are involved in a more diffuse connectivity.


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Copy2Cloud, que es como he denominado en un principio mi aplicación, básicamente realizará varias copias de elementos indispensables de nuestro dispositivo móvil en un servicio de ficheros tipo nube. Como bien sabemos el espacio físico de los dispositivos es cada vez más limitado, las aplicaciones y datos cada vez ocupan más, y esto nos lleva a tener descontrol sobre el almacenaje y veracidad de éstos, es decir, tenemos tal cantidad de fotos y videos personales en nuestros terminales que en caso de desastre la mayoría de las personas sin conocimientos técnicos darían por perdida toda esa acumulación de nuestros recuerdos, de parte de nuestras vidas.


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Postsynaptic density-95/disks large/zonula occludens-1 (PDZ) domains are relatively small (80-120 residues) protein binding modules central in the organization of receptor clusters and in the association of cellular proteins. Their main function is to bind C-terminals of selected proteins that are recognized through specific amino acids in their carboxyl end. Binding is associated with a deformation of the PDZ native structure and is responsible for dynamical changes in regions not in direct contact with the target. We investigate how this deformation is related to the harmonic dynamics of the PDZ structure and show that one low-frequency collective normal mode, characterized by the concerted movements of different secondary structures, is involved in the binding process. Our results suggest that even minimal structural changes are responsible for communication between distant regions of the protein, in agreement with recent NMR experiments. Thus, PDZ domains are a very clear example of how collective normal modes are able to characterize the relation between function and dynamics of proteins, and to provide indications on the precursors of binding/unbinding events.


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The pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) type I receptor (PAC1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor binding the strongly conserved neuropeptide PACAP with 1000-fold higher affinity than the related peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide. PAC1-mediated signaling has been implicated in neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. To gain further insight into the biological significance of PAC1-mediated signaling in vivo, we generated two different mutant mouse strains, harboring either a complete or a forebrain-specific inactivation of PAC1. Mutants from both strains show a deficit in contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm. In sharp contrast, amygdala-dependent cued fear conditioning remains intact. Interestingly, no deficits in other hippocampus-dependent tasks modeling declarative learning such as the Morris water maze or the social transmission of food preference are observed. At the cellular level, the deficit in hippocampus-dependent associative learning is accompanied by an impairment of mossy fiber long-term potentiation (LTP). Because the hippocampal expression of PAC1 is restricted to mossy fiber terminals, we conclude that presynaptic PAC1-mediated signaling at the mossy fiber synapse is involved in both LTP and hippocampus-dependent associative learning.


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Kv3.1 and Kv3.2 K+ channel proteins form similar voltage-gated K+ channels with unusual properties, including fast activation at voltages positive to −10 mV and very fast deactivation rates. These properties are thought to facilitate sustained high-frequency firing. Kv3.1 subunits are specifically found in fast-spiking, parvalbumin (PV)-containing cortical interneurons, and recent studies have provided support for a crucial role in the generation of the fast-spiking phenotype. Kv3.2 mRNAs are also found in a small subset of neocortical neurons, although the distribution of these neurons is different. We raised antibodies directed against Kv3.2 proteins and used dual-labeling methods to identify the neocortical neurons expressing Kv3.2 proteins and to determine their subcellular localization. Kv3.2 proteins are prominently expressed in patches in somatic and proximal dendritic membrane as well as in axons and presynaptic terminals of GABAergic interneurons. Kv3.2 subunits are found in all PV-containing neurons in deep cortical layers where they probably form heteromultimeric channels with Kv3.1 subunits. In contrast, in superficial layer PV-positive neurons Kv3.2 immunoreactivity is low, but Kv3.1 is still prominently expressed. Because Kv3.1 and Kv3.2 channels are differentially modulated by protein kinases, these results raise the possibility that the fast-spiking properties of superficial- and deep-layer PV neurons are differentially regulated by neuromodulators. Interestingly, Kv3.2 but not Kv3.1 proteins are also prominent in a subset of seemingly non-fast-spiking, somatostatin- and calbindin-containing interneurons, suggesting that the Kv3.1–Kv3.2 current type can have functions other than facilitating high-frequency firing.


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El projecte que aquí es presenta explora un nou enfocament a la interacció amb elssistemes interactius que típicament es proposen en museus. En aquests sistemes lainteracció i el feedback visual venen determinats per l’aplicació programada per l’arstista i no permet a l’usuari modificar-ne el seu comportament sinó tan sols interactuar amb les accións predefinides.L’enfocament que es planteja en aquest projecte és convertir als usuaris consumidorsd’aquests sistemes interactius en creadors i editors de les seves pròpies experiències.D’aquesta manera un sistema interactiu podrà ser modificat per l’usuari i així oferirdiferents respostes donada una mateixa entrada. Això es fa utilitzant un dispositiumultitouch com a sistema de configuració visual d’aquestes aplicacions així com un segon dispositiu com a sortida de l’aplicació visual.Aquest projecte neix de la idea de desenvolupar una eina útil i de fàcil ús per a crear aplicacions interactives, sense necessitat de tenir nocions de programació, de manera que qualsevol usuari inexpert pugui partir d’una idea i crear la seva pròpia aplicació interactiva.Així doncs, a través de diversos prototips i proves d’usabilitat es perfila una interfície de programació visual sobre una superfície tangible que sigui intuïtiva i fàcil d’utilitzar per a tot tipus d’usuaris.Per tal de dur a terme això s’ha dissenyat un sistema on s’utilitzen dos pantallesmultitouch, una amb la interfície de programació visual i l’altre amb la sortida del sistema creat. Això permet la interacció simultània entre usuaris creadors i usuaris consumidors de manera que l’experiència del consumidor pugui ser modificada en viu pel creador, segons interactuï amb la interfície de configuració.


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En plena era de la informació, les noves tecnologies s’han posat també al servei del’ensenyament. Per tal de proveir a l’estudiant dels mètodes més útils i eficients per donar suport al seu aprenentatge, han sorgit eines cada cop més acurades amb la intenció de proveird’una manera robusta tot allò que fins fa poc només es podia fer a les aules. Així va néixer el concepte d’e-learning.QuesTInSitu és una eina concebuda dins d’aquesta àrea que permet crear preguntesgeolocalitzades sobre mapes de GoogleMaps i organitzar-les com a rutes (qüestionaris), sobre el mapa que es desitgi del món. Aquest projecte ofereix la possibilitat de poder realitzar físicament l’activitat creada per QuesTInSitu mitjançant terminals mòbils amb connexió 3G i GPS. Per això, s’ha dissenyat un portal web adaptat, QuesTInSitu mobile, que permet realitzar les gimcanes geolocalitzades dissenyades prèviament. Malgrat aquest projecte està contingut enl’àrea del e-learning, ofereix un llarg ventall de possibilitats d’ús; publicitat o turisme en són alguns exemples.


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The growth-associated and presynaptic protein GAP-43 is important for axonal growth during brain development, for synaptic plasticity and in axonal regeneration [Benowitz, Routtenberg, TINS 12 (1987) 527]. It has been speculated that such growth may be mediated by cytoskeletal proteins. However, the interaction of GAP-43 with proteins of the presynaptic terminals is poorly characterized. Here, we analyze GAP-43 binding to cytoskeletal proteins by two different biochemical assays, by blot overlay and sedimentation. We find that immobilized brain spectrin (BS) is able to bind GAP-43. In contrast, little binding was observed to microtubule proteins and other elements of the cytoskeleton. Since GAP-43 is located presynaptically, it may bind to the presynaptic form of BS (SpIISigma1). It is attractive to think that such an interaction would participate in the structural plasticity observed in growth cones and adult synapses.


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Recent decisions by the Spanish national competition authority (TDC) mandate payment systems to include only two costs when setting their domestic multilateral interchange fees (MIF): a fixed processing cost and a variable cost for the risk of fraud. This artificial lowering of MIFs will not lower consumer prices, because of uncompetitive retailing; but it will however lead to higher cardholders fees and, likely, new prices for point of sale terminals, delaying the development of the immature Spanish card market. Also, to the extent that increased cardholders fees do not offset the fall in MIFs revenue, the task of issuing new cards will be underpaid relatively to the task of acquiring new merchants, causing an imbalance between the two sides of the networks. Moreover, the pricing scheme arising from the decisions will cause unbundling and underprovision of those services whose costs are excluded. Indeed, the payment guarantee and the free funding period will tend to be removed from the package of services currently provided, to be either provided by third parties, by issuers for a separate fee, or not provided at all, especially to smaller and medium-sized merchants. Transaction services will also suffer the consequences that the TDC precludes pricing them in variable terms.


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Although many studies have been carried out to verify the involvement of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in dystrophia myotonica (DM1) patients, the results remain controversial. The generation of DM1 transgenic mice displaying the human DM1 phenotype provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the PNS. In the present study, the morphological and morphometric analysis of semi-thin sections of sciatic and sural nerves, lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and lumbar spinal cords revealed that in DM1 transgenic mice carrying 300 CTG repeats, there is no change in the number and diameter of myelinated axons compared to wild type. Only a non-significant reduction in the percentage of thin myelinated axons was detected in electron micrographs of ultra-thin sciatic nerve sections. Analysis of the number of neurons did not reveal a loss in number of either sensory neurons in the lumbar DRG or motor neurons in the lumbar spinal cord in these DM1 mice. Furthermore, in hind limb muscle sections, stained with a neurofilament antibody and alpha-bungarotoxin, the intramuscular axon arborization appeared normal in DM1 mice and undistinguishable from that in wild-type mice. Moreover, in DM1 mice, there was no irregularity in the structure or an increase in the endplate area. Also statistical analysis did not show an increase in endplate density or in the concentration of acetylcholine receptors. Altogether, these results suggest that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce axonopathy, demyelination or neuronopathies in this transgenic mouse model.


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The release of transmitters from glia influences synaptic functions. The modalities and physiological functions of glial release are poorly understood. Here we show that glutamate exocytosis from astrocytes of the rat hippocampal dentate molecular layer enhances synaptic strength at excitatory synapses between perforant path afferents and granule cells. The effect is mediated by ifenprodil-sensitive NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptors and involves an increase of transmitter release at the synapse. Correspondingly, we identify NMDA receptor 2B subunits on the extrasynaptic portion of excitatory nerve terminals. The receptor distribution is spatially related to glutamate-containing synaptic-like microvesicles in the apposed astrocytic processes. This glial regulatory pathway is endogenously activated by neuronal activity-dependent stimulation of purinergic P2Y1 receptors on the astrocytes. Thus, we provide the first combined functional and ultrastructural evidence for a physiological control of synaptic activity via exocytosis of glutamate from astrocytes.


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A phylogenetic analysis is presented of subgenera and species-groups of Mischocyttarus de Saussure, the largest genus of social wasps. The analysis is based on 62 morphological and nest architecture characters, coded for 71 terminals representing much of the taxonomic diversity within the genus, plus three outgroup terminals representing other polistine tribes. The main conclusions about phylogenetic relationships within the genus are based on parsimony analysis under implied weights. Monophyly of Mischocyttarus is confirmed as well as that of most of the previously recognized subgenera: Mischocyttarus s. str., Clypeopolybia, Monogynoecus, Scytokeraia, Phi, Kappa, Megacanthopus and Omega sensu Richards (1978). Haplometrobius as conceived by Richards (1978) is not a monophyletic taxon, but some of its species-groups are monophyletic. The groups of M.artifex and M.cerberus are raised to subgenus level, and a new concept of Haplometrobius restricts it to the group of M.iheringi (the type species of this subgenus) in the sense of this work. The concept of subgenus Omega is widened to include the species-groups of M.surinamensis and M.prominulus. Besides the new subgeneric classification presented, limits and diagnoses of all species-groups of the subgenera Phi and Haplometrobius sensu Richards (1978) are discussed, and a new key for all subgenera and species-groups of Mischocyttarus is also presented.


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The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.