936 resultados para apparent dielectric constant


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This study examines the question of whether apolipoprotein E (apoE) alters steady-state concentrations of plasma cholesterol carried in low density lipoproteins (LDL-C) by acting as a competitive inhibitor of hepatic LDL uptake or by altering the rate of net cholesterol delivery from the intestinal lumen to the liver. To differentiate between these two possibilities, rates of cholesterol absorption and synthesis and the kinetics of hepatic LDL-C transport were measured in vivo in mice with either normal (apoE+/+) or zero (apoE-/-) levels of circulating apoE. Rates of cholesterol absorption were essentially identical in both genotypes and equaled approximately 44% of the daily dietary load of cholesterol. This finding was consistent with the further observation that the rates of cholesterol synthesis in the liver (approximately 2,000 nmol/h) and extrahepatic tissues (approximately 3,000 nmol/h) were also essentially identical in the two groups of mice. However, the apparent Michaelis constant for receptor-dependent hepatic LDL-C uptake was markedly lower in the apoE-/- mice (44 +/- 4 mg/dl) than in the apoE+/+ animals (329 +/- 77 mg/dl) even though the maximal transport velocity for this uptake process was essentially the same (approximately 400 micrograms/h per g) in the two groups of mice. These studies, therefore, demonstrate that apoE-containing lipoproteins can act as potent competitive inhibitors of hepatic LDL-C transport and so can significantly increase steady-state plasma LDL-C levels. This apolipoprotein plays no role, however, in the regulation of cholesterol absorption, sterol biosynthesis, or hepatic LDL receptor number, at least in the mouse.


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A caracterização dielétrica de um material pode ser usada como uma técnica não destrutiva para avaliar e monitorar sua qualidade, bem como no entendimento da relação estrutura-propriedade de um material, através de suas propriedades dielétricas em função da frequência, temperatura, composição química do material, dentre outros. Na literatura há escassez de trabalhos e dados de caracterização dielétrica de filmes a base de biopolímeros. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento e a construção de uma instrumentação alternativa a equipamentos disponíveis no mercado, como analisadores de rede e de impedância, que pudesse ser utilizada para a caracterização dielétrica de filmes biodegradáveis a base de gelatina. Foi utilizado o método de placas paralelas na determinação da parte real da permissividade conhecida como permissividade relativa ou constante dielétrica (ε\'). O circuito utilizado para a instrumentação foi um oscilador astável com funcionamento baseado no amplificador operacional (741) chaveado pela carga de um capacitor de placas paralelas cujo dielétrico foi uma amostra de filme biodegradável. A partir dos valores da frequência de oscilação e geometria do capacitor, foi possível calcular a capacitância de cada amostra e, consequentemente obter os valores da permissividade relativa do filme, usando relações básicas bem estabelecidas. Os filmes de gelatina foram produzidos pela técnica de casting sendo utilizados como plastificantes o glicerol (G), o sorbitol (S) e suas misturas, na proporção (G:S) de 30:70, 50:50 e 70:30. Os filmes foram caracterizados quanto à umidade e cristalinidade. A permissividade relativa (ε\') dos filmes, determinada a temperatura ambiente, foi avaliada em função da frequência (5 a 50 kHz), tempo de armazenamento, do teor de umidade e tipo de plastificante. A instrumentação projetada e construída foi capaz de medir com precisão a permissividade relativa das amostras, sendo que essa propriedade diminuiu com o aumento da frequência para todos os filmes. Mantendo-se a frequência constante, não houve variação de ε\' para os filmes de gelatina, independente do plastificante, ao longo de um mês de armazenamento a 24 ± 3 °C. O efeito da umidade foi observado em frequências menores que 25 kHz, sendo que quanto maior o teor de umidade maior a permissividade relativa. O efeito do tipo de plastificante na permissividade relativa dos filmes foi observado a baixas frequências (5 kHz) e filmes plastificados com sorbitol apresentaram maiores valores de ε\'. Os filmes plastificados com maior teor de umidade apresentaram menor cristalinidade, portanto maior mobilidade molecular e consequentemente maior a permissividade relativa.


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The design of a compact planar antenna featuring ultra wideband performance and simultaneous signal rejection in the 4-6 GHz band, assigned for IEEE802.11a and HIPERLAN/2, is presented. The design is demonstrated assuming RT6010LM substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 10.2 and thickness of 0.64 mm. The presented results show that the designed antenna of 27 mm * 20 mm dimensions has a bandwidth from 2.7 GHz to more than 10 GHz excluding the rejection band. The antenna features near omnidirectional characteristics and good radiation efficiency.


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A simple method for the design of ultra-wideband antennas in planar format is presented. This method is demonstrated for a high-dielectric-constant substrate material, which allows for a considerable antenna size reduction. Simulations are performed using Ansoft's High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) for antennas assuming Du-Pont951 (epsilon(r) = 7.8) and RT6010LM (epsilon(r) = 10.2) substrates. For the 1-mm-thick DuPont951, the designed antenna with 22 X 28 nun dimensions features a 10-dB return-loss band width front 2.7 GHz to more than 15 GHz. For the 0.64-mm-thick RT6010LM a 20 X 26 nun antenna exhibits a 10-dB return loss bandwidth from 3.1 to 15 GHz. Both antennas feature nearly omnidirectional properties across the whole 10-dB return-loss bandwidth. The validity of the presented UWB antenna design strategy is confirmed by measurements performed on a prototype developed on RT6010LM substrate. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Ultem 1000 polyetherimide films prepared by cast-evaporating technique were covered with a 1H,1H,2H-tridecafluoro-oct-1-ene (PFO) plasma-polymerized layer. The effects of the plasma exposure time on the surface composition were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and surface energy analysis. The surface topography of the plasma layer was deduced from scanning electron microscopy. The F/C ratio for plasma-polymerized PFO under the input RF power of 50 W can be as high as 1.30 for 480 s and similar to 0.4-2 at % of oxygen was detected, resulting from the reaction of long-lived radicals in the plasma polymer with atmospheric oxygen. The plasma deposition of fluorocarbon coating from plasma PFO reduces the surface energy from 46 to 18.3 mJ m(-2). (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have measured the frequency dependence of the conductivity and the dielectric constant of various samples of porous Si in the regime 1 Hz-100 kHz at different temperatures. The conductivity data exhibit a strong frequency dependence. When normalized to the dc conductivity, our data obey a universal scaling law, with a well-defined crossover, in which the real part of the conductivity sigma' changes from an sqrt(omega) dependence to being proportional to omega. We explain this in terms of activated hopping in a fractal network. The low-frequency regime is governed by the fractal properties of porous Si, whereas the high-frequency dispersion comes from a broad distribution of activation energies. Calculations using the effective-medium approximation for activated hopping on a percolating lattice give fair agreement with the data.


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Charge transport and dielectric measurements were carried out on compacted powder and single-crystal samples of bistable RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y·zH2O in the two valence-tautomeric forms (MnIIFeIII and MnIIIFeII) as a function of temperature (120-350 K) and frequency (10-2-106 Hz). The complex conductivity data reveal universal conductivity behavior and obey the Barton-Nakajima-Namikawa relationship. The charge transport is accompanied by dielectric relaxation that displays the same thermal activation energy as the conductivity. Surprisingly, the activation energy of the conductivity was found very similar in the two valence-tautomeric forms (0.55 eV), and the conductivity change between the two phases is governed mainly by the variation of the preexponential factor in each sample. The phase transition is accompanied by a large thermal hysteresis of the conductivity and the dielectric constant. In the hysteresis region, however, a crossover occurs in the charge transport mechanism at T < 220 K from an Arrhenius-type to a varying activation energy behavior, conferring an unusual “double-loop” shape to the hysteresis.


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The polymerization of isobutene initiated by 1-chloro-1-phenylethane has been investigated, and molecular weight studies conducted using size exclusion chromatography. Polymerizations carried out in a 40/60 (v/v) mixture of dichloromethaneIcyclohexane, using titanium (IV) chloride as a catalyst in the presence of pyridine at -30 °C were found to be controlled and living. The number average molecular weights of the polymers increased linearly with monomer conversion, and the molecular weight distributions were between 1.15 and 1.20. Efficiencies of initiation were between 80 and 100%, and evidence was found to suggest that backbiting to the initiator had occurred, resulting in the formation of cyclic oligomers during the early stages of polymerization. The kinetics of polymerization can be explained in terms of active species in. equilibrium with dormant species. The effects of temperature. and dielectric constant on this equilibrium were studied and a model based upon the Fuoss equation was developed. Pyridine was found to behave as proton trap in the system, and when it was used in excess the rate of polymerization was retarded. By assuming that the catalyst and pyridine formed a one to one complex, it was possible to show that the reaction was second order with respect to the catalyst. The synthesis of low molecular weight polyisobutenes was studied. When the concentration of initiator was increased relative to that of the isobutene, such that the theoretical degree of polymerization was 20 or less, the rate of initiation was slow compared to propagation. The efficiency of initiation in these polymerizations was typically between 30 and 40 %. Optimal conditions of temperature. and.catalyst concentration were established, leading to a 60 % efficiency of initiation. A one-pot synthesis of phenol end-capped polyisobutene was attempted by adding phenol at the end of a living polymerization. Evidence to substantiate the existence of capped polymer chains in the resultant product was inconclusive. Block copolymerizations of oxetane and isobutene were conducted using 1-chloro-1phenylethane/TiCl4, but no copolymer or oxetane homopolymer could be isolated.


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The thesis is divided into four chapters. They are: introduction, experimental, results and discussion about the free ligands and results and discussion about the complexes. The First Chapter, the introductory chapter, is a general introduction to the study of solid state reactions. The Second Chapter is devoted to the materials and experimental methods that have been used for carrying out tile experiments. TIle Third Chapter is concerned with the characterisations of free ligands (Picolinic acid, nicotinic acid, and isonicotinic acid) by using elemental analysis, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectra. Additionally, the thermal behaviour of free ligands in air has been studied by means of thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The behaviour of thermal decomposition of the three free ligands was not identical Finally, a computer program has been used for kinetic evaluation of non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry data according to a composite and single heating rate methods in comparison with the methods due to Ozawa and Kissinger methods. The most probable reaction mechanism for the free ligands was the Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) that described the solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The activation parameters of the decomposition reaction for free ligands were calculated and the results of different methods of data analysis were compared and discussed. The Fourth Chapter, the final chapter, deals with the preparation of cobalt, nickel, and copper with mono-pyridine carboxylic acids in aqueous solution. The prepared complexes have been characterised by analyses, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, magnetic moments, and electronic spectra. The stoichiometry of these compounds was ML2x(H20), (where M = metal ion, L = organic ligand and x = water molecule). The environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper nicotinates and the environments of cobalt and nickel picolinates were octahedral, whereas the environment of copper picolinate [Cu(PA)2] was tetragonal. However, the environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper isonicotinates were polymeric octahedral structures. The morphological changes that occurred throughout the decomposition were followed by SEM observation. TG, DTG, and DSC measurements have studied the thermal behaviour of the prepared complexes in air. During the degradation processes of the hydrated complexes, the crystallisation water molecules were lost in one or two steps. This was also followed by loss of organic ligands and the metal oxides remained. Comparison between the DTG temperatures of the first and second steps of the dehydration suggested that the water of crystallisation was more strongly bonded with anion in Ni(II) complexes than in the complexes of Co(II) and Cu(II). The intermediate products of decomposition were not identified. The most probable reaction mechanism for the prepared complexes was also Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) characteristic of solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The tempemture dependence of conductivity using direct current was determined for cobalt, nickel, Cl.nd copper isonicotinates. An activation energy (ΔΕ), the activation energy (ΔΕ ) were calculated.The ternperature and frequency dependence of conductivity, the frequency dependence of dielectric constant, and the dielectric loss for nickel isonicotinate were determined by using altemating current. The value of s paralneter and the value of'density of state [N(Ef)] were calculated. Keyword Thermal decomposition, kinetic, electrical conduclion, pyridine rnono~ carboxylic acid, cOlnplex, transition metal compJex.


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The investigations described in this thesis concern the molecular interactions between polar solute molecules and various aromatic compounds in solution. Three different physical methods were employed. Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy was used to determine the nature and strength of the interactions and the geometry of the transient complexes formed. Cryoscopic studies were used to provide information on the stoichiometry of the complexes. Dielectric constant studies were conducted in an attempt to confirm and supplement the spectroscopic investigations. The systems studied were those between nitromethane, chloroform, acetonitrile (solutes) and various methyl substituted benzenes. In the n.m.r. work the dependence of the solute chemical shift upon the compositions of the solutions was determined. From this the equilibrium quotients (K) for the formation of each complex and the shift induced in the solute proton by the aromatic in the complex were evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters for the interactions were obtained from the determination of K at several temperatures. The stoichiometries of the complexes obtained from cryoscopic studies were found to agree with those deduced from spectroscopic investigations. For most systems it is suggested that only one type of complex, of 1:1 stiochiometry, predominates except that for the acetonitrile-benzene system a 1:2 complex is formed. Two sets of dielectric studies were conducted, the first to show that the nature of the interaction is dipole-induced dipole and the second to calculate K. The equilibrium quotients obtained from spectroscopic and dielectric studies are compared. Time-averaged geometries of the complexes are proposed. The orientation of solute, with respect to the aromatic for the 1:1 complexes, appears to be the one in which the solute lies symmetrically about the aromatic six-fold axis whereas for the 1:2 complex, a sandwich structure is proposed. It is suggested that the complexes are formed through a dipole-induced dipole interaction and steric factors play some part in the complex formation.


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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are developed for the simultaneous determination of various salicylates, their p-hydroxy isomers and nicotinic acid esters. The method is sensitive enough to detect trace amounts (~µM/L)of the product generated from cross reactivity between the drugs and the vehicle. The developed method also allows analysis of various topical products containing salicylate and nicotinate esters in their formulations. Applying this method, the degradation profiles of salicylates, nicotinates, p-hydroxy benzoate, o-methoxy benzoate and aspirin prodrugs in alkaline media are determined. The profile for alkyl salicylate degradation is found to be first order (A---? B) When the alcoholic radical is similar to that of the ester. In alcohol having a radical different from that of the ester function, the degradation is found to proceed through competitive transesterification and hydrolysis. The intermediates are identified following synthesis and isolation. The rate and extent of transesterification depends on the proportion of alcohol present in the system. Equations are presented to model the time profiles of reactant and product concentration. The reactions are base catalysed and the predominant pathway involves a concerted solvent attack upon the salicylate anion. Competitive hydrolysis of both ester components also follows this mechanism at moderate pH values but rates increase under strongly alkaline conditions as direct hydroxide attack becomes significant. In contrast, transesterification is independent of base concentration once full ionization is accomplished. The competitive hydrolysis is modelled using equations involving the dielectric constant of the medium. A range of other esters are also shown to undergo base-catalysed transesterification. In non-alcoholic solution phenyl salicylate undergoes a concentration-dependent oligomerisation which yields salsalate among the products. Competitive transesterification and hydrolysis also occur in products for topical use which have vehicles based upon alcohol, glycol or glycol polymers. Such reactions may compromise stability assessments, pharmaceutical integrity and delivery profiles.


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Reversed-pahse high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of indomethacin, its decomposition products, ibuprofen and its (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)methyl-, (tetrahydro-2-(2H)pyranyl)methyl- and cyclohexylmethyl esters. The development and application of these HPLC systems were studied. A number of physico-chemical parameters that affect percutaneous absorption were investigated. The pKa values of indomethacin and ibuprofen were determined using the solubility method. Potentiometric titration and the Taft equation were also used for ibuprofen. The incorporation of ethanol or propylene glycol in the solvent resulted in an improvement in the aqueous solubility of these compounds. The partition coefficients were evaluated in order to establish the affinity of these drugs towards the stratum corneum. The stability of indomethacin and of ibuprofen esters were investigated and the effect of temperature and pH on the decomposition rates were studied. The effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the alkaline degradation of indomethacin was also followed. In the presence of alcohol, indomethacin alcoholysis was observed and the kinetics of decomposition were subjected to non-linear regression analysis and the rate constants for the various pathways were quantified. The non-isothermal, sufactant non-isoconcentration and non-isopH degradation of indomethacin were investigated. The analysis of the data was undertaken using NONISO, a BASIC computer program. The degradation profiles obtained from both non-iso and iso-kinetic studies show that there is close concordance in the results. The metabolic biotransformation of ibuprofen esters was followed using esterases from hog liver and rat skin homogenates. The results showed that the esters were very labile under these conditions. The presence of propylene glycol affected the rates of enzymic hydrolysis of the ester. The hydrolysis is modelled using an equation involving the dielectric constant of the medium. The percutaneous absorption of indomethacin and of ibuprofen and its esters was followed from solutions using an in vitro excised human skin model. The absorption profiles followed first order kinetics. The diffusion process was related to their solubility and to the human skin/solvent partition coefficient. The percutaneous absorption of two ibuprofen esters from suspensions in 20% propylene glycol-water were also followed through rat skin with only ibuprofen being detected in the receiver phase. The sensitivity of ibuprofen esters to enzymic hydrolysis compared to the chemical hydrolysis may prove valuable in the formulation of topical delivery systems.


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Oral liquid formulations are ideal dosage forms for paediatric, geriatric and patient with dysphagia. Dysphagia is prominent among patients suffering from stroke, motor neurone disease, advanced Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. However oral liquid preparations are particularly difficult to formulate for hydrophobic and unstable drugs. Therefore current methods employed in solving this issue include the use of ‘specials’ or extemporaneous preparations. In order to challenge this, the government has encouraged research into the field of oral liquid formulations, with the EMEA and MHRA publishing list of drugs of interest. The current work investigates strategic formulation development and characterisation of select API’s (captopril, gliclazide, melatonin, L-arginine and lansoprazole), each with unique obstacles to overcome during solubilisation, stabilisation and when developing a palatable dosage from. By preparing a validated calibration protocol for each of the drug candidates, the oral liquid formulations were assessed for stability, according to the ICH guidelines along with thorough physiochemical characterisation. The results showed that pH and polarity of the solvent had the greatest influence on the extent of drug solubilisation, with inclusion of antioxidants and molecular steric hindrance influencing the extent of drug stability. Captopril, a hydrophilic ACE inhibitor (160 mg.mL-1), undergoes dimerisation with another captopril molecule. It was found that with the addition of EDTA and HP-β-CD, the drug molecule was stabilised and prevented from initiating a thiol induced first order free radical oxidation. The cyclodextrin provided further steric hindrance (1:1 molar ratio) resulting in complete reduction of the intensity of sulphur like smell associated with captopril. Palatability is a crucial factor in patient compliance, particularly when developing a dosage form targeted towards paediatrics. L-arginine is extremely bitter in solution (148.7 g.L-1). The addition of tartaric acid into the 100 mg.mL-1 formulation was sufficient to mask the bitterness associated with its guanidium ions. The hydrophobicity of gliclazide (55 mg.L-1) was strategically challenged using a binary system of a co-solvent and surfactant to reduce the polarity of the medium and ultimately increase the solubility of the drug. A second simpler method was developed using pH modification with L-arginine. Melatonin has two major obstacles in formulation: solubility (100 μg.mL-1) and photosensitivity, which were both overcome by lowering the dielectric constant of the medium and by reversibly binding the drug within the cyclodextrin cup (1:1 ratio). The cyclodextrin acts by preventing UV rays from reaching the drug molecule and initiated the degradation pathway. Lansoprazole is an acid labile drug that could only be delivered orally via a delivery vehicle. In oral liquid preparations this involved nanoparticulate vesicles. The extent of drug loading was found to be influenced by the type of polymer, concentration of polymer, and the molecular weight. All of the formulations achieved relatively long shelf-lives with good preservative efficacy.


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The "living" and/or controlled cationic ring-opening bulk copolymerization of oxetane (Ox) with tetrahydropyran (THP) (cyclic ether with no homopolymerizability) at 35°C was examined using ethoxymethyl-1 -oxoniacyclohexane hexafluoroantimonate (EMOA) and (BF3 · CH3OH)THP as fast and slow initiator, respectively, yielding living and nonliving polymers with pseudoperiodic sequences (i.e., each pentamethylene oxide fragment inserted into the polymer is flanked by two trimethylene oxide fragments). Good control over number-average molecular weight (Mn up to 150000 g mol-1) with molecular weight distribution (MWD ∼ 1.4-1, 5) broader than predicted by the Poison distribution (MWDs > 1 +1/DPn) was attained using EMOA as initiating system, i.e., C 2H5OCH2Cl with 1.1 equiv of AgSbF6 as a stable catalyst and 1.1 equiv of 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine used as a non-nucleophilic proton trap. With (BF3 · CH 3OH)THP, a drift of the linear dependence M n(GPC) vs Mn(theory) to lower molecular weight was observed together with the production of cyclic oligomers, ∼3-5% of the Ox consumed in THP against ∼30% in dichloromethane. Structural and kinetics studies highlighted a mechanism of chains growth where the rate of mutual conversion between "strain ACE species" (chain terminated by a tertiary 1-oxoniacyclobutane ion, Al) and "strain-free ACE species" (chain terminated by a tertiary 1-oxoniacyclohexane ion, Tl) depends on the rate at which Ox converts the stable species T1 (kind of "dormant" species) into a living "propagating" center A1 (i.e., k aapp[Ox]). The role of the THP solvent associated with the suspension of irreversible and reversible transfer reactions to polymer, when the polymerization is initiated with EMOA, was predicted by our kinetic considerations. The activation -deactivation pseudoequilibrium coefficient (Qt) was then calculated in a pure theoretical basis. From the measured apparent rate constant of Ox (kOxapp) and THP (kTHPapp = ka(endo)app) consumption, Qt and reactivity ratio (kp/kd, k a(endo)/ka(exo), and ks/ka(endo) were calculated, which then allow the determination of the transition rate constant of elementary step reactions that governs the increase of Mu with conversion. © 2009 American Chemical Society.


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Dengue virus is an important patogen that causes Dengue desease in all world, and belongs to Flavivirus gender. The virus consists of enveloped RNA with a single strand positive sense, 11Kb genome. The RNA is translated into a polyprotein precursor, wich is cleaved into 3 structural proteins (C, prM e E) and 7 non-structural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B e NS5). The NS3 is a multifunctional protein, that besides to promote the polyprotein precursor cleavage, also have NTPase, helicase and RTPase activity. The NS3 needs a hydrophilic segment of 40 residues from the transmembrane NS2B protein (who acts like cofator) to realize this functions. Actually, there's no vacines available on the market, and the treatment are just symptomatic. The tetrapeptide inhibitor Bz-Nle-Lys-Arg-Arg-H (Ki de 5,8-7,0 M) was showed as a potent inhibitor μ for NS3prot in Dengue virus. That is a inteligent alternative to treat the dengue desease. The present work aimed analyse the interactions of the ligand bounded to the activity site to provid a clear and depth vision of that interaction. For this purpouse, it was conducted an in silico study, by using quantum mechanical calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), with Generalized Gradient approximation (GGA) to describe the effects of exchange and correlation. The interaction energy of each amino acid belonging to the binding site to the ligand was calculated the using the method of molecular fragmentation with conjugated caps (MFCC). Besides energy, we calculated the distances, types of molecular interactions and atomic groups involved. The theoretical models used were satisfactory and show a more accurate description when the dielectric constant = 20 ε and 80 was used. The results demonstrate that the interaction energy of the system reached convergence at 13.5 A. Within a radius of 13,5A the most important residues were identified. Met49, Met84 and Asp81 perform interactions of hydrogen with the ligant. The Asp79 and Asp75 residues present high energy of attraction. Arg54, Arg85 and Lys 131 perform hydrogen interactions with the ligand, however, appear in BIRD graph having high repulsion energy with the inhibitor. The data also emphasizes the importance of residue Tyr161 and the involvement of the catalytic triad composed by Asp75, His51 and Ser135