856 resultados para anti-cancer treatment
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Leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças com um largo espectro de manifestações clínicas, as quais variam desde lesões cutâneas até o envolvimento visceral severo, podendo levar ao óbito. A leishmaniose é, ainda hoje, uma doença negligenciada, estando entre os agravos prioritários do programa de pesquisa sobre doenças da pobreza da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Além de não haver vacinas disponíveis, a terapia é baseada em medicamentos injetáveis que causam sérios efeitos colaterais, tornando o tratamento inviável para muitos países endêmicos. Drogas derivadas de metal representam um novo arsenal terapêutico antimicrobiano e anti-câncer. Os inibidores de peptidase/agentes quelantes tais como 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados, no estado livre de metal ou como ligantes com metais de transição, interferem com a função de vários sistemas biológicos. Em trabalhos anteriores, nosso grupo descreveu que o parasito L. braziliensis produziu moléculas gp63 sensíveis a 1,10-fenantrolina. No presente trabalho, demonstramos a distribuição celular da molécula gp63 em uma cepa virulenta de L. braziliensis por meio de análises bioquímicas e imuno-histoquímica. Depois disso, relatamos os efeitos inibitórios de três compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina, 1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] e [Ag(phendio)2], nas atividades metalopeptidases celulares e extracelulares produzidas por promastigotas de L. braziliensis, bem como as suas ações sobre a viabilidade do parasita e na interação com as células de macrófagos murinos. As moléculas gp63 foram detectadas em compartimentos de parasitos, incluindo membrana citoplasmatica e bolsa flagelar. O tratamento de promastigotas de L. braziliensis durante 1 hora com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados resultou numa inibição significativa da viabilidade celular e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível. Estes inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram apoptose em promastigotas de L. braziliensis, demonstrada através da marcação com anexina/iodeto de propídio e ensaio TUNEL. O pré-tratamento de promastigotas com os inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram uma diminuição na expressão de moléculas de superfície gp63, assim como uma redução significativa no índice de associação com macrófagos. Em paralelo, macrófagos infectados com L. braziliensis e tratados com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados promoveram uma potente redução sobre o número de amastigotas intracelulares. O tratamento de macrófagos com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. A ação combinatória sobre a capacidade de crescimento entre os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e Glucantime, quando ambos foram utilizados em concentracões sub-inibidoras, também foi observada. In vivo os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e seus drivados foram capazes de controlar o tamanho das lesões a partir da terceira semana de tratamento em relação ao controle não tratado em hamsters infectados quando administrado por via intraperitoneal. Os animais tratados com os compostos apresentaram maior resposta intradérmica (DTH) aos antígenos de L. braziliensis. Coletivamente, a 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados metálicos apresentam uma nova perspectiva de estudos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos anti-L. braziliensis
A radioterapia é uma das modalidades terapêuticas mais utilizadas no tratamento do câncer, visando à destruição das células neoplásicas, a partir da utilização de radiação ionizante. Um dos fatores limitantes da radioterapia é o dano em tecidos sadios vizinhos ao tumor. A irradiação da pele, acidental ou para fins terapêuticos, pode desencadear uma série de lesões culminando na fibrose, o que implica na alteração funcional deste órgão. A avaliação dos efeitos morfológicos associados à irradiação da pele torna-se fundamental para estabelecer estratégias de irradiação mais eficazes e diminuição da morbidade; e em caso de acidentes, adequado manuseio da vítima. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações dérmicas radioinduzidas, utilizando um modelo em ratos. Ratos Wistar, machos, com três meses de idade, tiveram sua pele irradiada, em um campo de 3cm2, com doses únicas de 10, 40 e 60 Gy de elétrons com energia nominal de 4MeV. Após a irradiação, os animais permaneceram sob avaliação constante, sendo as lesões registradas fotograficamente. Os animais foram divididos em grupos e eutanasiados: no dia da irradiação, 5, 10, 15, 25 e 100 dias após a irradiação. Parte da pele foi fixada em formaldeído, incluída em parafina e submetida à microtomia. Os cortes foram corados com hematoxilina-eosina, picrosirius red e imunomarcados com anticorpo anti-TGF-beta1. Outra parte do tecido foi fixada em glutaraldeido e processada para microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi observado macroscopicamente o surgimento de lesões cutâneas semelhantes a queimaduras em toda área irradiada. Ao microscópio óptico foi verificado o inicio de desenvolvimento de lesão 5 dias após irradiação. Decorridos 10 dias da irradiação observou-se indícios de cicatrização epidérmica abaixo da crosta formada pela lesão. Aos 15 dias após a irradiação o tecido abaixo da lesão apresentava epiderme reconstruída e características de cicatrização tecidual. Foi visualizado também um infiltrado de polimorfonucleares significativo. Após 25 dias nas doses mais elevadas as lesões persistiam, o que não ocorreu na menor dose, na qual a área irradiada dos animais já se encontrava completamente cicatrizada. Após 100 dias da irradiação na dose de 40 Gy ocorreu a cicatrização da ferida. Na dose de 60 Gy em alguns animais a lesão persistia. Nos animais em que ocorreu a cicatrização houve uma hipertrofia da epiderme (acantose). Foi visualizado um tecido com aspecto morfológico totalmente descaracterizado, e necrosado. Os resultados encontrados na analise através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura corroboram os dados encontrados na microscopia de luz, onde observou-se a descaracterização das fibras de colágeno nas doses mais elevadas. Os resultados indicam que as doses utilizadas induziram um processo inflamatório importante na pele, ativando o sistema imunológico. Este fato promoveu um aumento na expressão do TGFbeta1, um dos responsáveis pelo aumento da produção da matriz extracelular por vários tipos celulares, principalmente por fibroblastos em tecidos lesionados. Alem do aumento de expressão da MEC, o TGFbeta1 também promove a inibição dos processos de degradação da mesma. A intensa expressão desta citocina na pele irradiada pode desencadear o processo de fibrose e, conseqüentemente, afetar a homeostase deste órgão devido ao acúmulo da MEC.
A juçara, Euterpe oleracea Mart., fruta indígena da Amazônia Legal, é rica em fitoquímicos com atividades anti-oxidante, antiinflamatória e anti-câncer. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os efeitos do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara em diferentes linhagens de células malignas humana. Os frutos foram coletados no Parque da Juçara, localizado no Maracanã, município de São Luís, seguida da confecção da excicata que se mantém registrada no Herbário Rosa Mochel do Núcleo de Estudos Biológicos da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos da casca, caroço e fruto total foram extraidos no Laboratório de Farmacologia e Psicobiologia da UERJ. As linhagens celulares utilizadas nos ensaios foram MCF-7 (adenocarcinoma de mama), CACO-2 e HT-20 (adenocarcinoma colo retal) e adenocarcinoma na mama (MDA-MB-468). As linhagens foram tratadas com 10, 20 e 40g/mL dos extratos por 24 e 48 horas e feitas às análises. Células MCF-7 controle apresentaram núcleo proeminente com nucléolos evidentes. Após tratamento com o extrato hidroalcoólico da casca da juçara, as células mostraram morfologia arredondada com retração do citoplasma. O ensaio de viabilidade com MTT ((3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)) demonstrou uma redução na viabilidade das células. Após 48 horas, o tratamento das células com 20g/mL do extrato da casca reduziu a viabilidade sendo que o efeito citotóxico do tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato da casca foi potencializado. Células tratadas com 10g/mL do extrato do caroço de juçara apresentavam-se arredondadas com consequente redução no volume celular. A concentração 20g/mL de extrato hidroalcoólico do caroço, causou severa redução no volume das células e ocasionou o surgimento de vacúolos intracelulares. O mesmo foi observado após tratamento com 40g/mL. O tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato hidroalcoólico do fruto total, modificou drasticamente a morfologia das células MCF-7 causando vacuolização e aparente lise com perda do conteúdo citoplasmático e o ensaio da viabilidade com MTT demonstrou redução na viabilidade das células MCF-7 tratadas com 20 e 40g/mL após 24 horas de tratamento. Análises por MET (Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão) demonstraram o surgimento de vesículas autofágicas, cuja comprovação deu-se com a identificação da expressão da proteína LC3BII na membrana do autofagossoma pela técnica de Western Blotting. Mediante o demonstrado pelos experimentos, com as linhagens MCF-7 e MDA-MB-468, confirma-se que as frações isoladas do extrato do caroço da juçara, promove modificações celulares indicativas de autofagia a partir de 10g/mL, em 24 horas. O núcleo permaneceu íntegro, não apresentando características de núcleo apoptótico. Os dados são conclusivos para ocorrência de morte celular por autofagia em linhagem celulares de carcinoma de mama MCF-7 quando tratadas com extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara do Maranhão, agente quimiopreventivo no câncer de mama estrogênio-dependente.
C-Phycocyanin (C-PC) from blue-green algae has been reported to have various pharmacological characteristics, including antiinflammatory and anti-tumor activities. In this study, we expressed the beta-subunit of C-PC (ref to as C-POP) in Escherichia coli. We found that the recombinant C-PC/beta has anti-cancer properties. Under the treatment of 5 mu M of the recombinant C-PC/beta, four different cancer cell lines accrued high proliferation inhibition and apoptotic induction. Substantially, a lower response occurred in non-cancer cells. We investigated the mechanism by which C-PC/beta inhibits cancer cell proliferation and induces apoptosis. We found that the C-PC/beta interacts with membrane-associated beta-tubulin and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Under the treatment of the C-PC/beta, depolymerization of microtubules and actin-filaments were observed. The cells underwent apoptosis with an increase in caspase-3, and caspase-8 activities. The cell cycle was arrested at the G0/G1 phase under the treatment of C-PC/beta. In addition, the nuclear level of GAPDH decreased significantly. Decrease in the nuclear level of GAPDH prevents the cell cycle from entering into the S phase. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis may potentate the C-POP as a promising cancer prevention or therapy agent. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Discovery and development of new pharmaceuticals from marine organisms are attracting increasing interest. Several agents derived from marine organisms are under preclinical and clinical evaluation as potential anticancer drugs. We extracted and purified a novel anti-tumor protein from the coelomic fluid of Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus by ammonium sulphate fractionation, ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The molecular weight of the highly purified protein, designated MML, was 40 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis. MML exhibited significant cytotoxicity to several cancer cell types, including human hepatoma BEL-7402, human breast cancer MCF-7 and human colon cancer HCT116 cells. However, no inhibitory effect was found when treating murine normal fibroblasts NIH3T3 and benign human breast MCF-10A cells with MML. The cell death induced by MML was characterized by cell morphological changes. The induction of apoptosis of BEL-7402 cells by MML was weak by DNA ladder assay. The possible mechanisms of its anti-tumor effect might be the changes in cell membrane permeability and inhibition of tubulin polymerization. MML may be developed as a novel, highly selective and effective anti-cancer drug.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in the world and second most common (behind lung cancer) in developed countries. In recent years there has been much interest in the potential use of prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics in the prevention and treatment of CRC. We have previously shown that synbiotic consumption in Azoxymethane treated rats modulates the immune system, influences the genotoxic potential of caecal contents and reduces the number of colonic tumours compared to control rats who did not receive the synbiotic. The aim of the current study was to identify biomarkers suitable for use as cancer risk markers and as intervention markers. A second aim was to determine the influence of synbiotic consumption on cancer risk biomarkers such as in vivo colonic mucosal proliferation and genotoxic damage along with examining the genotoxic, cytotoxic and tumour promoting potential of faecal water (FW). Synbiotic consumption altered the composition of the gastrointestinal flora and reduced in vivo genotoxic damage and the genotoxic potential of FW in cancer and polyp subjects. Synbiotic consumption also reduced the proliferative activity in the colonic mucosa in polyp subjects. In both cancer and polyp subjects gene expression in the colonic mucosa was modulated in synbiotic consuming subjects. In this and other studies the activity of natural killer cells, the level of PGE2 in FW, IL-12 production by PBMCs, genotoxic damage in the colonic mucosa and the tumour promoting activities of FW have been identified as possible biomarkers of cancer risk. Future large scale studies investigating these parameters in healthy and diseased individuals are needed to confirm the suitability of these markers in assessing cancer risk and the role of synbiotics in modulating them.
Cancer is a global problem. Despite the significant advances made in recent years, a definitively effective therapeutic has yet to be developed. Oncolytic virology has fallen back into favour for the treatment of cancer with several viruses and viral vectors currently under investigation including vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), adenovirus vectors and herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors. Reovirus has an advantage over many viral vectors in that its wild-type form is non-pathogenic and will selectively infect transformed cells, particularly those mutated in the Ras pathway. These advantages make Reovirus an ideal candidate as a safe and non-toxic therapeutic. The aim of the first part of this study was to determine the effect, if any, of Reovirus on cell lines derived from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. These cancers, particularly those of the oesophagus and stomach, have extremely poor prognoses and little improvement has been seen in survival of these patients in recent years. Reovirus as a single therapy showed promising results in cell lines of oesophageal, gastric and colorectal origin. Further study of partially resistant cell lines using a combination of Reovirus and conventional therapies, either chemotherapy or radiation, showed that a multi-modal approach to therapy is possible with Reovirus and no antagonism between Reovirus and other treatments was observed. The second part of this study focused on investigating a novel use of Reovirus in an in vivo setting. Cancer vaccination or the use of vaccines in cancer therapy is gaining momentum and success has been seen both in a prophylactic approach and a therapeutic approach. A cell-based Reovirus vaccine was used in both these approaches with encouraging success. When used as a prophylactic vaccine tumour development was subsequently inhibited even upon exposure to a tumorigenic dose of cells. The use of the cell-based Reovirus vaccine as a therapeutic for established tumours showed significant delay in tumour growth and a prolongation of survival in all models. This study has proven that Reovirus is an effective therapeutic in a range of cancers and the successful use of a cell-based Reovirus vaccine leads the way for new advancements in cancer immunotherapy.
Accepted Version
This thesis details the design and implementation of novel chemical routes towards a series of highly propitious 7-azaindolyl derivatives of the indolocarbazole (ICZ) and bisindolylmaleimide (BIM) families, with subsequent evaluation for use as cancer chemotherapeutic agents. A robust synthetic strategy was devised to allow the introduction of a 7-azaindolyl moiety into our molecular template. This approach allowed access to a wide range of β-keto ester and β-keto nitrile intermediates. Critical analysis identified F-ring modulation as a major theme towards the advancement of ICZ and BIM derivatives in drug therapy. Thus, the employment of cyclocondensation methodology furnished a number of novel aminopyrazole, isoxazolone, pyrazolone and pyrimidinone analogues, considerably widening the scope of the prevalent maleimide functionality. Photochemical cyclisation provided for the first reported aza ICZ containing a six-membered F-ring. Another method towards achieving the aza ICZ core involved use of a Perkin-type condensation approach, with chemical elaboration of the headgroup instigated post-aromatisation. Subsequent use of a modified Lossen rearrangement allowed access to further analogues containing a six-membered F-ring. Extensive screening of the novel aza ICZ and BIM derivatives was carried out against the NCI-60 cancer cell array, with nine prospective candidates selected for continued biological evaluation. From these assays, a number of compounds were shown to inhibit cancer cell growth at concentrations of below 10 nM. Indeed, the most active aza ICZ tested is currently under assessment by the Biological Evaluation Committee of the NCI due to excellent antiproliferative activity demonstrated across the panel of cell lines, with a mean GI50 of 34 nM, a mean total growth inhibition (TGI) of 4.6 μM and a mean cytotoxicity (LC50) of 63.1 μM. Correlation to known topoisomerase I (topo I) inhibitors was revealed by COMPARE analysis, and subsequent topo I-mediated DNA cleavage assays showed inhibitory activity below 1 μM for several derivatives.
Cancer represents a leading of cause of death in the developed world, inflicting tremendous suffering and plundering billions from health budgets. The traditional treatment approaches of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have achieved little in terms of cure for this deadly disease. Instead, life is prolonged for many, with dubious quality of life, only for disease to reappear with the inevitable fatal outcome. “Blue sky” thinking is required to tackle this disease and improve outcomes. The realisation and acceptance of the intrinsic role of the immune system in cancer pathogenesis, pathophysiology and treatment represented such a “blue sky” thought. Moreover, the embracement of immunotherapy, the concept of targeting immune cells rather than the tumour cells themselves, represents a paradigm shift in the approach to cancer therapy. The harnessing of immunotherapy demands radical and innovative therapeutic endeavours – endeavours such as gene and cell therapies and RNA interference, which two decades ago existed as mere concepts. This thesis straddles the frontiers of fundamental tumour immunobiology and novel therapeutic discovery, design and delivery. The work undertaken focused on two distinct immune cell populations known to undermine the immune response to cancer – suppressive T cells and macrophages. Novel RNAi mediators were designed, validated and incorporated into clinically relevant gene therapy vectors – involving a traditional lentiviral vector approach, and a novel bacterial vector strategy. Chapter 2 deals with the design of novel RNAi mediators against FOXP3 – a crucial regulator of the immunosuppressive regulatory T cell population. Two mediators were tested and validated. The superior mediator was taken forward as part of work in chapter 3. Chapter 3 deals with transposing the RNA sequence from chapter 2 into a DNA-based construct and subsequent incorporation into a lentiviral-based vector system. The lentiviral vector was shown to mediate gene delivery in vitro and functional RNAi was achieved against FOXP3. Proof of gene delivery was further confirmed in vivo in tumour-bearing animals. Chapter 4 focuses on a different immune cell population – tumour-associated macrophages. Non-invasive bacteria were explored as a specific means of delivering gene therapy to this phagocytic cell type. Proof of delivery was shown in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, in vivo delivery of a gene by this method achieved the desired immune response in terms of cytokine profile. Overall, the data presented here advance exploration within the field of cancer immunotherapy, introduce novel delivery and therapeutic strategies, and demonstrate pre-clinically the potential for such novel anti-cancer therapies.
The recognition that early breast cancer is a spectrum of diseases each requiring a specific systemic therapy guided the 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference [1]. The meeting assembled 3600 participants from nearly 90 countries worldwide. Educational content has been centred on the primary and multidisciplinary treatment approach of early breast cancer. The meeting culminated on the final day, with the St Gallen Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, established by 40-50 of the world's most experienced opinion leaders in the field of breast cancer treatment. The major issue that arose during the consensus conference was the increasing gap between what is theoretically feasible in patient risk stratification, in treatment, and in daily practice management. We need to find new paths to access innovations to clinical research and daily practice. To ensure that continued innovation meets the needs of patients, the therapeutic alliance between patients and academic-led research should to be extended to include relevant pharmaceutical companies and drug regulators with a unique effort to bring innovation into clinical practice. We need to bring together major players from the world of breast cancer research to map out a coordinated strategy on an international scale, to address the disease fragmentation, to share financial resources, and to integrate scientific data. The final goal will be to improve access to an affordable, best standard of care for all patients in each country.
Objective Describe the methodology and selection of quality indicators (QI) to be implemented in the EFFECT (EFFectiveness of Endometrial Cancer Treatment) project. EFFECT aims to monitor the variability in Quality of Care (QoC) of uterine cancer in Belgium, to compare the effectiveness of different treatment strategies to improve the QoC and to check the internal validity of the QI to validate the impact of process indicators on outcome. Methods A QI list was retrieved from literature, recent guidelines and QI databases. The Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Center methodology was used for the selection process and involved an expert's panel rating the QI on 4 criteria. The resulting scores and further discussion resulted in a final QI list. An online EFFECT module was developed by the Belgian Cancer Registry including the list of variables required for measuring the QI. Three test phases were performed to evaluate the relevance, feasibility and understanding of the variables and to test the compatibility of the dataset. Results 138 QI were considered for further discussion and 82 QI were eligible for rating. Based on the rating scores and consensus among the expert's panel, 41 QI were considered measurable and relevant. Testing of the data collection enabled optimization of the content and the user-friendliness of the dataset and online module. Conclusions This first Belgian initiative for monitoring the QoC of uterine cancer indicates that the previously used QI selection methodology is reproducible for uterine cancer. The QI list could be applied by other research groups for comparison. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Osteopontin (OPN) is a predominantly secreted extracellular matrix glycophosphoprotein which binds to alpha v-containing integrins and has an important role in malignant cell attachment and invasion. High OPN expression in the primary tumor is associated with early metastasis and poor outcome in human breast and other cancers. Forced OPN overexpression in benign cells may induce neoplastic-like cell behaviour including increased attachment and invasion in vitro as well as the ability to metastasize in vivo. Conversely, OPN inhibition by antisense cDNA impedes cell growth and tumor forming capacity. OPN is not mutationally activated in cancer but its expression is regulated by Wnt/Tcf signaling, steroid receptors, growth factors, ras, Ets and AP-1 transcription factors. Presumably these factors are implicated in induction of OPN overexpression in cancer. Greater understanding of the role of OPN in neoplastic change and its transcriptional regulation may enable development of novel cancer treatment strategies