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150 p.
Geology is the science that studies the Earth, its composition, structure and origin in addition to past and present phenomena that leave their mark on rocks. So why does society need geologists? Some of the main reasons are listed below: - Geologists compile and interpret information about the earth’s surface and subsoil, which allows us to establish the planet’s past history, any foreseeable changes and its relationship with the rest of the solar system. - Society needs natural resources (metals, non-metals, water and fossil fuels) to survive. The work of geologists is therefore a key part of finding new deposits and establishing a guide for exploring and managing resources in an environmentally-friendly way. - The creation of geological maps allows us to identify potential risk areas and survey different land uses; in other words, they make an essential contribution to land planning and proposing sustainable development strategies in a region. - Learning about Geology and the proper use of geological information contributes to saving lives and reducing financial loss caused by natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, flooding and landslides, while also helping to develop construction projects, public works, etc. Through the proposed activities we aim to explain some of the basic elements of the different specialities within the field of Geological Sciences. In order to do this, four sessions have been organised that will allow for a quick insight into the fields of Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics.
La Geología es la ciencia que estudia la Tierra en su conjunto, su composición, estructura y origen, así como los fenómenos que han tenido lugar en el pasado o que se producen en la actualidad y que han dejado sus huellas en las rocas. Pero, ¿por qué necesita la sociedad a los geólogos? A continuación se citan algunas de las principales razones: - Los geólogos recopilan e interpretan información de la superficie terrestre y del subsuelo, lo que permite establecer la historia pasada del planeta, sus cambios previsibles y su relación con el resto del sistema solar. - La sociedad requiere para su subsistencia recursos naturales (metálicos, no metálicos, hídricos y combustibles fósiles). La labor de los geólogos es determinante para la localización de nuevos yacimientos y para establecer las guías de una explotación y gestión respetuosa con el medio ambiente. - La elaboración de cartografías geológicas permite identificar potenciales zonas de riesgo y acotar distintos usos del suelo; es decir, es esencial para la planificación del territorio y para proponer estrategias de desarrollo sostenible en una región. - La educación en Geología y el buen uso de la información geológica contribuye a salvar vidas y a reducir las pérdidas económicas originadas por catástrofes naturales tales como terremotos, tsunamis, erupciones volcánicas, inundaciones y desprendimientos, así como a desarrollar proyectos de construcción, obras públicas, etc. Con las actividades propuestas se pretende dar a conocer algunos aspectos básicos de distintas especialidades de las Ciencias Geológicas. Para ello se han organizado cuatro sesiones destinadas a realizar una pequeña inmersión en el campo de la Paleontología, la Mineralogía, la Petrología y la Tectónica.
Geology is the science that studies the Earth, its composition, structure and origin in addition to past and present phenomena that leave their mark on rocks. So why does society need geologists? Some of the main reasons are listed below: - Geologists compile and interpret information about the earth’s surface and subsoil, which allows us to establish the planet’s past history, any foreseeable changes and its relationship with the rest of the solar system. - Society needs natural resources (metals, non-metals, water and fossil fuels) to survive. The work of geologists is therefore a key part of finding new deposits and establishing a guide for exploring and managing resources in an environmentally-friendly way. - The creation of geological maps allows us to identify potential risk areas and survey different land uses; in other words, they make an essential contribution to land planning and proposing sustainable development strategies in a region. - Learning about Geology and the proper use of geological information contributes to saving lives and reducing financial loss caused by natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, flooding and landslides, while also helping to develop construction projects, public works, etc. Through the proposed activities we aim to explain some of the basic elements of the different specialities within the field of Geological Sciences. In order to do this, four sessions have been organised that will allow for a quick insight into the fields of Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics.
Está a punto de cumplirse el 20 aniversario de la efemérides que supuso un hito de partida en la Biogeografía española de raigambre geográfica. En efecto, a principios de 1991 José Manuel Rubio Recio reunió en Sevilla a un reducido grupo de profesores universitarios con objeto de debatir y consensuar un marco programático para la asignatura de Biogeografía en los nuevos planes de estudio. Aquel que, un tanto solemnemente, denominamos “Pacto de Triana” manifestaba, además, la voluntad de poner en marcha unas jornadas de campo anuales en las que llevar a la práctica las bases teórico-metodológicas diseñadas en aquella ocasión para nuestra disciplina. Fue así como, en 1992, nacieron las Jornadas de Campo de Biogeografía, que se desarrollaron durante 4 años consecutivos en Sedano, aprovechando el ofrecimiento y apoyo logístico prestado por el recordado profesor García Fernández. Aquellas primigenias Jornadas de Sedano, dirigidas por el profesor Rubio Recio y coordinadas por algunos de los asistentes a la reunión de Sevilla, constituyeron un auténtico semillero de biogeógrafos. Eventualmente, se unían a ellas especialistas procedentes de otras ramas de la Geografía Física –y aún de la Geografía a secas– quienes, al tiempo de interesarse en los asuntos propiamente biogeográficos, aportaban una ayuda inestimable en la interpretación de los demás elementos del paisaje.
Geologia Lurra aztertzen duen zientzia da: lurraren osaera, egitura eta jatorria, eta bai arroketan aztarnak utzi dituzten iraganeko edo gaur egungo gertaerak ere. Baina, zergatik du gizarteak geologoen beharra? Hona hemen zenbait arrazoi: - Geologoek lurrazalari eta lurpeari buruzko informazioa bildu, eta interpretatu egiten dute. Informazio horrek guztiak ahalbidetzen du planetaren iraganeko historia, Lurrean aurreikus daitezkeen aldaketak eta gure planetak Eguzki-sistemarekin duen harremana finkatzea. - Gizarteak beharrezkoak ditu baliabide naturalak (metalikoak, ez-metalikoak, ura eta erregai fosilak). Geologoen parte-hartzea erabakigarria da hobi berriak aurkitzeko eta ingurumena zaintzen duten baliabide naturalen ustiapen eta kudeaketarako irizpideak ezartzeko. - Kartografia geologikoen bidez arrisku-eremuak identifikatu eta lurzoruaren erabilerak mugatzen dira. Geologoak beharrezkoak dira, beraz, lurraldearen planifikaziorako eta garapen iraunkorrerako estrategiak garatzeko. - Geologiaren ezagutzak eta informazio geologikoaren erabilera egokiak laguntzen dute bizitzak salbatzen eta lurrikarak, tsunamiak, erupzio bolkanikoak, uholdeak eta lurjausiak bezalako katastrofe naturalek eragindako diru-galerak murrizten. Halaber laguntzen dute eraikuntza-proiektuak, herri-lanak eta abar garatzen ere. Proposatutako jardueren bitartez, Zientzia Geologikoen adar desberdinen oinarrizko zenbait alderdi ezagutzera eman nahi ditugu. Horretarako, lau saio antolatu ditugu Paleontologia, Mineralogia, Petrologia eta Tektonika arloetan murgiltzeko.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os conceitos de liberdade e identidade através da proposta de um "liberalismo cultural", apresentada pelo filósofo canadense Will Kymlicka, tal como defendida em suas obras Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (1995), Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2001) e Multicultural Odysseys. Navigatingthe New International Politics of Diversity (2007). Através dessas leituras, buscou-se compreender em particular de que modo a língua e o território se configuram como elementos definidores das culturas de povos nacionais e étnicos que empenham suas lutas para garantir a permanência desses atributos, tanto em nível doméstico como no plano internacional, a fim de assegurar a singularidade de seus modos de vida e de suas visões de mundo, enquanto grupos diferenciados. Para tanto, tornou-se fundamental a realização de uma análise crítica do processo de construção nacional dos Estados modernos, como um projeto levado a cabo por parte de inúmeros países na modernidade com o intuito de promover a unidade nacional de seus Estados, através da invisibilização das expressões culturais e da participação política de grupos culturalmente minoritários. Ao final, desenvolve-se uma pequena reflexão sobre como esse debate pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão acerca das reivindicações de populações indígenas e remanescentes de quilombos no Brasil pela regularização de seus territórios e reconhecimento de suas práticas culturais.
Póster presentado en The Energy and Materials Research Conference - EMR2015 celebrado en Madrid (España) entre el 25-27 de febrero de 2015
662 p.
Background: Excessive apoptosis induces unwanted cell death and promotes pathological conditions. Drug discovery efforts aimed at decreasing apoptotic damage initially targeted the inhibition of effector caspases. Although such inhibitors were effective, safety problems led to slow pharmacological development. Therefore, apoptosis inhibition is still considered an unmet medical need. Methodology and Principal Findings: The interaction between Apaf-1 and the inhibitors was confirmed by NMR. Target specificity was evaluated in cellular models by siRNa based approaches. Cell recovery was confirmed by MTT, clonogenicity and flow cytometry assays. The efficiency of the compounds as antiapoptotic agents was tested in cellular and in vivo models of protection upon cisplatin induced ototoxicity in a zebrafish model and from hypoxia and reperfusion kidney damage in a rat model of hot ischemia. Conclusions: Apaf-1 inhibitors decreased Cytc release and apoptosome-mediated activation of procaspase-9 preventing cell and tissue damage in ex vivo experiments and in vivo animal models of apoptotic damage. Our results provide evidence that Apaf-1 pharmacological inhibition has therapeutic potential for the treatment of apoptosis-related diseases.
212 p.
Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in neonates tends to be very low due to extremely low lung volumes, narrow airways and high respiratory rates. In the present study, the feasibility of enhancing lung deposition by intracorporeal delivery of aerosols was investigated using a physical model of neonatal conducting airways. Methods: The main characteristics of the surfactant and PFC aerosols produced by a nebulization system, including the distal air pressure and air flow rate, liquid flow rate and mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), were measured at different driving pressures (4-7 bar). Then, a three-dimensional model of the upper conducting airways of a neonate was manufactured by rapid prototyping and a deposition study was conducted. Results: The nebulization system produced relatively large amounts of aerosol ranging between 0.3 +/- 0.0 ml/min for surfactant at a driving pressure of 4 bar, and 2.0 +/- 0.1 ml/min for distilled water (H(2)Od) at 6 bar, with MMADs between 2.61 +/- 0.1 mu m for PFD at 7 bar and 10.18 +/- 0.4 mu m for FC-75 at 6 bar. The deposition study showed that for surfactant and H(2)Od aerosols, the highest percentage of the aerosolized mass (similar to 65%) was collected beyond the third generation of branching in the airway model. The use of this delivery system in combination with continuous positive airway pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O only increased total airway pressure by 1.59 cmH(2)O at the highest driving pressure (7 bar). Conclusion: This aerosol generating system has the potential to deliver relatively large amounts of surfactant and PFC beyond the third generation of branching in a neonatal airway model with minimal alteration of pre-set respiratory support.
308 p.
A presente dissertação objetiva a comparação proposta no Prelúdio do romance Middlemarch por sua autora George Eliot entre a protagonista da obra, Dorothea Brooke, e a figura histórica Teresa dÁvila. A partir de tal estudo, busca-se compreender de que modo a situação específica da mulher na Era Vitoriana é articulada no romance de modo a espelhar a crise ontológica e epistemológica do próprio ser humano diante das transformações consolidadas com o Iluminismo e as revoluções liberais do século XVIII que culminariam na morte de Deus. Dorothea mostra-se uma cristã tão fervorosa quanto a Teresa quinhentista, mas faltam-lhe certezas e a resolução para concretizar as reformas sociais que defende, pois ela encarna o mito de feminilidade oitocentista batizado de Anjo do Lar ideal de sujeição feminina à ordem falocêntrica cujas funções são a proteção e difusão da moralidade burguesa e a substituição de elementos cristãos no universo do sagrado a uma sociedade cada vez mais materialista e insegura de valores absolutos. As aflições de Dorothea representam as aflições da mulher vitoriana, mas o momento crítico desta mulher reflete, em Middlemarch, uma crise muito maior do Ocidente, que teve início com a Era da Razão
146 p.