910 resultados para adiabatic invariant
In a recent paper [16], one of us identified all of the quasi-stationary distributions for a non-explosive, evanescent birth-death process for which absorption is certain, and established conditions for the existence of the corresponding limiting conditional distributions. Our purpose is to extend these results in a number of directions. We shall consider separately two cases depending on whether or not the process is evanescent. In the former case we shall relax the condition that absorption is certain. Furthermore, we shall allow for the possibility that the minimal process might be explosive, so that the transition rates alone will not necessarily determine the birth-death process uniquely. Although we shall be concerned mainly with the minimal process, our most general results hold for any birth-death process whose transition probabilities satisfy both the backward and the forward Kolmogorov differential equations.
When linear equality constraints are invariant through time they can be incorporated into estimation by restricted least squares. If, however, the constraints are time-varying, this standard methodology cannot be applied. In this paper we show how to incorporate linear time-varying constraints into the estimation of econometric models. The method involves the augmentation of the observation equation of a state-space model prior to estimation by the Kalman filter. Numerical optimisation routines are used for the estimation. A simple example drawn from demand analysis is used to illustrate the method and its application.
For a pair of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H and its Hermitian adjoint H(dagger), there are situations in which their eigenfunctions form a biorthogonal system. We illustrate such a situation by means of a one-particle system with a one-dimensional point interaction in the form of the Fermi pseudo-potential. The interaction consists of three terms with three strength parameters g(i) (i = 1, 2 and 3), which are all complex. This complex point interaction is neither Hermitian nor PT-invariant in general. The S-matrix for the transmission reflection problem constructed with H (or with H(dagger)) in the usual manner is not unitary, but it conforms to the pseudo-unitarity that we define. The pseudounitarity is closely related to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions. The eigenvalue spectrum of H with the complex interaction is generally complex but there are cases where the spectrum is real. In such a case H and H(dagger) form a pseudo-Hermitian pair.
This study examined the transcultural robustness of a screening instrument for hypomania, the Hypomania Checklist-32. first revised version(HCL-32 R1) It was carried out in 2606 patients from twelve countries in five geographic regions (Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, South America and East Asia) In addition, GAMIAN Europe contributed data from its members Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the transregional stability of the measurement properties of the HCL-32 R 1, including the influence of sex and age as covariates A cross cultures, a two-factor structure was confirmed the first factor (F 1) reflected the more positive aspects of hypomania (being more active, elated, self-confident, and cognitively, enhanced), the second factor (F2) reflected the more negative aspects (being irritable, impulsive, careless. more substance use). The measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1 were largely invariant across cultures Only few items showed transcultural differences in their relation to hypomania as measured by the test F2 was higher among men and in more severe manic syndromes, F1 was highest in North and East Europe and lowest in South America Vie scores decreased slightly with age The frequency of the 32 items showed remarkable similarities across geographic areas, with two exceptions. South Europeans had lower symptom frequencies in general and East Europeans higher rates of substance use These findings support the international applicability of the HCL-32 R1 as a screening instrument for hypomania
Objective: Natural killer T (NKT) cells are efficiently targeted by HIV and severely reduced in numbers in the circulation of infected individuals. The functional capacity of the remaining NKT cells in HIV-infected individuals is poorly characterized. This study measured NKT cell cytokine production directly ex vivo and compared these responses with both the disease status and NKT subset distribution of individual patients. Methods: NKT cell frequencies, subsets, and ex-vivo effector functions were measured in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients and healthy controls by flow cytometry. We measured cytokines from NKT cells after stimulation with either a-galactosyl ceramide-loaded CD1d dimers (DimerX-alpha GalCer) or phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin. Results: The frequencies of NKT cells secreting interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were significantly lower in HIV-infected patients than healthy controls after DimerX-alpha GalCer treatment, but responses were similar after treatment with phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin. The magnitude of the interferon-gamma response to DimerX-alpha GalCer correlated inversely with the number of years of infection. Both interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in response to DimerX-alpha GalCer correlated inversely with CD161 expression. Conclusion: The ex-vivo Th1 responses of circulating NKT cells to CD1d-glycolipid complexes are impaired in HIV-infected patients. NKT cell functions may be progressively lost over time in HIV infection, and CD161 is implicated in the regulation of NKT cell responsiveness. (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Models of warped extra dimensions with custodial symmetry usually predict the existence of a light Kaluza-Klein fermion arising as a partner of the right-handed top quark, sometimes called light custodians which we will denote (b) over tilde (R). The production of these particles at the LHC can give rise to multi-W events which could be observed in same-sign dilepton channels, but its mass reconstruction is challenging. In this paper we study the possibility of finding a signal for the pair production of this new particle at the LHC focusing on a rarer, but cleaner decay mode of a light custodian into a Z boson and a b-quark. In this mode it would be possible to reconstruct the light custodian mass. In addition to the dominant standard model QCD production processes, we include the contribution of a Kaluza-Klein gluon first mode. We find that (b) over tilde (R) stands out from the background as a peak in the bZ invariant mass. However, when taking into account only the electronic and muonic decay modes of the Z boson and b-tagging efficiencies, the LHC will have access only to the very light range of masses, m((b) over tilde) = O(500) GeV.
Any given n X n matrix A is shown to be a restriction, to the A-invariant subspace, of a nonnegative N x N matrix B of spectral radius p(B) arbitrarily close to p(A). A difference inclusion x(k+1) is an element of Ax(k), where A is a compact set of matrices, is asymptotically stable if and only if A can be extended to a set B of nonnegative matrices B with \ \B \ \ (1) < 1 or \ \B \ \ (infinity) < 1. Similar results are derived for differential inclusions.
The nervous system of temnocephalid flatworms consists of the brain and three pairs of longitudinal connectives extending into the trunk and tail. The connectives are crosslinked by an invariant number of regularly spaced commissures. Branches of the connectives innervate the tentacles of the head and the sucker organ in the tail. A set of nerve rings encircling the pharynx and connected to the brain and connectives constitute the pharyngeal nervous system. The nervous system is formed during early embryogenesis when the embryo represents a multilayered mesenchymal mass of cells. Gastrulation and the formation of separate epithelial germ layers that characterize most other animal groups are absent. The brain arises as a bilaterally symmetric condensation of postmitotic cells in the deep layers of the anterior region of the embryonic mesenchyme. The pattern of axon outgrowth, visualized by labeling with anti-acetylated tubulin (acTub) antibody, shows marked differences from the pattern observed in other flatworm taxa. in regard to the number of neurons that express the acTub epitope. Acetylated tubulin is only expressed in neurons that form long axon tracts. In other flatworm species, such as the typhloplanoid Mesostoma and the polyclad Imogine, which were investigated by us with the acTub antibody (Hartenstein and Ehlers [2000] Dev. Genes Evol. 210:399-415; Younossi-Hartenstein and Hartenstein [2000] Dev. Genes Evol. 210:383-398), only a small number of pioneer neurons become acTub positive during the embryonic period. By contrast, in temnocephalids, most, if not all, neurons express acTub and form long, large-diameter axons. Initially, the brain commissure, pharyngeal nerve ring, and the connectives are laid down. Commissural tracts and tentacle nerves branching off the connectives appear later. We speculate that the precocious differentiation of the nervous system may be related to the fact that temnocephalids move by muscle action, and possess a massive and complex muscular system when they hatch. In addition, they have muscular specializations such as the anterior tentacles and the posterior sucker that are used as soon as they hatch. By contrast, juveniles of Mesostoma and larvae of polyclads move predominantly by ciliary action that may not require a complex neural circuitry for coordination. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To understand how bees, birds, and fish may use colour vision for food selection and mate choice, we reconstructed views of biologically important objects taking into account the receptor spectral sensitivities. Reflectance spectra a of flowers, bird plumage, and fish skin were used to calculate receptor quantum catches. The quantum catches were then coded by red, green, and blue of a computer monitor; and powers, birds, and fish were visualized in animal colours. Calculations were performed for different illumination conditions. To simulate colour constancy, we used a von Kries algorithm, i.e., the receptor quantum catches were scaled so that the colour of illumination remained invariant. We show that on land this algorithm compensates reasonably well for changes of object appearance caused by natural changes of illumination, while in water failures of von Kries colour constancy are prominent. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
We consider the relation between the conditional moment closure (CMC) and the unsteady flamelet model (FM). The CMC equations were originally constructed as global equations, while FM was derived asymptotically for a thin reaction zone. The recent tendency is to use FM-type equations as global equations. We investigate the possible consequences and suggest a new version of FM: coordinate-invariant FM (CIFM). Unlike FM, CIFM complies with conditional properties of the exact transport equations which are used effectively in CMC. We analyse the assumptions needed to obtain another global version of FM: representative interactive flamelets (RIF), from original FM and demonstrate that, in homogeneous turbulence, one of these assumptions is equivalent to the main CMC hypothesis.
Ligaments undergo finite strain displaying hyperelastic behaviour as the initially tangled fibrils present straighten out, combined with viscoelastic behaviour (strain rate sensitivity). In the present study the anterior cruciate ligament of the human knee joint is modelled in three dimensions to gain an understanding of the stress distribution over the ligament due to motion imposed on the ends, determined from experimental studies. A three dimensional, finite strain material model of ligaments has recently been proposed by Pioletti in Ref. [2]. It is attractive as it separates out elastic stress from that due to the present strain rate and that due to the past history of deformation. However, it treats the ligament as isotropic and incompressible. While the second assumption is reasonable, the first is clearly untrue. In the present study an alternative model of the elastic behaviour due to Bonet and Burton (Ref. [4]) is generalized. Bonet and Burton consider finite strain with constant modulii for the fibres and for the matrix of a transversely isotropic composite. In the present work, the fibre modulus is first made to increase exponentially from zero with an invariant that provides a measure of the stretch in the fibre direction. At 12% strain in the fibre direction, a new reference state is then adopted, after which the material modulus is made constant, as in Bonet and Burton's model. The strain rate dependence can be added, either using Pioletti's isotropic approximation, or by making the effect depend on the strain rate in the fibre direction only. A solid model of a ligament is constructed, based on experimentally measured sections, and the deformation predicted using explicit integration in time. This approach simplifies the coding of the material model, but has a limitation due to the detrimental effect on stability of integration of the substantial damping implied by the nonlinear dependence of stress on strain rate. At present, an artificially high density is being used to provide stability, while the dynamics are being removed from the solution using artificial viscosity. The result is a quasi-static solution incorporating the effect of strain rate. Alternate approaches to material modelling and integration are discussed, that may result in a better model.
Inactivation of p16(INK4a) and/or activation of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 (CDK4) are strongly associated with both susceptibility and progression in melanoma. Activating CDK4 mutations prevent the binding and inhibition of CDK4 by p16(INK4a). A second, more indirect role for CDK4 is in late G(1), where It may sequester the inhibitors p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1) away from CDK2, and in doing so upregulate the CDK2 activity necessary for cells to proceed completely through G(1) into S phase. As the pivotal residues around the most predominant R24C activating CDK4 mutation are invariant between CDK2 and CDK4, we speculated that the pivotal arginine (position 22 in CDK2), or a nearby residue, may be mutated in some melanomas, resulting in the diminution of its binding and inhibition by p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1). However, except for a silent polymorphism, we detected no variants within this region of the CDK2 gene in 60 melanoma cell lines. Thus, if CDK2 activity is dysregulated in melanoma it is likely to occur by a means other than mutations causing loss of direct inhibition. We also examined the expression of the CDK2 gene in melanoma cell lines, to assess its possible co-regulation with the gene for the melanocyte-lineage antigen pmel17, which maps less than 1 kb away in head to head orientation with CDK2 and may be transcribed off the same bidirectional promoter. However, expression of the genes is not co-regulated. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
We analyzed the expression profile of two NMDAR1 mRNA isoform subsets. NR1(0xx) and NR1(1xx), in discrete regions of human cerebral cortex. The subsets are characterized by the absence or presence of a 21-amino acid N-terminal cassette. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for NR1 isoforms was performed on total RNA preparations from spared and susceptible regions from 10 pathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases and 10 matched controls. Primers spanning the splice insert yielded two bands, 342 bp (NR1(0xx)) and 405 bp (NR1(1xx)), on agarose gel electrophoresis. The bands were visualized with ethidium and quantified by densitometry. NR1(1xx) transcript expression was calculated as a proportion of the NR1(1xx) + NR1(0xx) total. Values were significantly lower in AD cases than in controls in mid-cingulate cortex, p < 0.01, superior temporal cortex, p < 0.01 and hippocampus, p similar to 0.05. Cortical proportionate NR1(1xx) transcript expression was invariant over the range of ages acid areas of controls tested, at similar to 50%. This was also true for AD motor and occipital cortex. Proportionate NR1(1xx) expression in AD cingulate and temporal cortex was lower at younger ages and increased with age: this regression was significantly different from that in the homotropic areas of controls. Variations in NR1 N-terminal cassette expression may underlie the local vulnerability to excitotoxic damage of some areas in the AD brain. Alternatively, changes in NR1 mRNA expression may arise as a consequence of the AD disease process.
A new parafermionic algebra associated with the homogeneous space A(2)((2))/U(1) and its corresponding Z-algebra have been recently proposed. In this paper, we give a free boson representation of the A(2)((2)) parafermion algebra in terms of seven free fields. Free field realizations of the parafermionic energy-momentum tensor and screening currents are also obtained. A new algebraic structure is discovered, which contains a W-algebra type primary field with spin two. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
In this paper we use the mixture of topological and measure-theoretic dynamical approaches to consider riddling of invariant sets for some discontinuous maps of compact regions of the plane that preserve two-dimensional Lebesgue measure. We consider maps that are piecewise continuous and with invertible except on a closed zero measure set. We show that riddling is an invariant property that can be used to characterize invariant sets, and prove results that give a non-trivial decomposion of what we call partially riddled invariant sets into smaller invariant sets. For a particular example, a piecewise isometry that arises in signal processing (the overflow oscillation map), we present evidence that the closure of the set of trajectories that accumulate on the discontinuity is fully riddled. This supports a conjecture that there are typically an infinite number of periodic orbits for this system.